RECONCILIATION NEWZ BUZZ April 2023 no 1 Newsletter of Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace

This is an early newsletter as there is so much happening and we want to be timely. Just sample the content that interests you because we know there is so much out there. Enjoy!

The Christian mayor of the Gold Coast, Australia invites us to the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast this July. Norman and Barbara participated at the first Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast at Old Parliament House in Canberra some years ago now. You will be blessed by attending. The Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast works in with the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, and meets with the leaders of the nations and Christians and Jews all around the world. We were blessed to have one of their key people, Albert Veksler, speak at one of our Tabernacle of David Asia Pacific Prayer meetings we hosted. 

Left – Cartoon re the Voice in Independent News. Right – Norman Miller with former  Mayor of Yarrabah Aboriginal community,Percy Neal, at a meeting with the Uluru Statement from the Heart group 10.4.22

The Voice and Constitutional Recognition of First Nations People: For and Against Arguments

by Barbara Miller 23.3.23

A historic vote has just taken place (Wednesday night 22.3.23) to pass the Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Amendment Bill in both houses of federal parliament. Opposition leader, Peter Dutton, gave Coalition support after securing some amendments in relation to the referendum on the Voice that will be held between October and December this year. 

Whereas governments in the past had funded both the yes and no campaigns for referendums, the Albanese government had been planning to only fund an information campaign that would in essence be pro-voice and were seeking to censor misinformation, which people took to mean, no campaign arguments. They were also only granting tax-deductible gift recipient (DGR) status to the yes campaign. This was discriminatory. That mostly changed this week.

While Dutton was not able to secure funding for a no campaign, representations from the coalition have meant that the government will only be able to fund a neutral civics and education program so that any public funding on activities considered partisan can be legally challenged. Also, the no campaign can now benefit from DGR status.

There have been divisions with the referendum working group the government set up to advise it. These were over whether to include advice to executive government (public service and ministers) as well as parliament. When the Attorney General and Solicitor General raised concerns that including advice to executive government with the referendum working group, they were rejected. While the Solicitor Generals advice has not, and should be, made public, it appears the recommendation was to include “ministers of the crown” and not the public service.

Right up to the last minute, it looked like the Albanese government would end up in a big fight with the referendum working group over the final wording of what would be put to the public in the referendum. However, it was the Prime Minister (PM) himself who had added “executive government” into the wording for the Voice referendum he gave at the Garma Festival. So, despite the possible legal minefield and possible bogging down of government, the PM has agreed to their advice. As the PM has said in the past, it would be a brave government that did not take the advice of the Voice even if it is not a veto.

After cabinet approval, the PM (Albo as he is called) met with some of the 21 members of the Voice for a press conference on 23.3.23 to confirm the wording that would be put to the Australian public on referendum day. The consensus was nearly not there in time but the deadline was Thursday as there would be a final vote in parliament next week on the wording when a constitutional alteration bill will be put to parliament.

Albo was a bit teary as he is staking his political career on the referendum’s success as it will be a big part of his legacy. Albo’s draft amendment was, the Voice “may make representations to parliament and the executive government on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.”

The final wording the referendum working group put to cabinet who agreed to it is, “A proposed law: To alter the constitution to recognize the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. Do you approve this proposed alteration?”


First Indigenous Voice to Parliament in SA 26.3.23

South Australia has become the first jurisdiction in the country to set up an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. A special Sunday sitting of SA Parliament passed the bill creating the Voice, which has been assented to by the governor in a ceremonial meeting of the state’s executive council. 

Addressing the Lower House, Premier Peter Malinauskas described the legislation as “momentous” for the state’s Indigenous people.
“It has been a long time coming but First Nations voices will now be heard in the state of South Australia,” he said.

Representatives for the South Australian Voice will be elected in coming months, with the mechanism expected to be running by the end of the year.

Left – Royston Sagigi-Baira at Idol contest and Right – Mayor of Mapoon Aileen Addo giving out plaques to the leaders or descendants of the leaders who led the move back to Mapoon to rebuild it in 1974.


by Barbara Miller

I’ve not been watching Australian Idol but I had to watch tonight (26.3.23) because Royston Sagigi-Baira from Mapoon Aboriginal community north of Weipa in north Queensland is one of the finalists. I remember listening to him singing at a concert in Mapoon in 2018. The people loved to hear him sing and the community are watching eagerly tonight on zoom or similar. 

The reason Norman and I were there and the reason for the concert was the Paanja Festival which commemorated the resurrection of Mapoon from the ashes after it had been burnt down by the Qld government and the people removed by police in 1963. I helped them move back in 1974 and wrote a book about it in 2018 called  White Woman Black Heart: Journey Home to Old Mapoon, A Memoir. I took the book to Mapoon to give to the leaders of the move back and their families and to the Aboriginal council. 

Mapoon is a wonderful community that does not have the problems with crime, alcohol or domestic violence that plague some communities and the young people love to go fishing and crabbing and go bush. I think part of the reason was the struggle to rebuild from nothing and the strength of the people. They have recently built a new church there because even that had been burnt down by the government and for many years they worshipped at the rebuilt school. I am so glad I helped make it possible for them to move back.

Well, to much tears and joy, Royston won, and his community, and much of Australia, celebrate with him. He grew up singing in the church and at school in the small beachside and bush community of 300. 

His childhood pastor and lifelong friend James Hughes says he is not surprised Royston has made it this far in the competition because he always saw his star potential.

“I first met Royston when he was just six years old and I moved to Mapoon as the pastor,” James says.

“Even then Royston’s voice was just beautiful …”

Free Anointed Worship Tabernacle of David Cairns led by Thomas Miller
Prophetic song and prophetic word by Ps Norman Miller. Prophecy by Norman over Tom starts at 9.47 minutes.

Not surprising that during worship Anita saw Jesus on His throne touch the top of her head and smile at her. This was an awesome experience.

Culture War Against the Church conference
Canberra 29-31 July 2023

If you would like to partner with us in the Culture War Against the Church conference the Lord has put on our hearts to host or if you would like to regularly intercede for it, please let us know. We are meeting with a group of intercessors from 3 April at 7pm AEST fortnightly to pray for the conference. The Lord has put on our heart to produce a 21-day prayer guide also for you to use in your own time.

Jesus or Yeshua was right when He prophecied and declared that the gates of hell would not prevail against the church because Caesarea Philippi where He said it is in ruins and its temples are in disuse. The gospel of Jesus has expanded worldwide.

However, this is no time for complacency. I saw a vision of a crab in a pot of water and the temperature slowly increased until it was boiled and dead. I don’t know if this happens in real life but it is a warning to us because things can change imperceptibly for the worse and one day we turn around and wonder how it happened.

Messiah in Isaiah: Songs of the Suffering Servant
by Ps Barbara Miller
The traditional Jewish understanding of this scripture is discussed as well as the Christian understanding. 

Mat 8:16-17 “When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him (Jesus or Yeshua), and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: ‘He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases’.” Isaiah 53:4


Norman and Barbara attended a meeting in Cairns on 20.3.23 which was the first of the Qld government’s consultations re a treaty with its Indigenous people. Barbara will write a report on it soon.

The Queensland Legislative Assembly will meet at the Cairns Convention Centre for the sixth regional sitting of the Queensland Parliament from Tuesday 9 to Thursday 11 May 2023 where it is expected to make a big announcement re its treaty and truth-telling process. It is not doing the Voice first but treaty and truth-telling first.

Attending Regional Parliament is free and everyone is welcome.

Have you dreamed of being a successful published author? Do you believe you have a book in you? As an internationally bestselling author (Barbara Miller), I believe the Lord has put it on my heart to help Christians to write and publish books to bless others. I have written 4 guides to get you started. If interested, check it out.