Would you like the freshness and tranquility of the rainforest in your home? This is an opportunity to have a free gift of a print by rainforest Aboriginal artist Munganbana Norman Miller. Choose your favourite and enjoy. At the same time, help the artist and pastor get his beautiful work more widely known. Please feel free to forward on this great opportunity. Check here for more details – https://www.artprintsbymunganbana.com/
By Norman and Barbara Miller, Indigenous Friends of Israel 19.10.22
Jihadi Bob Carr has been pushing the terrorist organization Hamas’ position for some years. So now we have Penny Wong, Anthony Albanese, Tony Burke, and the ALP cabinet reversing the previous government’s decision that West Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Who is Australia to be telling another nation where its capital is? How insulting! No wonder Hamas has congratulated Australia for the decision. See more
For October, William Cooper Gentle Warrior, a biography and history, is on sale and you can get 10 or more copies for the amazing price of $5 each – much less than what it costs to produce them. I have some special projects coming up that will make books on William Cooper in high demand so get in while you can. They will make great gifts and are good teaching tools. William Cooper started the first national Aboriginal organisation back in the 1930’s and was the father of NAIDOC (National Aborigines and Islanders Week.) He led his people on one of the few private protests worldwide against Kristallnacht, the start of the Holocaust. His legacy lives on and this book is highly acclaimed.
We praise the Lord for His many blessings. Norman and Thomas blow the shofar before every service we have on Saturdays and Thomas with either Judy or Debbii blow the 2 silver trumpets on special occasions. The Hannukah menorah is not on this table but 2 other menorahs are, along with a conch shell, and a small ark of the covenant is behind the grapes. There is also a white crown just behind the candle holder. This table was not set up in any particular way and I couldn’t resist taking a photo with my phone as I walked past it. So much here precious to us and the Lord. There is also a 25 there which lights up. We used it to celebrate 25 years of ministry last year.
1999, Left – Australian and British teams reenacting the first fleet leaving from Britain to Australia but coming in the opposite spirit.
Right – Ps Norman and Barbara Miller walking down the 199 steps to the sea at Whitby, the home of Capt Cook who charted the east coast of Australia and claimed it for Britain.
You may remember that at the Healing the Commonwealth prayer event on 27.6.22, prayer leaders from Britain and the Commonwealth nations joined together in a time of fresh repentance and forgiveness for how the UK treated commonwealth nations. Norman was asked, along with other nations, to share testimonies of past reconciliation events between Britain and Australia that we have been involved with since 1997. All continents were represented in the 27.6.22 event. Brian Pickering of the Australian Prayer Network lead the 1999 Reconciliation Tour of England by the Australian team and spoke before Norman. Norman and Barbara were part of the team that went to England in 1999. Before that, they hosted an international conference on reconciliation in Cairns, Australia in 1998 at which Brian and the British team, led by Brian Mills, spoke. The Millers were also involved in the 2 Chron 7:14 prayer event led by Ps Ben Gray and Brian Pickering in Uluru in 1999.
An anointed follow-up event called Blessing the Commonwealth was held by the World Prayer Centre in Birmingham, England before the Commonwealth Games which is currently being held there. We could not be there but joined with Malaysian and Indonesian pastors and intercessors the same day.
Praying for Revival in Borneo & Releasing Healing from the Commonwealth over Malaysia by Pastors Norman & Barbara Miller. The Millers were invited to join Malaysian and Indonesian Christians and lead a session 16.7.22. Norman is Aboriginal Australian but has some Malay heritage.
If you would love a copy of this Reconciliation CD with original songs from the Tabernacle of David Cairns, you can order one here. Just scroll down to find the picture. Free shipping in Australia. Photo of didjeridoo player Darryl Miller in this image.
Do you need to be carried by the Lord through a difficult situation? Then this video is for you. In fact, It’s two messages in one, because Ps Norman Miller goes on to talk about the theme for National Aboriginal and Islanders Week and discusses scripture in reference to it.
Carried by the Lord and NAIDOC by Ps Norman Miller
Left – Norman and a friend at the recent NAIDOC march in Cairns where Norman is carrying a shield he made especially honouring William Cooper, the originator of NAIDOC and the timeline of major developments in its naming and celebration. He also carried a giant boomerang supporting the Uluru statement from the heart of Voice, Treaty and Truth. If you want to know more about that, check out Barbara’s books here.
Right, 2012 – Kevin Russell and Uncle Boydie (William Cooper’s family) and Norman Miller leading a march from William Cooper’s old home in Footscray to the Melbourne CBD where the German consulate was in 1938. It was a re-enactment of the protest by William Cooper and the Australian Aborigines’ League re Kristallnacht, the start of the Holocaust. Abe Schwarz, the Melbourne Holocaust Museum and Barbara Miller organised the event. It coincided with the launch of Barbara’s book called Wiliam Cooper, Gentle Warrior.
William Cooper
Aboriginal Christian leader, William Cooper is the father of NAIDOC, initiating it on 28 January 1940 as an annual Aboriginal Sunday supported by the churches.
Fifteen years later, in 1955, the date changed to the first Sunday in July and became known as National Aborigines Day. In 1957, the National Aborigines Day Observance Committee (NADOC) was formed whose goal was to promote awareness of Aboriginal people, their cultures and their plight. In 1989, the title changed to NAIDOC Week to include Torres Strait Islanders in the national celebrations. So, we owe it to William Cooper who got the ball rolling.
Enlarge Expand Stretch Your Tent Pegs and Sing With Joy Isa 54 by Barbara Miller. The message also covers Isa 53 and salvation and Isa 55.
You can change the history of nations, shift atmospheres. You can command barriers to come down. Doors to open. Hopeless situations to shift.
God wants you to partner with Him to establish His will. Yet, prayers of petition will sometimes not be enough. Instead, it is more powerful to decree from your position in heavenly places with Jesus Christ. To do that, you first must spend time with God and listen to His heart. Decree from the Father’s heart, not vain imagination.
In light of the tectonic shifts happening in the world today, international speaker and author Pastor Barbara Miller, an ordained prophet – believes now more than ever – the world is in dire need of more carriers of our Father’s power.
Hence, she took her decades of ministry experience and shaped them into a short, comprehensive how-to manual on writing decrees. To make sure any Christian can apply this process, she broke it down into 7 simple steps.
Before learning to write decrees, you may have felt disappointed, inadequate, ill-equipped or unsure of a way forward. After you learn to write effective decrees, you will feel on top of things, clear-headed, motivated and happy you can help to effect change. It will improve your sense of social responsibility and effectiveness.
Decrees and Dangerous Prayers will give you the motivation and steps you need to:
Pray and make daring decrees that can change the spiritual atmosphere
Make dangerous decrees and prayers that transform your city or nation
Have your faith increased as you see the results and feel empowered
Norman has been worshipping on the Cairns Esplanade now 3 nights a week for 5 years and has seen people renew their faith, dance in the streets, pour out wine or throw away packets of cigarettes. God is impacting the city of Cairns and tourists through this ministry. Videos of him singing are being shared around the world and touching unknown lives. The bread ministry continues to bless the needy as well.
Norman is also an Aboriginal artist and is donating a large painting to Rosie’s Friends on the Street who feed the homeless. They are fundraising for a new van. His father Barclay had a great heart for the homeless and would receive calls in the middle of the night from homeless people who needed food or blankets and he would always get up and help out from his own cupboard. Norman has a similar heart so if you want to help please contact Norman on 0407128199.
In the Shadow of the Lord’s Wings and Realizing Our Gifts and Callings by Ps Norman Miller
Norman does art and culture workshops at Catholic schools where he can share scripture and pray. He recently did one for teachers at St Gerard Majella school around the campfire. He also does art workshops for children for different organisations.
Writing and Declaring Decrees
How to Observe Biblical (Jewish) Feasts from a Christian Standpoint
Tabernacle of David
Writing a Christian Book
something else. If so, what?
Please pray that the schools will have a Holocaust curriculum that includes the inspiring story of William Cooper as a Christian Australian Aboriginal upstander.
We post nearly every day on our Facebook page for Indigenous Friends of Israel and this refreshes the front page of our website. Please like it so you can get updates from us of what is happening around the world that is affecting the Jewish community and Israel as many of you, like us, pray for Israel daily. This will give you some prayer points. To like it, click here.
Hi!! God bless you all!! This is a special newsletter just to let you know that Barbara’s latest book is free NOW from Sat 18 June 12am to Sun 19 June 11.59pm Pacific Time (PDT). This is the link.
Also, the print book is available too for those who prefer print. Review excerpts are:
Decrees and Dangerous Prayers by Barbara Miller is a timely prophetic calling for intercessors and leaders. The scriptural examples are powerful and Barbara’s teaching and experience enhance the examples given in the Word. This book is a ‘must read’ to servants of God who desire to see changes in the nations.
June Volk, Author and Prophetic Speaker, Shelly and June Volk Ministries, USA
Decrees and Dangerous Prayers is a powerful inspired book. Ps Barbara Miller gives us insightful historic stories and cases when God uses Apostles like Ps Norman and Ps Barbara Miller to pray and release decrees given to them by the power of the Holy Spirit to reverse any situation and give glory to God.
Lilian Schmid, Coordinator, Prayer Strategy for the Spheres of Influence, Australia
Book Launch of Decrees and Dangerous Prayers: 7 Steps We Can Use to Change Our Nation or Community
by Ps Barbara Miller 14.5.22 (Excerpt) on Canberra Declaration Prayer Night
We post nearly every day on our Facebook page for Indigenous Friends of Israel and this refreshes the front page of our website. Please like it so you can get updates from us of what is happening around the world that is affecting the Jewish community and Israel as many of you, like us, pray for Israel daily. This will give you some prayer points. To like it, click here.
Hi all. We bless you in the name of the Lord. We are in the midst of a national election campaign in Australia and continue to pray for Godly government. We have been blessed with a Christian Prime Minister who said he won by a miracle last election and he needs another miracle. He has been the brunt of a character assassination campaign despite being of good character. Australia has handled the pandemic and the economic fallout because of it better than most nations. However big money is bankrolling so-called independents against government seats campaigning for stronger climate change policies. They hope to get a hung parliament so they can call the shots, having the balance of power.
We have had devastating floods on the east coast of Australia and the heart-rending war in Ukraine continues with rising antisemitism in many countries. Just as the heroes of the Bible interceded to God, we do today in this generation. We praise the Lord that He is in control. After all, history is His story.
The Spiritual Reasons Behind Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine by Ps Barbara Miller 2.4.22
If you want to be able to write an effective decree, unleash the power of God into a situation and see positive changes in your community, then this book is for you. You can partner with God to shift the atmosphere over your city or nation and feel more empowered to deal with situations around you. This book focuses on decrees as dangerous prayers. My journey with decrees and how to write them is covered here. I plan to release it on May 31. If you want an early copy, join the decrees facebook group below.
OPEN HEAVEN by Ps Norman Miller, Tabernacle of David Cairns
Happy Mothers Day to mothers and spiritual mothers. Your children rise up and call you blessed and so does your husband and extended family. Prov 31.
Norman and Barbara will be sharing on Pentecost Sunday 5 June at 9.30am AEST at Ps Jack Yeo’s church, Emmanuel Blessings in Sydney by zoom so if you want to attend, please contact us for details
Facing Challenges with Mountain-Moving Faith by Ps Barbara Miller 30.4.22
Book launch – Norman and Barbara are co-authors of a book called Keys to Australia’s Destiny by Jill Curry et al.
Keys to Australia’s Destiny will be launched Saturday, May 14 at 2.30pm AEST on zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/187673252 Meeting 187 673 252 (No password, just a waiting room). Jill Curry is the editor and publisher and is coordinating with Nel and Kym Farnik who have an Israeli support ministry called ‘Celebrate Israel’.
Jill says, “May 14 is a significant day for both Australia and Israel. It was not only the day Israel was born in 1948 (on the Western calendar) but also the day that de Quiros made his proclamation in 1606 regarding the ‘Southlands of the Holy Spirit’ from Vanuatu over all the lands south to the pole. This is referred to by numerous writers in the book. Both of these events are keys to Australia’s destiny so please join us.
Keys to Australia’s Destiny is a compilation of articles by 24 Christian leaders sharing what they believe is God’s destiny for Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific region and how we can see this fulfilled. I believe it will be a strategic book to focus the church on what our apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers and preachers perceive God is saying now and give impetus to intercessors as to what and how to pray for our countries to come into their destiny in God. You will be able to order through the Gifts for the King website.”
We post nearly every day on our Facebook page for Indigenous Friends of Israel and this refreshes the front page of our website. Please like it so you can get updates from us of what is happening around the world that is affecting the Jewish community and Israel as many of you, like us, pray for Israel daily. This will give you some prayer points. To like it, click here.
Our heartfelt prayers have been going out daily for Ukraine since the Russian invasion. The Lord showed me these spirits are operating – power lust, glory lust, blood lust, a spirit of empire, territorial spirits, self-exalting spirits, a deceptive spirit, a thieving, destroying spirit, and an authoritarian, oppressive spirit. Also, from newspaper reports, it appears that Putin has co-opted the church with only some opposition. He sees this as a spiritual battle, and it is – between the forces of darkness and light. However, in his deception, he is in the right. So we can do prayers of binding and loosing as in as in Mat 16:19 as we are given the keys of the kingdom to do this. I don’t recommend you do this on your own as some of these are world powers and it is not safe. However, I have a decree that you can pray. Job 22:28 says:
Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.
We decree the power lust and glory lust operating in the Russian invasion of Ukraine must bow the knee before the name of Jesus and, as Jesus prayed in the Lord’s prayer in Matt 6– “lead us not into temptation” but deliver Ukraine and Russia “from the evil one for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. We decree the blood of Jesus is more powerful than blood lust and more powerful to save than any other blood. As it says in Rev 1:5 “from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood.”
We decree the spirit of empire operating in Europe cannot stand against the Creator of the universe as Col 1:16 says “For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him”. We decree loss of power to territorial spirits operating in Europe. As Acts 17:26 says “From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.”
We declare Jesus has triumphed on the cross and by His resurrection over the lying, deception and murder that has been occurring in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As John 8:44 says “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. We declare that the thieving, destroying spirit operating in the Russian invasion of Ukraine is defeated by the blood and name of Jesus and that Jesus brings life and resurrection to Ukraine. As John 10:10 says “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
We decree demise and dismantling of the authoritarian spirit operating over Russia and declare the servant leadership demonstrated by Jesus in Matt 20:25-28. “Jesus called them together and said, ‘You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your servant— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many’.”
We decree that the church in Russia will shine a light in the darkness and have the strength to resist being compromised and co-opted by Putin. As Jesus prays in John 17:14-15 “I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.”
We decree that those who have been blinded by the evil one in Europe will have their eyes opened and that they will reach out to Jesus for their salvation. We pray comfort and practical help for all those who have lost loved ones and been wounded on both sides of the war and for those who been made refugees and lost their homes and livelihoods. We pray wisdom for the leaders of all Europe, especially of Ukraine. We thank you Jesus that you came to
“… proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free,”
Luke 4:18
Signed with the signet ring of the Lord Jesus Christ (Esther 8:8)
EXPECT A MIRACLE TODAY by Ps Norman Miller, Tabernacle of David Cairns
CHANGE SITUATIONS WITH POWERFUL DECREES ON PURIM by Ps Barbara Miller, Tabernacle of David Cairns
We post nearly every day on our Facebook page for Indigenous Friends of Israel and this refreshes the front page of our website. Please like it so you can get updates from us of what is happening around the world that is affecting the Jewish community and Israel as many of you, like us, pray for Israel daily. This will give you some prayer points. To like it, click here.
Well Happy New Year and maybe you have made some new year resolutions or have had, as Norman would say, some new year revelation. Maybe you’ve decided to journal. If so, these journals are designed to help you. This is what one reader, Gina Wileman, said re the Sermon Notes Journal:
Usually, I collect biblical “Pearls of Wisdom” on little pieces of paper, which eventually get misplaced. Or sometimes I text messages to myself during church services, whenever the pastor’s messages resonate with personal experiences—and they’re often forgotten. But using this journal makes it much easier to keep my thoughts tucked into one place. I love how simple and easy it is to use. Plus the cover makes me smile. Love it!
Here is the link to this book – https://www.amazon.com/dp/0648472272. For those in Australia, you can order off my book website if you can’t order off amazon.
Re the Bible Study Journal, one reader, CreativeIIBY wrote Discover God’s promises by meditating on his word and pondering on questions that will guide you to become more aware of applying it into your life. This book is a great gift as well to friends or anyone you want to have deeper walk with God. I love the cover, it’s a beautiful journal and I highly recommend checking the other books as well created by the author through the link on the first few pages, this journal became a tool for me to get to know more amazing works of the author.
There is also a prayer journal. One reader, Susan Jagannath, says: Do you keep thinking that you will start your prayer journey today? Or tomorrow? I found that keeping a prayer journal is the best way to remember to pray, as well as to look back and find that your prayers have been answered in miraculous ways. The link is https://www.amazon.com/dp/0648472280. All 3 are only $6.99 US each.
Prophetic Word by Apostle Norman Miller for 2022
Free Worship by Tabernacle of David Cairns & Prophetic Word by Apostle Norman Miller for 2022 delivered 8.1.22. The free worship has didjeridoo sounds in the background. The prophecy is at 5min 24 secs. Norman read from Rev 3:20.
Prophetic Word for Malaysia for 2022
by Ps Barbara Miller
My introduction was not recorded. In praying about a New Year message, I saw a chasm between 2 large rock-like cliffs. I sensed this was a chasm between 2021 and 2022 and that there was going to be a big change. What supported you in 2021 won’t support you in 2022. Some trends of 2021 won’t continue into 2022. We don’t want to take old patterns that aren’t working into the new year. I asked the Lord if this was from Him and I asked for a scripture and I received Isaiah 43:18-19. This was the first vision.
I was praying particularly for a word for the Malaysian church and specific pastors. I saw a rock with a crevice of jewels in it. I got the words “hidden treasure” and “double doors” and the scripture of Isaiah 45:1-3 came to me. I had a prophetic word for them based on this scripture. The last part of it was about them raising up the Tabernacle of David.
There were a number of confirmations. They showed me a treasure chest of jewels they had prepared for an altar they had built for the Tabernacle of David they had decided to establish. God is good. We enjoyed a time of worship and fellowship with our Malaysian family.
BDS Boycott of Sydney Festival
As the founders of Indigenous Friends of Israel in 2015, Munganbana Norman and Barbara Miller were concerned about the BDS boycott of the Sydney Festival by Palestinian activists backed by Hamas, a terrorist organization. The reason cited is a $20,000 grant from the Israeli Embassy in Australia though it is not unusual for foreign governments to support art. Also, the Sydney Dance Company were due to perform the dance Decadancecreated by Israeli choreographer Ohad Naharin and Tel Aviv’s Batsheva Dance Company.
While over 20 performers and/or organizations pulled out, including Arab and Muslim performers, the Sydney Festival organizers did not bow to the pressure and continued. The Decadence performers received a standing ovation to a sold-out audience on the opening night on 6 Jan. The Palestinian Justice Movement Sydney claimed that Israel is a racist apartheid state.
Initially Munganbana Norman, as an Indigenous artist, wrote personally to the Indigenous artists a warm, non-challenging letter outlining the numerous ways the Jewish community in Australia have supported the Indigenous community. Unfortunately, Aboriginal senator Pat Dodson, a former Catholic priest, was patron and cultural advisor to one of these groups so we wrote him a letter too, receiving no reply though he is a friend. A minder of one performer rang Norman and told him that the artist was greatly distressed as she had been badgered by a number of phone calls from Lebanon so he would not be passing on the letter.
We were approached by an organisation in the USA who are allied with many in the entertainment and arts industry who assist performers who are boycotted for performing in Israel and had a zoom meeting with them as they wanted to put out an op ed in an Australian newspaper about the issue. They had seen an earlier press release we had done which was published in The Times of Israel.
Please check and like our Indigenous Friends of Israel Facebook page as we update it almost daily. https://www.facebook.com/likeIFI/
The ABC reported on 13 Jan that Sydney Festival chair David Kirk has apologised for the event’s handling of a funding controversy saying re the artists “They feel compromised, many of them, and many of them are being pressurised to withdraw their performances from the festival,”
The ABC reported in the same article that Israel’s Deputy Ambassador to Australia, Ron Gerstenfeld, said “agents of chaos” had been bullying artists into supporting the boycott.
“We heard a lot about people being targeted, being threatened, through social media of course but also through other means,” he said.
He said Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), the organisation behind the boycott, had run an aggressive campaign.
New Years Eve Prophetic Message to Malaysian Christians
by Apostle Norman Miller. A key scripture for 2022 is Isaiah 22:22
Fire at Old Parliament House – Press Release
By Munganbana Norman Miller 4.1.2022
Munganbana Norman Miller is concerned that a giant boomerang with “No Discrimination in the Constitution” on it that he donated to the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House Canberra may have been damaged when the door was set on fire last Thursday. He has not been to see where it was located because he lives in Cairns. The museum is closed for repairs. He made and painted the boomerang himself.
Munganbana said, “It is disappointing that numerous heritage that was contained in the Museum has been treated with such disdain by protestors who did not have the approval of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy or the local Ngunnawal elders for the protest or the smoking ceremony which was a guise for them to undertake a criminal action of setting it on fire.”
“As we come to the 50th anniversary of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy, we respect peaceful protest and acknowledge the important contribution it has made,” said Miller. Now is the time for the Uluru Statement of Voice Treaty Truth to be established.”
“I am an Aboriginal artist and the giant boomerang I donated to the museum had on it ‘No Discrimination in the Constitution.’ It was part of a grass roots campaign I waged at my own expense by travelling around Australia collecting signatures for the removal of discrimination from the constitution and the acknowledgement of First Nations people in it,” said Munganbana.
“It was called the Miller Boomerang Petition and, on 27 November 2013, I handed the boomerang with over 360 signatures on the back, as well as a normal petition, to then Speaker Bronwyn Bishop and MPs Ken Wyatt and Warren Entsch. On 8 February 2016, I handed Warren Entsch MP and the then speaker and clerk of the house the final signatures. This is recorded in Hansard,” he said.
“I decided to donate the boomerang to the museum so it would be in a prominent place where it will be available to future generations who have an interest in our robust democracy. I hope it will stimulate discussions re changing the constitution and promoting Voice Treaty Truth. These need to come from a grassroots level up not top-down.
I have another giant boomerang with ‘Voice Treaty Truth’ on it that I made and painted. I took part in the co-design for the voice consultations in Cairns and I am also concerned we make progress re Closing the Gap to reduce the gap in socio-economic outcomes for First Nations people compared to the rest of the community,” said Munganbana.
Response to Anti-Vaxxers
I gave this message nearly a year ago – 21 Feb 2021 but it is still an issue that people are grappling with today so, as I don’t think I’ve put the link in our newsletter before, here it is.
Left – Ps Barbara & Norman Miller with Ps Howard & Randi Bass, Be’er Sheva Israel on the eve of the centenary of the Light horse charge of Oct 31 1917. Ps Howard’s message – We praise God with you for His faithfulness towards you and the Centre for International Reconciliation & Peace over these 25 years, and we trust that as you follow the Good Shepherd’s lead, He will find you faithfully doing what He has put into your hands until He returns. Through the blood of Yeshua’s/Jesus’ cross, we are united in God’s reconciliation and peace.
Right – Ps George Fattal, Sydney speaking at one of our conferences in Parliament House Canberra. Ps George’s message – Congratulations beautiful people of God, the Lord has been faithful as this is His ministry, may the Lord continue to enrich your lives and ministry for His Glory, and yes for sure it will be an honour to join and celebrate with you this amazing milestone. (Ps George was able to join us on our 25th birthday zoom celebration and bless us more.)
Left – Ps Jenny Hagger, Founder, Australian House of Prayer for All Nations, Adelaide. Ps Jenny says – We are honoured at Australian House of Prayer for All Nations to have the opportunity of sending you our warmest congratulations on the 25th birthday celebration of the Tabernacle of David in Cairns. As a prophetic church fellowship and related ministries, you have been inspiring in the significant pioneering roles you have played in our nation and beyond.
Your heart for healing and reconciliation is expressed in Barbara’s well-researched books, through Norman’s art and teaching and all the conferences and seminars you have held in key locations, including Parliament House in Canberra. You carry the heart of the Father for Israel, expressed in your years of intercession and standing on the land. We join you in giving thanks to the Lord for 25 wonderful years serving Him.
Right – Sue and Roy Rowe, intercessory leaders in New Zealand. Sue says– Congratulations, from New Zealand, on your anniversary, celebrating the culmination of years of much planning, travel, strategic warfare, and strategic relationships new and old, especially to and with Israel.
It was a pleasure to be part of one of the teams you led to Israel, and the partnership with Howard and Randi Bass once we got there. Your fountain of knowledge of Israel came to the fore during the bus trips, as you explained the significance of each place we visited, and provided the historical context.
Tabernacle of David Cairns worship team. Be blessed by the worship song Enter the Holy of Holies and free worship – https://youtu.be/fMc58ZKa4P0
Prophetic words and visions from Ps Shirley Miller, Judy Miller, Colleen Burfitt and Ps Norman Miller after breakthrough worship 20.11.21
Biblical Basis of my Journey That Led to My Latest Book Secrets and Lies by Barbara Miller. This is worth checking out as it discusses briefly but insightfuly Critical Race Theory and Black Lives Matter and much more.
Left – Margot from the Isaiah 19 Highway says – What a delight to give honor where honor is rightly due. I personally have a lot to thank you for and Australia has a lot to thank you for. You are forerunners in the most crucial message of all and a blessing to Israel. When it wasn’t popular and still so misunderstood, you championed Israel and spoke up for her with your words and with your lives.
I first met you in Israel in 2003 at the Tom Hess convocation, representing Australia. How apt that it was you who God chose for that honorable task. How apt that Norman as an Indigenous Australian carried God’s heart for Israel and led the way for Australia to embrace the Jewish people, and teach us to honor them, their beautiful Jewish Messiah Yeshua and the land that He gave to them. How apt that it was at this convocation where I first met you.
How apt that this was my very first month of the next five years of living in the City of our God, and the launching of my journey into the Isaiah 19 highway nations that continues to this day. I loved you right away. I loved your hearts right away. I loved your message and everything you carried right away. Thank you for batting for Israel and never giving up. Thank you for the blessing that has been and you have been to Australia and to Israel.
The next time I had the privilege of spending extended time with you was the rare occasion that I came back to Australia in 2015. You invited me to attend a conference and speak there. Again, I saw how special you were. We were on the same page right away again, with hearts, minds, faith and prayers connected as one. The message God gave me for us was so special to me. It was a new message. It was something that grew in me like something that was birthed in me.
I’ve never had such a message that impacted me so deeply. I was blessed more than anyone at that conference. I’m very sure of that. It was a message that God gave me in dreams and by revelation and it has never left me since. In fact, it has grown, as does anything that God gives by His Spirit. This tells me a lot about the hunger you and your congregation carry and the things that you birth. It tells me, how you release the fullness of people’s ministries and what God has given them. Your ministry shouts forerunners.
Your ministry births deep things that become pillars in the end time heralders. Thank you for every time you ask me to join you. I absolutely love sharing with you and hearing from you, because each time it comes with anticipation of what deep and revelatory things God is going to birth.
Your humility and love for the Lord points to Yeshua and to all that is on His heart. It draws the Bride into the depths of His heart and past the superficial things. Past even the good things to the deepest things on His heart. Thank you for carrying the cross with Him. Thank you for being by His side in the things that are so dear to His heart, in the things that make Him weep and the things that bring Him joy.
Thank you for carrying His heart so beautifully. I want to finish by leaving a verse that makes me want to put it like a banner over you. “Works that will NOT burn in the fire”. ICorinthians3:14. “Well done good and faithful, faithful servants”. Matthew 25:21. Thank you, dear Norman and Barbara.
Right – Brian and Robyn, co-founders of the Australian Prayer Network.
Brian brings this humourous story of when our ministry hosted a group of intercessors who were on a reconciliation tour of Australia. They were to speak at our Reconciliation conference in 1998. Brian says – It is a joy to pass on our congratulations to Norman and Barbara on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the House of David. Over the years Norman and Barbara have laboured faithfully in many areas of Christian service and have made an enormous contribution to the lives of many they have impacted over that time.
Our paths have crossed many times over those 25 years, both here in Australia and overseas as well. The story that stands out for me (Brian) the most from many I could tell was when the British Intercessory team led by Brian Mills and Roger Mitchell came to Australia as part of what became known as British/Australian Reconciliation.
The British Team along with myself visited Cairns and were hosted by Norman and Barbara. Accommodation was found for them at a venue run by some Catholic Nuns. One night the Nuns went out and left the British Team to themselves with instructions that their dinners were stored in the refrigerator in plastic containers. All went well until the British went to the freezer section of the refrigerator rather than the refrigerator itself. Sure enough, there were plastic containers full of food. So they promptly emptied the containers onto a plate and put them in the microwave.
They did not complain about the food but noted to us later that it was a little tougher than expected. They finished their meal and settled in for the evening without further incident. When the nuns returned home they went to the fridge and noted the food still there unused. They then opened the freezer and discovered that all the food in the containers had gone at which point panic set in.
They called out to me to come and gingerly asked whether the British had in fact eaten the food in the freezer rather than the fridge to which I replied in the affirmative. At this point, their faces turned to horror as they told me they had in fact eaten the food set apart for their dogs and not the British. The food in the fridge was in fact the food they should have eaten. From memory the dog food they ate was in fact kangaroo meat – hence the relative toughness of it.
When we get together with the British from time to time we still laugh about this incident which fortunately did not set off another international incident.
(We do too Brian. We remember when Brian Mills shared this at our conference saying “Ruff ruff !! and we all had a big laugh. The kangaroo meat had 3 vegetables with it as the Nuns fed their dogs well.)