In The Steps Of The Lighthorse/Anzacs

By Barbara Miller

We timed our visit to Israel so that we would be in Be’er-Sheva for the 93rd anniversary of the famous charge of the Australian Light horse on October 31, 1917 and the ceremonies being held that day. We travelled to most of the other battle sites where the ANZACS fought as well

For those who haven’t heard the story before, I’ll briefly say that the taking of the wells of Be’er-Sheva (Beersheba) was critical for Allied victory in Palestine. The British had fought all day, the NZ Mounted Rifles and an Australian regiment took the high place of Tel es Sabe after heavy fighting. Still, all would have been lost had it not been for a daring charge by the Australian Light horsemen (about 800 of them) charging straight into the Turkish guns.

They were regarded as the crazy Australians to charge over an open area to the Turks who were in trenches in fortified positions. German planes were firing on them. The horses had not had water for days and if the Allied forces did not take the wells of Be’er-Sheva by nightfall, all would be lost. The horses smelled the water and galloped ahead at a furious pace. The men were not cavalry but mounted infantry and the daring charge just before nightfall took the Turks by surprise. They didn’t adjust the sights on their guns quickly enough. Some Australians fought hand to hand in the trenches and others jumped the trenches and rode into the city to stop the Germans blowing up the wells. While the charge brought the breakthrough, the charge could not have happened without the British fighting all day and the New Zealanders taking the high ground, preventing them from being mowed down.

This happened on Oct 31, 1917. On the same day, the British Parliament passed the Balfour Declaration in favour of the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The political will and the military victory went hand in hand. After fighting in other towns, Gen Allenby was able to walk into Jerusalem with his forces and accept the surrender of the Turks, thus ending 400 years of the Ottoman Empire, and nearly 1200 years of almost uninterrupted Islamic rule of Jerusalem. There had always been a Jewish presence in Jerusalem and Palestine however and Jewish forces fought alongside the British to free their land.

This was a precursor to the formation of the modern state of Israel in 1948 and again, ANZACS played a critical role in the defence of Israel, then Palestine.

So, as we prepared to go to Be’er-Sheva for the Oct 31 service, we approached a number of organisations in Australia to let them know we were going and the Cairns RSL donated us 4 red poppy wreaths, one of which we laid at the Park of the Australian Soldier, Be’er-Sheva and one at the Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery. We laid one at the Commonwealth Cemetery at Mt Scopus in Jerusalem and one at the NZ monument in Ness Ziona. We also laid wreaths of fresh flowers at all three ceremonies in Be’er-Sheva, including the one at the Turkish memorial. We approached the Turkish embassy before leaving Australia for permission to do this. We did it in a spirit of reconciliation.

The New Zealand team brought with them pillows with poppies sewn into them to lay as wreaths at each place noted above because the NZ soldiers didn’t have pillows according to Lila Diprose who made the pillows. They also brought loose poppies to strew.

Norman is wearing a Torres Strait Islander flag at the ceremony as he gave the Aboriginal flag to Richard Evans to wear and he wanted the other Indigenous group in Australia to be represented. Kris Schlyder, an ex-army man with our team laid the wreath at the Park of the Australian Soldier with Liz Wright and Joanna Moss.

We went to three commemoration ceremonies – the Park of the Australian Soldier, the British Cemetery and the Turkish ceremony where we laid wreaths at all three – Australia, New Zealand and Britain together. It was a moving time for all of us and there was time for the team to pray at the cemetery the next day when Norman and I met with the Municipality of Be’er- Sheva.

On Oct 31, we had organised for the Vice Chairman of the Society of the Heritage of World War I, Mr Ezra Pimentel to be our guide and he was very informative. As well as going to the ceremonies, we went to Tel es Saba where the NZ Mounted Rifles and some Australians took the high place, Abraham’s well and Chauvel’s Hill from where he watched the 800 Australian Light horsemen ride into history with their famous charge. We also saw the Warriors Club where a local ex IDF serviceman has built a museum in his backyard with much war memorabilia.

While in Be’er-Sheva, we visited HaMaKom or Bible House where local Messianic congregations have a library, meeting place and coffee shop. Ps Howard and Randi Bass are very involved there and Randi had prepared a wonderful display re the Australian Light horse and NZ Mounted Rifles. It is becoming an ANZAC Museum and deserves support from Australians and New Zealanders. They also gave us refreshments.

Norman and I and our team hosted Howard and Randi Bass from Be’er-Sheva in Australia (Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra) and, with Sue Rowe, in New Zealand (Auckland, Hamilton and Tauranga) in July 2010 in preparation for our ANZAC tour of Israel.

We followed the steps of the Australian Light horsemen and the New Zealand Mounted Rifles as they fought in Gaza, Be’er-Sheva, Ashkelon, Armageddon, Semakh, Ayun Kara near Rishon Le Zion, Yafo near Tel Aviv, Jericho, Hebron and Jerusalem.

We arrived in the dark at Semakh which was amazing as the battle was fought in the dark although early morning and we were there in the evening. It is near the Sea of Galilee and was captured 25 Sept 1918 by the 11th and 12th Australian Light horse who charged a heavily fortified Turkish railway station. Indigenous light horsemen were involved too. The charge was not as big as the charge at Beersheba but just as dangerous and daring. They were mostly Queenslanders and some from South Australia. This ended Turkish and German opposition around the Sea of Galilee. Recently, a statue has been erected to the Australian Indigenous Light horseman and his horse, a worthy commemoration.

We went to Mt Carmel and Megiddo, the Allied forces capturing it on 19 Sept 1918, with Australian General Chauvel calling it the Battle of Armageddon. British General Allenby was made Vicount of Megiddo or Lord of Armageddon.

On Friday, Nov 5, we visited Rishon Le Zion which is built on top of Ayun Kara where, outnumbered 8 to 1, the NZ Mounted Rifles won a hard-fought victory. We visited the graves of the 50 Kiwis who died in that battle buried at Ramleh. We laid wreaths at the statue to the NZ Mounted Rifles at Ben Gurion School in Ness Ziona. This statue was only built in 2010 with the opening on March 1.

This account is only a quick summary of one aspect, though an important one of our tour i.e. our journey in the steps of the ANZACS and Light horse.

Reconciliation Newz Buzz 2020 No 4 Sept 2020

Yom Kippur

Feast of Atonement Eve 6-8pm AEST
27 Sept 2020

27 Sept 2020
Lev 16:29. This is the holiest day of the year for the appointed feasts of the Lord. The Jewish New Year or Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah, begins the 10 Days of Awe where we come into a time of repentance leading up to Yom Kippur. It looks forward prophetically to the final day of judgement. It is awesome & exciting to know how Jesus (Yeshua) will fulfill this feast & we need our hearts to be right.

Free admission with love offering
Registration required for zoom password
Zoom ID: 116446220

Main Speaker Ps Avner Boskey, Messianic Jewish author, teacher and musician, lives near Be’er-Sheva in Israel with his wife Rachel. They are the founders of Final Frontier Ministries, a ministry dedicated to stirring up the creative arts, worship, intercession, the prophetic and evangelism. Avner is the author of the book ‘Israel the Key to World Revival,’ ‘A Perspective on Islam’ and ‘A Messianic Perspective on the Restoration of David’s Tabernacle.’ Avner and Rachel have released five CDs – Music & books available at

Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah

18 Sep 20, 7pm-10pm
Speakers – David Silver, Israel, Dr Karmeel Majdali, UK & Pete Stucken, Australia

Tabernacles or Sukkot

2 Oct 20, 7pm-10pm
Speakers – Dr George Annadorai, Singapore, Norman & Barbara Miller, Australia & Messianic music by Israel Roytman
Hosts Ps Jack Yeo and team Emmanuel Blessings Christian Centre
Register free at

Hosts for Yom Kippur – Ps Norman & Barbara Miller, Tabernacle of David & Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace. They lead up a Gathering Apostolic Prophetic Network praying for government and a Tabernacle of David Asia Pacific Prayer Network. They were on the International Council of Elders for many years led by Ps Tom Hess, Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations, leading Australia & the Bethany Gate & were the inaugural leaders of the Indigenous Gate. They have travelled extensively internationally, led ANZAC tours to Israel and have hosted conferences in most capital cities of Australia, 4 in Parliament House Canberra & a Sons of Abraham conference in Jerusalem

Norman and Barbara and our ministry support the National Solemn Assembly and prayer during the Ten Days of Awe between the Feast of Trumpets and Yom Kippur. 
National Solemn Assembly prayer by Norman Miller 8.9.20
See the National Day of Prayer website for the full video which is over an hour. This what Barbara Miller shared briefly.
National Solemn Assembly prayer by Norman Miller 15.9.2
National Solemn Assembly prayer by Barbara Miller 15.9.20. If you want more information on de Quiros declaration of the South Land of the Holy Spirit, see a longer video – You will be very surprised what you hear. The book can be found on

We would appreciate your prayers re these 2 boomerangs Norman made. The first one on religious freedom was given to Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells in Feb 2020 when we were in Canberra for the National Prayer Assembly. She is campaigning on this issue said she would try to give it to the Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Norman would love to be able to be there for the handover. The second photo, also in Parliament House Canberra, was when Norman gave the boomerang to the then Speaker of the House, Bronwyn Bishop accompanied by Warren Entsch, then and current Member for Leichhardt and Ken Wyatt, current Minister for Indigenous Australians. This was in Nov 2013. As it is now of historical value, Norman has donated it to the Museum of Australian Democracy in Canberra which is housed in the Old Parliament House. He would love to be there for the official handover. Australian constitutional change to remove racism from the constitution and give First Nations people recognition and a voice in it is still in progress.

Yom Kippur


Free admission with love offering
Registration required for zoom password

Zoom ID

This is not just a once in a year event. It is a once in a lifetime event as God meets with His people as we near the return of Messiah

To donate:
Centre International Reconciliation & Peace
BSB 064804  Account no 14069281

Feast of Atonement Eve 6-8pm AEST 27 Sept 2020

Lev 16:29. This is the holiest day of the year for the appointed feasts of the Lord. The Jewish New Year or Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah, begins the 10 Days of Awe where we come into a time of repentance leading up to Yom Kippur.  It looks forward prophetically to the final day of judgement. It is awesome & exciting to know how Jesus (Yeshua) will fulfill this feast & we need our hearts to be right.

Main Speaker Ps Avner Boskey, Messianic Jewish author, teacher and musician, lives near Be’er-Sheva in Israel with his wife Rachel.

They are the founders of Final Frontier Ministries, a ministry dedicated to stirring up the creative arts, worship, intercession, the prophetic and evangelism. Avner is the author of the book ‘Israel the Key to World Revival,’ ‘Jews, Arabs and the Middle East — a Messianic Perspective’ and ‘A Messianic Perspective on the Restoration of David’s Tabernacle.” Avner and Rachel have released five CDs — ‘Old & New’ (1993), ‘Ancient Gates’ (2001), ‘LaKatzir—For the Harvest’ (2001), ‘Four Winds’ (2011), and ‘Dry Bones
Boogie‘ (2015). Music & books available at


Hosts Ps Norman & Barbara Miller, Tabernacle of David & Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace.

They lead up a Gathering Apostolic Prophetic Network praying for government and a Tabernacle of David Asia Pacific Prayer Network. They were on the International Council of Elders for many years led by Ps Tom Hess, Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations, leading Australia & the Bethany Gate & were the inaugural leaders of the Indigenous Gate. They have travelled extensively internationally, led ANZAC tours to Israel and have hosted conferences in most capital cities of Australia, 4 in Parliament House Canberra & a Sons ofAbraham conference in Jerusalem.

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Supported by Indigenous Friends of Israel & Walkabout Zion



As soon as I (Barbara Miller) heard on Wednesday about the tragedy in Beirut, I sensed the Lord was showing me that it was a situation similar to Haman’s gallows. I shared that on a number of WhatsApp groups straight away. In the time of Queen Esther, Haman tried to trick the King of Persia (ancient Iran) into killing all the Jews in the vast empire of King Xerxes or Ahasuerus, virtually the then known world – from India to Ethiopia. The plot was exposed by Esther and her uncle Mordecai who were Jews and the genocide was stopped by another decree that reversed the effect of the first decree. The King ordered Haman hung on the gallows he had constructed himself to kill Modecai. Haman was a Persian/Iranian citizen but he was descended from Agag, King of the Amalekites, traditional enemies of Israel. Amalek was the grandson of Esau, the ancestor of the Edomites.

The Iranian-controlled terrorist group Hezbollah controls the port in Beirut where the ammonium nitrate that exploded was stored. It can be used for fertilizer or explosives. It is known that Hezbollah has weapons stored at the Beirut port to attack Israel with more than a hundred thousand missiles. This appears to be a case where Hezbollah’s plan to kill Jews in Israel has backfired upon them, tragically killing innocent civilians in the process. Another plot from Iran to kill Jews has been foiled.

This seems to be confirmed by media reports on Sunday that the people have built a mock gallows on which they performed a mock hanging of Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah & former prime minister Saad Hariri. A number of key intercessors have confirmed what the Lord showed me. It is important however that we have compassion for the injured and those who have lost their loved ones, Christians and others, and that we pray for reform, repentance and salvation in Lebanon and terrorism to end. There are urgent needs for food, medical aid and housing. Lebanon was already in financial and Covid-19 crisis before the blast and the blast has destroyed silos of wheat containing 85% of Lebanon’s food. Jonah was chastised by the Lord when he complained that the Lord spared Nineveh, the enemy of Israel, when they repented.


The Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace has a number of ministries under its umbrella and Indigenous Friends of Israel (IFI) is one of them. Formed in 2017, Ps Norman Miller said “It is simply untrue to maintain that Israel is an apartheid state. As Indigenous people, we know what apartheid is. Israel is a beacon of democracy in the Middle East and has Arab Members of the Knesset and has Arabs living peacefully and working in all walks of life enjoying their democratic freedoms.” 

IFI was formed in July 2017 to counter Bob Carr’s anti-Israel comments and to maintain Australia’s bipartisan support for Israel.

Norman and Barbara were blessed to share on Indigenous Friends of Israel at a Shalom Israel event in Melbourne in 2018 where the Christian and Jewish community came together at the Beth Weizmann Centre.

In July 2020, IFI, our Centre (CFIRP) and Tabernacle of David joined with Australia’s ICEJ and many other pro-Israel organisations to write a letter to Australia’s Foreign Minister, Marise Payne, to support the proposed extension by Israel of its sovereignty over Judea and Samaria as designated by the Trump Peace Plan called “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People.” The letter added supporting international legal documents.

We were blessed to have Mr Albert Veksler of the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast as a guest speaker at one of our Tabernacle of David Asia Pacific Prayer meetings that we host and he shared on this issue.

Barbara spoke to our Tabernacle of David Cairns on Judea and Samaria in the following video. One correction- at the end I shared I had a revelation in 2017 that the replacement theology of the church had opened the door for the supersessionism of Islam but I said Israel instead of Islam.


A number of years ago, Barbara after a conference we hosted in Parliament House Canberra where we built a throne for the Lord, Barbara saw a vision of a crown over Parliament House and David Jack made this beautiful image.

At the start of 2019, we formed a spiritual government ministry praying for the Australian government, weekly then fortnightly praying by zoom. Called GAP based on Ezekiel 22:30 where the Lord looked for someone to stand in the gap for Israel so He would not have to destroy it for its sin, we appointed pastors and intercessors to federal government portfolios. They hear from the Lord and research current events to pray for these portfolios and the ministers responsible on a daily basis. This has greatly influenced government policy along the lines of maintaining our Judeo-Christian heritage. Our primary scripture is Isaiah 9:6-7 and we proclaim the government of Australia is on the shoulders of Jesus or Yeshua.


Norman and Barbara initiated the Tabernacle of David Asia Pacific Prayer Network (TODAPP) on Erev Shavuot with a trumpet blast and we have been blessed by the participation of pastors and intercessors from most nations in Asia and some in the Pacific. We meet on a fortnighly basis by zoom and have a WhatsApp group for prayer in between. 

As well as having people from the actual nations leading prayer for their nations, we have a guest speaker each time as well and we have been very blessed to hear from Rev Dr George Annadorai from Singapore (pictured) on a couple of occasions. As we have a focus on Israel and the Isaiah 19 highway, we have prayer leaders from these nations as guest speakers and regular members. We were blessed to have Ps Shlomy and Miriam Abramov from Rishon LeZion Israel, Mr Ablert Vesksler from the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast and our next guest speaker is Adel, an Egyptian Australian who regularly prays with us. Ps Jack Yeo from Emmanuel Blessings Centre in Sydney has been a wonderful support as has Judy Chiem. 

What is it? Watch this 3min video by Ps Barbara Miller.
Hear from Norman Miller and experience the beauty of the rainforest
Norman Miller at his gallery with placards 


By Barbara Miller

Norman made the point that yes, black lives matter but also all lives matter and he stood outside his art gallery with placards in the shape of hands saying “stop youth suicide” and “stop abortion.” He could have added stop domestic violence. He had signs saying John 3:16 and Ps 91 and he added “all live smatter to it.”
 In answer to a question from an intercessor of how to stop a Black Lives Matter march in Sydney because of Covid-19 and other concerns, I gave an unusual answer. My answer was to use a strategy from the Lord around Balaam’s donkey. To start with, there are genuine grievances and pain and a genuine call for justice around the Black Lives Matter movement in the USA and Australia that I support. However, there are ungodly forces that have attached to the Black Lives Matter movement in the US – anarchism, Marxism, Islamist ideology and even traditional African spirituality e.g. invoking warrior ancestor spirits to help them. Some churches and synagogues in the US have been destroyed.

The Aboriginal Lives Matter movement in Australia which has become Black Lives Matter is different but with Marxist influences. My heart goes out to the family of David Dungay and others who have tragically lost their lives in custody.

In December 2015, Dungay’s heart gave way in Long Bay prison hospital under the weight of five prison guards. His last words were “I can’t breathe.” Ironically, they were preventing him from eating biscuits because he was diabetic and when he resisted, he was forcibly given a sedative. The 26-year-old Aboriginal is now being portrayed as Australia’s George Floyd. His family is distraught because the coroner did not find the prison officers guilty and want an inquiry which is understandable.

In 1983, John Pat, a 16-year-old Aboriginal boy, was beaten to death by four off-duty police officers in Karratha, Western Australia. The policemen were acquitted by an all-white jury of manslaughter, on the grounds of self-defence. His death and others led to the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody which was presented with cases of police brutality to Aboriginals.

I was asked by the Queensland Commissioner, Lou Wyvill, to write a submission to the Inquiry on behalf of the Aboriginal Coordinating Council (ACC) of which I was CEO. ACC represented the land-based Aboriginal local government councils in Qld. I wrote a 100-page report in 1990.
 Surprisingly, the royal commission found Indigenous people weren’t dying in custody at a higher rate than others. This is still the same situation today. They were over-represented in jail, but not in deaths in custody. Nevertheless, the implementation of the recommendations needs to be revisited and a fresh commitment made to enforce them. The Australian Law Reform Commission (2018) wrote, “Although Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults make up around 2% of the national population, they constitute 27% of the national prison population.”
The Australian reported on 15.6.20 “The Australian Institute of Criminology, in a paper by Jenny Mouzos, says that from 1989 until 2000, 

Photo of Norman Miller with Closing the Gap targets painted on a hand


By Barbara Miller

The Closing the Gap initiative was set up by then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd after the 2008 Apology re the stolen generations of children. The Apology was a watershed moment in Australian history with the nation, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, engaged with the bipartisan event and a lot of healing occurred. Norman and I were in Parliament House Canberra for it. Rudd wanted to follow with practical reconciliation measures to reduce the huge socio-economic disadvantage of Indigenous people on most socio-economic indicators like health and mortality, education, employment etc.

However, at the 10-year mark in 2018, it was found that only 2 of the 7 targets were met. It was a failure. There have been extensive negotiations since then for a reset and finally, very recently 16 targets instead of 7 have been set and signed onto by federal and state governments and 50 peak Indigenous organizations.

I am especially happy that there are new targets for reducing by 2031 the extremely high levels of incarceration of Indigenous adults (by 15%) and youth (by 30%), reducing the high number of children in out-of-home care (by 45%) reducing overcrowding in housing and new targets for recognizing Indigenous legal interests over land and sea and increasing the use of Indigenous languages. However, should all these targets by met by 2031, it will still be a very long time into the future before parity is reached and there is no gap – a sad situation.

I have 12 prayer points I can send to anyone interested.


15.1 per cent of all homicide victims nationally were Aboriginal, as were 15.7 per cent of all homicide offenders — and yet ­Aboriginal people were less than 3 per cent of the population.”

Re black-on-black violence, The Australian also reported on 15.6.20, that Aboriginal leader “Jacinta Price wrote in The Daily Telegraph on June 9: ‘In 2018 in the NT alone, 85 per cent (4355) of Aboriginal victims of crime knew the ­offender. Half were victimised by partners. Aboriginal women made up 88 per cent (2075) of those victims.’

“Aboriginal children were 5.9 per cent of the population but five times more likely to be hospitalised after an assault than non-indigenous children. ‘Between 2007 and 2011, 26 per cent of all deaths among Aboriginal children … were … (from) abuse injury,’ she wrote. ‘The leading cause of child death between 2014 and 2017 … was suicide. This is a quarter of all child suicides in Australia (85 of 357)’.”

“Realising that there are fun­damental connections between child neglect, child sexual abuse, Aboriginal victims of crime and the high rates of incarceration will allow us to address these critical ­issues effectively.”

Some intercessors did pray the prayer strategy of Balaam’s donkey before the Sydney march on 28.7.20 which was cancelled. The donkey (vehicle) refused to take Balaam where he wanted because an angel stood in the way. If you want a copy of this prayer strategy, please contact me.

We are a small team with much ministry happening and we would love to have some support with a one-off offering or a regular donation. One example is that Norman has been doing street ministry via worship on Cairns streets for 3 years now 2 or 3 nights a week. After a short break due to Covid-19 restrictions, he is back doing it again. If you have prayer needs, please let us know.If there is anything specific you would like to sow into, then please use it as a reference.   Here are our bank details –

Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace, CBA Cairns, 
BSB  064804    Account details 1406 9281.  

August News – Catch up time and happy reading

Hi there, I haven’t sent out an update since February. Wow! how time flies and I trust you are all well and coping with the Covid-19 lockdowns. I have been busy. Among other things, I have written 3 journals – My Prayer Journal, My Bible Study Journal and My Sermon Notes Journal. At the moment, these are best ordered from Amazon though you can order them in a pdf file from my website and print them yourself.

I have a chapter each in 2 books and put a new cover on my “Shattered Lives Broken Dreams” book. I have also turned the book “If I Survive” into an audiobook which will be available soon.

My Prayer Journal

This is an inspirational Christian prayer journal that would make a wonderful keepsake and assist with your spiritual growth and development. It has a beautiful floral cover with prayer hands and has prompts for prayer requests, answered prayers, insights and Bible verses. It will enrich and draw you into your prayer time. Ask the Father questions and record His answers. Write answers to prayer so you will be encouraged at His goodness. Press into the heart of the Father and be blessed. Hear His heartbeat! The link is

The Canberra Declaration book

The Canberra Declaration released on 22 July a book called “The Blessings of Almighty God: the Canberra Declaration Story and the Call to Revitalise Australia.” I have written a chapter, with Norman, called Canberra Declaration: the birth of a new push to protect our Judeo-Christian heritage.” Architects of the Canberra Declaration, Warwick Marsh, Graham McLellan and Bill Muehlenberg and other key people wrote chapters also.

Norman and I helped launch the Canberra Declaration at a conference we hosted at Parliament House Canberra on 23 July 2010 so the book was launched for the 10th anniversary. Those who wrote chapters were asked to write some personal stories of how we got involved with the Canberra Declaration and our journey. The book is available from and there is also information on my website

Video of the 2010 launch of the Canberra Declaration at the Government of God conference Norman and I and our Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace hosted at Parliament House Canberra in July 2010. 
Prophetic words by Ps Barbara and Ps Norman Miller on the launch of the Canberra Declaration book by zoom on 22 July 2020. There were many wonderful speakers at this event.

My Bible Study Journal

Journaling our Bible study helps us unearth its riches and take hold of God’s promises which can give us victory when we face life’s challenges.

The Bible is truly a light to our path and recording our study of it gives us invaluable guidance. The prompts include scripture, the message of the day, how to apply it and prayer and thanks. It is perfect for Bible Study Groups or personal use. The link is

My Sermon Notes Journal

In these days of faith services by zoom etc, this is a journal to record and reflect on the sermons or online messages you hear. It will enable you to remember, digest and apply pearls of wisdom that can change your life forever. It is an Inspiring, comforting and uplifting way of personal and spiritual growth. You make the pearls of wisdom from another’ s study and life experience uniquely your own by engaging with the material. The link is

Success Code

“Success Code” is an anthology and I am a co-author. Do you ever wonder why some people always seem to succeed, and others fail?  Most “overnight” successes have been developed with small changes in daily habits and mindset tweaks, one day at a time.

We asked over 20 experts to describe these habits for us, and the result was “The Success Code.” The book is a life lesson of habits, mindsets and stories of how they have been used to overcome obstacles and achieve success.
My chapter is entitled “The Power of Vision” and covers how my team and I successfully organised the Bethany Gate All Pacific Prayer Assembly conference in Cairns, Australia. It is on pre-order and at a special price of 99c so don’t miss out on the special price. The book launches as an ebook on 4 August. The link which is

Shattered Lives Broken Dreams

The Nazis shatter glass and shatter the lives of European Jews at Kristallnacht, the start of the Holocaust. An Australian Aboriginal, William Cooper, leads the campaign for civil rights for his people who are dying of poverty and mistreatment around him. 1938; two worlds, far apart. Cut to the core after Kristallnacht, can he do anything to stop it?

Described as Australia’s Martin Luther King, Cooper leads the Australian Aborigines’ League on a protest to the German Consulate in Melbourne. Would the Third Reich pour out its wrath on them? Would they make a difference?

A Chair of Resistance to the Holocaust was named in honour of Cooper at Yad Vashem. His grandson, Alf Turner, becomes passionate about fulfilling his grandfather’s unfinished business and taking the protest to Berlin itself. How will he be received? Launched in Feb 2020, the ebook now has a new cover.

Many blessings and happy reading!!!



By Norman Miller 26.3.20

I sensed the Lord was saying that it is a Davidic anointing that will deal with the Covid-19. The Lord gave me Dovid-19 and a number of scriptures where He highlighted chapter 19. Barbara pointed out that Dovid is the Jewish (Yiddish) spelling for David. I believe that the Lord is using this virus to wipe out some of the Saul-like structures in the church and take us back to the heart of David, the harp and bowl ministry and house churches.

When Barbara and I hosted the 3-day Australia Day Prayer in Canberra this year, the Lord led me to prophecy over the ACT and Canberra delegates that the Lord wanted them to model the church in the book of Acts. I could see them meeting in house churches across the city and multiplying. Acts 15:13-19 also talks about the Tabernacle of David which raises up prayer, praise and worship, Godly justice, the government of God and Jew and Gentile worshipping together. I saw this as a blueprint that would then spread out from Canberra, the head of the nation, around Australia.

The Lord gave me these scriptures at the Australia Day Prayer we hosted in Canberra. One was Ex 20:20, where Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you” so we need not be afraid of this testing time with the coronavirus. Also, we need to believe the Lord will reveal Himself through this time as in John 20:20 “After He said this, He showed them His hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.”

The Lord highlighted 5 scriptures to me relating to Covid-19 and Dovid-19 – Gen 19, Psalms 19, Isaiah 19, Acts 19 and Rev 19. Psalm 19:9 says “Reverence (fear) of the Lord is pure, lasting forever. The laws of the Lord are true; each one is fair.” We need to have fear of God not fear of the coronavirus. Psalm 19:1 says that “The heavens proclaim the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.” We aren’t meant to touch one another but God’s hand is not so short that it can’t save and His hand is in the land.

In Gen 18:23-32, Abraham pleads that if there are 50 righteous in Sodom and Gomorrah, not to destroy the righteous with the wicked. God agreed He would spare it if 50 could be found. Abraham pleads for mercy progressively down to 10 righteous and God agrees. In Gen 19, Abraham awakes to their destruction with not even 10 righteous found. We need to plead with God for mercy as Abraham did.

We need Davidic worship to deal with crisis situations like the coronavirus. Barbara and I have a vision to establish Davidic worship or Tabernacles of David or the harp and bowl ministry along the Isaiah 19 highway. Isaiah 19:23-25 says, “In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on the earth. The Lord Almighty will bless them, saying, “Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.”

The Lord has been impressing upon me that we need to be praying for signs, wonders and miracles as this is what He wants to pour out at this time. We need to be praying that we will have the same anointing as Peter so that people would be healed by our shadow. Also, that we can lay hands on hankies, aprons etc and people will be healed. That’s the kind of contagion I would like. Acts 19:11-12 says:

“God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them.”

Also, there was a riot in Ephesus when Paul persuaded them that handmade gods were not gods at all and so idol makers where losing business. The idol makers stirred up the crowd to defend the goddess Artemis or Diana and they gathered in the amphitheatre to shout “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!” In 1998, Peter Wagner gathered a large group from around the world in the same amphitheatre to worship for 4 hours to reverse what happened in the spirit with this incident. We were privileged to be with them and I believe a 4-hour prayer event is very powerful in pushing back the enemy.

We need to pray against rioting and lawlessness that could occur with millions of people suddenly jobless who may have trouble paying for their house and food etc. Relationships may break down and social norms may be at risk. We need also to pray that internet, telephone, electricity and other services are maintained as there is an extra load on them and chaos could occur with such a communication breakdown. Through this chaos, there is a Kairos time in God for godly breakthrough and salvations.

Rev 19 shows that heaven itself erupts in praise and songs of victory when Babylon has fallen. God has the last say over the world system and all that is not of Him. There are four hallelujahs.

After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting:

“Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God,
for true and just are his judgments.
He has condemned the great prostitute
who corrupted the earth by her adulteries.
He has avenged on her the blood of his servants.”

 (Rev 19:1-2)

We have throne-room worship, the roar of rushing waters or loud thunder and the wedding feast of the Lamb. Great joy erupts in heaven.

I believe we are in a war between the ancient dragon and the Ancient of Days (Dan 7:9), the father of lies and the Father of Truth and the false roaring lion (1Pe 5:8) and the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. And we know who wins.

I believe we need to lay our crowns down before the Lord like the 24 elders in Rev 4:10. The Lion of Judah (Jesus) is the only One worthy to open the scroll and when He took the scroll, the 24 elders fell down before the Lamb (Jesus) with their harps and bowls and they sang a new song:

“And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people.” (Rev 5:8)

As a prophetic act, I would like to see 3 elders from each state and territory i.e. 24 elders lay their crowns down before the Lord and shout “Hallelujah!”

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By Pastor Barbara Miller 17.3.20

Pandemic, pangolin, pandemonium, panic, Pan. What do all these have in common – a false god called Pan who creates panic. But let’s come back to that.

When there is a crisis, before praying we need to ask ourselves if this comes from God or not. According to tradition, Gamaliel succeeded his father, Simon, and his grandfather, the renowned sage Hillel to be president of the Sanhedrin, the supreme Jewish court. Gamaliel intervened on behalf of the Apostles of Jesus when they had been arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin. Interestingly we find later in Acts 22:3 that Apostle Paul was a student of Gamaliel. But what Gamaliel said has been ringing in my mind for some time as being critical to how we pray in a crisis. He said that we don’t want to find ourselves opposing God:

“But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.” (Acts 5:39).


  1. The Coronavirus is a judgement from God because of sin
  2. The Coronavirus is a shaking sent by God to turn people to Him
  3. God is not causing it but allowing it to occur
  4. It is man made
  5. It is demonic
  6. It is from God but the demonic is using it to spread fear or panic
1. The Covid-19 is a judgement from God because of sin

There are numerous instances in the Old Testament or Tanakh that attest to God sending plagues or pestilences because of sin. God sent the 10 plagues on Egypt so they would let His people go from slavery to the Promised Land. (Exodus 8:17, 9:10).

Even after they saw God deal with the rebellion against Moses of Korah and his supporters by opening up the earth and swallowing them alive to their grave, the next morning, the whole community of Israel muttered against Moses and Aaron saying they were responsible for the deaths. This was despite the miracles God had shown and that they were His appointed leaders so God sent a plague or pestilence. (Nu 16:41-50). The Lord also sent a plague on them for despising His provision of manna (Numbers 11:33).

Pestilence is one of God’s four severe judgements. “For thus says the Lord GOD, “How much more when I send My four severe judgments against Jerusalem: sword, famine, wild beasts and plague to cut off man and beast from it!” (Ezekiel 14:21).

In the time of David, the Lord sent pestilence on King David’s subjects because he numbered them. “So, the LORD sent a pestilence upon Israel from the morning until the appointed time, and seventy thousand men of the people from Dan to Beersheba died.” (2 Samuel 24:15-25).

God told His people then and He tells us now, to come out of Babylon or the world’s system and way of thinking. “I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues; (Revelation 18:4). These are only some examples as it is a recurrent theme throughout scripture.

2. The Covid-19 is a shaking sent by God to turn people to Him.

When we were praying for the drought, this scripture came strongly to me and it is relevant for the bushfires and coronavirus as well but this does not discount that God is a righteous Judge. God wants a harvest of souls for His kingdom. He wants that none should perish and if He has to shake us up to get us thinking of eternity, He will. “For thus says the LORD of hosts, ‘Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land. I will shake all the nations; and they will come with the wealth of all nations, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the LORD of hosts. (Haggai 2:6-7).

In Isaiah 13:13 and Habakkuk 3:6, God also speaks of shaking the earth and the nations. Shaking and sifting are similar and we know in the last days, the wheat will be separated from the tares or weeds. We wonder why there is evil in the world but God will sift it out, shake it and judge it. He shakes His own people as well. “For behold, I am commanding, And I will shake the house of Israel among all nations, As grain is shaken in a sieve, But not a kernel will fall to the ground.” (Amos 9:9). Again, God speaks of shaking and judgement in the same scripture.

“For the LORD will strike Israel, as a reed is shaken in the water; and He will uproot Israel from this good land which He gave to their fathers, and will scatter them beyond the Euphrates River, because they have made their Asherim, provoking the LORD to anger.” (1 Kings 14:15).

The glory, majesty and awe of God causes every living creature to shake at His presence and every high thing, natural or manmade will collapse and fall down before Him. Even the powers in the heavens will be shaken:

“The fish of the sea, the birds of the heavens, the beasts of the field, all the creeping things that creep on the earth, and all the men who are on the face of the earth will shake at My presence; the mountains also will be thrown down, the steep pathways will collapse and every wall will fall to the ground.” (Ezekiel 38:20).

“men fainting from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.” (Luke 21:26).

However, there is a good side to this shaking as it brings in the harvest. In fact, the shaking by the wind of the Holy Spirit at Shavuot or Pentecost led to the birth of the church. The disciples had prayed long and in unity in the Upper Room and received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. Peter then preached and 3,000 were saved. “And when they had prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness.” (Acts 4:31).

Also, Paul and Silas had been imprisoned for preaching the gospel when God sent an earthquake to shake the foundations of the prison and free them. “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose.” (Acts 16:25-26).

We should welcome the shaking by the Lord as it will remove ungodly things and godly things will remain. We should not fear it but have compassion for those affected. “And His voice shook the earth then, but now He has promised, saying, “YET ONCE MORE I WILL SHAKE
NOT ONLY THE EARTH, BUT ALSO THE HEAVEN.” This expression, “Yet once more,” denotes the removing of those things which can be shaken, as of created things, so that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.” (Hebrews 12:26-27).

3. God is not causing it but allowing it to occur.

This is a big topic on its own so I’ll just deal briefly with it here. Why didn’t God create a world where tragedy and suffering don’t occur?” He did. “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.” (Gen 1:31). So, if God did not create tragedy or evil, where did they come from? God gave us free will to love Him or not. He doesn’t force us to love Him. However, we have abused our free will by rejecting God resulting in the introduction of evil into the world.

Sometimes God takes His hands off a situation and leaves us to our own devices, receiving the results of our sins. Psalm 81:12 says, “So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own devices.” Also, Romans 1:24 says something similar:

“Therefore, God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.”

4. It is man made

The Coronavirus originated in Wuhan China and it is believed to have come from a wild food and seafood market. The pangolin has been singled out as a possible source of the Coronavirus. It is a creature like an armadillo covered with scales and also like an anteater. While it is available in a number of Asian nations including southern China, it is the most trafficked animal in the world and is illegally trafficked from India and Africa etc. It is eaten as a luxury food in China and its scales are prized for medicinal purposes.

However, there is also the possibility that Covid-19 leaked from a biological weapons lab in Wuhan whether by accident or design.

Flu epidemics have occurred throughout history with millions dying. So, this is not a new thing. In the past there have been the Bubonic Plague or Black Death caused by bacteria carried by fleas on black rats resulting in 75 to 200 million deaths in Europe and Asia in the 1300s. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a total of 8,098 people worldwide became sick with SARS during the 2003 outbreak. Of these, 774 died. It originated in China, possibly from bats. The 2009-2010 flu pandemic or swine flu was an influenza pandemic similar to the 1918–1920 Spanish flu pandemic but a new strain. 700 million–1.4 billion people, contracted it with about 150,000–575,000 fatalities. The Spanish flu infected 500 million people or about 27% of the world population. The death toll is estimated to have been anywhere from 17 million to 50 million, and possibly even as high as 100 million. Its origin is reportedly from birds (avian flu) and the virus was also found in pigs.

It is interesting that in China 2019 was the Year of the Pig and 2020 is the Year of the Rat. While I am not saying we need to eat only kosher food, eating non-kosher food appears to have had a hand in the Covid-19.

I am not saying this is from the Lord but I sense that the Lord may use Coronavirus to bring down President Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party in a dramatic fashion the way we had the fall of the Berlin Wall and of the USSR. The fall of the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989 was a pivotal event in world history which marked the falling of the Iron Curtain and the start of the fall of communism in Eastern and Central Europe.

The Covid-19 is called a pandemic because many nations are affected. More people may die through other causes in Australia than Coronavirus e.g. chronic illness and car accidents. However, the big concerns are that it is contagious and there is no vaccine or treatment. There is a concern that hospitals and medical staff will be overwhelmed by it. Emergency responses have resulted in a huge social and economic upheaval in Australia in an attempt to prevent the spread of the virus.

7. It is demonic

If we believe the Coronavirus has been caused by Satan, then we would be saying “the Lord rebuke you Satan” (Zech 3:1-2) or going into spiritual warfare against it. But we need to ask God if it is of Him or if it is demonic. How can we cast out what God is doing or put a restraining order on it or decree it to stop? We don’t want to be found opposing God. His ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). He has the big picture. He knows how to turn situations around for the good, the saving of many lives (Gen 50:20).

8. It is from God but the demonic is using it to spread fear

I believe we can see this happening. I have a summary of a message on Pan below but basically this is a demon that creates fear and panic. God has not given us a spirit of fear. The word says, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7). We need to exercise caution when we are not in a safe situation but excessive or unfounded fear and all panic are from the pits of hell. The media is useful in providing information about precautions we need to take and government decisions to protect the community. But it has been a tool of the enemy in spreading that panic, to the point where people in Australia are hoarding and fighting over toilet paper in the supermarkets.

The enemy has come to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus has come to give us abundant life. (John 10:10). Satan is the father of lies and tempts us to sin. He goes around like a false lion seeking who he can devour. (1 Pe 5:8-9). He blinds the eyes of unbelievers. (Cor 4:4). But we can put on the full armour of God. (Eph 6:11-16) and pray the eyes of unbelievers are spiritually opened.


So, which of the above gives us guidance how to pray? Not all pandemics are from God but I think this one is primarily a judgement from God for our sin and a wakeup call to repent. But it is also a shaking so that ungodly things are rattled or removed and that people start thinking of God and eternity rather than the distractions of daily life. It is harvest time. “See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed.” (Rev 5:5). Jesus already defeated the dragon or Satan on the cross. Though Satan is fighting to see how many he can take with him, he will be thrown into the lake of fire for eternity. (Rev 20:10). The fourth horseman of the Apocalypse rides a pale green horse and has the power of famine, plague, and to kill by sword and wild beasts (Rev 6:8). God in His mercy has given us a dress rehearsal for the end times and all the signs of the times are here but we are not there yet and Jesus tells us not to be troubled or fearful or panic. As Christians we will be protected by the blood of Jesus:

“And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in diverse places.” (Mt 24:6-7)

In the meantime, Satan is getting us to press the panic button and live in fear not faith. His latest trick is to use Covid-19 but he is not the author of it. So, let’s not pray to cast out the Covid-19 but pray to cast out fear and panic and God would have mercy on us to stop the virus.


  1. Repent for our sins and the sins of our nation as did Daniel and others. (Dan 9:20-21).
  2. Pray according to 2 Chron 7:13-14. When God sends drought or famine or plague, if the church will humble themselves and pray and repent, God will forgive our sin and
    heal our land:
    “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
  3. Jesus has already paid the price for our sin and by His stripes we are healed. (Isaiah 53). We need to dwell in the finished work of the Cross. As well as healing from leprosy, Jesus healed the woman with the issue of blood. Luke 8:43-48 KJV says, “And straightaway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.” (sometimes translated affliction or illness.)
  4. Moses commanded Aaron to run amongst the people with incense from burning coals on the altar to purify them when the Lord was angry with them and struck them with plague. He stood between the living and the dead so God to stop the plague. (Nu 16:43-49). We need to pray that God will have mercy and compassion and stop the Covid-19 so it doesn’t spread any further. Protestant churches don’t use incense but the prayers of the saints are like incense. “Now when he [Jesus] had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.” (Rev 5:8)
  5. Crying out to God to spare his people from plague after David angered God by counting them, David sacrificed and prayed on the threshing floor of Araunah as commanded by God. The Lord answered his prayer for the land and the plague stopped. (2 Samuel 24:15-25). We need to be filled with the compassion for the people David had for his people. We don’t use animal sacrifices in new covenant times, but the word of God tells us to bring a sacrifice of praise so we need to release extra and extended praise to the
    Lord. Hebrews 13:15-16 says:
    “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”
  6. This scripture shows us we need to do good and share with others, not the hoarding behaviour we are seeing. Pray for opportunities to do good and share and show the love of God.
  7. Declare the protection of Psalm 91 over ourselves, our family, Australia and the nations. It is intended for Christians but stand in the gap for non-believers.
  8. Pray for the fear of the Lord to come upon people not the fear of man or the virus. Pray for people to come under conviction of sin and pray for revival.
  9. Crisis is an opportunity. Thank God for all He has done for us and also thank Him in advance for revival. This shaking is causing people to look for answers. They can’t do business as usual. They may even be facing life and death situations. We need to use this opportunity to evangelize and bring in the harvest. This can be done, not just face to face but also by social media, websites, TV and newspapers etc. We praise the Lord for the Chinese Christians in Wuhan who had the courage and compassion to evangelize and help those stricken by the virus or fearful they would get sick and die.
  10. Pray that the Christian message will go viral via technology and God would accomplish all His purposes through this pandemic.
  11. Pray the Lord would send labourers into the harvest and go yourself. (Mt 9:37-38).
  12. We need to pray that those who are unsaved will turn their hearts and minds to the Lord and that He would sovereignly appear to them or speak to them or they would come across people or material so they would receive the gospel. Pray that the eyes of their understanding would be open to receive the Lord. Pray against their unbelief,
    stubbornness and independent spirits that oppose or resist God.
  13. Pray for the same shaking to come on us as it did on the early church at Pentecost and
    that the church would rise up in boldness and faith and operate in the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray the church preaches the word with miracles, signs and wonders following. Pray for a wakeup call to the church to move in the authority God has given us.
  14. Pray that people would lose their appetite for unclean food and unclean sources of medicine.
  15. Pray that the development of and use of biological weapons would cease.
  16. Decree that Satan would not use the pandemic of Covid-19 for his evil ways and not use panic and pandemonium to drive people into his kingdom.
  17. We need to pray for a vaccine and for those who have Coronavirus to be healed and comfort for those who have lost loved ones.
  18. We need to pray for government, health and other authorities make wise decisions and for health authorities and hospitals etc not to be overwhelmed. And for there to be sufficient testing kits, protective gear for health staff and other equipment necessary.
  19. We need to pray for special protection for those in nursing and aged homes and the chronically ill.
  20. We need to pray for the economy to rebound, for jobs to be created not lost and for innovative ways for people to gain income even while in quarantine. Also, for family relationships not to be strained while in self-isolation.


“That night (25.1.2020), I shared an earlier vision I had of PM Scott Morrison in a game of cricket against the ALP and Greens and they were not happy he won (federal elections) and pulled back on climate change and their opposition to religious freedom. However, with bushfires and drought, their confidence came back and were attacking him on climate change, even hitting him with a cricket bat and bowling underarm. As I shared my message, I had a cricket bat and ball with me and decreed that Scott Morrison would not be hit with the bat of climate change or receive an underarm bowl.

As I saw a demon vomiting green matter during that vision, I prayed re the spirit behind this climate change attack on the PM and the Lord showed me Pan, a nature god, half man half goat, a form of Satan. The Lord reminded me that Norman and I took a Christian tour group of 50 to pray at Pan’s grotto and Pan’s temples as part of a tour of Israel in 2017. Pan was known to cause panic which is where that word came from. He was lecherous and his stentorious voice could cause fear and death. This is why we have a panic re climate change.

In Mt 16:17-19, Jesus says that the gates of hell would not prevail against the church. Jesus declared this at Caesarea Philippi and this is where it was revealed to Peter that Jesus was the Messiah the son of the living God. The gates of hell is a physical place here also called the grotto of Pan where the Greek shepherds in the Hellenistic period would sacrifice goats. People came from around the world to this gateway to the underworld. Later after the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70, the Romans, who also worshipped Pan, took captured Jews there and cruelly killed them in games.

This is not to say that climate change is not an issue and we need good policies to deal with it but the panic mode button has been pressed and it is used for political manipulation. I made decrees regarding climate change and Pan.”

There is a lot more to this message but the point I want to make here is that people are doing irrational things like hoarding and fighting over toilet paper. The panic button has been pressed, partly by government seeking to stop the spread of the virus and partly by media with non-stop reporting. But there is a demonic aspect to it, with a Pan-like entity feeding the fear and panic. So, you may find this decree useful:

WE DECREE that God exalted Jesus (Yeshua) to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name. Philip 2:9. Jesus’ name is higher than the name of the Covid-19 so we decree His name will be on peoples’ lips more than the Coronavirus. We decree that everything bows the knees to Jesus, including Covid-19.

WE DECREE that all panic and fear attached to this Covid-19 will go in Jesus name and will be replaced by faith in God and peace of mind. We decree that Christians and the church have power, love and a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7) and are light and salt to the world, bearing the good news with power, miracles, signs, wonders and healing.

that the church receives revelation from our Father in heaven how to speak and act in this time and that Jesus will build His church and the gates of hell will not overcome it. As Jesus has given us as Christians the key to the kingdom of heaven so that whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven, we decree in Jesus name that this panic and fear are bound and we loose repentance, revival, stronger faith in God, healing, miracles and God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Mt 16:17-19)

Sealed with the signet ring of the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach (Esther 8:8)

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