The International Coalition for Israel and the European Coalition for Israel plan to honour Israel on the eve of Rosh HaShanah 5782 on 5 September with a 6-hour live-streamed event where Christian and Jewish communities around the world will contribute short pre-recorded segments which include a declaration of support for Israel.

It is also a response to the 20th anniversary of the Durban conference that originated the Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) movement and put out false propaganda that Israel is a racist and apartheid state responsible for crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing. It demanded the re-institution of the UN resolution equating Zionism with racism. Ignoring all the instances of racism around the world, it focused on Israel in an anti-Semitic tirade. Unfortunately, the World Council of Churches supported it.

We are honoured to participate in this event. We honour Dr George Annadorai’s part in this as well.


Yom Teruah 7 Sept 7-9.30pm Sydney AEST time. Speakers Ps David Silver, Israel, Dre Kameel Majdali, UK and Ps Barbara Miller, Australia.
Ps Jack Yeo and his team at Emmanuel Blessings in Sydney are hosting an exciting event for Rosh HaShannah event by zoom.

David Silver is the founder of Out of Zion Ministries based in Mt Carmel and is a Messianic Jew who travels widely sharing his passion for Israel to be a light to the nations and ushering in the Kingdom.

Kameel Majdali is the founder of Teach All Nations Inc based in Melbourne and London. Hw is a dynamic preacher with a prophetic edge. He is an author and hosts radio programs and Israel tours.

A prolific author, Barbara Miller is part of the apostle-prophet team of Norman and Barbara Miller, co-founder of the Centre of International Reconciliation and Peace and co-pastor of the Tabernacle of David Cairns.
Zoom ID 844 7401 6969
Free but registration required for zoom password,

Photo above from one of our yearly Sukkot services.

We are hosting events for Yom Kippur and Sukkot but encourage you to attend Ps Jack Yeo and his team at Emmanuel Blessings in Sydney for Sukkot by zoom. 

Tuesday 21 Sept 2021 Sydney AEST 7-9.30pm

Speakers Ps Guy Cohen, Israel, Dr George Annadorai, Singapore and Pete Stucken, Australia.

Guy Cohen is founder of Harvest of Asher in Akko, Israel and is a Messianic Jew who pastors Jews and Arabs and ministers to the nations.

George Annadorai founded Shalom Israel (Asia Pacific) and is a father of faith to the nations. He has received several commendations from the Israel Knesset for his work with Holocaust survivors and others.

Pete Stucken is the Chairman of the International Board and Asia Pacific Board of Ebenezer Operation Exodus helping Jews make Aliyah. He is based in Sydney with wife Fiona who is Prayer Coordinator.

Zoom ID 844 7401 6969
Free but registration required for zoom password,


By Ps Barbara Miller

I was in church praying for revival at our prayer meeting before our Saturday service. I had a vision of Afghanistan and the people trying to get on planes to flee. Then I sensed that this was a picture of the end times of people wanting to escape hell with Afghanistan being like hell on earth. Many people got to the airport too late or couldn’t get there because of obstructions or enemy fire. Some died in the process and some were left behind.

One day there will be a frantic rush to be saved into the kingdom of God before it is too late. In one sense it will be like a revival with people desperate to get to heaven. But some will wait too long and some will be prevented by the enemy of our souls. Some will be left behind because they choose to stay, that is, not to be saved, and some will be too late in their attempt.

We need to earnestly pray that the church will not be too slow to help rescue these people as the Allied forces were with helping people get out of Afghanistan. The Allied forces tried valiantly in the end but needed to have the foresight to plan the rescue operation better, earlier and more strategically. It is time for the church to strategize afresh for the Great Commission and our heavenly rescue operation.

By Ps Norman Miller
Part of a 24.7 worship event led by Malaysian Christians. Ps Norman is First Nations Australian but has Malay heritage so was invited to participate. He was blessed to take part in the wonderful worship. 7am 7.7.21

This photo is a screenshot from National Indigenous TV (NITV) when Munganbana Norman joined the National Aborigines and Islanders Week (NAIDOC) parade and held up a large hand declaring “No Euthanasia” and a giant boomerang he made with “Voice Treaty Truth,” a cry of many Indigneous Australians. As well as being a pastor, he is an artist –

The state of Queensland is debating Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) in parliament next week and there are grave concerns it will pass because the ALP government is pushing it. There are no protections for faith-based health services and doctors and Catholic hospitals say they will refuse to cooperate. Please pray. Norman has done interviews with Cairns ABC and a number of newspapers. He founded the Voice of First Nations Peoples Against Euthanasia some months ago. Contact him if you want to support this. This is an article Norman and Barbara wrote on euthanasia for News Weekly –

RECONCILIATION NEWZ BUZZ 2021 no 2 Feb-March 2021 Newsletter of Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace

Passover with Cairns Jewish Community 27.3.21
Passover message by Ps Barbara Miller on 27.3.21 at our service before joining the Jewish community. We have been celebrating Passover (Pesach) for nearly 25 years now. Last year we hosted the Passover Service or Pesach Seder by zoom and many joined us from around Australia. Please excuse the background noise made by our fans.


Our GAP Network has been earnestly praying for our nation and its government as all the issues in Australian society re the treatment of women have been weaponised by the Opposition and the media against our Christian Prime Minister who himself is a family man of good character. Please keep him and his family in prayer and if you want to contact us re the prayers and decrees we have been using to use them yourself, please do.


I sense that we are at a real tipping point in our nation and the scales could go one way or the other. We really are at a time of crisis in our nation. I was seeing a precipice like our nation was on the precipice. It is a very precarious position. Our prayers are critical so please pray earnestly.


I decree a divine reversal of all legislation and policies of all governments, and policies of all businesses and institutions in Australia that are anti-Christian including those relating to abortion, euthanasia and anti-family values. I decree reversal to the mindsets and hearts of those who develop and maintain anti-Godly legislation and policies in Australia. I decree reversal to the spirits behind this legislation and these policies.

I agree with scripture and say “the Lord rebuke you” (Jude 1:9)

I decree Jeremiah 1:10 over Australia that as His spiritual government, we will fulfil His word – “See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.” I decree that those who oppose You Lord in Australia who are in positions of influence in any sphere will have the opportunity to repent and reverse course or be removed. I decree they will be replaced by those who will build and plant into Australia a love for You, revival and transformation.


Above left is a photo taken at our Bethany Gate All Pacific Prayer Assembly in Cairns for the 400th anniversary of de Quiros’ declaration of the South Land of the Holy Spirit. Former Prime Minister of Vanuatu, Mr Edward Natapei and Rev Michael Maeliau from the Solomon Islands are speaking. On the right is our Psalm 24:7 conference in Sydney. Norman’s grandmother and mother and Mick Mundine are coming ashore at Sydney harbour on the Tribal Warrior boat re-enacting the British arrival in Australia and coming in the opposite spirit. You can access these videos here –

Speak God’s Word Into Your House by Ps Norman Miller 13.2.21

This boomerang that Norman made and presented to Parliament on 27.11.13 2013 with about 360 signatures on the back asking for constitutional change is now housed in the Museum of Australian Democracy in Canberra (the old Parliament House) after being donated by Norman. In this photo, he presented it to Warren Entsch MP, Bronwyn Bishop, then Speaker of the House, Ken Wyatt MP and now Minister for Indigenous Australians. Norman was campaigning for removal of racism from the Australian constitution as well as constitutional recognition. The Uluru statement for “voice treaty truth” is a good one but it has yet to be implemented and there is disagreement between Indigenous people as to whether the voice should be legislated or enshrined in the constitution. The issue of removing racism from the constitution appears to have lost momentum with the emphasis on the voice. Please keep these issues in prayer.

Purim, the Feast of Esther 2.3.21


As well as having Indigenous people from the various states praying for our nation, Norman prayed for Indigenous leaders.

Norman prayed for a double portion anointing to come on Indigenous leaders. He also shared in summary, “Ps 118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. We were born for such a time as this. Can a nation be born again in a day? Isa 66. Yes, Israel was and so now is Australia. We are going to have an Awakening. The Lord also spoke to me out of Ex 20:20 where Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.” And we have had a year of testing with covid-19.

I believe the next 7 years are critical for our nation 2021-2028. Israel will turn 80 in 2028. Moses was 80 years old when he confronted Pharaoh. We need to free the 7 mountains from the spirit of Pharaoh and Babylon. First Nations people need to align with the Lion of the tribe of Judah who is roaring. We have not sold our birthright. The 7 mountains also need to be delivered from the spirit of Edom and Esau. Obadiah 1:21 says “Deliverers will go up on Mount Zion to govern the mountains of Esau. And the kingdom will be the LORD’s.”

God’s Word Can Transform Your World 13.3.21

Reconciliation Newz Buzz 2020 No 6 Dec 2020

Australia Day Prayer 26.1.21
Daniel 2:21, 9:21,10:21 (7+7+7)
Daniel Fast 21 days before or after 26.1.21
free event, donations welcome

The Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace and Tabernacle of David Cairns have hosted many Australia Day Prayer events, the last two in Canberra and others in Melbourne, Sydney and Yarrabah Aboriginal community.

With covid-19 restrictions we are hosting it online in 2021 but it is shaping up to be an important time to redefine our priorities and to shape our nation into the Godly nation it is called to be. Take the time out to pray for our nation at this critical juncture in our history.

As an apostolic-prophetic team, Ps Norman & Barbara Miller have been a prophetic voice to Australia for many years and have led up a team of government intercessors for the last 2 years as part of the Gathering Apostolic Prophetic (GAP) Network. Ezekiel 22:30 tells us that God looked for someone to stand in the gap for Israel to avert judgement on it. Please be that person God is looking for to stand in the gap for our nation & join us on Australia Day. Indigenous issues will be covered too.

God’s Prophetic Strategy, Keys to Unlock, Establishing God’s Plumbline & Releasing a Miracle Anointing message by Ps Norman Miller. Delivered at a Gathering Apostolic Prayer (GAP) Network meeting 19.11.20
Prophetic words on Moving the Needle at our Gathering Apostolic Prophetic (GAP) Network and earlier prophecy re setting up Tabernacle of Davids throughout Australia and especially in Qld.

Check out our videos on the Government of God, Amos 9:11 Tabernacle of David, Sons of Abraham, Healing the People Healing the Land at Uluru, Following in the Footsteps of the Lighthorse and ANZACS and Following the Footsteps of Jesus in Israel – all ready to download –

For that last-minute gift that will keep on giving and blessing your loved one or yourself – Christian journals. Get the pdf and print yourself from for an instant download at only $3.99. Or order the printed copy from Amazon. For some reason it is available in Australia but is listed as out of stock on so I will get them to fix this.
My Bible Study Journal –
My Prayer Journal – 
My Sermon Notes Journal –

“If I Survive” the gripping story of a Jewish Holocaust survivor is now on Audible, Amazon’s audiobook platform and can be read for free. I would love you to read it and put an honest review on amazon. The link is If you prefer to read on another platform and would like to leave a review, I can provide a free review copy for you. Just give me a buzz. 

A world-first is a Hanukkah menorah made from boomerangs with the permission of the local Aboriginal people. It was set up on the Cairns Esplanade by the Chabad RARA and the candles were lit by MP Bob Katter and Deputy Mayor of Cairns Terry Lewis. Norman and Barbara were privileged to join the Jewish community for this event again this year. Last year Chabad RARA made another world-first by making the menorah out of mangoes. 

This year, a menorah stands side by side with a Chrismas tree in the Cairns CBD for the first time. I have included a photo here of a Jewish family with the menorah and Christmas tree in their home which is not as unusual as we might think. The photo is from The Jewish News 23.12.2019.

Chag Hanukkah Sameach and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from our team at CFIRP and TOD.

L – Barbara lighting the Hanukkah menorah or hanukkiyah on the 3rd night. Her message is available –
R – William Cooper and the Australian Aborigines’ League. On 6 Dec, Abe Schwarz organised the 82nd-anniversary event of their Aboriginal protest march to the German Consulate in 1938 protesting Kristallnacht. It was held at Temple Beth Israel Melbourne and was also an online event at which Barbara was privileged to be a part. David Jack made a documentary of the 1938 protest and the efforts by family and others to carry on the legacy. It was a world-first premiere.

In a historic moment, the German government made an official apology to Australian Aborigines for snubbing the protest and this was recorded on the documentary and in Australian newspapers
Barry Rodgers of Beersheba Vision interviewed Barbara for the anniversary of Kristallnacht and the protest of Australian Aborigines against it as she is William Cooper’s biographer. It was on Jewish radio J-Air –