Islands will look to me ? Video: Islands will Look to Me Purim conference Cairns Book Launch re de Quiros & Opening Session $5.00 ? Video: Releasing the Revival Power of de Quiros’ Declaration by Ps Barbara Miller Session 3 $5.00 ? Video: Australia Indonesian Reconciliation by Brigitta Punia of Indonesia Sess 7 $5.00 ? Video: Islands will Look to Me Purim Ps Dora Kua PNG, Bishop Dominiquae Bierman Israel prophesying Sess 10 $5.00 ? Video: Trumpeting the Call of Asia Pacific by Apostle Norman Miller Session 2 $5.00 ? Video: Spanish-Jewish Reconciliation to Pacific by Bishop Dominiquae Bierman, Israel Session 5 $5.00 ? Video: Releasing the Tabernacle of David Apostle Norman Miller Sess 15 $5.00