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By Pastor Barbara Miller 26.2.19

  1. That Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians (Indigenous Australians) experience revival and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
  2. That Aboriginal people reject the rainbow serpent and other creative beings and recognize the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel as the creator. Also, that they worship the creator not creation. That they will love Israel and the Jewish people.
  3. That they are able to appreciate and practice their culture where it lines up with the word of God as in the Bible and have the discernment and courage to reject parts of their culture that do not line up with the Bible just as all ethnic groups need to do.
  4. That covenants with false gods and with death be annulled and there will be no reliance on witch doctors for healing or other matters. That any dedications to or trades with false gods will be annulled and that Indigenous people will recognize the need to do this themselves. That Indigenous Christians will learn about cleansing their bloodlines and repent from generational iniquity as well as personal sin.
  5. That Indigenous people (First Nations) will remove any curses they have made on the land and on non-Indigenous and Indigenous people and will not curse themselves with their words.
  6. That they will be healed from intergenerational trauma and grief associated with colonisation and loss of life, land, governance and economy, the impact on culture and identity and the raping of women.
  7. Healing from the stolen generations which involved the taking of children who had white fathers from their Aboriginal mothers and communities to be raised in institutions or white families. Here some were abused physically and/or sexually and some where used as slave or low wage labour. Others got a good education and good jobs and were well looked after but were estranged from their birth families, culture and communities. All of this affected their ability to parent the next generation. Pray for families to find each other, be reunited and to be good parents.
  8. To come out of intergenerational poverty caused by disruption to Aboriginal economy and stolen wages where wages were paid into the Aborigines Welfare Fund in Queensland and used to build hospitals, schools etc for the general population. Pray for compensation for stolen wages.
  9. Blessings for those who have well-functioning families and good jobs and are in positions of responsibility in government, business or Indigenous organisations. That they continue to be good role models.
  10. Healing for those suffering from low self-esteem, showing disrespect for elders and suffering from drug and alcohol abuse. That more rehabilitation centres be set up including Christian ones. That babies will not suffer from foetal alcohol syndrome and mothers will live healthy lifestyles. 
  11. That culturally appropriate and Christian counselling services will be available to help dysfunctional families and deal with the high rates of mental illness, self-harm, suicide, domestic violence, child abuse and neglect and disproportionate numbers in jail. Pray to strengthen Indigenous families whose kinship structure has been greatly affected and a series of de facto relationships can occur.
  12. That they will have a positive view of Christianity and Christians will treat them well. That there is healing from mission days when some missionaries were very controlling and cruel and forced them to give up culture and speaking their language.
  13. That non-Indigenous people will cease to have stereotypes of Aboriginal people that they are lazy and dirty etc. and will not have racist attitudes to Indigenous people and treat them with respect not discrimination. Pray for more reconciliation.
  14. That the Closing the Gap government initiative to decrease the large disparity in statistics between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians will improve their strategies and it will work. Government statistics report that (a) Indigenous people die 10 years younger other Australians; this includes babies and children (b) an Aboriginal man is 15 times more likely to be jailed than a non-Indigenous man (c) great disparity in education, school attendance & completion, employment & health
  15. For unity and cohesion in Indigenous communities. Land rights legislation and native title have returned some land to traditional owners but government policies have dispersed people so that some people have been historically living on another tribe’s land making them second class and different traditional owner groups argue over boundaries and competing claims. (Acts 17:26)
  16. There is no longer an apartheid situation on Queensland reserves which had been set apart for Aboriginal people and these days they have local or self-government so pray for leaders who will govern wisely. This can apply to other Australian states. Where there are traditional governing structures, pray for wise governance. For Indigenous organisations based in cities, pray for wise management.
  17. That Indigenous businesses would flourish so that wealth can be created to pass onto the next generation.
  18. That the church would embrace Indigenous people and Indigenous leaders and pastors and give them opportunities to use their God-given gifts.
  19. That any root of bitterness and unforgiveness would be removed from Indigenous people and that they would rise up in the spirit of Joseph and bless non-Indigenous Australians. That Indigenous people would rise to their calling and destiny.
  20. That Indigenous Australians would operate in the power of the Cross and the Holy Spirit and have an overcoming, victorious spirit and enjoy spiritual responsibility. That they would operate in the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
  21. That for those who suffer shame, God would cover them with His glory and they would realize God loves and treasures them.
  22. That the government would agree to an Indigenous voice in the Australian constitution in which they are presently left out and to an agreement or treaty- making process with Aboriginal nations. See the Uluru Statement from the Heart.



(View PDF version here)

By Ps Barbara Miller

About 50 people attended the Australia Day Prayer over 2 days in Canberra and many prayed in unison from their homes, churches and on-site locations around Australia including a Women’s Aglow group in Camden. It is available on DVD. We thank Ps Warwick Marsh and the Canberra Declaration team for their support. Warwick and Alison came back a day early from an important international prayer conference in Indonesia to join the Australia Day Prayer and said the conference was praying for us from Indonesia. We also had prayer support from a group in Kenya and from the prayer movement in the UK who happened to be having their National Day of Prayer on Jan 26. We thank Tabernacle of David Canberra who are under our covering for organisational help, Lifestream church who opened the door for us, David Jack on video and Joy and Stan Silverwood who accommodated us.

L_R Glen Sebasio, Tabernacle of David Canberra, Jasmine Kohlman, Qld & Norman Miller leading worship 26th


Reconciliation Newz Buzz Jan v2 2019

Thanks to Ps Warwick Marsh and the Canberra Declaration for supporting the Australia Day Prayer and Workshop in Canberra 25-26 Jan 2019 –

Ps Norman & Ps Barbara Miller are calling the nation to join with them in praying for a righteous nation

Please join us in Canberra or in your city or church or home to pray on Australia Day. We can send you prayer points if interested.

The workshop is now free. The Australia Day Prayer Day was always free. However please book for catering morning teas and setting up re chairs etc –https://www.trybooking.com/BADVK

Australia Day Prayer & Workshop

Contact YWAM for accommodation dormitory with own linen at $20 a night – Wati at hospitality@ywamcanberra.org or contact Barbara to contact Hilary re accommodation at Canberra House of Prayer- cfirp@bigpond.com. You can look at their website for prices – https://www.c-hop.org.au/

We are at a critical time in our nation of Australia. The secularization of our nation has made religious freedom a key issue and freedom of speech and conscience into major issues. There are many other issues and the Lord has given us strategies as to how to pray. One of these is to have a shadow spiritual government in the same way that the party in opposition forms a shadow government. That means we need a high-level prayer leader for each of the federal ministries e.g. health and education, who will raise up a team around them to pray for that portfolio. Is this you?

This is the Amazon link to Barbara’s ebook which is free 2-3 days depending on your time zone so feel free to download it and please write some comments or a review on Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MQ4DKJH. It is already no 1 new release in Jewish History, Jewish Holocaust History, and Historical German Biographies and doing very well in Social History. So grab a copy while you can and recommend it to your friends on social media. The paperback should be ready to order in a day or two.

Lena Goldstein, who I interviewed for the book, is an engaging and gracious survivor of the Holocaust, lives in Sydney and will be 100 on 31 Jan so I plan to be there for her birthday and deliver the book to her in person said Barbara. I have been working against the clock to do so.

Newsletter Link


Australia Day Prayer Canberra Flier


Download the new Australia Day Prayer Canberra Flier!

Event Details:

Tabernacle of David Prayer Workshop on 25 Jan 2019 9.30am-5pm, venue Lifestream church, accom YWAM base $20 a night, own linen or Canberra House of Prayer

  • Re-digging the Wells of Revival & Our Christian Heritage
  • A Sheep Nation – Matt 25:31-46
  • Spiritually Governing Our Nation – Eph 2:6, Eph 3:10
  • Legislating by Decrees – Job 22:28

Australia Day Prayer 26 Jan 2019 9.30am-5pm Lifestream church, 152 Langdon Ave, Wanniassa, ACT

  • Strategic Level Prayer for Our Nation
  • Spiritual Protection of Intercessors

    Prayer day FREE, offerings taken

Bank Transfer:
BSB 064804, Account no 14069281
Ps Barbara Miller Ph 0466076020, Glen Sebasio 0466908305.
Hosts Centre for International Reconciliation & Peace, Tabernacle of David & Walk About Zion Ministries.


Pastor Norman Miller saw this lion over Parliament House Canberra in 2010 & we held conferences there based on Ps 24:7 and Jer 1:10 in 2004,2010, 2011 & 2012. Barbara also saw the lion on top of Uluru.

The Workshop preceding the Australia Day prayer day is to prepare us. We need to turn the boat of this nation around & bring a shift in the spirit.

Many Indigenous people aren’tcomfortable celebrating Australia Day but the Lord showed Norman to hold a prayer day in Canberra & base it on Gen 26 ie the first book of the Bible & the first month of the year. It is about Isaac re-digging the wells of Abraham. Also Gen 50:20says that what the enemy meant for wrong, God would turn around for the good the saving of many lives.

We are meant to rule and reign in heavenly places. Let’s do it!