RECONCILIATION NEWZ BUZZ Oct 2024 no 3, Oct 17 Newsletter

Chag Sukkot sameach or Happy Sukkot!
16-23 October 2024

Yom Kippur Message, a Christian View
by Ps Barbara Miller 12.10.24
Life and Death is in the Balance, G’mar Chatima Tovah – May your name be sealed in the Book of Life for a good year!

Register HERE as the link on the flyer is not clickable.

Etienne Sakr has a biography written about his amazing life by Mordechai Nisan “The Conscience of Lebanon.” Mordechai is an Israeli professor and scholar of Middle East Studies at the Rothberg International School of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Etienne will hopefully join us live but if not by pre-recorded interview with Barbara and a family member of his to do the Q and A. He is very much in demand at the moment with the crisis in Lebanon.

Etienne’s daughter, Pascale, is a famous singer and we will open with a song of hers – the Lord’s prayer – in Aramaic, the language of Jesus. So spread the word!

We are blessed to have our own Ps Norman Miller as a speaker. He has led international teams to Israel, visiting 12 times and is an international conference host and speaker and an award-winning author.

Run the Good Race to Completion
by Ps Norman Miller

Visits by Millers to Sydney, Canberra and Brisbane

See our Indigenous Friends of Israel (IFI) International newsletter to see our photos and reports of our visits for Oct 7 commemorations and much more. Subscribe HERE by going to the bottom of the home page. 

Our IFI newsletter that came out today can be found HERE (it would not normally come out the same day as this one.) 

We had hoped to attend events in Israel 23 Oct to 1 Nov for the grand opening of the Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem and related events but are not going now as most of the events except the symposium have been postponed till next year. Please keep Israel in prayer as it is in an existential battle but we know that Israel will prevail as Jesus or Yeshua will sit on His throne in Jerusalem one day and rule the world from there.


Our Public Relations Campaign is underway though the Gofundme campaign to support it is very slow to gain momentum. We don’t have any paid staff and have limited funds. Please help spread the word about it, donate yourself no matter how small, and volunteer. We are pleased an experienced curriculum writer is looking at the Queensland schools curriculum for us to see where we can get an inroad and will help us prepare materials. 

Barbara has already written a training manual for adults and upper secondary with activities. We have met with the Executive Council of Australian Jewry which is a peak body for Australian Jews and they have asked to partner with us which is great.

We are continuing with our monthly zoom seminar series and daily social media reaching out worldwide to counter lies re current events and history. 

Adam Kreuzer who is Education Officer for the Australian Jewish Association is writing regular articles for our website and we have been working for a couple of years with Eli Rabinowitz of the WE ARE HERE Foundation in Perth as he is an educator.

The Australian Jewish News wrote an article about our project last week SEE HERE

You can donate HERE as the donate to support button on the banner is not a link.



In a world where misinformation and prejudice often overshadow truth, it’s crucial to elevate voices that stand for justice, compassion, and education. The Indigenous Friends of Israel International is dedicated to fostering understanding, combating disinformation, and supporting the Jewish community both locally and internationally.

Please see the website to find out more information and see the video below to be inspired. We need your help. CLICK HERE

Education Campaign Against Antisemitism by Indigenous Friends of Israel International 

Please get involved! We need your help!

We would love to connect with you and help you support Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, working against calls for its destruction and the genocide of its people. These calls are advancing at great pace since October 7. Indigenous Friends of Israel formed in July 2017 because of concerns over Australia’s policy towards Israel. Since then we have gone international as antisemitism is international and isan ancient hatred. The forces standing against Israel also oppose Western and/or Judeo-Christian values which have helped us achieve a society with social cohesion and the rule of law.

Please help us take a stand against antisemitism, and for a community where all are valued and safe.  There are many opportunities to use your passion, gifting and skills as avolunteer whether you are a person of faith or not.  United we stand and divided we fall. Please complete the form to volunteer.

Are you good at creating or sharing social media, fundraising, administration, film and video making, government advocacy, newsletters, speaking, representing a geographical area, organising zoom meetings or do you have other giftings or talents that you can use to bless the Lord, the Jewish people, and Israel. It doesn’t matter where you live in the world, you can get involved. Check it out here.

Donations to the ministry of the Centre for International Reconciliation & Peace
BSB: 064804 Account no: 14069302 Swift code: ctbaau2s

Commonwealth of Australia Bank, 120 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Donations to Pastors Account BSB: 064804 Account no: 14258760


Reconciliation Newz Buzz 2020 No 4 Sept 2020

Yom Kippur

Feast of Atonement Eve 6-8pm AEST
27 Sept 2020

27 Sept 2020
Lev 16:29. This is the holiest day of the year for the appointed feasts of the Lord. The Jewish New Year or Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah, begins the 10 Days of Awe where we come into a time of repentance leading up to Yom Kippur. It looks forward prophetically to the final day of judgement. It is awesome & exciting to know how Jesus (Yeshua) will fulfill this feast & we need our hearts to be right.

Free admission with love offering
Registration required for zoom password
Zoom ID: 116446220

Main Speaker Ps Avner Boskey, Messianic Jewish author, teacher and musician, lives near Be’er-Sheva in Israel with his wife Rachel. They are the founders of Final Frontier Ministries, a ministry dedicated to stirring up the creative arts, worship, intercession, the prophetic and evangelism. Avner is the author of the book ‘Israel the Key to World Revival,’ ‘A Perspective on Islam’ and ‘A Messianic Perspective on the Restoration of David’s Tabernacle.’ Avner and Rachel have released five CDs – Music & books available at

Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah

18 Sep 20, 7pm-10pm
Speakers – David Silver, Israel, Dr Karmeel Majdali, UK & Pete Stucken, Australia

Tabernacles or Sukkot

2 Oct 20, 7pm-10pm
Speakers – Dr George Annadorai, Singapore, Norman & Barbara Miller, Australia & Messianic music by Israel Roytman
Hosts Ps Jack Yeo and team Emmanuel Blessings Christian Centre
Register free at

Hosts for Yom Kippur – Ps Norman & Barbara Miller, Tabernacle of David & Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace. They lead up a Gathering Apostolic Prophetic Network praying for government and a Tabernacle of David Asia Pacific Prayer Network. They were on the International Council of Elders for many years led by Ps Tom Hess, Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations, leading Australia & the Bethany Gate & were the inaugural leaders of the Indigenous Gate. They have travelled extensively internationally, led ANZAC tours to Israel and have hosted conferences in most capital cities of Australia, 4 in Parliament House Canberra & a Sons of Abraham conference in Jerusalem

Norman and Barbara and our ministry support the National Solemn Assembly and prayer during the Ten Days of Awe between the Feast of Trumpets and Yom Kippur. 
National Solemn Assembly prayer by Norman Miller 8.9.20
See the National Day of Prayer website for the full video which is over an hour. This what Barbara Miller shared briefly.
National Solemn Assembly prayer by Norman Miller 15.9.2
National Solemn Assembly prayer by Barbara Miller 15.9.20. If you want more information on de Quiros declaration of the South Land of the Holy Spirit, see a longer video – You will be very surprised what you hear. The book can be found on

We would appreciate your prayers re these 2 boomerangs Norman made. The first one on religious freedom was given to Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells in Feb 2020 when we were in Canberra for the National Prayer Assembly. She is campaigning on this issue said she would try to give it to the Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Norman would love to be able to be there for the handover. The second photo, also in Parliament House Canberra, was when Norman gave the boomerang to the then Speaker of the House, Bronwyn Bishop accompanied by Warren Entsch, then and current Member for Leichhardt and Ken Wyatt, current Minister for Indigenous Australians. This was in Nov 2013. As it is now of historical value, Norman has donated it to the Museum of Australian Democracy in Canberra which is housed in the Old Parliament House. He would love to be there for the official handover. Australian constitutional change to remove racism from the constitution and give First Nations people recognition and a voice in it is still in progress.

Yom Kippur


Free admission with love offering
Registration required for zoom password

Zoom ID

This is not just a once in a year event. It is a once in a lifetime event as God meets with His people as we near the return of Messiah

To donate:
Centre International Reconciliation & Peace
BSB 064804  Account no 14069281

Feast of Atonement Eve 6-8pm AEST 27 Sept 2020

Lev 16:29. This is the holiest day of the year for the appointed feasts of the Lord. The Jewish New Year or Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah, begins the 10 Days of Awe where we come into a time of repentance leading up to Yom Kippur.  It looks forward prophetically to the final day of judgement. It is awesome & exciting to know how Jesus (Yeshua) will fulfill this feast & we need our hearts to be right.

Main Speaker Ps Avner Boskey, Messianic Jewish author, teacher and musician, lives near Be’er-Sheva in Israel with his wife Rachel.

They are the founders of Final Frontier Ministries, a ministry dedicated to stirring up the creative arts, worship, intercession, the prophetic and evangelism. Avner is the author of the book ‘Israel the Key to World Revival,’ ‘Jews, Arabs and the Middle East — a Messianic Perspective’ and ‘A Messianic Perspective on the Restoration of David’s Tabernacle.” Avner and Rachel have released five CDs — ‘Old & New’ (1993), ‘Ancient Gates’ (2001), ‘LaKatzir—For the Harvest’ (2001), ‘Four Winds’ (2011), and ‘Dry Bones
Boogie‘ (2015). Music & books available at


Hosts Ps Norman & Barbara Miller, Tabernacle of David & Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace.

They lead up a Gathering Apostolic Prophetic Network praying for government and a Tabernacle of David Asia Pacific Prayer Network. They were on the International Council of Elders for many years led by Ps Tom Hess, Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations, leading Australia & the Bethany Gate & were the inaugural leaders of the Indigenous Gate. They have travelled extensively internationally, led ANZAC tours to Israel and have hosted conferences in most capital cities of Australia, 4 in Parliament House Canberra & a Sons ofAbraham conference in Jerusalem.

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Supported by Indigenous Friends of Israel & Walkabout Zion