Ps Norman presenting a 2m boomerang he made and painted to Israel Ambassador to Australia, Amir Maimon, at the embassy in Canberra on Oct 8. David and Carol Jack and Glen Sebasio accompanied us. It has Am Yisrael Chai on it in English and Hebrew meaning “The people of Israel live!” The story of the painting is HERE.
Left – Norman and Barbara at Never Again is Now rally at Parliament House Canberra Oct 7. Right – Millers lighting candles along with all attendees at the Oct 7 commemoration event at the Israel Embassy Canberra, a very touching event.

Reenactment of famous charge of the Australian Lighthorse of 1917 by descendants and others at the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Beersheba (Beer Sheva) on Oct 31 2017. Photo by David Jack. Norman and Barbara were blessed to be there leading a team of 50 – Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, New Zealanders, Pacific Islanders, Chinese spiritual ANZACS, British and Irish. There were Indigenous Australians in the original charge and in the reenactment and there were Jewish Australians in the original charge as well. We toured all the holy sites and all the sites ANZACS fought in world wars 1 and 2.
While the charge changed the situation from sure defeat to an amazing victory, it would not have been possible without all the Allied forces including the Kiwis who fought all day.
What is significant is that the defeat of the Turks and Germans that day led to the opening of the way to Jerusalem and the surrender of the Islamic Ottoman Empire which had ruled for 400 years. Along with the Balfour Declaration passing through the British Parliament supporting the establishment of a Jewish homeland, this helped pave the way for the modern state of Israel in 1948.
israel and Australia celebrated together in 2017 at Beer Sheva but the current Australian government has turned its back on Israel, turning Australia into a goat nation of Mat 25 and bringing judgement on it. Please continue to pray for Israel and Australia and the nations relationship with Israel.
See here for Sukkot Message with quote from PM Benyamin Netanyahu by Ps Norman Miller 19.10.24
- Next Indigenous Friends of Israel International zoom seminar on 18 Nov 8pm AEDT. One speaker confirmed so far – former Colonel Mike Kelly, co-founder of Labor Friends of Israel. Mike Kelly served in Somalia, Timor, Bosnia and Iraq. He then became the federal MP for Eden Monaro in 2007 retiring in 2020. Flyer out soon.
- Exciting Hanukkah Boomerang being made by Norman for a project to bring Jews and Indigenous people together with an event in Sydney that Indigenous Friends of Israel international is partnering with ECAJ on. They are the peak body for Jewish organisations in Australia. Hannukah and Christmas both fall on the same day this year.
- Possible Dec 6 event in Melbourne to commemorate Christian Aboriginal William Cooper’s protest against Kristallnacht in 1938 when he led a group of Yorta Yorta people to the German Consulate in Melbourne in protest.
- Our public education program and school curriculum programs are progressing well. We are partnering with Jewish organisations with this also.
Right – We just had the one year anniversary of the Voice referendum which divided Australia. Here is the book Barbara wrote about it “Voice Treaty Truth” which is a must read as state governments are running with it instead of the federal government who have been in a policy vacuum since. She presents both sides of the argument and a Christian view.
Find it and “Shattered LIves Broken Dreams” about William Cooper HERE
Are you worried about the evil in the world? Cosmic clash between good and evil. 26.10.24
- Keep Striking the Ground and Another Purim: Israel and Its Enemies by Barbara Miller 25.10.24 – https://dailydeclaration.org.au/2024/10/25/purim-israel-and-its-enemies/
- Two Calendars, Two Heartrending Anniversaries: October 7 and Simchat Torah by Norman Miller 24.10.24 – https://dailydeclaration.org.au/2024/10/24/october-7-and-simchat-torah/
- Indigenous Worldwide Standing With Israel by Norman Miller 8.10.24 – https://indigenousfriendsofisrael.org/indigenous-worldwide-standing-with-israel/

Indigenous Friends of Israel International Zoom Seminar 21 10 24 – Speakers Etienne Sakr, Lebanese leader and Norman Miller, Australian Aboriginal leader Etienne Sakr or Abu-Arz is a Christian Lebanese political leader who had to escape to Cyprus. He founded Guardian of the Cedars and has a book written about him called “The Conscience of Lebanon” by Mordechai Nissan, an Israeli professor. He was interviewed by Barbara Miller and the full interview with him is HERE.
Our Public Relations Campaign is underway though the Gofundme campaign to support it is very slow to gain momentum. We don’t have any paid staff and have limited funds. Please help spread the word about it, donate yourself no matter how small, and volunteer. We are pleased an experienced curriculum writer is looking at the Queensland schools curriculum for us to see where we can get an inroad and will help us prepare materials.
Barbara has already written a training manual for adults and upper secondary with activities. We have met with the Executive Council of Australian Jewry which is a peak body for Australian Jews and they have asked to partner with us which is great.
We are continuing with our monthly zoom seminar series and daily social media reaching out worldwide to counter lies re current events and history.
Adam Kreuzer who is Education Officer for the Australian Jewish Association is writing regular articles for our website and we have been working for a couple of years with Eli Rabinowitz of the WE ARE HERE Foundation in Perth as he is an educator.
The Australian Jewish News wrote an article about our project last week SEE HERE
You can donate HERE as the donate to support button on the banner is not a link.

In a world where misinformation and prejudice often overshadow truth, it’s crucial to elevate voices that stand for justice, compassion, and education. The Indigenous Friends of Israel International is dedicated to fostering understanding, combating disinformation, and supporting the Jewish community both locally and internationally.
Please see the website to find out more information and see the video below to be inspired. We need your help. CLICK HERE
Please get involved! We need your help!
We would love to connect with you and help you support Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, working against calls for its destruction and the genocide of its people. These calls are advancing at great pace since October 7. Indigenous Friends of Israel formed in July 2017 because of concerns over Australia’s policy towards Israel. Since then we have gone international as antisemitism is international and isan ancient hatred. The forces standing against Israel also oppose Western and/or Judeo-Christian values which have helped us achieve a society with social cohesion and the rule of law.
Please help us take a stand against antisemitism, and for a community where all are valued and safe. There are many opportunities to use your passion, gifting and skills as avolunteer whether you are a person of faith or not. United we stand and divided we fall. Please complete the form to volunteer.
Are you good at creating or sharing social media, fundraising, administration, film and video making, government advocacy, newsletters, speaking, representing a geographical area, organising zoom meetings or do you have other giftings or talents that you can use to bless the Lord, the Jewish people, and Israel. It doesn’t matter where you live in the world, you can get involved. Check it out here.

Donations to the ministry of the Centre for International Reconciliation & Peace
BSB: 064804 Account no: 14069302 Swift code: ctbaau2s
Commonwealth of Australia Bank, 120 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Donations to Pastors Account BSB: 064804 Account no: 14258760