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This painting by Munganbana Norman Miller was the backdrop to the Sydney event. It is still in Sydney waiting for a home for someone who will cherish it. Do you have or know of a home or office where it could find a home? Please let us know if you do. It is 2m x 1.8m.

This is the story that goes with it:
We Stand Up For Israel: Indigenous Friends of Israel by Munganbana Norman Miller

The star of David is the centre of this painting just as Jerusalem is the centre of the world (Ezekiel 5:5). The star of David is also on Israel’s flag. It is surrounded by yellow ochre representing G-d’s glory and His calling for the Jewish people to be a light to the nations. The Magen David is encircled by blue and white dots representing Israel.

The dots that continue to circle it reflect the yellow and red ochres of the earth and of the sun. They also represent sunrises and sunsets. This speaks of the heavens touching the earth. The purple dots represent royalty as Jerusalem will be Messiah’s throne. The stars in the sky represent the stars of the southern cross over Australia and in its flag.

The dots also represent the Indigenous Friends of Israel as the Indigenous people of the earth surround, protect, and support her.

The dove of peace, also representing the spirit of G-d, alights over the star of David. As Psalm 85:10-11 (NLT) says: Unfailing love and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed. Truth springs up from the earth, and righteousness smiles down from heaven.

May Australia shine like the stars in heaven to reflect God’s glory and His love for Israel (Daniel 12:3)

Never Again is Now. We stand against antisemitism. And never again will Israel be uprooted from the land G-d has given them. (Amos 9:11-15)


Purim Reversal to Hamas and the Amalek Spirit by Ps Barbara Miller 23.3.24

Israel today is fighting a war for its survival just like Jewish people were threatened with annihilation during the time of Esther which we now commemorate at the Feast of Purim. Three times in history the Jewish people have been threatened with or experienced annihilation or genocide with forces starting with H (1) Haman (2) Hitler and (3) Hamas which means violence.

The Amalek spirit is behind it. Today we hear “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free” which does not refer to Gaza but refers to the whole of Israel, the land God promised to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob or Israel. It goes back to the ancient hatred and sibling rivalry of Esau towards his twin Jacob.

God pronounced judgement on the Amalekites because they attacked the weakest of the Hebrews as they crossed over from Egypt to the Promised Land. They attacked from behind the sick, elderly etc. (sounds like Oct 7)

The story of the bible book of Esther is how Haman tricked the king into signing a decree to kill all the Jews in the kingdom of Persia which was most of the known world at that time.

But God was about to do a divine reversal of Haman’s plans. It is said that if King Saul had killed King Agag when instructed to, the Amalekites would not have produced Haman with his genocidal plan against the Jews. Though Samuel killed him one day later, he was able to have a descendant.

Mordecai, a Jew, and his niece Esther were raised up by God in His plan of saving the Jews from extermination. Amazingly, Mordecai was a descendant of Kish, the Benjamite who was the father of King Saul. Prophetic justice was served.

This gives us another interesting parallel. Every year, the chapter, “Remember what Amalek did unto thee” (Deut. 25:17-19), is read in the synagogue on the Sabbath preceding Purim, and the story of Saul and Agag in 1 Samuel 15 is read as the Haftarah or reading from the prophets.

I see parallels with Netanyahu being urged not to fight in Rafah to finish off Hamas because of the great loss of civilian life & the humanitarian crisis. While Hamas must bear responsibility for using civilians as human shields, using hospitals and schools, and stealing food and aid money and the numbers are inflated, Israel is losing the support of its main ally the US.

Saul did not want to destroy the King of the Amalekites and somehow his progeny lived on to almost be successful in totally wiping out the Jews worldwide in the time of Esther. Netanyahu is saying that Israel cannot live in security because,unless they defeat Hamas, Hamas has promised many more Oct 7’s.

I believe God is declaring a divine reversal in this time of favour for His people. We know that the hatred of Jews is because they were chosen by God to bring his plan of redemption to mankind who are rebellious to God and are jealous of His chosen people.

Listen to the video to get more. Have you been called into your situation for such a time as this like Esther? Do you need to write a decree to reverse an evil decree? (Esther 8:8). Remember that prayer and fasting brought a breakthrough.

The 50:20 Window for the Harvest and Obeying God’s Will by Ps Norman Miller 30.3.24

Genesis 50:20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. We are in a time of harvest. Fulfill the Great Commission
We need 3 things:
1. Adjustment to God’s will
2. Assignment – Find our assignment and fulfill it
3. Alignment with God’s will

Messiah in Micah and Messianic Prophecy by Ps Barbara Miller 16.3.24

Micah 6:8, the “Micah Mandate,” gives a balanced answer to today’s spiritual and political questions. “What does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

Donations to the ministry of the Centre for International Reconciliation & Peace
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Commonwealth of Australia Bank, 120 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Donations to Pastors Account BSB: 064804 Account no: 14258760




Hear Ps Avi Mizrachi of Dugit Ministries Tel Aviv and Ps Howard Bass of Yeshua’s Inheritance Beer Sheva share at 6.30pm Brisbane time, 7.30pm Sydney, 7pm SA & NT, 4.30pm WA, and 10.30am Israel time.

The photo is of Germans passing a Jewish shop with windows broken during Kristallnacht 9-10 Nov 1938. It was the start of the Holocaust. It is taken from my book Shattered Lives Broken Dreams.

It is with sadness that we tell you that 1930’s Nazi Germany is here again, this time with Islamo-fascism, hatred of Jews and rampant antisemitism, On October 7, the hope of Never Again was shattered. With 1400 Jews tortured and slaughtered, many in their beds or safe rooms, it was the highest number of Jews murdered in one day since the Holocaust.

The October 7 barbaric onslaught on civilians in Israel has sparked a blood lust around the world to annihilate the Jewish state and Jews wherever they can be found in the world. We see it on the streets of western nations like Australia, the US, the UK and Europe

We are calling this zoom meeting on the anniversary of  Kristallancht or the Night ot the Broken Glass in Germany where Jewish homes and businesses had their windows broken, synagogues were burned , over 90 Jews were killed and thousands were forced to wear stars of David and marched to a concentration camp. 

This time, Jewish families were burnt alive in Israel, Jewish businesses are being vandalised in the United States, Jewish diplomats are wearing stars of David at the UN and Jewish children in Australia can’t wear uniforms to school for fear of being attacked. Actual attacks on Jews are occurring around the world.  Jewish university students in Australia are having to sit their exams segregated in safe places. 

In my book If I Survive about Lena Goldstein, she talks about how she experienced the attacks on Jews by other students at university in Poland and she and other Jews were not able to complete their studies.

Incredibly, Israel is being blamed for what has happened. It is a classic blame the victim narrative. Worse it is a narrative of cultural Marxism where the Marxists talk about the “useful idiots” in academia, the media and government (even churches) who swallow their ideology that there is only one way of looking at the world – oppressors and the oppressed. Despite being the most multicultural nation in the world, Israel is painted as the white oppressor of coloured Palestinians. It is painted as occupiers of Gaza even though it pulled out in 2005. 

We grieve about all innocent victims of this Israel-Hamas war to root out the terrorists – those slaughtered mercilessly in Israel and those civilians killed by Israeli retaliation in Gaza including those used as human shields by Hamas. We know Israel tries hard to avoid civilian casualties but Hamas wins the media war at the toll. 

We pray for innocents to be spared and for Christian Arabs in Israel and Arab lands to be safe as well. We pray for God’s angels to be stationed on the borders of Israel to protect her against Iran and its proxies – Hezbollah in Lebanon, proxies in Syria and Iraq in the north, the Palestinian Authority in Judea and Samaria (West Bank) Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza and the Houthis from Yemen firing on Eilat in the south.

We pray Lord that You would comfort your people in Israel and worldwide from  the grief of loss of loved ones and fear from threats to their very existence and heal the wounded. I woke up the other morning with the words “existential threat.” Israel and the Jews worldwide are fighting for their very existence, their survival as a people and as the only Jewish nation in the world, the only democracy in the Middle East. And we stand with Israel. 
Isaiah 40:1-2
“Comfort, comfort My people,” says your God.
“With gentle words, tender and kind …

Please join us Thursday night and stand with Israel as well. Zechariah 2:8 says:

“For thus says the Lord of hosts, “After glory He has sent me against the nations which plunder you, for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye’.”

By Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace

Help Israel recover from Oct 7 bloodbath and its aftermath by donating to ministries run by Ps Avi and Chaya Mizrachi of Dugit Ministries Tel Aviv (left) and Ps Howard and Randi Bass of Yeshua’s Inheritance Congregation Beer Sheva (right with Millers on Oct 30 2017 before 100th anniversary of Beer Sheva battle).

For any donation from Australians over $70 AUD, you can receive a copy of Ps Munganbana Norman Miller’s painting of From Mourning into Dancing based on Psalm 30 and Ps Barbara Miller’s book William Cooper, Gentle Warrior: Standing Up for Australian Aborigines and Persecuted Jews.   
As soon as the flier is ready with details, we will make it available on our church website and send it to you. In the meantime, you still donate on our website or send us an email.
Blessings all

Left – From Mourning into Dancing and Right William Cooper book


We had an inspiring time when Ps Norman Miller called a Reconciliation Roundtable by zoom on Thursday 19 October followed up by one on 2 Nov. It was called to discuss and pray for strategies to move forward in healing and reconciliation after the Voice Referendum divided our nation and brought grieving and anger to many of the Yes Campaigners. Many useful strategies came up and the recording is below. We will inform you of the next one soon.

We all have the message and ministry of reconciliation 2 Cor 5:17-21. Gal 3:28 tells us we are all one in Christ no matter what our race, gender, income or social status.



Find out the background story behind the Voice referendum and read a significant Biblical view and prophetic insights. Order the eBook from Amazon or the paperback from Amazon or

Australian amazon link   US Amazon link


The Voice and Constitutional Recognition of First Nations People: For and Against Arguments

A historic vote has just taken place (Wednesday night 22.3.23) to pass the Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Amendment Bill in both houses of federal parliament. Opposition leader, Peter Dutton, gave Coalition support after securing some amendments in relation to the referendum on the Voice that will be held between October and December this year. (Cartoon by Independent News)

Whereas governments in the past had funded both the yes and no campaigns for referendums, the Albanese government had been planning to only fund an information campaign that would in essence be pro-voice and were seeking to censor misinformation, which people took to mean, no campaign arguments. They were also only granting tax-deductible gift recipient (DGR) status to the yes campaign. This was discriminatory. That mostly changed this week.

While Dutton was not able to secure funding for a no campaign, representations from the coalition have meant that the government will only be able to fund a neutral civics and education program so that any public funding on activities considered partisan can be legally challenged. Also, the no campaign can now benefit from DGR status.

There have been divisions with the referendum working group the government set up to advise it. These were over whether to include advice to executive government (public service and ministers) as well as parliament. When the Attorney General and Solicitor General raised concerns that including advice to executive government with the referendum working group, they were rejected. While the Solicitor Generals advice has not, and should be, made public, it appears the recommendation was to include “ministers of the crown” and not the public service.

Right up to the last minute, it looked like the Albanese government would end up in a big fight with the referendum working group over the final wording of what would be put to the public in the referendum. However, it was the Prime Minister (PM) himself who had added “executive government” into the wording for the Voice referendum he gave at the Garma Festival. So, despite the possible legal minefield and possible bogging down of government, the PM has agreed to their advice. As the PM has said in the past, it would be a brave government that did not take the advice of the Voice even if it is not a veto.

After cabinet approval, the PM (Albo as he is called) met with some of the 21 members of the Voice for a press conference on 23.3.23 to confirm the wording that would be put to the Australian public on referendum day. The consensus was nearly not there in time but the deadline was Thursday as there would be a final vote in parliament next week on the wording when a constitutional alteration bill will be put to parliament.

Albo was a bit teary as he is staking his political career on the referendum’s success as it will be a big part of his legacy. Albo’s draft amendment was, the Voice “may make representations to parliament and the executive government on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.”

The final wording the referendum working group put to cabinet who agreed to it is, “A proposed law: To alter the constitution to recognize the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. Do you approve this proposed alteration?”

On face value, this looks as simple a proposition as Albo keeps maintaining. However, the documentation accompanying it also says, that if it succeeds, the constitution will state that, the “Voice may make representations” to the Parliament and the government “on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.”

This could mean anything and everything and it will include the public service. The details of the composition, functions and powers of the Voice will be worked out after the vote which means that there is still not the detail that many would like.

Prof Megan Davis of the referendum working group released the nine key design principles that will guide the Voice with details to be worked out after the referendum. The working group will stay in place to advise the government for a long time into the future till the Voice is established. Some of the design principles were in The Australian 23.3.23

  • That the Voice provides independent advice to the parliament and the government
  • That it is chosen by First Nations people based on the wishes of local communities
  • That it is representative of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
  • That it’s empowering, community-led, inclusive, respectful, culturally-informed and gender-balanced and includes youth
  • That the Voice is accountable and transparent and works alongside
  • existing organisations
  • The Voice will not have a veto and will not have a program delivery function

See the ABC report on announcements :

Megan Davis and other members of the Uluru Statement of the Heart visited Yarrabah Aboriginal community near Cairns for a meeting on Voice Treaty Truth on 10 April 2022. Why were they there? Because one of the few surviving campaigners of the successful 1967 referendum, Alf Neal, lives there. The 1967 referendum to count Aboriginal people in the constitution and give the federal government the power to legislate for Indigenous people had bipartisan support and was passed with over 90% support. Norman and I were invited to attend by the Mayor of Yarrabah, Ross Andrews and is pictured here with Alf’s son, former mayor Percy Neal.

So, what are the arguments for and against the Voice that people have been discussing?

Arguments for the Voice

  • There should be constitutional recognition of Australia’s First Nations people. When the constitution was written in 1901, it was about the states coming together to form a commonwealth and so the focus was on delineating states’ rights and powers and commonwealth rights and powers – shared sovereignty if you want to put it that way. The First Peoples of Australia were left out of the constitution and this is a worthy argument to recognize them in it. This is why some commentators are saying that the wording of the referendum vote should be in two parts as there is a lot of support for constitutional recognition but a lot of debate about how to do it.
  • First Nations people should be consulted on matters affecting them. Few would argue in principle about this. Again, it is about the process.
  • It is another step towards reconciliation. There have been a number of significant steps in this direction. Albo is saying it would break the hearts of First Nations people for the referendum to fail and set back Indigenous affairs.
  • Albo is saying that Australians would feel better about themselves if the referendum passes and Australia would look better in the eyes of the world. (See above video)

Launch of the Yes Campaign

The Yes Campaign was launched in Adelaide on 23.2.23 after workshops on strategies. The yes campaign director, Dean Parkin was upbeat. The Paul Ramsay Foundation, Australia’s largest philanthropic body, announced $5m in funding for Australians for Indigenous Constitutional Recognition (AICR), which will be the movement’s fundraising and governance body.

Their website,, provides talking points for the volunteers it will recruit, and provide posters and flyers for the campaign.

The AICR co-chair, Rachel Perkins, well-known filmmaker and daughter of famous activist Charlie Perkins, said the campaign now had “tremendous momentum.”

Brief Background

Before going to the against arguments, I will give a little background on the long journey to recognition which I covered in detail in my book Secrets and Lies: The Shocking Truth of Recent Australian Aboriginal History, A Memoir. See www.barbara-miller-books.comThe big question is how to do that.

  • Former Prime Minister John Howard wanted Indigenous recognition in the preamble to the constitution but First Nations people rejected this as not enough
  • There have been a lot of processes over the years. Ps Munganbana Norman Miller campaigned for recognition of Indigenous people and removal of racism from the constitution based on the Expert Panel’s advice. He travelled Australia at his own expense and gathered over 5,000 signatures on a petition on these issues which was presented to federal parliament.
Norman presenting his giant boomerang with over 300 signatures on the back opposing racism in the constitution & supporting Indigenous recognition in the constitution to then speaker Bronwyn Bishop with Warren Entsch MP, Barbara Miller, and former Minister for Indigenous Australians Ken Wyatt at Parliament House Canberra 27.11.13
Norman presenting his Miller Boomerang Petition with over 5,000 signatures to then speaker of the house with then clerk of the house, Warren Entsch MP, and Barbara Miller at Parliament House Canberra 8.2.16. It opposed racism in the constitution & supported Indigenous recognition in the constitution. It was tabled in Parliament by Entsch

Warren Entsch MP Presents the Boomerang Petition to Parliament on behalf of Indigenous Leader Norman Miller

  • The Uluru Statement from the Heart 40 years after the 1967 referendum came up with Voice Treaty Truth. The game plan had changed, apparently advised by sympathetic constitutional conservatives.
  • The coalition government was prepared to work towards the Voice but to legislate it not have it enshrined in the constitution, and they continued consultations on how to design the Voice. Out of this came the Calma Langton report on the Indigenous Voice Co-design process.
  • The Albanese government after winning the election committed to a referendum to enshrine the Voice in the constitution but have been prepared to release little information on it saying that would be worked out after the vote.

What are the opponents of the Voice saying?

Two no campaigns are being led by Sen Jacinta Nampijinpa Price and Nyunggai Warren Mundine, both Aboriginal. A group of traditional people from around the Northern Territory who oppose the Voice travelled to Canberra but were not given the courtesy of meeting Linda Burney, Minister for Indigenous Australians or the PM on March 22 when discussions were underway at Parliament House. Yet the PM said the Voice was informed from the bottom up not the top down. So here are the arguments:

  • It will give us a race-based constitution and divide the country by race. Even the word apartheid has come up, and lack of equality of citizenship
  • First Nations people will be double dipping with 2 “votes” or representations so that though they are only 3.2% of the population, they will have a special say over matters affecting all Australians
  • However, they won’t be voted in, they will be selected. So, it will not be a democratic process.
  • There are already 11 First Nations MPs which is higher than their proportion of the population.
  • There are hundreds of Indigenous organisations and over 80 national organisations with a voice to the government already and have been advising the government for a long time.
  • There is a Coalition of Peaks consisting of all these national organisations who negotiated with the government the updating of the Closing the Gap initiative. They are an effective voice already.
  • There have been comments on Sky News re the National Indigenous Australian Agency having in its charter to be a voice to the government and it is very well-funded to do so but we must realize it is really a government department staffed by public servants, many of whom are Indigenous.
  • Concerns that the Referendum group advising government are an elite or “aristocracy” and they will ensure they are still seated at the table as part of the Voice after the referendum.
  • The biggest concern is that it may not make any difference to the disadvantage and problems on the ground for First Nations people but only create another bureaucracy that will divert a large amount of money from the real needs of people at Alice Springs and many other places.
  • There may be legal challenges in the high court and judicial activism over the parliament or government not asking for their advice before making decisions or for not taking it. There have been arguments for and against by legal advisors in the Constitutional Experts Group e.g. Prof Greg Craven and Fr Frank Brennan who both support the Voice but have concerns. Prof Craven is also a member of Uphold and Recognise which seeks to uphold the constitution and recognize Indigenous people.
  • Also, it could bog down the machinery of government and particularly of publicservants if they have to consult the advice of the Voice on just about everything. This is the reference to Executive Government which the Referendum group would not bend on despite the reported request from the Attorney General and the Solicitor General. It also appears from the statement today that National Cabinet and state governments will not be within the scope of the Voice.
  • While there is a lot of information on what the Voice could look like e.g. the Langton- Calma report, the Albanese government have not said if they accept any of this report or not. Also, they have given out as little information as possible hoping that people will vote for it because of goodwill. This has led to a lot of confusion however and aloss of support. One example is Peter Dutton’s 15 questions submitted some time ago that have not yet been answered though today’s statement will go somewhat towards answering them. As this was an election tactic of a small target with little information the ALP used successfully to win the election, they seem to hope it will work with the referendum.
  • It will be a trojan horse because, according to the Uluru Statement which the government accepts, the next step will be treaty or makarrata and truth-telling. There are concerns that demands for sovereignty will lead to Australia being divided into two nations. There are concerns treaties are meant to be between two nations but there are examples overseas of treaties between nations and their Indigenous people.
  • There is a concern, which is under the surface, that First Nations people will want redress or compensation for lost lands and autonomy etc.
  • Opposition to the Voice is from both the left and right of Aboriginal leaders. Sen Lidia Thorpe does not want First Nations representation in the “colonizing constitution” and has proclaimed herself one of the leaders of the Blak Sovereignty movement. Those who endorsed the Uluru Statement were hand-picked from meetings around Australiawhich were by invitation only or attended by those in the know. Some sovereignty supporters went to Uluru anyway and walked out because they did not agree with the decisions. They were in the minority.
  • There has been no public consultation process, no constitutional convention with stakeholders and negotiations have been held in secret.

Albo said from the outset that he didn’t need bipartisan support and there has been little attempt to garner it. Referendums in Australia don’t tend to pass without bipartisan support and rarely do anyway unless they are about minor changes. The Nationals have opposed it and the federal Liberals will probably oppose it in its current form.

Former deputy prime minister John Anderson, Warren Mundine and others are members of “Recognise a Better Way,” a campaign that argues the Voice is “the wrong way to recognise Aboriginal people or help Aboriginal Australians in need”. spearheading-no-campaign-on-the-voice-195571

Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has moved from the Recognise a Better Way campaign to the no campaign of Fair Australia of Advance Australia, saying she does not want Australia divided by race senator-jacinta-price-defects-to-new-campaign-opposing-the-voice-to-parliament-ahead-of- referendum/news-story/e4076715009ebfc853e22af35b13941c

Nevertheless, Australia is at a crossroads on this matter of dealing with the Uluru Statement from the Heart. It is a momentous time. However, there is no doubt that this will be a radical alteration to Australia’s constitution with unforeseeable consequences if the yes vote is successful.


Munganbana Norman Miller Rainforest Print Artwork Promo - four panels of indigenous artwork


Would you like the freshness and tranquility of the rainforest in your home? This is an opportunity to have a free gift of a print by rainforest Aboriginal artist Munganbana Norman Miller. Choose your favourite and enjoy. At the same time, help the artist and pastor get his beautiful work more widely known. Please feel free to forward on this great opportunity.

Check here for more details –

Restore to Us The Years the Cankerworm Has Stolen: 7 Keys by Ps Barbara Miller
The Issachar Anointing and Daniel’s Interpretation of Dreams by Ps Norman Miller.


by Ps Barbara Miller,

I had the privilege of serving the Lord by being asked by Ps Warwick Marsh to participate in their 25.5 hour zoom prayer for the above elections after a 30-day prayer lead-up.

I sense we are standing at the crossroads. Elections are not just political events. They are spiritual events and we are struggling for the soul of our nation. Nations are judged as sheep and goat nations it tells us in Mat 25: 31-46. And it is on the basis of 2 things – (1) righteousness and justice and (2) how we treat Israel and the Jews. So, we need to pray that our nations of Australia, the US and the state of Victoria will choose the right path, and choose righteous and godly leaders.

Jer 6:16
Thus says the Lord: “Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’

We come against that disobedience and resistance in Jesus’ name and command it to be removed and for people to follow God’s way not the enemy’s way or get distracted.

The enemy of our souls and the soul of our nations, has blinded many, not just to steal from us our personal salvation but our nations and Victoria’s salvation. So, we pray for spiritual eyes to be opened.

2 Cor 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

We pray for deceptions to be exposed and people to awaken to the ungodliness of the woke agenda. But we are not to be discouraged as Jesus has won the battle and we need to declare it.

Col 2:14-15 having cancelled the debt ascribed to us in the decrees that stood against us. He took it away, nailing it to the cross! And having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them by the cross.  

We need to pray that many including voters are conformed to Christ, not the world’s ways and are influence by a fear of God not a fear of man.

Ro 12:1-2 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

We pray God’s will be done in the Victorian and US elections and that our minds are renewed.

I sensed a mind control or octopus spirit over Victoria and we need to pray against it and cut its tentacles. Also, a controlling, Jezebel witchcraft spirit is operating and we need to call forth prophets with an Elijah anointing to rise up against that spirit and its false prophets as Elijah did on Mt Carmel.

The Lord showed me to pray for the soul of the nation as nations are judged not just individuals. Mat 25:31-46 so I pray for Australia & the US & specifically for Victoria that we would be a nation and state of righteousness and justice and stand with Israel and the Jews. So, Lord we pray salvation of the soul of our nation. We pray you will purify us from our sin and turn us to you wholeheartedly.

As we face these elections, we pray that all those voting will choose righteous leaders like David and not choose Sauls. As we are at the crossroads, help us to choose the ancient and godly path. Lord let us awaken to the things of you not what the world calls WOKE and may we conform to your ways not our ways.

I take authority over a spirit of intimidation and a Goliath spirit that has been making the church retreat from having its voice heard in the public square when we need to be a prophetic voice declaring Godly values. We dethrone it in Jesus’ name.

We ask that you remove the blindness from our eyes and the eyes of all those who vote so we can see the deception of the enemy and not fall for it and not fall for fake news. Help us to see things as you do and to have an Isachaar anointing to know the times and seasons and what Israel and our nations should do.

We come against the controlling spirit of Jezebel and witchcraft that has stalked our nation and particularly Victoria and we loose its grip in Jesus name. We cut off the tentacles of the spirit of mind control, the octopus spirit, never to grow back, in Jesus name and remove it from the minds of the people. We pray that there would be a fear of God not a fear of man that prevails.

We call forth prophets with an Elijah anointing to rise up against the controlling Jezebel, witchcraft spirit over Victoria and its false prophets as Elijah did on Mt Carmel. Lord raise up prophets with an Elijah anointing we pray.

We declare that Jesus has wiped out all the decrees against us by his death and resurrection and that He has made a spectacle of the enemy and paraded them through hell in a victory march just as victorious kings in ancient times paraded their prisoners through cities they conquered. We declare victory for the Lord in the Victorian and US elections!!!!

We also pray for compassion in our leaders. We pray for unity in the body of Christ or Messiah because we have divisions of left and right-wing in our midst and we know that unity commands a blessing as in Psalm 133. As the ecclesia, when we come into unity, we pray Lord that it will flow into the political sphere where divisions between left- and right-wing cause tensions. We pray a blessing on our nations of Australia and the US and our state of Victoria.


Extended for another week so don’t miss out –  William Cooper Gentle Warrior, a biography and history, is on sale and you can get 10 or more copies for the amazing price of $5 each – much less than what it costs to produce them. I have some special projects coming up that will make books on William Cooper in high demand so get in while you can. They will make great gifts and are good teaching tools.

William Cooper, a Christian, started the first national Aboriginal organisation back in the 1930’s and was the father of NAIDOC (National Aborigines and Islanders Week) which he started as Aboriginal Sunday. He led his people on one of the few private protests worldwide against Kristallnacht, the start of the Holocaust. His legacy lives on and this book is highly acclaimed.

There would have been a passionate discussion as William Cooper told the Australian Aborigines’ League that the Nazis had murdered 91 Jews, smashed the windows of numerous synagogues and Jewish businesses, set synagogues ablaze, and arrested thousands of Jews who they sent to concentration camps. There would have been outrage mixed with tears. They would stand up and try to make a difference taking their protest to the German Consulate in Melbourne. 

William met with Jewish organisations, churches and unions at a Council for Civil Liberties meeting beforehand and no doubt they spoke about Jewish refugees fleeing Hitler. I spoke to Eli Rabinowitz of the We Are Here Foundation in Perth today about their Kristallnacht commemoration. He said, “William Cooper is the father of bringing Jews and Christians together in Australia.”


Sukkot or Feast of Tabernacles by Ps Barbara Miller
The Lord Appeared in a Vision as the Sukkah Was Touched During Sukkot at the Tabernacle of David Cairns. Ps Norman had shared on Sukkot and encouraged congregants to spend time with the Lord in the Sukkah.


After this, Sibaio shared that the week before the above vision in our church, her Aunt Hannah’s daughter Rosie was in the Cairns hospital. She was pregnant but there was a blood clot near the baby’s head. We had prayed for her at church and gave Sibaio a handkerchief and put anointing oil on it and prayed the scripture over it of Acts 19:12 referring to Paul “so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them.”

Hannah took this to Rosie and placed it on the place where she had had an operation that was bleeding. Immediately the Holy Spirit moved and the bleeding stopped, the pain went away and she was healed and was able to fly back to the Torres Strait with her and baby safe and sound. Sibaio declared it a miracle. We have seen God do this before a number of times when we have prayed on hankies and sent them to the person in need. Praise the Lord!!!




Would you like the freshness and tranquility of the rainforest in your home? This is an opportunity to have a free gift of a print by rainforest Aboriginal artist Munganbana Norman Miller. Choose your favourite and enjoy. At the same time, help the artist and pastor get his beautiful work more widely known. Please feel free to forward on this great opportunity. Check here for more details –


Fascinating interview re my book Decrees and Dangerous Prayers which is available on amazon or from

Listen in

Indigenous friends of Israel 2022


By Norman and Barbara Miller, Indigenous Friends of Israel 19.10.22

Jihadi Bob Carr has been pushing the terrorist organization Hamas’ position for some years. So now we have Penny Wong, Anthony Albanese, Tony Burke, and the ALP cabinet reversing the previous government’s decision that West Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Who is Australia to be telling another nation where its capital is? How insulting! No wonder Hamas has congratulated Australia for the decision. See more


For October, William Cooper Gentle Warrior, a biography and history, is on sale and you can get 10 or more copies for the amazing price of $5 each – much less than what it costs to produce them. I have some special projects coming up that will make books on William Cooper in high demand so get in while you can. They will make great gifts and are good teaching tools. William Cooper started the first national Aboriginal organisation back in the 1930’s and was the father of NAIDOC (National Aborigines and Islanders Week.) He led his people on one of the few private protests worldwide against Kristallnacht, the start of the Holocaust. His legacy lives on and this book is highly acclaimed.