Hi Saints – Don’t Miss Out on this Amazing Conference – Church and Cultural Challenges!!
I’m looking forward to the conference in July! In my session, I’ll be presenting a perspective on what I see happening within our culture in regard to our children and young people — a battle for their very souls.
There is a term known as ‘the fog of war’ and it refers to the situation when a military suddenly finds itself in a battle where they have no idea of the location and capability of the enemy, nor the location and capabilities of friendlies. The solution to this is to quickly gather intelligence so that you know what to do. Intelligence reduces the ‘fog of war’—it helps to sort out the truth.
My goal is to provide some valuable intelligence for the spiritual battle that has been intensifying rapidly to equip Christian leaders and parents to fight for our children. ………. See flier below for Cindy’s photo and bio. She has also authored amazing books as well as being on the frontline of the battle for our children and youth. Books are Jesus Revolution: Real and Radical, Lost Boys: Bring Them Home, and The Next Revolution.
You can register for the conference on Eventbrite and day regos are now available – bit.ly/440qyGA
Prayer for a great deliverance and removing the veil of secrecy by Ps Norman Miller
If you would like to see more on the vision of this conference and generally about the Culture War Against the Church READ
4 Visions and 2 of Angels – Message by Ps Barbara Miller to Canberra Declaration re Church and Cultural Challenges Conference Canberra 27-29 July. The Lord has been speaking to her about the need for angelic intervention.
Barbara is blessed to be speaking at a Southern Cross Alliance for Israel event by zoom on 27 June at 7.30pm along with special guest, David Rubin, the former mayor of Shiloh, Samaria, Israel. To join in, contact John Lockwood – southerncrossallianceforisrael@gmail.com
Don’t forget about the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast (JPB) 3-4 July in the Gold Coast and after events in Cairns 5 July and Townsville 6 July. For JPB contact https://jpbaustralia.com/ .
For the events in Cairns and Townsville, contact Matthew Chivers – mchivers.au@bridgesforpeace.com.
Norman Miller of Indigenous Friends of Israel will be one of the inspirational speakers in Cairns and possibly at other events.
Norman and Barbara will be in the Gold Coast 30 June to 5 July for anyone wanting to catch up with us for ministry or just a coffee and chat. Ph 0466076020.
The gates of hell which Jesus referred to in Matthew was a physical place. It was located in Caesarea Philippi in northern Israel. Yet many theologians agree it was a reference to a spiritual reality as well. The current culture war against the church shows the truth of this statement.
While in prayer, I saw a vision of the gates of hell opening and flies pouring forth from it – demonic entities. I also saw a vision of the mythical Pandora’s Box being opened and demons had flown out of it, unleashed for the end times. I was aware that illnesses were released from Pandora’s Box in the myth but after this vision, I found a website that said evil spirits were released. This seemed like a confirmation.
The Greek myth goes that Pandora was given a box of special gifts from the gods and told not to open it but because of her curiosity, she did. “She opened the box and all the illnesses and hardships that gods had hidden in the box started coming out. Pandora was scared, because she saw all the evil spirits coming out and tried to close the box as fast as possible, closing Hope inside.” 1
The Wuhan lab in China has been called Pandora’s Box by a number of commentators. It is believed by some scientists that a leak from that lab unleashed Covid 19 which killed 6 million people worldwide, caused havoc with our lives, and resulted in democracies becoming more authoritarian.
These visions came about in a recent time of prayer during WorldPride which Sydney was hosting and Purim, the feast of Esther in the Bible. The Lord impressed on me that the same spirit was behind climate change and LGBTIQ. It was Pan, the ancient god of nature and sexuality.
When I first started praying, I kept getting the word Baphomet. I pressed in further and the Lord reminded me of Pan. I wondered if there was some relationship between Baphomet and Pan seeing the Lord gave me both.
Later, doing some research I found that Pan was also known as the high-level Egyptian goat god called Mendes and can be found today in the form of the horned goat god of the Knights Templars and other occult groups like the Church of Satan – Baphomet. The Egyptian city of Khemmo (City of Pan or Panopolis) was dedicated to Pan. He was often depicted with an erect goat-like phallus. 2
Caesarea Philippi – the Gates of Hell or Hades
The Lord reminded me of our visit to Caesarea Philippi in 2017 when we led an international team of 50 people on tour of Israel. We saw the cave of Pan and the gates of hell. This cave got this name because of Baal worship there and also as it was believed that Baal (the ruler of the underworld) would enter and leave the underworld through places where water came out. A spring came out of the cave in the past before an earthquake.
Cave of Pan photo by Barbara Miller
Barbara & team at Caesarea Philippi ruins photo by Norman Miller
Even today, a nearby stream feeds into the Jordan River. 3
Jesus took His disciples there to reveal who He was and to announce He was going to build a church. He asked them, “Who do you say that I am?” Peter had a revelation that Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah and Son of God and Jesus told Him that He had received that revelation from God, not from his own understanding.
He then said he would give Peter and the church the keys to heaven of binding and loosing, a powerful prayer strategy. Mt 16:15-19:
“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”
Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
Until I visited this site, I didn’t know that Jesus was talking about a physical place as well as a spiritual place. This was a cave into which sacrifices had been made to Pan and it was a place of pagan worship. It was the literal gates of hell.
But Jesus made a very important statement here that the gates of hell would not prevail against the church and we can use this as an assurance when things get difficult that we the church will be victorious and we are not to run from challenges but confront them with confidence.
So how did this place, which is today called Banias, because there isn’t a P in Arabic, get to be such a dark place and who was Pan? In Old Testament times, the NE of Israel became a centre for Baal worship.
In 926 BC, the Israelite king Jeroboam in the city of Dan nearby built a high place to the golden calf leading the Israelites to worship false gods. He also built an altar to the golden calf in Bethel. This was to prevent the 10 northern tribes going to Jerusalem to worship after Israel split into northern and southern kingdoms.
Later in the Hellenistic period, 323-31 BC, the worship of Baal was replaced with worship of Greek fertility gods like Pan. The Greeks named the city Panias in Pan’s honor.
It was the largest centre of pagan worship in the world and people came here from all over the world to worship Pan and get favour from this fertility god for their children, crops, business etc. They even sacrificed live babies by throwing them into the water of the cave.
To entice the return of their god, Pan each year, (as he returned to the cave during winter), the people of Panias engaged in human sacrifice, the sacrifice of goats, prostitution, and sexual acts between humans and goats. Their sacrifices were thrown into this abyss or chasm. 4
In 197 BC, Antiochus III overthrew the Egyptians at Panias. Following this, Antiochus IV persecuted the Jews leading to the Maccabean Revolt against the Greco-Syrians. The Greco- Syrians had even desecrated the temple in Jerusalem with an altar to Zeus. The cleansing of the temple and freedom to worship is now celebrated at Hanukkah.
Having earlier conquered Judea, the Romans declared Herod the Great “King of the Jews” around 40 BC. He received Panias from Caesar Augustus in 20 BC and constructed a temple there of white marble in honor of Caesar.
Eighteen years later, Herod’s son Philip inherited the site and named it Caesarea Philippi after himself, and to distinguish it from Caesarea Maritima on the seaside.
There were a number of temples which were in ruins when we visited – the Temple of Augustus over the mouth of the cave, the Court of Pan, the Temple of Zeus, and the Dancing Goats upper and lower temples.
Jews would not come here because it was a pagan Gentile area. However, Jesus chose to take His disciples here towards the end of his time on earth to reveal who He was, the Messiah, the Son of God. He was virtually commissioning Peter and His disciples to the huge calling of building the church in the very places that were most morally corrupt and diabolically opposed to Jesus’ work.
It is interesting also that Jesus chose the backdrop of this city which sits at the foot of Mount Hermon and is adjacent to a large cliff called the ‘Rock of the Gods’ because of the many shrines built against it or into it. He declared that Peter was the rock and upon that rock He would build His church. Jesus is also our rock.
There would be more than one interpretation of this but Jesus is saying that it is on the revelation that He is the Son of God, the Messiah, that His church would be built and it would withstand any challenge.
Jesus didn’t want His followers to avoid or hide from these hellish places and values. He wanted them to break down the defences of the gates of hell. In those days, gates were defences as well as entry points. There are places that are physical and spiritual portals and bastions of certain ungodly viewpoints. I wondered if there has been recent occult calling forth of the old gods at this place.
Jesus or Yeshua told His disciples not to be ashamed of the gospel or fear offending others. This challenge is also for us today in this age of political correctness. You can find out more about this place in this short video. 5
Could this ancient spirit attack us today?
The Lord had shown me this spirit coming against Scott Morrison, then Prime Minister, when we were preparing for our Australia Day prayer in Canberra in January 2020. It is an earth spirit and sexual spirit which plays pan pipes, is shrill and intimidating, causing fear and panic.
There has been catastrophizing over Covid 19 and currently re climate change. This spirit intimidates those who disagree with it. For more on the Covid 19 pan(demic) see my article. 6
This is an excerpt from my report on the Australia Day Prayer conference we hosted in Canberra:
“That night (25.1.2020), I shared an earlier vision I had of PM Scott Morrison in a game of cricket against the ALP and Greens and they were not happy he won (federal elections) and pulled back on climate change and their opposition to religious freedom.
However, with bushfires and drought, their confidence came back and they were attacking him on climate change, even hitting him with a cricket bat and bowling underarm.
As I shared my message, I had a cricket bat and ball with me and decreed that Scott Morrison would not be hit with the bat of climate change or receive an underarm bowl.
As I saw a demon vomiting green matter during that vision, I prayed re the spirit behind this climate change attack on the PM and the Lord showed me Pan, a nature god, half man half goat, a form of Satan.
The Lord reminded me that Norman and I took a Christian tour group of 50 from many nations to pray at Pan’s grotto and Pan’s temples as part of a tour of Israel in 2017. Pan was known to cause panic which is where that word came from. He was lecherous and his stentorious voice could cause fear and death. This is why we have a panic re climate change.
In Mt 16:17-19, Jesus says that the gates of hell would not prevail against the church … Later after the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70, the Romans, who also worshipped Pan, took captured Jews there and cruelly killed them in games.
This is not to say that climate change is not an issue and we need good policies to deal with it but the panic mode button has been pressed and it is used for political manipulation. I made decrees regarding climate change and Pan.” 7
In preparation for our Canberra event, I looked up Scott Morrison and cricket on the internet and found that in November 2019, there had indeed been some verbal bashing of Scott Morrison over a tweet re cricket and climate change
“Scott Morrison has weathered backlash over a tweet saying the Australian cricket team will give fire-impacted communities and firefighters ‘something to cheer about’.
… He sent the tweet out with a photo of him at a training session on Wednesday at the Gabba in Brisbane ahead of their Test match against Pakistan.”8
On 20 November 2019, Troy Simpson e.g., tweeted, “The link to bushfires you’re looking for is climate change, not cricket.” This seemed to be a confirmation of my vision.
Strategies and Visions
I asked the Lord for His strategy to deal with Pan and I believe He said:
(1) to declare and decree what Jesus said about the gates of hell not prevailing against the church Mat 16. More information on how to make decrees can be found in my book Decrees and Dangerous Prayers: 7 Steps on How to Change Your Nation or Community. 9
I also asked the Lord if we can ask the angels to put the demons back in Pandora’s Box and close it. Is there a set time for them to be released before the Lord deals with them?
(2) In response, I had vision of a seal (like wax) being put around the Wuhan lab so no more demons could be released from there. I can still see it. It was like the whole of the front of the building was covered in thick pale yellowish wax. I think this was done by angels.
Later, my husband Norman looked for scriptures re wax and seals in the Bible and found Rev 5:1 where wax is used to seal the seven seals on the scroll.
Rev 5:1 And I saw in the right hand of him who was seated on the high seat, a book with writing inside it and on the back, shut with seven stamps of wax. (BBE or Bible in Basic English) 10
And I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a scroll written inside and on the back, sealed with seven seals. (NKJV)
I asked if a lid could be put over the cave entrance at Caesarea Philippi and then I saw angels put a lid on the gateway to hell there.
I had a fleeting vision of angels with a basket and it reminded me of the angels with a basket in Zech 5:5. I looked it up later and there was a woman called wickedness in the basket and the angels pushed her back in and put a heavy lid on it. They then took the basket with her in it to Babylon. I think this is a confirmation for me of the angels putting a lid on the gateway to hell at Caesarea Philippi.
I asked the Lord again if this was the strategy to deal with this Pan spirit? That is, pray for the angels to seal the Wuhan lab and put a lid over the gateway to hell at Caesarea Philippi? I wasn’t sure if the angels had done this while I prayed or if we still needed to pray they would do it.
I was concerned that if the Lord had caused or allowed the release in these two places, should we be praying for a seal or lid to prevent more being released and can we pray for what was released to be forced back to where it came from before these places were stopped up?
(4) I sensed the Lord gave me the prayer of Abraham to save Sodom and Gomorrah (if 50 or even 10 righteous could be found there) from the destruction the Lord planned for their evil. In other words, yes you can intercede even though the Lord has planned destruction. Of course, we need to be guided by Him how to pray as we don’t want to pray against God’s will.
(5) Conference called Culture Wars and the Church
I sensed from the Lord another strategy to have a conference called Culture Wars and the Church and to invite speakers from ministries with similar visions and concerns.
Just as an interesting aside, the popular children’s story about Peter Pan, a mischievous boy who could fly and didn’t want to grow up has similarities to the god Pan and amazingly has Peter as his Christian name.
So, what is the culture war against the church all about?
As a working definition, I would say that culture wars are opposing worldviews and values which are competing for our hearts and minds, clashing in the process. The teachings of Jesus are being increasingly challenged.
Where Christianity has been an important foundation for our way of life as a nation in Australia and much of the western world, there have been challenges from secularism, humanism, atheism, and pantheism etc. so serious as to erode the respect Christianity and Christians once had.
Pantheism is defined as, “the doctrine that the universe conceived of as a whole is God and, conversely, that there is no God but the combined substance, forces, and laws that are manifested in the existing universe.” 11
Immigration has brought with it multiculturalism and multifaith. Sexual abuse and other sins by clergy have eroded people’s faith in the church.
Cultural Marxism is a version of Marxism that no longer just promotes class war but also race war, sex war, and gender war. The long march of cultural Marxism through the institutions of Australian society is so advanced that it occupies these institutions.
One example is of white boys being shamed in class for being white male “privileged.” It is a very divisive identity politics that has come up with the concept of intersectionality.
The dictionary defines intersectionality as, “the complex, cumulative way in which the effects of multiple forms of discrimination (such as racism, sexism, and classism) combine, overlap, or intersect especially in the experiences of marginalized individuals or groups. 12
In other words, if you are a black female working-class lesbian or trans person, you are in the most oppressed category. This disregards human agency and other life circumstances. It also flies in the face of our identity in Christ and tears apart our cohesion as a society, bringing division.
Vision of Our Society Being Ripped Apart
I had a vision in another prayer time of a piece of paper being ripped in half and I sensed this is a picture of how our society is being ripped apart by identity politics. I will end with one of my favourite verses in the Bible:
“There is neither Jew nor Greek (race, ethnicity), there is neither bond nor free (class), there is neither male nor female (gender): for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Gal 3:28)
have some additional prayer points for those interested. It is at the end of my video message on the same topic.
Newsletter of Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace
The Lord has put it on our hearts to organise a conference titled Culture Wars and the Church. We’ve had a break from organising conferences after organising over 20 of them in the 26 years since we pioneered our church. However, the Lord has given us much revelation about this and called us to step back up and do it. We will be having a collaborative approach as there are other wonderful ministries in this space so please let us know if you want to be involved.
Norman rang Ch 10 and put in a complaint about an offensive joke about Jesus made recently on Ch 10. Some Christians are asking for the program “The Project” to be axed. We won’t repeat the joke. Though the hosts of The Project, who laughed at it and let it go at the time, have since apologised, it is still available to be viewed online. The Sydney Morning Herald reported on 3.3.23,
“The Catholic Archbishop of Sydney has invited the boss of Channel Ten and panellists from its flagship current affairs program The Project to attend church at St Mary’s Cathedral, criticising the program’s lengthy apology for a joke about Jesus as disingenuous and forced.
The Project’s co-hosts Waleed Aly and Sarah Harris apologised on Wednesday after the program faced backlash for a joke made on-air by comedian Reuben Kaye on Tuesday night.”
Photo of comedian left and one of hosts right – Sky News
Sing Your Prayers or Don’t Let the Music Die by Ps Norman Miller Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. Col 3:16
Indigenous Friends of Israel (IFI) co-founders Norman and Barbara Miller said, “Adelaide Writers Festival organisers seem to think free speech reads hate speech or racist speech which is not so. In a one-sided propaganda event, the most vitriolic pro-Palestinian writers will have a platform with no opportunity for the other side to be heard. At best, this is a misuse of taxpayers’ money. At worst, it is an intellectual travesty.”
“As Indigenous Friends of Israel, we condemn the inaccurate propaganda coming from some invited speakers that Israel is a racist, apartheid colonizer state. Jews have been in the land we now call Israel since the time of Abraham, 4,000 years ago. Jerusalem was made the capital of the Jewish state 3,000 years ago by King David. Jews were conquered and removed at various times through history but a remnant has always been in Israel, renamed Palestine by the conquering Romans. Arabs conquered and colonialized Jerusalem in the relatively recent time of 636-637 AD. They came from Saudi Arabia. They are not Indigenous,” said IFI.
“When the modern state of Israel was declared in 1948, Arab nations went to war against Israel. There were a similar number of Jews as refugees from Arab nations from which they were expelled as Arab refugees from Israel who fled the war or were displaced. Jewish refugees were absorbed by Israel but the Arab nations refused to absorb Palestinian Arab refugees so they could weaponize them against Israel.
“Israeli Arabs are not treated in a racist apartheid manner as they are in the Knesset (Parliament), judiciary, police service, academia, business, and various professions. Israel is one of the most multicultural nations in the world.
“The Premier of Adelaide, Paul Malinauskas, has declared he will not attend but will not withdraw funding. The Australian newspaper reported recently the concern of Ukrainian and Jewish leaders as one speaker, Palestinian-American writer Susan Abulhawa, is a pro-Putin apologist. She said Putin is trying to “DeNazify Ukraine” and that Ukrainian President Zelensky is a ‘depraved Zionist trying to ignite World War 111’.”
“The war in Ukraine has been clearly caused by Russian aggression with Putin trying to restore the glory and territory of the former Soviet Union. The Ukrainians are valiantly defending themselves with war crimes being committed by Russia. One example is the thousands of Ukrainian children captured and taken to re-education camps in Russia. This fits the UN definition of genocide.
“Another speaker at the festival, poet Mohammed El-Kurd, has made defamatory, racist, and vile comments about Israel and Jewish people, including blood libel, that are antisemitic such as Israelis eating the organs of Palestinians or lusting after Palestinian blood. It is a wonder he and Abulhawa have been allowed into Australia considering recent discussion re Kanye (Ye) West’s visit,” said IFI, “especially when Abulhawa supports terrorism and wiping Israel off the map.”
“Festival organizer Louise Adler is staring down criticism saying she wants debate but how can there be debate when a platform is provided for only one side of a debate? There are seven Palestinian speakers and none from Israel. On top of that, with speakers like Abulhawa and El-Kurd equating Israel with Nazis, it trivializes the Holocaust and is offensive to Jewish people,” said the Millers for IFI.
“By comparison, the Sydney Festival included a dance performance created by an Israeli and sponsored by the Israeli embassy which had nothing to do with politics. However, performers were harassed and bullied by the pro-Palestinian lobby into pulling out and many did. This is not the tolerant and inclusive society Australians think we have.” IFI said.
“Australia has adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism and comments by some of the Palestinian speakers at the Adelaide Festival contravene this,” said Barbara Miller who has just written a Handbook on the Holocaust and the Australian Aboriginal Response for educators, high school students and adult education. It was published by the WE ARE HERE! Foundation.
By Ps Barbara Miller
As we are approaching Purim or the Feast of Esther, rather than including one of my many messages on this, I am giving you an extract from chapter 2 of a recent book of mine called Decrees and Dangerous Prayers: 7 Steps We Can Use to Change Our Nation or Community.
“We see in the story of Esther in the Bible that the Jewish people were faced with a situation of possible genocide of world Jewry. The situation could not have been more serious. The Jews had been taken into captivity in Babylon which was ruling the world at the time. When King Artaxerxes wanted a new queen, Esther was selected and she had hidden her Jewish identity on her uncle Mordecai’s instructions.
Haman was an Agagite, a people who were enemies of the Jews and descended from their traditional enemies the Amalekites. He was offended because Mordecai would not bow to him. So, he tricked the King into signing a decree that the Jews in the known world would be wiped out on a certain day and their possessions kept by their murderers. This was on Haman’s accusation that they would not bow before the King and were disloyal subjects.
Mordecai pleaded with Queen Esther to do something about it. By law, she could only approach the King if he summoned her and if she approached him without being summoned, she could be killed. But Mordecai challenged her that if she didn’t, deliverance would come from elsewhere and she and her family would lose their lives. He said who knows but maybe you came into royal position for this very purpose. Maybe this is how you will fulfill your destiny. He said, in Esther 4:14, “For if you remain silent now, then relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Who knows if you haven’t come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
Maybe it’s time for you to fulfill your destiny or calling in God by intervening in a national or even international situation. So, Esther, a young girl, took the advice of the authority figure in her life, her uncle who had brought her up, and decided to take up the challenge at the threat of losing her life. She called a 3-day fast, presumably with prayer, of her servants and the Jewish people and then approached the King. He may have been her husband, but she was breaking the law of the land. However, she found favour with the king and he pointed his sceptre at her and asked her what she wanted and said she could have up to half his kingdom. She must have been very relieved.
She was not after possessions but the lives of her people and when she revealed the plot of Haman, the King was angry at Haman and organised for him to be hanged on the gallows he had prepared to hang Mordecai on. But the law of the kingdom was that once a decree had been made, it could not be reversed. So, the horrible reality set in. The day of slaughter would go ahead as already decreed.
But, and this is a big but, the king devised a plan. He said to Esther and Mordecai that they should write another decree in the king’s name, and seal it with his signet ring, that would reverse the effect of the first decree. This was a game-changer. So, they wrote a decree that the Jewish people could rise up against those who sought to kill them on that day. This meant that the Jewish people were able to get rid of a lot of their enemies. So, in the end, their situation was improved. When people saw the favour the Jews now had with the king, fear fell upon them and some even converted to become Jews.
I have often taught about this story because I think it has a big lesson for us today. Look at the scripture closely, Esther 8:8, “Now write another decree in the king’s name on behalf of the Jews as seems best to you, and seal it with the king’s signet ring—for no document written in the king’s name and sealed with his ring can be revoked.”
What is this saying to us? If we feel an evil decree has been made against us or our people or our nation, we can ask our King Jesus if we can write another decree that will reverse the effect of that evil decree and write it in His name and seal it with His signet ring. I believe that if we have a witness from the Holy Spirit about the decree, then that means we can seal it with the signet ring of King Jesus. How awesome is that? And it is very powerful. And exciting!
If you have situations or believe your community or nation has situations that need reversing, take heed as this is how to do it.”
(I give practical examples from our ministry and interesting examples of the decrees or edicts by Cyrus and Darius which enabled the Jews to return from their captivity in Babylon and rebuild the city and temple of Jerusalem. I also discuss evil decrees like those of Hitler. But the important part is the step by step process you can use to write decrees as the Lord leads you to turn your situation around. It is more powerful than simply asking God in prayer although He hears all prayers.) For more information see https://reconciliationandpeace.org/decrees-gift/
Have you dreamed of being a successful published author? Do you believe you have a book in you? As an internationally bestselling author (Barbara Miller), I believe the Lord has put it on my heart to help Christians to write and publish books to bless others. I have written 4 guides to get you started. If interested, check it out.
The Blood of Jesus is the Gateway to the Holy of Holies and Heaven by Ps Barbara Miller Hebrews 10:19 – “Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus” (Yeshua)
Lilian Miller’s communion message near Valentine’s Day was based on Jesus is our Valentine!!