We would love you to get involved. Thanks to those from many nations who have become members and are getting involved. Follow our facebook, instagram, linkedin and/or youtube pages and join our whatsapp group. Find links here
Jesus Loves You: Make Heaven Your Eternal Home by Ps Barbara Miller 27.7.24
Indigenous Friends of Israel International seminar 22.7.24 Speakers Ps Avi Mizrachi, key leader from Israel and Ps Milo Siilata, Pacific leader from NZ.
An Evening with Lilian Schmid – new Book “For His Glory”
Aug 19, 2024 08:00 PM Sydney Time ON ZOOM
An Interview not to be missed.
-What an encouraging contribution to the ministry of prayer. The book ‘For His Glory’ by Lilian is a very personal and relevant discussion on not only the need for constant prayer but also the need for biblical forgiveness, suffering and healing. This is not just any ordinary book but rather it is a daily reminder of the need for all of us to live out 1 Peter 3:15 and so to be ready to ‘give an answer’ for the hope that we have in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Lilian has managed to bring together the essential requirements for Christians, and indeed non-Christinas, who wish to live out a biblical worldview. This book is by my bedside table constantly.
Below are some comments from the Reviewers (full texts are inside the book): “For His Glory… will challenge you to life solely and fully for Christ” – Mark Bilton, Independent Chair, Strategist and Leaders Advocate.
“It gives me great pleasure to commend For His Glory as Lilian’s testimony and as significant fruit of her calling” – Rev. Peter Robinson, former CEO of Generate Ministries.
“A tour through God’s orchestra where we get to stop and wonder at each part as they contribute to this symphony For His Glory” – Dr. Jim Twelves, Christian Educator.
“Personal, biblical, and very inspirational” – Marina Maria, Founder, Global Gospel Worship Radio.
“Full of golden nuggets from a tried and tested international prayer leader” – Ps. Barbara Miller, author, co-founder of the Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace.
“Will make you jump from one revelation to another” – Olivier Fleury, founder of JC2033, Lausanne, Switzerland.
“I see many of the solutions to problems that I have had to face” – Rev. Dr Jeffry David Camm
“Lilian has managed to bring together the essential requirements for Christians” – Greg Bondar, Managing Director – Australia & New Zealand, Every Home for Christ.
These books are also listed on the website at Both books are available as paperback books and Kindle eBooks. For His Glory is also available in hardcover, shipped from Amazon in the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, France, and Italy (Amazon hardcover books are not yet printed in other countries).
End of Free Worship and Prayer by Ps Norman Miller, Tabernacle of David Cairns 20.7.24 Ps Enoch Lavender from Olive Tree Ministries shared about his new book “Jubilee and End Times” at our Sat service. See it on Facebook where it was livestreamed except for the tail end – Subscribe to our Facebook page for more livestreaming of our services and to our Youtube page.
Sons of Abraham conference Sydney 2015 Ps Barbara Miller Isaiah 19 Highway Sess 16
This may be a surprise addition but I shared a prophetic word on Facebook and I received an email from a reader who wanted information on the Isaiah 19 Highway. I thought others may be interested too so I have included my earlier conference message here.
Please get involved! We need your help!
We would love to connect with you and help you support Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, working against calls for its destruction and the genocide of its people. These calls are advancing at great pace since October 7. Indigenous Friends of Israel formed in July 2017 because of concerns over Australia’s policy towards Israel. Since then we have gone international as antisemitism is international and isan ancient hatred. The forces standing against Israel also oppose Western and/or Judeo-Christian values which have helped us achieve a society with social cohesion and the rule of law.
Please help us take a stand against antisemitism, and for a community where all are valued and safe. There are many opportunities to use your passion, gifting and skills as a volunteer whether you are a person of faith or not. United we stand and divided we fall. Please complete the form to volunteer.
Are you good at creating or sharing social media, fundraising, administration, film and video making, government advocacy, newsletters, speaking, representing a geographical area, organising zoom meetings or do you have other giftings or talents that you can use to bless the Lord, the Jewish people, and Israel. It doesn’t matter where you live in the world, you can get involved. Check it out here.
Donations to the ministry of the Centre for International Reconciliation & Peace BSB: 064804 Account no: 14069302 Swift code: ctbaau2s
Commonwealth of Australia Bank, 120 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Donations to Pastors Account BSB: 064804 Account no: 14258760
Tumbleweed, Chaff and Psalm 83 by Ps Norman Miller, Tabernacle of David Cairns 27.4.24
By Barbara Miller
While praying for Australia before our church service on Saturday 27/4/24, I remembered a word the Lord had given me for an Australia Day prayer conference we held in Canberra before Covid. In it, I had a vision of a rudder that could turn around the ship of our nation back to Judeo-Christian values. A rudder is small but it can turn a big ship around. So I asked the Lord, what is the rudder we need now to turn our nation around and I was surprised to be guided in prayer that the rudder is the alleged stabbing of the Assyrian Bishop recently by a boy charged with terrorism who had shouted allahu akbar as he did it with the bishop forgiving him
On reflection, two changes occurred. One was that police and ASIO who had not acted when Jews were assaulted by Muslims, when Islamic hate preachers preached death to Jews and street protestors shouted kill the Jews etc, acted quickly this time. They found a terror network of teenagers, arresting them on the eve of Anzac Day to avert a terror attack. This may have been because a Christian Arab was attacked rather than a Jew and/or the crowds that would be out for Anzac Day. With about 2,000 rioters gathering outside the church after the livestreamed alleged stabbing, police were injured and police cars damaged because police protected the perpetrator. They were likely concerned re Arab on Arab violence.
Secondly this bishop, Mar Mari Emmanuel, already reportedly had 120,000 followers before the alleged attempted murder but now his profile is greatly increased and he is someone who is not frightened to stand up for biblical values and challenge Islam. He has visited Gaza in the past and may be critical of Israel. However, I will be praying the Lord uses him to speak fearlessly for Judeo-Christian values.
In my prayer, I also saw a stone being dropped in a pool and the ripples going out from it and felt it was healing waves so I pray that the Lord will heal our nation from the division and lack of social cohesion that has beset it and bring revival.
However, we have another development this morning in that messages on signal indicate that, a few days after the alleged stabbing of the bishop, the teens said that their next target would be Jews. This has obviously alarmed the Jewish community along with anti-Israel camps being set up at Sydney and Melbourne universities and 5-year-olds being taught by their teacher to chant “intifada” and “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”, a genocidal call to wipe Israel and Jewish people off the map. The call to prayer is urgent so that God would turn our nation around to be a sheep nation not a goat nation (Matt 25).
Australia Realigns its Policy to Support Hamas and Turns its back on Israel Joining Psalm 83 Nations
Ps Barbara Miller 13/4/24 An earlier shorter message – Australia now aligned with Psalm 83 nations against Israel, a warning of judgment by Ps Barbara Miller, 11/4/24 Call to prayer and repentance CLICK HERE TO SEE IT
Palestinian Pastor Bassem Adranly who translated the plaque of apology into Arabic with Barbara who wrote the apology. Right are our teams of ANZAC Christians with Jacqueline Bedson of Australia and the Rozmus family of NZ laying a wreath at the grave of Leslie Lowry at Ramleh Cemetery 2017.
“While Surafend is a little-known part of our ANZAC history, I went there twice in 2010 and 2017, met locals and researched the history,” said author, historian and pastor Barbara Miller. “For the pro-Palestinian lobby of Australian teachers to denigrate the ANZAC legacy by rewriting it emphasizing Surafend, tying it erroneously to the Israel-Gaza war and belittling the sacrifice of so many Australian soldiers and their families on the eve of ANZAC Day is disgusting.”
Co-founder of the Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace with her husband Pastor Norman Miller, Ms Miller said, “The Victorian Teachers and School Staff for Palestine (TSSP) have produced their own material with which to indoctrinate our children with their anti-Israel, anti-Australian agenda. They should at least get their facts right.
“Their 40-page booklet titled Teaching for Palestine: Challenging Anzac Day will ignore teaching resources from the Australian War Memorial though it is aligned with the national curriculum. The teachers are reportedly concerned with imperialistic and militaristic views.
“What happened at Surafend? The war was over and the ANZACs were camped near the Bedouin village of Surfend on 10 December 1918. The troops were tired of the British protecting the Arabs who had a long record of thieving and other harassment. SEE MORE
Passover Message by Ps Barbara Miller 21/4/24 This message was delivered by zoom to Emmanuel Blessings Church in Sydney
Never Again is Now meeting Gold Coast April 24 L-R Libby Burke & David Qld jewish Board of Deputies, Ps Dale Smith, Rev Mark Leach, Ps Barbara Miller, Ps Ruth Smith. Rev Mark Leach speaking.
Left – Rev Mark Leach, LIbby Burke speakers introduced by Ps Joel Baker Flame Tree church Nambour. Right – Ps Norman and Barbara Miller with Warren and Chris Woodward and LIda, our friends
Left Barbara with William at the end of the April 18 meeting at the Qld Holocaust Museum. There was an opportunity to tour the museum before the meeting. Right – Rev Mark Leach and Libby Burke spoke at the museum but this is a photo of Mark speaking at the Sydney rally with Norman’s painting behind him. About 12,000 attended the Sydney rally in Feb. All meetings in Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Brisbane were well attended. Norman and Barbara especially travelled from Cairns to support Never Again is Now. . THIS PAINTING IS FOR SALE 2M X 1.8M. DO YOU KNOW ANYONE INTERESTED?
Ps Barbara Miller closing in prayer after Never Again is Now meeting Qld Holocaust Museum Brisbane 18/4/24Don’t miss out on this amazing event to comfort the Jewish people (Isaiah 40:1-5) and stand up for the Judeo-Christian roots of our faith. Our Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace and Indigenous Friends of Israel (visit) support this event & the NAIN movement against antisemitism. It is also good to see a greater level of cooperation between Christians & Jews.
Register Melbourne rally 19 May link below Register Perth 16 June link below Get involved as a volunteer to help make this a success
Passover Seder Beginning to Dinner – Tabernacle of David Cairns hosted by Ps Norman & Barbara Miller Part 2 After dinner to end of Seder click HERE
Norman and I attended the wonderful Pesach Seder of the Chabad in Cairns. About 120 people enjoyed their time in a marquee led by Rabbi Ari Rubin.
Donations to the ministry of the Centre for International Reconciliation & Peace BSB: 064804 Account no: 14069302 Swift code: ctbaau2s
Commonwealth of Australia Bank, 120 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Donations to Pastors Account BSB: 064804 Account no: 14258760
Join Adelaide rally and push back the tide of antisemitism in Australia. Register here for Adelaide and other Australian capital cities
Never Again is Now Sydney 18 Feb photos. Top left – former PM Scott Morrison addressing huge crowd. Top right – Ps Norman Miller singing with band pre-event with his large canvas painting as the backdrop to the stage. It is for sale and is 2m x 1.8m so please contact us if interested. Bottom left – Norman with Indigenous Friends of Israel placard “Jews are Indigenous to Israel” with Sen Jacquie Lambie. Bottom right – Meiran who organised amazing art, mostly from Israel, on the breasts of the cardboard cutouts which represent the Israeli hostages taken into Gaza. Norman and Barbara pictured with Norman’s art on one of them.
Comments on the Never Again is Now event Sydney 18.2.24 and Prophecy by Ps Barbara Miller 24.2.24
4 Visions from Purim 2023 and how they relate to Oct 7. (Matthew 16:17-19). Also, comment on goat governments (Matthew 25:31-40) and a vision of the word martyrdom seen on a stone monument with a stone wall behind it 23.2.24. The word “martyrdom” was then front page of “The Australian” newspaper on 26.2.24 as well as in the same paper the day before.
The article quotes speaker at rally saying Palestinian mothers were worshipped when their sons or daughters were martyred …. so how are you going to defeat us?
Never Again is Now, a spontaneous song by Ps Norman Miller
This was a groundbreaking event as Indigenous people from the nations gathered in Jerusalem for the opening. As Indigenous Friends of Israel, we were not able to be there but gave our support via our logo and words of support. Spearheaded by the Indigenous Coalition for Israel which was founded by former NZ cabinet minister Hon Alfred Ngaro and NZ academic Dr Sheree Trotter, it was a great step forward in showing international Indigenous solidarity with Israel.
Australia’s wonderful prayer pioneers above. Ps Kym Farnik and Rev James Condon helped Ps Warwick and Alison Marsh hand out lifetime awards to the above recipients who are mentioned in my video message. We were blessed to be given a book about sitting at the feet of Jesus written by Noel and Barbara Bell which I share about in my video also. Get a copy and be blessed.
Honouring the Prayer Pioneers of Australia and Sitting at the Feet of Jesus by Ps Barbara Miller
Give honour where honour is due – Romans 12:10 and Romans 13:7
We have had the pleasure of being involved with the prayer journey with many of these wonderful prayer leaders since at least 1998 and we thank God for them. We thank the Lord that we were able to attend the event organised by the Canberra Declaration to honour them in Sydney 17 Feb 24.
Do listen to the wonderful messages or prophetic words from Jesus to those sitting at His feet in the UK, the USA, Switzerland and Finland when I read out a selection at the end of this message. It could change your life.
Donations to the ministry of the Centre for International Reconciliation & Peace BSB: 064804 Account no: 14069302 Swift code: ctbaau2s
Commonwealth of Australia Bank, 120 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Donations to Pastors Account BSB: 064804 Account no: 14258760
We thank you for your condolences and prayers for our beautiful son Michael Miller who unexpectedly passed away on 27 Jan while we were commemorating International Holocaust Remembrance Day. He went to Israel with us in 2006, was baptised in the Jordan river, and loved Israel with a passion. We are grateful that the Never Again is Now team in Sydney has planted trees in his name in Israel. We thank the many people in Australia and Israel who have reached out to us including Rabbi Riesenberg and the Southern Cross Alliance for Israel, Lena Goldstein’s family, and many more. We felt the comfort of your prayers and we know Michael is with the Lord which is the greatest comfort of all. His service was live streamed and can be found here
He loved fishing and we are grateful that Awesome Anglers are going to make a fishing shirt in his memory with a mangrove jack and an Aboriginal design on it. His mates and cousins will arrange fishing trips in memory of him as well. May his life be used as a fisher of men for the Lord’s glory.
Left – 1999 Portsmouth, Australians welcomed by British at re-enactment of the departure of the First Fleet from England. Norman and Barbara there as part of the Australian team under the leadership of Brian Pickering and Ben Gray Right – 1998 Norman with a child at Almolonga, Guatemala where we saw the large vegetables that resulted from the revival.
Prayer Pioneers Thanksgiving Dinner
We are blessed to attend a Prayer Pioneers Thanksgiving Dinner in Sydney on 17 Feb hosted by the Canberra Declaration to honour the following prayer pioneers:
Barbara Bell – Intercessors for Australia 1973 – 1994
Jenny & Brian Hagger – Australian House of Prayer
Ps Tim & Di Edwards – Prayer Leader & Indigenous Elder
Ps Peter & Maria Walker – Prayer Leader & Indigenous Elder
Ben & Liz Gray – Founder of the Australian Prayer Network & Apostolic Oversight for the APN
Matthew & Kathryn Bolte – Fellow Leader in the Australian Prayer Network
Ken & Yvonne Kilah – Fellow Leader in the Australian Prayer Network
Brian & Robyn Pickering – Leaders & Coordinators of prayer in the nation 1984 – 2024.
This event was occasioned by the retirement of Brian and Robyn Pickering from 40 years’ service to the Australian Prayer Network (APN). We would also like to honour Pastor Noel and Dianne Mann who worked with them for many years, Noel having gone on to be with the Lord some years ago as has Noel Bell of Intercessors for Australia.
Norman and Barbara have been blessed to join prayer teams led by Brian, Robyn and Ben in England, Guatemala, Ephesus and Uluru. Brian was a speaker at our Reconciliation Conference in Cairns in 1998 when we hosted the British on their prayer tour of Australia and Brian spoke at our Ship Shaping History into Place 24/7 conference at the Sydney Opera House in 2006. We stayed with Brian and Robyn when the Lord led us to come from Cairns to Sydney to pray on the Sydney Harbour Bridge after the rainbow serpent had been flashed over it in fireworks on New Year’s Eve in 2000. We also joined the Sydney Belongs to Jesus event the APN organised. We worked with Brian, Robyn and Ben when their ministry was called Spirit Alive before it became APN. We were happy to introduce the city transformation movement to pastors in Cairns, inviting Brian to come and speak.
We were blessed to attend the Out There conferences in Brisbane hosted by Ben in 2000 and 2001 and to have worked with Jenny Haggar over the years as well. We were blessed to take Peter and Maria Walker on a tour of Israel and have them speak at conferences we hosted at Uluru and Canberra. Thanks also to Brian Pickering for speaking at a Redigging the Wells and Transformation conference we organised in Cairns in 2003 and for the wonderful ministry of Tim and Di Edwards.
We bless all these mighty men and women of valour.
Left – 2005 Healing the Land Healing the People conference Uluru hosted by our CFIRP. Dr George Annadorai, Singapore with Millers. We have no photos of the 1999 conference in Uluru hosted by the Australian Prayer Network we attended and no photos of our time at Ephesus with Peter Wagner and APN. Right – 2004 Jewish speakers Gary Feldman and Josie Lacey with Peter Walker and Millers at our CFIRP conference called Opening the Gates to the King of Glory Ps 24/7 conference in Canberra
REGISTER NOW FOR FEB 18 EVENT SYDNEY 2-4PM CLICK HERE for a free ticket at Humanitix
Never again is a grassroots movement led by Christians and Christian leaders. We partner with Israeli and Jewish communities to stop antisemitism. Famous Australian leaders and entertainers will speak and perform. Police and security will be present.
Everyone is invited to join with thousands of others to stand with our Jewish friends and neighbours. This matters to anyone persecuted for their faith or race.
Take a stand against antisemitism. We will sing. We will pray. We will push back the darkness and the hatred.
Share this invite to 5-10 other friends to join you in solidarity
Join our Telegram channel or WhatsApp groupto stay connected on event details and our goals (your details hidden to others)
Follow and grow the movement on Social Media and check out website here
Unite in love for peace and truth. Make Australian history.
Team NeverAgain, is Now!
Self-funded, any donations will make it bigger and better with greater impact and outcomes SAVE THE DATE! Australia’s Biggest Rally! Stand for Australian Judeo-Christian values say no to antisemitism, lies and incitement Sun 18 Feb 2024 3-4pm AEDT Sydney venue to be revealed CLICK HERE for a free ticket at Humanitix Please let others know!
Don’t miss this awesome event to bless Israel, enjoy friends and make a stand for good values..
See this reel by Barbara to promote the Never Again is Now event in Sydney. SEE IT HERE
Australia Day: Celebrate or Abolish? Pride or Shame?
Barbara Miller 26 Jan 24, Published 29 JANUARY 2024
Do First Nations people celebrate Australia Day? Yes! The vibrancy and resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures is celebrated by thousands each January 26 at Victoria Park, Sydney with market stalls, sports, and bands. Called the Yabun Festival, it has been going since 2003, with this year’s theme being “Surviving, Guiding, Thriving.” Norman and I have attended it and its friendly atmosphere many times.
Melbourne has a Share the Spirit event billed as “Coming together to heal with peace and love”, presented by Songlines Aboriginal Music. It is Victoria’s largest and longest-running Indigenous festival, with performances of song and dance at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl.
However, most capital cities also have protests led by First Nations people who call it Invasion Day, Survival Day, or Day of Mourning. Aboriginal protestors like Senator Lidia Thorpe, a leader of the Blak Sovereignty movement, declared at an Invasion Day rally in 2023 that there is a war going on that was declared on her people 200 years ago. Similar claims were made on Friday.
Story below We Stand Up For Israel: Indigenous Friends of Israel by Munganbana Norman Miller
The star of David is the centre of this painting just as Jerusalem is the centre of the world (Ezekiel 5:5). The star of David is also on Israel’s flag. It is surrounded by yellow ochre representing G-d’s glory and His calling for the Jewish people to be a light to the nations. The Magen David is encircled by blue and white dots representing Israel.
The dots that continue to circle it reflect the yellow and red ochres of the earth and of the sun. They also represent sunrises and sunsets. This speaks of the heavens touching the earth. The purple dots represent royalty as Jerusalem will be Messiah’s throne. The stars in the sky represent the stars of the southern cross over Australia and in its flag.
The dots also represent the Indigenous Friends of Israel as the Indigenous people of the earth surround, protect, and support her.
The dove of peace, also representing the spirit of G-d, alights over the star of David. As Psalm 85:10-11 (NLT) says: Unfailing love and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed. Truth springs up from the earth, and righteousness smiles down from heaven.
May Australia shine like the stars in heaven to reflect God’s glory and His love for Israel (Daniel 12:3)
Never Again is Now. We stand against antisemitism. And never again will Israel be uprooted from the land G-d has given them. (Amos 9:11-15)
ISRAEL HUMANITARIAN APPEAL By Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace
Help Israel recover from Oct 7 bloodbath and its aftermath by donating to ministries run by Ps Avi and Chaya Mizrachi of Dugit Ministries Tel Aviv (left) and Ps Howard and Randi Bass of Yeshua’s Inheritance Congregation Beer Sheva.
There are thousands of Jewish people displaced by the terror that occurred on Oct 7 with their homes and communities destroyed. Some of those affected were Holocaust survivors. Many just left with the clothes on their backs and are in need of help. Lives have been turned upside down. It is not safe yet to return and rebuild and probably won’t be for a long time.
For any donation from Australians over $70 AUD, you can receive a copy of Ps Munganbana Norman Miller’s painting of From Mourning into Dancing based on Psalm 30 and Ps Barbara Miller’s book William Cooper, Gentle Warrior: Standing Up for Australian Aborigines and Persecuted Jews. The flier above done for us by our friend Tim Jack, shows you how to donate
Thanks to those who have donated already. Funds have been transferred and we have posted out the books and prints promised to those who donated $70 or more. God bless you!!!
Who will listen to what you say? The share of the man who stayed with the supplies is to be the same as that of him who went down to the battle. All will share alike.” 1 Samuel 30:24
Donations to the ministry of the Centre for International Reconciliation & Peace BSB: 064804 Account no: 14069302 Swift code: ctbaau2s
Commonwealth of Australia Bank, 120 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Donations to Pastors Account BSB: 064804 Account no: 14258760
Check out our opinion piece in The Sydney Morning Herald and TheMelbourne Age Friday or Saturday re Australia Day
Most years since 2009 we have raised up 1-3 day prayer events for Australia Day.
Left – Australia Day Prayer in Canberra hosted by Tabernacle of David Cairns and Canberra 2020 Right – Ps Rose Rigney and Ps Barbara Miller at Australia Day Prayer in Melbourne 2009 hosted by Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace.
Left – Asian Australians at Australia Day Prayer Canberra 2020 Right – Yarrabah band leading worship at Australia Day Prayer 2010 in Yarrabah Aboriginal community hosted by Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace.
Left – Ps Norman Miller prophetically took the spear out of Capt Arthur Phillip, the first governor of NSW at Australia Day Prayer Canberra 2020 (see more below) Right – Prophetic act over Australia at Australia Day Prayer in Canberra 2019
Never again is a grassroots movement led by Christians and Christian leaders. We partner with Israeli and Jewish communities to stop antisemitism. Famous Australian leaders and entertainers will speak and perform. Police and security will be present.
Everyone is invited to join with thousands of others to stand with our Jewish friends and neighbours. This matters to anyone persecuted for their faith or race.
Take a stand against antisemitism. We will sing. We will pray. We will push back the darkness and the hatred.
Share this invite to 5-10 other friends to join you in solidarity
Join our Telegram channel or WhatsApp groupto stay connected on event details and our goals (your details hidden to others)
Follow and grow the movement on Social Media and check out website here
Unite in love for peace and truth. Make Australian history.
Team NeverAgain, is Now!
Self-funded, any donations will make it bigger and better with greater impact and outcomes
SAVE THE DATE! Australia’s Biggest Rally! Stand for Australian Judeo-Christian values say no to antisemitism, lies and incitement Sun 18 Feb 2024 3-4pm AEDT Sydney venue to be revealed CLICK HERE for a free ticket at Humanitix Please let others know!
Open Door in 2024, wheat & tares vision, prophetic word re moral purity move & decrees – Ps Barbara Miller
DECREES FOR OPEN DOORS IN 2024 by Ps Barbara Miller
There are 9 decrees based on the miracle menorah of Hanukkah and one prayer
I decree that every door and miracle the Lord wants to be opened for me in 2024 will open before me at the right time and right place and all spiritual and physical resistance to my entering will fall and be vanquished.
I decree that I will possess the gates the enemy has been preventing me from entering (Gen 22:17-18) and miracles, signs, and wonders follow me all the days of my life.
I decree I will enter these gates and doors with thanksgiving and praise and the joy of the Lord. (Psalms 100:4-5, Prov 8:34)
I decree that what God has opened, no man or demon in hell can shut. I walk through these doors in faith and for the glory of God. (Rev 3:7-10)
I decree an increase in my spiritual discernment so I will know which doors or gates the Lord is opening to me and I will avoid trapdoors and false paths.
I decree that fear, confusion, false vision, and false teaching will not enter with me through the doors God is opening.
I decree I will enter the doors the Lord is opening for me with clean hands and a pure heart (Psalm 24)
I decree I will answer when the Lord opens a door in heaven and calls on me to come up here and show me great and mighty things and His plans for the future. (Jer 33:3, Rev 4:1-2). I call myself blessed to come into a place of intimacy and hear the Lord’s heart. Help me Lord to listen carefully and change me from glory to glory.
I decree that I will extend my hands to receive the gift of the keys of David from the Lord and I will rebuild the Tabernacle of David as the Lord directs me for His glory. Sealed with the signet ring of the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha Mashiach
PRAYER Most of all Lord, I thank You for opening the door to salvation and eternal life through your death and resurrection and my receiving you as my Saviour. You are the door to heaven. (John 10:7-9)
Government of Goats (Matt 25)? Genesis 12 curse on Australia by our treatment of Israel & Jews?
By Ps Norman Miller 20.1.24
On Sept 11 2001 (911), the Lord told me to raise the Tabernacle of David as an answer to terrorism (Amos 9:11-15)
It may be time for the hunters again and some Australians have prepared safe places to hide Jews for their safety.
Jeremiah 16:15-15 “but, ‘The Lord lives who brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north and from all the lands where He had driven them.’ For I will bring them back into their land which I gave to their fathers.
“Behold, I will send for many fishermen,” says the Lord, “and they shall fish them, and afterward I will send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain and every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks.”
Australia Day – Survival to Revival & Invasion to Transformation.
Melbourne 2009
“People travelled from all over Australia to Melbourne for the Australia Day prayer to break covenant with the rainbow serpent and recovenant Australia to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and of our Lord Jesus Christ. We also raised up prayer at the same time in many towns in Australia with prayer points we had prepared to pray in unison.
Why did we hold this prayer meeting? Norman and I were asked to lead a seminar on “the role of indigenous people in bringing the kingdom of God to Australia” to be presented at the 080808 conference organised by Hiliary Moroney in Canberra last year. In preparing, the Lord showed me that the key strategy was to hold a prayer meeting on Australia Day each year to break covenant with the rainbow serpent and recovenant the nation to the Lord.
We had dealt with it significantly in the past in prayer on the Sydney Harbour Bridge in early 2001 because it had been flashed over the bridge in New Years Eve fireworks and in our Healing the People Healing the Land conference at Uluru in July 2005 and on other occasions. As we left Uluru in our buses, two people looked back and took photos of Uluru. When they looked at their images later, the rainbow serpent with its head cut off and its eggs was leaving the rock. It could not be seen in the natural but was caught on camera.
As Uluru is believed to be its lair, wasn’t that the end of it? One problem is that Aboriginal people and others continue to worship it and feed it so that is why the Lord has given us this assignment to raise up these Australia Day prayer events and it is a long term prayer strategy that will gather support.”
Norman said that the rain was a sign of blessing. He said that before our July conference, “The Glory is Mine” in Cairns, he saw a hand so he watched and waited like Habbakuk. As we humble ourselves and repent, God will hear us. 2 Chron 7:14. I saw the hand of God with the letters PRAY. The Lord said to me to call a prayer rally. I said yes, Lord where? Then I realised it was at Yarrabah – P-Prayer, R-Rally, A-at, Y-Yarrabah. He then gave me the date – 26 Jan 2010- Australia Day.
You know what that date means to many Aboriginal people. Some years ago, I hesitated to celebrate this day too because it’s a day that celebrates colonisation etc. But things are beginning to turn. Gen 50:20 – what the enemy meant for wrong, God is turning it around for the good. Click here for more
Sydney no report
Canberra 2019
SPIRITUALLY GOVERNING Barbara shared 2 sessions on Jan 25 – one on Spiritual Government and one on Turning the Boat of this Nation Around. In Nov 18, the Lord gave me the first as a prayer strategy and the second as a vision. The prayer strategy is that we need to set up a shadow spiritual ministry just as the opposition political party does in the natural. Prayer leaders would each take a ministry to pray for and there are 31 besides the PM plus assistant ministers.
The idea is to bring a shift to godly values in our nation. The government of the nations is on the shoulders of Jesus or Yeshua and therefore on our shoulders (Isaiah 9:6-7). So, we as the church, the body of Christ, need to be spiritual governors. We need to rule and reign from heavenly places. Eph 3:10 tells us that: “His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms,” so we need to be more intentional about this. It is not aimed to be an activist group. This will take some time to set up and we are reaching out to prayer leaders to participate and those who would be in prayer teams.
The Lord spoke to Norman when we hosted a Sons of Abraham conference in Israel in 2017 to set up a GAP Network – Gathering Apostolic Prophetic Network. It is based on Ezekiel 22:30 where God looked for a man to stand in the gap for Israel so He would not have to punish it but He found none. We need this for Australia and it will dovetail with the spiritual government we are setting up. Click here for more
Canberra 2020
After the worship, Barbara commissioned angels to take their place, released a prophetic word for Australia for 2020, made decrees and shared about a spiritual shadow government they had set up after the Australia Day Prayer last year.
Colonisation Norman represented the Indigenous people of Australia and spoke of the hurts of colonisation. He said the Lord had given him Genesis 26, the first book of the Bible for January 26, the first month of the year which is Australia Day and we need to overcome conflict and strife and make room in this nation to live together just as Abraham and then Isaac made a treaty with the King of the Philistines.
Captain Cook It is the 250th anniversary of Captain Cook mapping the east coast of Australia and claiming it for the UK. He said there was conflict at Botany Bay (now Sydney) and Cook forced his way ashore and wounded an Aboriginal man.
First Act of Reconciliation in Australia 1770 He then travelled north along the east coast in 1770 to what is now called Cooktown and he would not share the turtles they caught with the Aboriginal people so there was a fight. Captain Cook wounded an Aboriginal man and as they ran, he kept their spears. Then an Aboriginal elder came forward with the tip of his spear broken off in an act of reconciliation, the first one in Australia, and Cook gave the spears back.
Norman showed us a painting he had done of Captain Cook. He said that Dutchman Willem Janszoon was the first European to set foot on Australia at Mapoon, not Cook, and Barbara had written 2 books about it. Norman declared a jubilee because it was 5 jubilees since Cook came and 5 is the number of grace so this is time of restoration of the land and people and a time of grace.
Norman also explained that Australia Day commemorates the arrival of the first fleet from Britain and the setting up of the colony of NSW (and Australia) so Aborigines call it Survival Day or Invasion Day but he calls it from Survival to Revival and from Invasion to Transformation.
Governor Arthur Philip Norman stood in the gap for his tribe and Aborigines generally and called for acceptance and understanding from the Australians. Ps Norman shared that Governor Philip had named Manly because he thought Aborigines looked manly. He was friendly with some but was speared in the shoulder by one after a misunderstanding.
Norman shared he had prophetically removed the spear from Gov Phillip in England on a Reconciliation Tour in 1998. He did it again now, using a real spear he and Glen had made. Norman was also prophetically pulling the spear or wounds out of white Australians with British heritage at the same time.
Glen represented Australian Torres Strait Islanders, the other Indigenous group in Australia, and said that they would stand with Ps Norman and the Australian Aborigines and they respect that Torres Strait Islanders are on Aboriginal land. They are a family who love each other in the Lord.
Glen presented Norman with a wooden turtle, traditional food in the Torres Strait, as a reconciliation gesture on behalf of their people groups. Click here to see more
Prayer by zoom since then, more next newsletter
ISRAEL HUMANITARIAN APPEAL By Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace
Help Israel recover from Oct 7 bloodbath and its aftermath by donating to ministries run by Ps Avi and Chaya Mizrachi of Dugit Ministries Tel Aviv (left) and Ps Howard and Randi Bass of Yeshua’s Inheritance Congregation Beer Sheva.
There are thousands of Jewish people displaced by the terror that occurred on Oct 7 with their homes and communities destroyed. Some of those affected were Holocaust survivors. Many just left with the clothes on their backs and are in need of help. Lives have been turned upside down. It is not safe yet to return and rebuild and probably won’t be for a long time.
For any donation from Australians over $70 AUD, you can receive a copy of Ps Munganbana Norman Miller’s painting of From Mourning into Dancing based on Psalm 30 and Ps Barbara Miller’s book William Cooper, Gentle Warrior: Standing Up for Australian Aborigines and Persecuted Jews. The flier above done for us by our friend Tim Jack, shows you how to donate
Thanks to those who have donated already. Funds have been transferred and we have posted out the books and prints promised to those who donated $70 or more. God bless you!!!
Who will listen to what you say? The share of the man who stayed with the supplies is to be the same as that of him who went down to the battle. All will share alike.”
1 Samuel 30:24
Donations to the ministry of the Centre for International Reconciliation & Peace BSB: 064804 Account no: 14069302 Swift code: ctbaau2s
Commonwealth of Australia Bank, 120 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Donations to Pastors Account BSB: 064804 Account no: 14258760
3 Wise Men Brought Gifts to the Lord. What 3 Gifts Will You Bring? By Ps Norman Miller
Barbara Miller interviewing Amir, a survivor of Oct 7 massacre at Israel music festival – brief clip
We’ve been asked to let Christians in Sydney know that you are invited to this event. It is important for Christians to comfort Israel and stand with the Jewish people in their hour of need. We would be there if we could.
United with Israel and Bring Them Home, invites you to join us at our upcoming vigil on Sunday, December 17, at 10am.
The primary theme of our vigil will centre around Women’s Rights, addressing the concerning issue that women’s rights organisations, UNfortunately are refusing or failing to recognise the atrocities committed on Israeli and Jewish women by Hamas on October 7.
By coming together, we strive to break the UNbearable silence, demand justice, and advocate for the rights of all women, regardless of their background.
Our community values unity, peace, and justice. We will express solidarity with the Israeli people and emphasise the urgent need for the safe return of the 138 hostages still held in captivity.
Please join us, and together we will re-affirm UNity, peace, and justice for the hostages and women of Israel.
We look forward to seeing you and your friends on Sunday 17 December to make a meaningful impact.
* We extend this invitation to men and women.
* Please wear plain white t-shirt and jeans – bring Israeli and Australian flags, a hat and a bottle of water.
* NSW Police will be securing this event.
* Women volunteers who would like to participate in our demonstration holding signs and taped mouth please arrive at 9.30am
Indigenous Friends of Israel zoom 7 12 23 with lighting of the menorah on the first night of Hanukkah and video of the humanitarian work of Ps Avi Mizrachi of Dugit Ministries, Tel Aviv, Israel
Also, see Hanukkah Message in Wartime: Pray for Your Miracle by Ps Barbara Miller HERE Photo of Norman Miller at Bringing Them Home Rally Bondi Beach Sydney recently which was attended by Israeli families of the hostages
Indigenous Friends of Israel Respond to the UN Vote on Israel-Hamas War
“Each-way Albo has turned Australia into an each-way state trying to appease the antisemites and appear to be friendly to Israel at the same time. Chamberlain has shown us that the path of appeasement is dangerous as it just emboldens those with no moral conscience,” said co-founders of Indigenous Friends of Israel, Norman and Barbara Miller.
There can be no peace with an enemy that wants to destroy us with its genocidal claims of “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free.” This calls for the annihilation of the only Jewish state in the world and driving all its people into the sea. Only the hateful or naïve would agree with it.
Indigenous Friends of Israel was responding to the UN non-binding vote for an immediate ceasefire in the Hamas-Israel war. Australia was one of 153 nations who voted in favour of it, while the US was one of 10 nations who voted against it, and the UK was one of 23 nations who abstained.
We agree with Israel’s ambassador to Australia, Amir Maimon, who said he finds it difficult to understand how Australia can support Israel’s right to defend its people from terrorist aggression, while also voting in support of a ceasefire that will embolden Hamas.
“This war can only end with Hamas being totally defeated and the liberation of all our hostages,” he said.
Hostages Must Be Returned
The Millers said, “Shame on the Australian government voting for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war at the UN and shame on the UN. This is siding with a terrorist group rather than a nation legitimately defending itself against the most horrific terror act on October 7 and the repeated statements by Hamas leaders that they will continue to perpetrate as many attacks like October 7 as possible.
Indigenous Friends of Israel founders Norman and Barbara Miller condemn the ignorance, racism, and antisemitism of the Greens MPs in the Australian Senate in recent weeks and of the Greens’ mayoral candidate for Brisbane, Jonathan Sriranganathan.
The Millers wrote: “Mr Sriranganathan created a post calling for Zionists and Nazis to be excluded from a protest rally he was calling to scrap the Gabba Olympics. Was this in the name of inclusion which the Greens usually call for?
For someone who hopes to be Lord Mayor of Brisbane to be equating Zionism and Nazism shows political naivety and poor judgment and he should make an apology to the Jewish community of Brisbane as has been called for by the Qld Jewish Board of Deputies.
ISRAEL HUMANITARIAN APPEAL By Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace
Help Israel recover from Oct 7 bloodbath and its aftermath by donating to ministries run by Ps Avi and Chaya Mizrachi of Dugit Ministries Tel Aviv (left) and Ps Howard and Randi Bass of Yeshua’s Inheritance Congregation Beer Sheva.
There are thousands of Jewish people displaced by the terror that occurred on Oct 7 with their homes and communities destroyed. Some of those affected were Holocaust survivors. Many just left with the clothes on their backs and are in need of help. Lives have been turned upside down. It is not safe yet to return and rebuild and probably won’t be for a long time.
For any donation from Australians over $70 AUD, you can receive a copy of Ps Munganbana Norman Miller’s painting of From Mourning into Dancing based on Psalm 30 and Ps Barbara Miller’s book William Cooper, Gentle Warrior: Standing Up for Australian Aborigines and Persecuted Jews. The flier above done for us by our friend Tim Jack, shows you how to donate
Thanks to those who have donated already. Funds have been transferred and we have posted out the books and prints promised to those who donated $70 or more. God bless you!!!
Genesis 12:1-3 – The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.
“I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
Norman Miller co-founder of Indigenous Friends of Israel speaking by invitation at an Israel rally at Queens Park Brisbane 12.11.23. Photo by Ian Worby, CFI.
Norman and Barbara were also interviewed by the ABC and Ch 9. See the ABC coverage – SEE
It was a privilege to meet with the Qld Jewish Board of Deputies, the Qld Holocaust Museum, Courage to Care and others.
Norman Miller speaking at Israel rally Brisbane 12.11.23
Photo of Millers being interviewed at Queens Park Brisbane Israel Rally 12.11.23
Indigenous Friends of Israel Decry Islamic Preachers’ Calls for Jihad by Norman & Barbara Miller
Indigenous Friends of Israel founders Norman and Barbara Miller refute the claims of Brother Ismail recently at the Al Madina Dawah Centre, southwest Sydney that Hamas is not a terrorist organisation. He also called for Jihad.
Indigenous Friends of Israel also raises concerns that not only has the Al Madina Dawah Centre not distanced themselves from this, but it has released a similar tirade from another preacher. No other Islamic organisation has taken issue with this call to kill Jews either.
Hamas is recognised as a terrorist organisation in Australia and other nations and the slaughter, torture, and mutilation of Israelis, many in their beds, the burning alive of families, raping women, beheading babies, killing children and elderly including Holocaust survivors and kidnapping is a terrorist act. It has unleashed a bloodlust around the world for Jewish blood, which is what was intended. This cannot be justified under any circumstances. SEE MORE
Indigenous Friends of Israel video Kristallnacht 9 11 23
Speakers Ps Howard Bass, Beer Sheva and Ps Avi Mizrachi Tel Aviv and other speakers from Israel and Hamburg, Germany.
WHEN? at 6.30pm AEST, 7.30pm AEDT, 7pm SA & NT, 4.30pm WA, and 10.30am Israel time.
Left – Rachel and Avner Boskey and Right – Avi and Chaya Mizrachi
Over the last two decades Avner and Rachel have raised their family in the Negev. During these years they established weekly worship and prayer meetings for local believers and for thousands of visitors from many nations. They have written and recorded much original Messianic worship music. They oversee a loose-knit community of worshippers, intercessors and prophetic artists in the Negev. They have hosted seminars on the prophetic gifts and prophecy in Scripture.
Avner regularly writes informative newsletters to encourage prayer for Israel and to help God’s people be more aware of current events in Israel and around the world from a biblical perspective.
Avi and Chaya Mizrachi are the founding pastors of Adonai Roi Congregation and Dugit Outreach Ministries. Avi is a recognized leader in Israel and an international conference speaker. His heart’s desire is to share the Good News with Israelis and disciple them to become strong believers, rooted and grounded in the word of God. Chaya has a heart to minister the love and healing power of Yeshua to Israeli women. Chaya has also led teams to work in bomb shelters during war times in Israel.
Effective Prayer – Knock and the Door Will Open 11 11 23 by Ps Barbara Miller
Gospel From the Gunyah by Ps Norman Miller 7.11.23
Recorded for Vision Christian Radio and Bible Society project using Plain English version of the Bible. This is a project to reach Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders with actual Bibles as well as videos and audios of Bible passages.
ISRAEL HUMANITARIAN APPEAL By Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace
Help Israel recover from Oct 7 bloodbath and its aftermath by donating to ministries run by Ps Avi and Chaya Mizrachi of Dugit Ministries Tel Aviv (left) and Ps Howard and Randi Bass of Yeshua’s Inheritance Congregation Beer Sheva.
There are thousands of Jewish people displaced by the terror that occurred on Oct 7 with their homes and communities destroyed. Some of those affected were Holocaust survivors. Many just left with the clothes on their backs and are in need of help. Lives have been turned upside down. It is not safe yet to return and rebuild and probably won’t be for a long time.
For any donation from Australians over $70 AUD, you can receive a copy of Ps Munganbana Norman Miller’s painting of From Mourning into Dancing based on Psalm 30 and Ps Barbara Miller’s book William Cooper, Gentle Warrior: Standing Up for Australian Aborigines and Persecuted Jews. The flier above done for us by our friend Tim Jack, shows you how to donate
Unfortunately, Rabbi Ari Rubin from Chabad NQ had to draw attention to the bullying of Jewish schoolchildren in Cairns. Children at private and public schools called Jewish children “dirty Jews” and one 11-year-old Jewish girl was circled by schoolchildren shouting “Free Palestine” to her. This is inexcusable antisemitism, racism, and intimidation. Indigenous Friends of Israel has responded by trying to get antibullying education from Courage to Care into these schools. We were able to get Courage to Care into many schools in the Far North run by Catholic Education a number of years ago.
Above is an interview we did with “The Cairns Post.”