Reconciliation Newz Buzz Nov 2021


We want to thank all those who joined us to celebrate the 25th birthday/anniversary of the planting of our church – Tabernacle of David Cairns and the Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace. We had a wonderful service on Oct 31, pictured above –

On 1 Nov, we were blessed with a 2hour zoom meeting with friends from around the world who gave us beautiful messages and we talked about an exciting new event – The Galilee of the Nations –

In fact, this was such a lively exchange that we didn’t show the video messages we received which we have combined into one video for you or the PowerPoint of messages from around the world which has been made into a video –

We have a new section on our website which includes not only our birthday celebration but a ministry timeline and an amazing list of prophecies for each year from 1996 to 2021. There is more to add but you would be astounded at the huge flow. Here is the link –


Contact us about this ministry if you would like to be a part of it –


25 years ago, you embarked on a journey that would cause you to touch many people and nations and especially your beloved Australia. I have experienced firsthand the integrity and power of your prophetic ministry of intercession. My visit from Israel to minister to you in the 90s is imprinted on my mind as well as your immediate response to Truth by shifting from pagan feasts to Biblical feasts. I believe that this response defined your ministry moving forward in instant obedience and child-like faith.

I had the privilege in ministering in another of your prophetic conferences in Cairns marked by the same response of integrity to Truth as many chose to be Mikved(baptized) into the name of Yeshua. You definitely contested and provoked the powers and principalities of Amalek and antisemitism when I was preaching when I was preaching at your conference in the Opera House in Sydney. At the same time that you were all prophetically wrapping me up in the Australian and Israeli flags, many were violently protesting against Israel outside.

Thank you for being courageous, standing for truth, and being child-like in your faith and obedience. My prayer is that now you are 25, you will never lose that freshness and anointing as you keep going forward in this End Time battle. Dark times demand bright shining lights as you certainly are. I bless you today with a promise given to Israel,

Arise shine for your light has come! The glory of Adonai has risen upon you. For behold darkness covers the earth, and deep darkness the people. But Adonai will rise upon you, and His glory will appear over you. Nations will come to your light, kings to the brilliance of your rising. Isaiah 60:1-3 TLV

Video of combined video messages from Israel, Asia, the Pacific,
Africa, and Australia. 

Updated: Reconciliation Newz Buzz Sept-Oct no 1 2021

25Th Birthday Planting Our Church Oct 21

OCT 21

We celebrate 25 years since we planted the Pentecostal Church of Reconciliation in Cairns in Oct 21 which became the Tabernacle of David local congregation and the Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace para-church ministry, the latter being launched in 1998. 

We are celebrating with a service and festive meal on Sat 30th at our usual time and then by a zoom meeting at 7pm Sydney time on Nov 1st so our friends from around Australia and overseas can join us to celebrate. We will send you registration details for this soon.

We would like those who have journeyed with us over the years to attend the zoom if you can. Whether you can attend or not, please send us a few words of your memories or testimonies and a photo of yourself so that we can make a powerpoint of these. Short video messages are also welcome. Please please send any photos you may have of conferences we’ve hosted that you attended or meetings we spoke at that you attended. We would like to record some of our history.

We will also be putting a special page on our website that will have a timeline from 1996 to now with events and photos and add a prophecy page with all the prophecies from 1996 to now. Unfortunately, they have not all been typed up and some are on audiotapes and CDs which will not see light of day but we still have many. 



The co-founders of the Indigenous Friends of Israel are Norman and Barbara Miller. Norman is Aboriginal and is of the Jirrbal, Bar-Barrum and Tableland Yidinji tribes. While the Indigenous Friends of Israel was founded in 2017, the Millers have been proactive in support of Israel for nearly 30 years. Norman’s Aboriginal name is Munganbana which means Mountain Water in the Jirrbal language.
We are working on the following:

  • Standing with Israel and affirming that the Jews are Indigenous to the land of Israel
  • Combatting disinformation that Israel is a colonial settler apartheid racist state
  • Combatting antisemitism and racism
  • Providing an Indigenous voice from the nations re Israel
  • Educating the community locally and internationally with relevant materials
  • Collaborating with other Indigenous leaders and groups
  • Creating a platform for Indigenous stories and initiatives
  • Speaking at conferences and events on issues relevant to Indigenous support for Israel
  • Liaising with the Jewish community in Israel and the diaspora
  • Linking and working with like-minded groups


Indigenous Friends of Israel by Ps Norman Miller

Check out more of our free videos

Sukkot or Feast of Tabernacles Message by Barbara Miller

RECONCILIATION NEWZ BUZZ 2021 no 2 Feb-March 2021 Newsletter of Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace

Passover with Cairns Jewish Community 27.3.21
Passover message by Ps Barbara Miller on 27.3.21 at our service before joining the Jewish community. We have been celebrating Passover (Pesach) for nearly 25 years now. Last year we hosted the Passover Service or Pesach Seder by zoom and many joined us from around Australia. Please excuse the background noise made by our fans.


Our GAP Network has been earnestly praying for our nation and its government as all the issues in Australian society re the treatment of women have been weaponised by the Opposition and the media against our Christian Prime Minister who himself is a family man of good character. Please keep him and his family in prayer and if you want to contact us re the prayers and decrees we have been using to use them yourself, please do.


I sense that we are at a real tipping point in our nation and the scales could go one way or the other. We really are at a time of crisis in our nation. I was seeing a precipice like our nation was on the precipice. It is a very precarious position. Our prayers are critical so please pray earnestly.


I decree a divine reversal of all legislation and policies of all governments, and policies of all businesses and institutions in Australia that are anti-Christian including those relating to abortion, euthanasia and anti-family values. I decree reversal to the mindsets and hearts of those who develop and maintain anti-Godly legislation and policies in Australia. I decree reversal to the spirits behind this legislation and these policies.

I agree with scripture and say “the Lord rebuke you” (Jude 1:9)

I decree Jeremiah 1:10 over Australia that as His spiritual government, we will fulfil His word – “See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.” I decree that those who oppose You Lord in Australia who are in positions of influence in any sphere will have the opportunity to repent and reverse course or be removed. I decree they will be replaced by those who will build and plant into Australia a love for You, revival and transformation.


Above left is a photo taken at our Bethany Gate All Pacific Prayer Assembly in Cairns for the 400th anniversary of de Quiros’ declaration of the South Land of the Holy Spirit. Former Prime Minister of Vanuatu, Mr Edward Natapei and Rev Michael Maeliau from the Solomon Islands are speaking. On the right is our Psalm 24:7 conference in Sydney. Norman’s grandmother and mother and Mick Mundine are coming ashore at Sydney harbour on the Tribal Warrior boat re-enacting the British arrival in Australia and coming in the opposite spirit. You can access these videos here –

Speak God’s Word Into Your House by Ps Norman Miller 13.2.21

This boomerang that Norman made and presented to Parliament on 27.11.13 2013 with about 360 signatures on the back asking for constitutional change is now housed in the Museum of Australian Democracy in Canberra (the old Parliament House) after being donated by Norman. In this photo, he presented it to Warren Entsch MP, Bronwyn Bishop, then Speaker of the House, Ken Wyatt MP and now Minister for Indigenous Australians. Norman was campaigning for removal of racism from the Australian constitution as well as constitutional recognition. The Uluru statement for “voice treaty truth” is a good one but it has yet to be implemented and there is disagreement between Indigenous people as to whether the voice should be legislated or enshrined in the constitution. The issue of removing racism from the constitution appears to have lost momentum with the emphasis on the voice. Please keep these issues in prayer.

Purim, the Feast of Esther 2.3.21


As well as having Indigenous people from the various states praying for our nation, Norman prayed for Indigenous leaders.

Norman prayed for a double portion anointing to come on Indigenous leaders. He also shared in summary, “Ps 118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. We were born for such a time as this. Can a nation be born again in a day? Isa 66. Yes, Israel was and so now is Australia. We are going to have an Awakening. The Lord also spoke to me out of Ex 20:20 where Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.” And we have had a year of testing with covid-19.

I believe the next 7 years are critical for our nation 2021-2028. Israel will turn 80 in 2028. Moses was 80 years old when he confronted Pharaoh. We need to free the 7 mountains from the spirit of Pharaoh and Babylon. First Nations people need to align with the Lion of the tribe of Judah who is roaring. We have not sold our birthright. The 7 mountains also need to be delivered from the spirit of Edom and Esau. Obadiah 1:21 says “Deliverers will go up on Mount Zion to govern the mountains of Esau. And the kingdom will be the LORD’s.”

God’s Word Can Transform Your World 13.3.21



As soon as I (Barbara Miller) heard on Wednesday about the tragedy in Beirut, I sensed the Lord was showing me that it was a situation similar to Haman’s gallows. I shared that on a number of WhatsApp groups straight away. In the time of Queen Esther, Haman tried to trick the King of Persia (ancient Iran) into killing all the Jews in the vast empire of King Xerxes or Ahasuerus, virtually the then known world – from India to Ethiopia. The plot was exposed by Esther and her uncle Mordecai who were Jews and the genocide was stopped by another decree that reversed the effect of the first decree. The King ordered Haman hung on the gallows he had constructed himself to kill Modecai. Haman was a Persian/Iranian citizen but he was descended from Agag, King of the Amalekites, traditional enemies of Israel. Amalek was the grandson of Esau, the ancestor of the Edomites.

The Iranian-controlled terrorist group Hezbollah controls the port in Beirut where the ammonium nitrate that exploded was stored. It can be used for fertilizer or explosives. It is known that Hezbollah has weapons stored at the Beirut port to attack Israel with more than a hundred thousand missiles. This appears to be a case where Hezbollah’s plan to kill Jews in Israel has backfired upon them, tragically killing innocent civilians in the process. Another plot from Iran to kill Jews has been foiled.

This seems to be confirmed by media reports on Sunday that the people have built a mock gallows on which they performed a mock hanging of Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah & former prime minister Saad Hariri. A number of key intercessors have confirmed what the Lord showed me. It is important however that we have compassion for the injured and those who have lost their loved ones, Christians and others, and that we pray for reform, repentance and salvation in Lebanon and terrorism to end. There are urgent needs for food, medical aid and housing. Lebanon was already in financial and Covid-19 crisis before the blast and the blast has destroyed silos of wheat containing 85% of Lebanon’s food. Jonah was chastised by the Lord when he complained that the Lord spared Nineveh, the enemy of Israel, when they repented.


The Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace has a number of ministries under its umbrella and Indigenous Friends of Israel (IFI) is one of them. Formed in 2017, Ps Norman Miller said “It is simply untrue to maintain that Israel is an apartheid state. As Indigenous people, we know what apartheid is. Israel is a beacon of democracy in the Middle East and has Arab Members of the Knesset and has Arabs living peacefully and working in all walks of life enjoying their democratic freedoms.” 

IFI was formed in July 2017 to counter Bob Carr’s anti-Israel comments and to maintain Australia’s bipartisan support for Israel.

Norman and Barbara were blessed to share on Indigenous Friends of Israel at a Shalom Israel event in Melbourne in 2018 where the Christian and Jewish community came together at the Beth Weizmann Centre.

In July 2020, IFI, our Centre (CFIRP) and Tabernacle of David joined with Australia’s ICEJ and many other pro-Israel organisations to write a letter to Australia’s Foreign Minister, Marise Payne, to support the proposed extension by Israel of its sovereignty over Judea and Samaria as designated by the Trump Peace Plan called “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People.” The letter added supporting international legal documents.

We were blessed to have Mr Albert Veksler of the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast as a guest speaker at one of our Tabernacle of David Asia Pacific Prayer meetings that we host and he shared on this issue.

Barbara spoke to our Tabernacle of David Cairns on Judea and Samaria in the following video. One correction- at the end I shared I had a revelation in 2017 that the replacement theology of the church had opened the door for the supersessionism of Islam but I said Israel instead of Islam.


A number of years ago, Barbara after a conference we hosted in Parliament House Canberra where we built a throne for the Lord, Barbara saw a vision of a crown over Parliament House and David Jack made this beautiful image.

At the start of 2019, we formed a spiritual government ministry praying for the Australian government, weekly then fortnightly praying by zoom. Called GAP based on Ezekiel 22:30 where the Lord looked for someone to stand in the gap for Israel so He would not have to destroy it for its sin, we appointed pastors and intercessors to federal government portfolios. They hear from the Lord and research current events to pray for these portfolios and the ministers responsible on a daily basis. This has greatly influenced government policy along the lines of maintaining our Judeo-Christian heritage. Our primary scripture is Isaiah 9:6-7 and we proclaim the government of Australia is on the shoulders of Jesus or Yeshua.


Norman and Barbara initiated the Tabernacle of David Asia Pacific Prayer Network (TODAPP) on Erev Shavuot with a trumpet blast and we have been blessed by the participation of pastors and intercessors from most nations in Asia and some in the Pacific. We meet on a fortnighly basis by zoom and have a WhatsApp group for prayer in between. 

As well as having people from the actual nations leading prayer for their nations, we have a guest speaker each time as well and we have been very blessed to hear from Rev Dr George Annadorai from Singapore (pictured) on a couple of occasions. As we have a focus on Israel and the Isaiah 19 highway, we have prayer leaders from these nations as guest speakers and regular members. We were blessed to have Ps Shlomy and Miriam Abramov from Rishon LeZion Israel, Mr Ablert Vesksler from the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast and our next guest speaker is Adel, an Egyptian Australian who regularly prays with us. Ps Jack Yeo from Emmanuel Blessings Centre in Sydney has been a wonderful support as has Judy Chiem. 

What is it? Watch this 3min video by Ps Barbara Miller.
Hear from Norman Miller and experience the beauty of the rainforest
Norman Miller at his gallery with placards 


By Barbara Miller

Norman made the point that yes, black lives matter but also all lives matter and he stood outside his art gallery with placards in the shape of hands saying “stop youth suicide” and “stop abortion.” He could have added stop domestic violence. He had signs saying John 3:16 and Ps 91 and he added “all live smatter to it.”
 In answer to a question from an intercessor of how to stop a Black Lives Matter march in Sydney because of Covid-19 and other concerns, I gave an unusual answer. My answer was to use a strategy from the Lord around Balaam’s donkey. To start with, there are genuine grievances and pain and a genuine call for justice around the Black Lives Matter movement in the USA and Australia that I support. However, there are ungodly forces that have attached to the Black Lives Matter movement in the US – anarchism, Marxism, Islamist ideology and even traditional African spirituality e.g. invoking warrior ancestor spirits to help them. Some churches and synagogues in the US have been destroyed.

The Aboriginal Lives Matter movement in Australia which has become Black Lives Matter is different but with Marxist influences. My heart goes out to the family of David Dungay and others who have tragically lost their lives in custody.

In December 2015, Dungay’s heart gave way in Long Bay prison hospital under the weight of five prison guards. His last words were “I can’t breathe.” Ironically, they were preventing him from eating biscuits because he was diabetic and when he resisted, he was forcibly given a sedative. The 26-year-old Aboriginal is now being portrayed as Australia’s George Floyd. His family is distraught because the coroner did not find the prison officers guilty and want an inquiry which is understandable.

In 1983, John Pat, a 16-year-old Aboriginal boy, was beaten to death by four off-duty police officers in Karratha, Western Australia. The policemen were acquitted by an all-white jury of manslaughter, on the grounds of self-defence. His death and others led to the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody which was presented with cases of police brutality to Aboriginals.

I was asked by the Queensland Commissioner, Lou Wyvill, to write a submission to the Inquiry on behalf of the Aboriginal Coordinating Council (ACC) of which I was CEO. ACC represented the land-based Aboriginal local government councils in Qld. I wrote a 100-page report in 1990.
 Surprisingly, the royal commission found Indigenous people weren’t dying in custody at a higher rate than others. This is still the same situation today. They were over-represented in jail, but not in deaths in custody. Nevertheless, the implementation of the recommendations needs to be revisited and a fresh commitment made to enforce them. The Australian Law Reform Commission (2018) wrote, “Although Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults make up around 2% of the national population, they constitute 27% of the national prison population.”
The Australian reported on 15.6.20 “The Australian Institute of Criminology, in a paper by Jenny Mouzos, says that from 1989 until 2000, 

Photo of Norman Miller with Closing the Gap targets painted on a hand


By Barbara Miller

The Closing the Gap initiative was set up by then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd after the 2008 Apology re the stolen generations of children. The Apology was a watershed moment in Australian history with the nation, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, engaged with the bipartisan event and a lot of healing occurred. Norman and I were in Parliament House Canberra for it. Rudd wanted to follow with practical reconciliation measures to reduce the huge socio-economic disadvantage of Indigenous people on most socio-economic indicators like health and mortality, education, employment etc.

However, at the 10-year mark in 2018, it was found that only 2 of the 7 targets were met. It was a failure. There have been extensive negotiations since then for a reset and finally, very recently 16 targets instead of 7 have been set and signed onto by federal and state governments and 50 peak Indigenous organizations.

I am especially happy that there are new targets for reducing by 2031 the extremely high levels of incarceration of Indigenous adults (by 15%) and youth (by 30%), reducing the high number of children in out-of-home care (by 45%) reducing overcrowding in housing and new targets for recognizing Indigenous legal interests over land and sea and increasing the use of Indigenous languages. However, should all these targets by met by 2031, it will still be a very long time into the future before parity is reached and there is no gap – a sad situation.

I have 12 prayer points I can send to anyone interested.


15.1 per cent of all homicide victims nationally were Aboriginal, as were 15.7 per cent of all homicide offenders — and yet ­Aboriginal people were less than 3 per cent of the population.”

Re black-on-black violence, The Australian also reported on 15.6.20, that Aboriginal leader “Jacinta Price wrote in The Daily Telegraph on June 9: ‘In 2018 in the NT alone, 85 per cent (4355) of Aboriginal victims of crime knew the ­offender. Half were victimised by partners. Aboriginal women made up 88 per cent (2075) of those victims.’

“Aboriginal children were 5.9 per cent of the population but five times more likely to be hospitalised after an assault than non-indigenous children. ‘Between 2007 and 2011, 26 per cent of all deaths among Aboriginal children … were … (from) abuse injury,’ she wrote. ‘The leading cause of child death between 2014 and 2017 … was suicide. This is a quarter of all child suicides in Australia (85 of 357)’.”

“Realising that there are fun­damental connections between child neglect, child sexual abuse, Aboriginal victims of crime and the high rates of incarceration will allow us to address these critical ­issues effectively.”

Some intercessors did pray the prayer strategy of Balaam’s donkey before the Sydney march on 28.7.20 which was cancelled. The donkey (vehicle) refused to take Balaam where he wanted because an angel stood in the way. If you want a copy of this prayer strategy, please contact me.

We are a small team with much ministry happening and we would love to have some support with a one-off offering or a regular donation. One example is that Norman has been doing street ministry via worship on Cairns streets for 3 years now 2 or 3 nights a week. After a short break due to Covid-19 restrictions, he is back doing it again. If you have prayer needs, please let us know.If there is anything specific you would like to sow into, then please use it as a reference.   Here are our bank details –

Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace, CBA Cairns, 
BSB  064804    Account details 1406 9281.