Welcome to the new year! Isa 43:18-19 “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
2020 may have been a difficult year for you but God is purifying us so our light can shine. We have been privileged to host an Australia Day Prayer event by zoom on 26 January. It is a controversial day on our calendar with some celebrating and Aboriginal people reminded of colonisation and the pain that came with it. So, for Norman, as an Aboriginal, to host it is significant and we have done so a number of times over the years, the last 2 years in Canberra. This time was by zoom because of covid-19. The Lord has given him Genesis 26 about re-digging the wells as Genesis is the first book of the Bible and January is the first month of the year. So, we don’t want esek (disputes) or sitnah (hatred). We want rehoboth (open space) to live together in peace.
We believe we experienced a shift over our nation on Australia Day by the grace of God. We were blessed by prayers by video from the Hon. Senator Eric Abetz, the Hon. Senator Amanda Stoker and audio by Rev the Hon. Fred Nile MLC NSW Parliament. National Prayer leaders Brian Pickering, National Coordinator, Australian Prayer Network and Ps Warwick Marsh, National Coordinator, National Day of Prayer & Fasting & Canberra Declaration joined us live to pray.
A large number of enthusiastic pastors and intercessors prayed through the day. We had 2 beautiful worship segments, one led by Glen Sebasio of Tabernacle of David Canberra and one led by Tabernacle of David Cairns, the latter with original songs especially for Australia Day.
After the introductions by parliamentarians and national prayer leaders, we had a session where First Nations leaders from each state prayed for Australia. Ps Norman and Ps Barbara both shared stirring prophetic messages. Norman’s was focused on reconciliation – https://youtu.be/lJ62CuLsGLc and Barbara’s was on foundations, including our constitution – https://youtu.be/4xpdb9WTSQI.
We also had a session praying for the seven mountains of cultural influence/spheres – family, government, media, education, economy, religion and celebration/arts with different people appointed to pray for each mountain. Rev 11:15, NIV: “The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: ‘The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever.'” Until then, we are called to be salt and light and a godly influence on our society. Mat 5:13-16 ESV
The last session was praying for Australia as a Nation of Refuge and a blessing to Israel & the Nations (Heb 13:1-2, Lev 19:34, Gen 12:3) with different ethnic groups leading prayer. Australia has a redemptive gift of being a nation of refuge.
We thank the Lord that Ps Irwin Ross and Glen Sebasio, leaders of the Tabernacle of David in Canberra were able to join us on zoom with their congregation and that Ps Ross and Bronwyn Poulton were able to join us on zoom with a group from the Healing Rooms in Nowra.
Barbara released a decree “I decree that the captives who are under the spell of the dragon and the spirit of communism and the leviathan spirit and rainbow serpent will be set free all over Australia and the Asia Pacific and I release the angels of the Lord to accomplish this. I decree all vestiges of the Bamboo Curtin come down and all walls and rulers protecting the enemies of God to crumble. I decree that the people of Australia and Asia Pacific will achieve their God-given destiny and redemptive purpose.”
I (Barbara) went out on a limb on 26.11.20 and released what the Lord put on my heart about the deception that Trump would serve a second consecutive term. WhatsApp groups were furiously reposting what they received from well-known prophets and prayer leaders from the USA and internationally. They were also reposting with gusto and passion about conspiracy theories from alternative media outlets.
The Lord was on my case that this was wrong and that even a lying spirit had been put in the mouth of the prophets. I kept praying, reluctant to release it because who was I and I didn’t want to touch the Lord’s anointed. However, the Lord kept disturbing my sleep and warned me of my and Norman’s responsibility as the leader of prayer networks. Ezekiel was warned that blood would be on his hands if he didn’t warn when called to. (Ezekiel 3:18). So I released 2 messages and Norman also released one. They are below:
We are meant to use our discernment re prophecies and re media reports etc. Please ponder these scriptures and check out the messages below. We need to be careful not to add to deception by spreading it.
1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Mat 24:4-13. V4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
2 Tim 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but having itching ears, they shall heap to themselves teachers in accordance with their own lusts.
Australia Day Prayer 26.1.21 Daniel 2:21, 9:21,10:21 (7+7+7) Daniel Fast 21 days before or after 26.1.21 ZOOM ID 116446220 – REGISTER BY EMAILING US FOR PASSCODE free event, donations welcome
The Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace and Tabernacle of David Cairns have hosted many Australia Day Prayer events, the last two in Canberra and others in Melbourne, Sydney and Yarrabah Aboriginal community.
With covid-19 restrictions we are hosting it online in 2021 but it is shaping up to be an important time to redefine our priorities and to shape our nation into the Godly nation it is called to be. Take the time out to pray for our nation at this critical juncture in our history.
As an apostolic-prophetic team, Ps Norman & Barbara Miller have been a prophetic voice to Australia for many years and have led up a team of government intercessors for the last 2 years as part of the Gathering Apostolic Prophetic (GAP) Network. Ezekiel 22:30 tells us that God looked for someone to stand in the gap for Israel to avert judgement on it. Please be that person God is looking for to stand in the gap for our nation & join us on Australia Day. Indigenous issues will be covered too.
God’s Prophetic Strategy, Keys to Unlock, Establishing God’s Plumbline & Releasing a Miracle Anointing message by Ps Norman Miller. Delivered at a Gathering Apostolic Prayer (GAP) Network meeting 19.11.20
Prophetic words on Moving the Needle at our Gathering Apostolic Prophetic (GAP) Network and earlier prophecy re setting up Tabernacle of Davids throughout Australia and especially in Qld.
Check out our videos on the Government of God, Amos 9:11 Tabernacle of David, Sons of Abraham, Healing the People Healing the Land at Uluru, Following in the Footsteps of the Lighthorse and ANZACS and Following the Footsteps of Jesus in Israel – all ready to download – https://reconciliationandpeace.org/store/
For that last-minute gift that will keep on giving and blessing your loved one or yourself – Christian journals. Get the pdf and print yourself from www.barbara-miller-books.com for an instant download at only $3.99. Or order the printed copy from Amazon. For some reason it is available in Australia but is listed as out of stock on amazon.com so I will get them to fix this. My Bible Study Journal – https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/0648472299/ My Prayer Journal – https://www.amazon.com/dp/0648472280/ My Sermon Notes Journal – https://www.amazon.com/dp/0648472272/
“If I Survive” the gripping story of a Jewish Holocaust survivor is now on Audible, Amazon’s audiobook platform and can be read for free. I would love you to read it and put an honest review on amazon. The link is https://www.amazon.com/If-Survive-Germany-100-Year-Goldsteins/dp/B08QVVMDT4/. If you prefer to read on another platform and would like to leave a review, I can provide a free review copy for you. Just give me a buzz.
A world-first is a Hanukkah menorah made from boomerangs with the permission of the local Aboriginal people. It was set up on the Cairns Esplanade by the Chabad RARA and the candles were lit by MP Bob Katter and Deputy Mayor of Cairns Terry Lewis. Norman and Barbara were privileged to join the Jewish community for this event again this year. Last year Chabad RARA made another world-first by making the menorah out of mangoes.
This year, a menorah stands side by side with a Chrismas tree in the Cairns CBD for the first time. I have included a photo here of a Jewish family with the menorah and Christmas tree in their home which is not as unusual as we might think. The photo is from The Jewish News 23.12.2019.
Chag Hanukkah Sameach and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from our team at CFIRP and TOD.
L – Barbara lighting the Hanukkah menorah or hanukkiyah on the 3rd night. Her message is available – https://youtu.be/IwVqavbui2M R – William Cooper and the Australian Aborigines’ League. On 6 Dec, Abe Schwarz organised the 82nd-anniversary event of their Aboriginal protest march to the German Consulate in 1938 protesting Kristallnacht. It was held at Temple Beth Israel Melbourne and was also an online event at which Barbara was privileged to be a part. David Jack made a documentary of the 1938 protest and the efforts by family and others to carry on the legacy. It was a world-first premiere.
The Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace and Tabernacle of David Cairns have hosted many Australia Day Prayer events, the last two in Canberra and others in Melbourne, Sydney and Yarrabah Aboriginal community. Sen Abetz & Sen Stoker will be sending us prayer videos & national prayer leaders Brian Pickering & Warwick Marsh will pray in the morning. Indigenous leaders from each state will lead prayer also.
With covid-19 restrictions we are hosting it online in 2021 but it is shaping up to be an important time to redefine our priorities and to shape our nation into the Godly nation it is called to be. Take the time out to pray for our nation at this critical juncture in our history – 10am- 4pm AEDT.
As an apostolic-prophetic team, Ps Norman & Barbara Miller have been a prophetic voice to Australia for many years and have led up a team of government intercessors for the last 2 years as part of the Gathering Apostolic Prophetic (GAP) Network. Ezekiel 22:30.
ZOOM ID 116446220 REGISTER BY EMAILING US FOR PASSCODE ──── 10am-4pm AEDT Join as long as you can Free, donations welcome ──── Daniel 2:21, 9:21,10:21 (7+7+7) ──── Daniel Fast 21 days before or after 26.1.21 CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL RECONCILIATION & PEACE
27 Sept 2020 Lev 16:29. This is the holiest day of the year for the appointed feasts of the Lord. The Jewish New Year or Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah, begins the 10 Days of Awe where we come into a time of repentance leading up to Yom Kippur. It looks forward prophetically to the final day of judgement. It is awesome & exciting to know how Jesus (Yeshua) will fulfill this feast & we need our hearts to be right.
Free admission with love offering Registration required for zoom password at cfirp@bigpond.com Zoom ID: 116446220
Main Speaker Ps Avner Boskey, Messianic Jewish author, teacher and musician, lives near Be’er-Sheva in Israel with his wife Rachel. They are the founders of Final Frontier Ministries, a ministry dedicated to stirring up the creative arts, worship, intercession, the prophetic and evangelism. Avner is the author of the book ‘Israel the Key to World Revival,’ ‘A Perspective on Islam’ and ‘A Messianic Perspective on the Restoration of David’s Tabernacle.’ Avner and Rachel have released five CDs – Music & books available at www.davidstent.org.
Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah
18 Sep 20, 7pm-10pm Speakers – David Silver, Israel, Dr Karmeel Majdali, UK & Pete Stucken, Australia
Tabernacles or Sukkot
2 Oct 20, 7pm-10pm Speakers – Dr George Annadorai, Singapore, Norman & Barbara Miller, Australia & Messianic music by Israel Roytman Hosts Ps Jack Yeo and team Emmanuel Blessings Christian Centre Register free at https://emmanuel.com.au/conference-rsvp/ …………………………………………….. Hosts for Yom Kippur – Ps Norman & Barbara Miller, Tabernacle of David & Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace. They lead up a Gathering Apostolic Prophetic Network praying for government and a Tabernacle of David Asia Pacific Prayer Network. They were on the International Council of Elders for many years led by Ps Tom Hess, Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations, leading Australia & the Bethany Gate & were the inaugural leaders of the Indigenous Gate. They have travelled extensively internationally, led ANZAC tours to Israel and have hosted conferences in most capital cities of Australia, 4 in Parliament House Canberra & a Sons of Abraham conference in Jerusalem
Norman and Barbara and our ministry support the National Solemn Assembly and prayer during the Ten Days of Awe between the Feast of Trumpets and Yom Kippur.
National Solemn Assembly prayer by Norman Miller 8.9.20
See the National Day of Prayer website www.nationaldayorprayer.org.au for the full video which is over an hour. This what Barbara Miller shared briefly.
National Solemn Assembly prayer by Norman Miller 15.9.2
National Solemn Assembly prayer by Barbara Miller 15.9.20. If you want more information on de Quiros declaration of the South Land of the Holy Spirit, see a longer video – https://youtu.be/wq0hlhkdBnw. You will be very surprised what you hear. The book can be found on www.barbara-miller-books.com
We would appreciate your prayers re these 2 boomerangs Norman made. The first one on religious freedom was given to Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells in Feb 2020 when we were in Canberra for the National Prayer Assembly. She is campaigning on this issue said she would try to give it to the Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Norman would love to be able to be there for the handover. The second photo, also in Parliament House Canberra, was when Norman gave the boomerang to the then Speaker of the House, Bronwyn Bishop accompanied by Warren Entsch, then and current Member for Leichhardt and Ken Wyatt, current Minister for Indigenous Australians. This was in Nov 2013. As it is now of historical value, Norman has donated it to the Museum of Australian Democracy in Canberra which is housed in the Old Parliament House. He would love to be there for the official handover. Australian constitutional change to remove racism from the constitution and give First Nations people recognition and a voice in it is still in progress.
Free admission with love offering Registration required for zoom password at cfirp@bigpond.com Zoom ID 116446220
──── This is not just a once in a year event. It is a once in a lifetime event as God meets with His people as we near the return of Messiah ────
To donate: Centre International Reconciliation & Peace BSB 064804 Account no 14069281
Feast of Atonement Eve 6-8pm AEST 27 Sept 2020
Lev 16:29. This is the holiest day of the year for the appointed feasts of the Lord. The Jewish New Year or Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah, begins the 10 Days of Awe where we come into a time of repentance leading up to Yom Kippur. It looks forward prophetically to the final day of judgement. It is awesome & exciting to know how Jesus (Yeshua) will fulfill this feast & we need our hearts to be right.
Main Speaker Ps Avner Boskey, Messianic Jewish author, teacher and musician, lives near Be’er-Sheva in Israel with his wife Rachel.
They are the founders of Final Frontier Ministries, a ministry dedicated to stirring up the creative arts, worship, intercession, the prophetic and evangelism. Avner is the author of the book ‘Israel the Key to World Revival,’ ‘Jews, Arabs and the Middle East — a Messianic Perspective’ and ‘A Messianic Perspective on the Restoration of David’s Tabernacle.” Avner and Rachel have released five CDs — ‘Old & New’ (1993), ‘Ancient Gates’ (2001), ‘LaKatzir—For the Harvest’ (2001), ‘Four Winds’ (2011), and ‘Dry Bones Boogie‘ (2015). Music & books available at www.davidstent.org
Hosts Ps Norman & Barbara Miller, Tabernacle of David & Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace.
They lead up a Gathering Apostolic Prophetic Network praying for government and a Tabernacle of David Asia Pacific Prayer Network. They were on the International Council of Elders for many years led by Ps Tom Hess, Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations, leading Australia & the Bethany Gate & were the inaugural leaders of the Indigenous Gate. They have travelled extensively internationally, led ANZAC tours to Israel and have hosted conferences in most capital cities of Australia, 4 in Parliament House Canberra & a Sons ofAbraham conference in Jerusalem.
Pastors Norman & Barbara Miller have been hosting Passover Services now for over 20 years and have been to Israel over a dozen times. This year with Covid-19, they are going virtual. Join us on this link:
Prophet Chuck Pierce says the Coronavirus will be over by Passover so let’s meet at this prophetic time. Passover is when Jesus died on the cross as our Passover Lamb so it is profoundly significant to meet now to honour Him.
Contact us to get your free Passover ebook with order of service, recipes & preparations. Keep posted as we may livestream!
The Australia Day Prayer Conference was hosted by Apostle-Prophet team Norman and Barbara Miller, pastors of Tabernacle of David Cairns and founders Centre of International Reconciliation and Peace with Glen Sebasio and Ps Irwin Ross co-leaders of Tabernacle of David Canberra.
The closing of the airport due to bushfires prevented some participants from coming but others came from around Australia. There were a huge number of testimonies at the end and many cited the freedom to worship, the freedom to share and prophecy and be involved in prophetic acts stood out for them. But most of all the sense that the prayer gathering was flowing with the Holy Spirit and the tangible presence of the Lord. God’s presence was very strong from the beginning. One hour of worship was allocated before the morning and afternoon and night sessions each day but sometimes it went longer with prophetic song. Jacqueline had a vision of a well.
Norman, Glen, Victoria and Andrew worship team
Glen, Norman and Martin
Barbara had a vision of the burning bush where the Lord spoke to Moses to go to Pharaoh and commissioned him to bring the Israelites out of Egypt into the Promised Land. She was led to commission those present to bring people out of the wilderness of sin into the Kingdom of God. (Jesus has already given us all the Great Commission to save souls.)
Norman welcomed the Lord and did a welcome to country for those who had come from overseas and not been welcomed to Australia. He released a prophetic word for 2020 of “Plenty plenty of the Lord in 2020” based on Psalm 65:11 about the Lord crowning the year with bounty or plenty. He said he had called the Australia Day Prayer for 3 days because of Hosea 6 – Return, Revive, Restore and that Australia had been through a lot with the bushfires and drought but God would restore us on the 3rd day. Jacqueline had a rain stick which she used with good effect. It sounded like rain when tilted. Norman then taught on the spirit of Pharaoh and the spirit of Edom which he said was over Australia and taught on Ex 20:20, Nu 20:20 and Psalm 83. He said we were all going to experience an exodus. He explained which nations today represented those in Ps 83. Ps Norman involved people in a prophetic act and prayers for release from these spirits. Barbara declared the tents of the Tabernacle of David would defeat the tents of Edom and other tents arrayed against Israel and that they would repent or be moved into the sea and their name blotted from the record which is what they wish to do to Israel.
In the afternoon, there was a wonderful time of worship in song and worship in dance with Glen leading worship and Irwin leading Israeli dance. The presence of God was tangible. Andrew, Victoria, and Martin were a part of the worship team. Some original songs from Tabernacle of David Cairns were sung during the weekend. Glen led most of the worship but occasionally Norman did. During this worship session, Norman read from Rev 19:1-8 about the fall of Babylon and got us to declare hallelujah with him each time it came up in scripture. This is the shout and victory song from heaven that will come with the fall of Babylon. It was a powerful time. Photo of Irwin below.
After the worship, Barbara commissioned angels to take their place, released a prophetic word for Australia for 2020, made decrees and shared about a spiritual shadow government they had set up after the Australia Day Prayer last year. (Barbara pictured below).
She declared a highway of holiness (Isaiah 35:8) and had us to do a prophetic act where each person removed a stone from the highway (Isaiah 62:10), repented for each stone, closed the door to it and declared a highway of holiness. Barbara had written the stones/sins on paper and put them on the ground like a highway. These stones had been hindering revival and were now removed.
In the evening of the first day, Norman represented the Indigenous people of Australia and spoke of the hurts of colonisation. He said the Lord had given him Genesis 26, the first book of the Bible for January 26, the first month of the year which is Australia Day and we need to overcome conflict and strife and make room in this nation to live together just as Abraham and then Isaac made a treaty with the King of the Philistines. It is the 250th anniversary of Captain Cook mapping the east coast of Australia and claiming it for the UK. He said there was conflict at Botany Bay (now Sydney) and Cook forced his way ashore and wounded an Aboriginal man. He then travelled north along the east coast in 1770 to what is now called Cooktown and he would not share the turtles they caught with the Aboriginal people so there was a fight. Captain Cook wounded an Aboriginal man and as they ran, he kept their spears. Then an Aboriginal elder came forward with the tip of his spear broken off in an act of reconciliation, the first one in Australia, and Cook gave the spears back. Norman showed us a painting he had done of Captain Cook. He said that Dutchman Willem Janszoon was the first European to set foot on Australia at Mapoon, not Cook, and Barbara had written 2 books about it. Norman declared a jubilee because it was 5 jubilees since Cook came and 5 is the number of grace so this is time of restoration of the land and people and a time of grace.
Norman also explained that Australia Day commemorates the arrival of the first fleet from Britain and the setting up of the colony of NSW (and Australia) so Aborigines call it Survival Day or Invasion Day but he calls it from Survival to Revival and from Invasion to Transformation. Norman stood in the gap for his tribe and Aborigines generally and called for acceptance and understanding from the Australians. Ps Norman shared that Governor Philip had named Manly because he thought Aborigines looked manly. He was friendly with some but was speared in the shoulder by one after a misunderstanding. Norman shared he had prophetically removed the spear from Gov Phillip in England on a Reconciliation Tour in 1998. He did it again now, using a real spear he and Glen had made. Norman was also prophetically pulling the spear or wounds out of white Australians with British heritage at the same time.
Glen represented Australian Torres Strait Islanders, the other Indigenous group in Australia, and said that they would stand with Ps Norman and the Australian Aborigines and they respect that Torres Strait Islanders are on Aboriginal land. They are a family who love each other in the Lord. Glen presented Norman with a wooden turtle, traditional food in the Torres Strait, as a reconciliation gesture on behalf of their people groups. Andrew Adair, a white Australian with Jewish heritage, asked for forgiveness for the treatment of Indigenous people as did others including Victoria and Bron. Aboriginal intercessors made a valuable contribution with Hazel praying and prophesying a number of times and Noeleen and Kim contributing to prayer and prophetic acts.
Barbara asked the Chinese delegation – Rev Lifang, Judy and Debbie, Yoko from Japan and Molly from India to standing behind Norman to support him in this important moment. Debbie said they were moved to express the role God has given the Chinese in the ethnic union of Australia. Lifang shared God moved her to find a team to take a mission to Aborigines in the Northern Territory and she joined Judy and others a few years ago. Debbie said that the Aboriginal people were the gatekeepers of the land in Australia and were very precious to God. She said Chinese are grateful that British and American Christians were moved to China for missions by God more than one hundred years ago. Many of them dedicated their lives to China to bring about the revival of the Chinese and Asian happening now. Everything that happened in the past was allowed and planned by God. We can now forgive each other and use the weapons of unity and love to fight the theft and destruction of Satan. Chinese are willing to stand between whites and Indigenous peoples to bring harmony. Judy also said that God moved her to give up the Spring Festival to fly to this special meeting because she knew that God would do something new.
Norman with spear and Victoria reading from the Bible
In the end, Irwin and his wife Jill, who looked after logistics during the conference, kneeled at the feet of Norman and Barbara and honoured them saying they were happy to come under their ministry. He said he felt a healing occurred for him from spears he had received in the past. The four of us held the spear during this. We then did a prophetic act with the spear with Norman and Barbara at the front and all of us holding the spear and charging forward spearheading a healing from colonisation and racism – Indigenous, white Australians, Chinese, Japanese, African and Indian participants together. Norman then struck the ground with the spear 7 times as Elisha had told the king to strike the ground and he only did it 3 times. He said if he had struck the ground 5 or 6 times, the enemy would be completely defeated. This is an arrow or spear of victory. (2 Ki 13:18)
Norman and Barbara shadow the Prime Minister in the spiritual government based on Eph 2:6 and Is 9:6-7. They also call it the GAP Network – Gathering Apostolic Prophetic Network based on Ezek 22:30. There was a panel where the intercessors who had taken up government portfolios shared about their portfolio e.g. health, business, immigration, family services, attorney-general etc. This was a very valuable session. Those who shared were Ps Ross and Bronwyn, Glen, Molly, Michelle, Lilian and Norman and Barbara. Later Jacqueline shared on defence. You need to see the video.
Norman then asked for those who live in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) to stand and there were 12. He declared over them that they needed to use the book of Acts as a blueprint for the church in Canberra and have the revival, signs and wonders of the book of Acts and experience Pentecost fire. Barbara asked Lilian to pray over the 7 mountains of cultural influence as she heads up that ministry in Australia. She broke off many things.
That night, Barbara shared a vision she had of PM Scott Morrison in a game of cricket against the ALP and Greens and they were not happy he won (federal elections) and pulled back on climate change and their opposition to religious freedom. However, with bushfires and drought, their confidence came back and were attacking him on climate change, even hitting him with a cricket bat and bowling underarm. Barbara had a cricket bat and ball with her and decreed that Scott Morrison would not be hit with the bat of climate change or receive an underarm bowl.
As she saw a demon vomiting green matter during that vision, Barbara prayed re the spirit behind this climate change attack on the PM and the Lord showed her Pan, the nature god, half man half goat, a form of satan. The Lord reminded her that she and Norman took a Christian tour group of 50 to pray at Pan’s grotto and Pan temples in 2017. Pan was known to cause panic which is where that word came from. He was lecherous and his stertorous voice could cause fear and death. This is why we have a panic re climate change. In Mt 16:17-19, Jesus says that the gates of hell would not prevail against the church. Jesus declared this at Caesarea Philippi and this is where it was revealed to Peter that Jesus was the Messiah the son of the living God. The gates of hell is a physical place here also called the grotto of Pan where the Greek shepherds in the Hellenistic period would sacrifice goats. People came from around the world to this gateway to the underworld. Later after the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70, the Romans, who also worshipped Pan, took captured Jews here and cruelly killed them in games.
This is not to say that climate change is not an issue and we need good policies to deal with it but the panic mode button has been pressed and it is used for political manipulation. Barbara made decrees regarding climate change and Pan. All decrees made are available separately to this report.
This idol worship was able to come in because King Solomon fell into it and his kingdom was divided into Israel and Judah as a result. Jeroboam 1, the first king of the northern kingdom of Israel, instituted golden calf worship at Dan and Bethel to keep them from going to Jerusalem to observe the feasts commanded by God. Elijah confronted this Baal worship on Mt Carmel. Norman led communion and then Barbara led a prophetic act where we poured out the communion grape juice on a bowl containing a list of spirits including Baal, Asherah, Jezebel, Ahab, Pan, earth worship, false worship and much more. Barbara said she has a more detailed prayer strategy that she and Norman have prayed on Mt Carmel following 1 Kings 18. Barbara then declared an abundance of rain.
On the third day, Glen prayed for the Torres Strait Islands and the Pacific Islands as Michelle stood with him with a sarong from Vanuatu. Norman shared about the Indigenous Friends of Israel that he had set up and the giant boomerangs he made to support religious freedom and remove racism from the constitution. Norman declared the government of Australia is on the shoulders of Jesus and got each nation to do the same.
Chinese delegation & Yoko from Japan Praying for Coronavirus
We prayed for the coronavirus with Melody starting off, joined by Carol and other Chinese. Judy moved the Chinese to repent of their debts to God and the people of Australia so they repented that the Chinese came to Australia to enjoy the benefits of Australia without paying anything for this country. Judy repented and said that China is like an Aboriginal boomerang. God loved China and it was called “God’s Land” since ancient times. Later Chinese moved away from the true God, but China will return to the kingdom of God. There was reconciliation between Japan and China. Norman declared Ps 65 about the Lord crowning the year and Victoria said the virus is like a crown and prayed against it. Norman asked the Chinese to lay their crowns before the Lord and crown Him. Jacqueline had a banner of a crown and the Chinese gathered around it and prayed while everyone prayed in tongues against the virus. Michelle prayed a very insightful prayer for China.
Today, 27 January, was the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Barbara released some decrees re Jerusalem and Israel including that Australia is an armour bearer to Israel just as Jonathan was to David 1 Sam 18:1-3 and then we had a prophetic act. Those with Jewish heritage were put in the middle with the rest in a circle around them and we declared the beautiful words from Ruth 1:16-17. Norman then sensed to make a call to Aliyah for the Jewish people.
After morning tea, we had prayer for the bushfires and drought and then prayed in God’s redemptive purpose for Australia. This included holiness, justice and righteousness and a nation of refuge. A sheep nation had been prayed earlier. We then had a fire tunnel so every participant could be prayed for.
After lunch, we had a time of waiting on the Lord after worship and then many people broke out in spontaneous thanks to the Lord from their seats for areas of breakthrough they sensed. Afterwards, Barbara led repentance for Australia for sins that defile the land:
Shedding of innocent blood (Nu 35:33)
Broken covenants (Isaiah 24:4-6)
Sexual immorality (Lev 18:20-25)
Idolatry (Jer 3:9) and
Injustice to widows, orphans and strangers (Deut 10:18)
We then had a time of testimonies and rejoicing. At one time, Barbara sang in prophetic song and a person gave testimony they saw angels as she sang. At a meeting with the Tabernacle of David Canberra on the following Tuesday night, we prayed extensively re the bushfires. Thanks to all who helped make this successful – Jill, Irwin, Glen, Margaret, Suzie, Anik, Yoko, Victoria, Andrew, Martin and most of all to the Lord. Photo of Hazel sharing.