We thank you for your condolences and prayers for our beautiful son Michael Miller who unexpectedly passed away on 27 Jan while we were commemorating International Holocaust Remembrance Day. He went to Israel with us in 2006, was baptised in the Jordan river, and loved Israel with a passion. We are grateful that the Never Again is Now team in Sydney has planted trees in his name in Israel. We thank the many people in Australia and Israel who have reached out to us including Rabbi Riesenberg and the Southern Cross Alliance for Israel, Lena Goldstein’s family, and many more. We felt the comfort of your prayers and we know Michael is with the Lord which is the greatest comfort of all. His service was live streamed and can be found here

He loved fishing and we are grateful that Awesome Anglers are going to make a fishing shirt in his memory with a mangrove jack and an Aboriginal design on it. His mates and cousins will arrange fishing trips in memory of him as well. May his life be used as a fisher of men for the Lord’s glory.

Left – 1999 Portsmouth, Australians welcomed by British at re-enactment of the departure of the First Fleet from England. Norman and Barbara there as part of the Australian team under the leadership of Brian Pickering and Ben Gray
Right – 1998 Norman with a child at Almolonga, Guatemala where we saw the large vegetables that resulted from the revival. 

Prayer Pioneers Thanksgiving Dinner

We are blessed to attend a Prayer Pioneers Thanksgiving Dinner in Sydney on 17 Feb hosted by the Canberra Declaration to honour the following prayer pioneers:

  1. Barbara Bell – Intercessors for Australia 1973 – 1994
  2. Jenny & Brian Hagger – Australian House of Prayer
  3. Ps Tim & Di Edwards – Prayer Leader & Indigenous Elder
  4. Ps Peter & Maria Walker –  Prayer Leader & Indigenous Elder
  5. Ben & Liz Gray – Founder of the Australian Prayer Network & Apostolic Oversight for the APN
  6. Matthew & Kathryn Bolte – Fellow Leader in the Australian Prayer Network
  7. Ken & Yvonne Kilah – Fellow Leader in the Australian Prayer Network
  8. Brian & Robyn Pickering – Leaders & Coordinators of prayer in the nation 1984 – 2024.  

This event was occasioned by the retirement of Brian and Robyn Pickering from 40 years’ service to the Australian Prayer Network (APN). We would also like to honour Pastor Noel and Dianne Mann who worked with them for many years, Noel having gone on to be with the Lord some years ago as has Noel Bell of Intercessors for Australia. 

Norman and Barbara have been blessed to join prayer teams led by Brian, Robyn and Ben in England, Guatemala, Ephesus and Uluru. Brian was a speaker at our Reconciliation Conference in Cairns in 1998 when we hosted the British on their prayer tour of Australia and Brian spoke at our Ship Shaping History into Place 24/7 conference at the Sydney Opera House in 2006. We stayed with Brian and Robyn when the Lord led us to come from Cairns to Sydney to pray on the Sydney Harbour Bridge after the rainbow serpent had been flashed over it in fireworks on New Year’s Eve in 2000. We also joined the Sydney Belongs to Jesus event the APN organised. We worked with Brian, Robyn and Ben when their ministry was called Spirit Alive before it became APN. We were happy to introduce the city transformation movement to pastors in Cairns, inviting Brian to come and speak.

We were blessed to attend the Out There conferences in Brisbane hosted by Ben in 2000 and 2001 and to have worked with Jenny Haggar over the years as well. We were blessed to take Peter and Maria Walker on a tour of Israel and have them speak at conferences we hosted at Uluru and Canberra. Thanks also to Brian Pickering for speaking at a Redigging the Wells and Transformation conference we organised in Cairns in 2003 and for the wonderful ministry of Tim and Di Edwards.

We bless all these mighty men and women of valour.

Left – 2005 Healing the Land Healing the People conference Uluru hosted by our CFIRP. Dr George Annadorai, Singapore with Millers. We have no photos of the 1999 conference in Uluru hosted by the Australian Prayer Network we attended and no photos of our time at Ephesus with Peter Wagner and APN. 
Right – 2004 Jewish speakers Gary Feldman and Josie Lacey with Peter Walker and Millers at our CFIRP conference called Opening the Gates to the King of Glory Ps 24/7 conference in Canberra

CLICK HERE for a free ticket at Humanitix 

Never again is a grassroots movement led by Christians and Christian leaders. We partner with Israeli and Jewish communities to stop antisemitism. Famous Australian leaders and entertainers will speak and perform. Police and security will be present. 

Everyone is invited to join with thousands of others to stand with our Jewish friends and neighbours.  This matters to anyone persecuted for their faith or race.

Take a stand against antisemitism.  We will sing. We will pray. We will push back the darkness and the hatred.

  1. Share this invite to 5-10 other friends to join you in solidarity
  2. Join our Telegram channel or WhatsApp groupto stay connected on event details and our goals (your details hidden to others)
  3. Follow and grow the movement on Social Media and check out website here

Unite in love for peace and truth.  Make Australian history.

Team NeverAgain, is Now! 

Self-funded, any donations will make it bigger and better with greater impact and outcomes
Australia’s Biggest Rally!
Stand for Australian Judeo-Christian values
say no to antisemitism, lies and incitement
Sun 18 Feb 2024 3-4pm AEDT Sydney venue to be revealed
CLICK HERE for a free ticket at Humanitix 
Please let others know!

Don’t miss this awesome event to bless Israel, enjoy friends and make a stand for good values..

See this reel by Barbara to promote the Never Again is Now event in Sydney.

Australia Day: Celebrate or Abolish? Pride or Shame?

Barbara Miller 26 Jan 24, Published 29 JANUARY 2024

Do First Nations people celebrate Australia Day? Yes! The vibrancy and resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures is celebrated by thousands each January 26 at Victoria Park, Sydney with market stalls, sports, and bands. Called the Yabun Festival, it has been going since 2003, with this year’s theme being “Surviving, Guiding, Thriving.” Norman and I have attended it and its friendly atmosphere many times.

Melbourne has a Share the Spirit event billed as “Coming together to heal with peace and love”, presented by Songlines Aboriginal Music. It is Victoria’s largest and longest-running Indigenous festival, with performances of song and dance at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl.

However, most capital cities also have protests led by First Nations people who call it Invasion Day, Survival Day, or Day of Mourning. Aboriginal protestors like Senator Lidia Thorpe, a leader of the Blak Sovereignty movement, declared at an Invasion Day rally in 2023 that there is a war going on that was declared on her people 200 years ago. Similar claims were made on Friday.



Story below
We Stand Up For Israel: Indigenous Friends of Israel
by Munganbana Norman Miller

The star of David is the centre of this painting just as Jerusalem is the centre of the world (Ezekiel 5:5). The star of David is also on Israel’s flag. It is surrounded by yellow ochre representing G-d’s glory and His calling for the Jewish people to be a light to the nations. The Magen David is encircled by blue and white dots representing Israel.

The dots that continue to circle it reflect the yellow and red ochres of the earth and of the sun. They also represent sunrises and sunsets. This speaks of the heavens touching the earth. The purple dots represent royalty as Jerusalem will be Messiah’s throne. The stars in the sky represent the stars of the southern cross over Australia and in its flag.

The dots also represent the Indigenous Friends of Israel as the Indigenous people of the earth surround, protect, and support her.

The dove of peace, also representing the spirit of G-d, alights over the star of David. As Psalm 85:10-11 (NLT) says:
Unfailing love and truth have met together;
righteousness and peace have kissed.
Truth springs up from the earth,
and righteousness smiles down from heaven.

May Australia shine like the stars in heaven to reflect God’s glory and His love for Israel (Daniel 12:3)

Never Again is Now. We stand against antisemitism. And never again will Israel be uprooted from the land G-d has given them. (Amos 9:11-15)

CFIRP Israel Appeal Flier

By Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace

Help Israel recover from Oct 7 bloodbath and its aftermath by donating to ministries run by Ps Avi and Chaya Mizrachi of Dugit Ministries Tel Aviv (left) and Ps Howard and Randi Bass of Yeshua’s Inheritance Congregation Beer Sheva.

There are thousands of Jewish people displaced by the terror that occurred on Oct 7 with their homes and communities destroyed. Some of those affected were Holocaust survivors. Many just left with the clothes on their backs and are in need of help. Lives have been turned upside down. It is not safe yet to return and rebuild and probably won’t be for a long time. 

For any donation from Australians over $70 AUD, you can receive a copy of Ps Munganbana Norman Miller’s painting of From Mourning into Dancing based on Psalm 30 and Ps Barbara Miller’s book William Cooper, Gentle Warrior: Standing Up for Australian Aborigines and Persecuted Jews. The flier above done for us by our friend Tim Jack, shows you how to donate


Thanks to those who have donated already. Funds have been transferred and we have posted out the books and prints promised to those who donated $70 or more. God bless you!!!

Who will listen to what you say? The share of the man who stayed with  the supplies is to be the same as that of him who went down to the battle. All will share alike.” 1 Samuel 30:24

Donations to the ministry of the Centre for International Reconciliation & Peace
BSB: 064804 Account no: 14069302 Swift code: ctbaau2s

Commonwealth of Australia Bank, 120 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Donations to Pastors Account BSB: 064804 Account no: 14258760


RECONCILIATION NEWZ BUZZ Aug 2023 no 1, 6 August


LEFT – We were pleased to have the Israel Ambassador to Israel Amir Maimon open our Church and Cultural Challenges conference on 27.7.23 at Lifestream Church in Canberra. Norman presented him with his award-winning art book. RIGHT – Carol and David Jack are pictured here with the Ambassador and Norman and Barbara. David presented the Ambassador with a book about his father’s art. Ps Lai from Taiwan also presented the Ambassador with his art. The Ambassador spoke about the importance of communicating the many positive messages about Israel, not just focusing on issues or conflict. He is reaching out to all Australians with this message. He spoke for about 20 mins and had a question and answer session at the end.



A team of 9 with 3 pastors came from Taiwan to our Church & Cultural Challenges conference. They are Indigenous and Ps Lai spoke of the revival they had 50 years ago and he showed a video of it. His father was a key person in that revival. Ps Joy, an Indigenous pastor from Malaysia said it is 50 years also since their revival. Both nations are expecting and praying for revival to break out again. Ps Norman shared that he and his brother Tom and sister Colleen who came as part of the worship team from Cairns, were sons and daughters of a revivalist, Shirley Miller who was in the Pinnacle Pocket revival when she was a child. 

As Ps Peter Walker was unable to make it, his session became an international session with the Taiwan team, Ps Joy from Malaysia and Ps Dora Kua from PNG sharing. 

Ps Chen came to the 12.12.12 conference Norman and Barbara hosted in Sydney in 2012 and has since been in regular contact. He sees Ps Norman as a spiritual father and asked him to release a blessing which he did on the last day. Tears flowed and gifts were given and Barbara declared the blessings of Deut 28:1-14 over them.


Church & Cultural Challenges Conference Vision: 4 Visions and Angelic Intervention by Ps B Miller. 


This was the first message of the conference on 27.7.23. The video missed the first few minutes of my message but I spoke of 4 visions I had in March which led me to organise this conference. The first one was of demonic entities coming out of the cave of Pan at Caesarea Philippi in Israel.

Strategic Time – Tish’a B’Av or 9 Av

Tish’a B’Av for the Hebrew Year 5783 began at sundown on Wednesday, 26 July 2023 and ended at nightfall on Thursday, 27 July 2023. This was the first day of our Canberra conference. It has been a disastrous day through history of the Jewish people, the day when Solomon’s temple was destroyed by the Babylonians and the second temple by the Romans, Jews were expelled from England and Spain, WW1 started and Hitler’s Final Solution was declared. I write about it in my book on Holocaust or Shoah survivor Lena Goldstein as that is when a large number of Jews were sent from Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka death camp.

What were the spiritual issues that brought about these consequences? One was the bad report of the spies after they spied out the Promised Land for 40 days. They said we are like grasshoppers in their eyes and can’t take the land. This was after journeying all that way from Egypt and seeing all God’s miracles. The people cried grumbled & rebelled. Nu 14:1-3.

According to Rabbinic tradition, the sin of the spies produced the annual fast day of 9 Av. When the Israelites accepted the false report, they wept over the false belief that God was setting them up for defeat. The night that the people cried was the 9 Av, which became a day of weeping and tragedy for all time. We need to believe God’s promises and not see ourselves in the eyes of God’s enemies as grasshoppers but in God’s eyes.

We are in a 9 Av situation now.

We may look at giants in the land like identity politics, worship of the environment instead of God, a decline in values etc. and hear bad reports and get discouraged and frustrated and even lose hope and cry. We may be disappointed. But God is well able in His timing and His way to defeat His enemies and we are well able in His power to withstand the enemy and do all God has called us to do.

Give me my mountain!

We need to be like the 2 spies with the good report – Joshua and Caleb and say like Caleb, even at 85 years old, “Give me my mountain.” We were urged to declare this.

Prayer for the 7 Mountains

Lord, we pray you will give us the 7 mountains of cultural influence – family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business, and government. We pray to God to release angels to kindergartens, schools, universities, workplaces – government and corporate, parliaments and local councils, charities, sporting codes, media, entertainment, the arts, families, and churches to fight ungodly influences.


2 Sam 5:24:17-24. Baal Perazim means Lord of the Breakthrough.” Or YHWH Perazim so we declare and decree a breakthrough in bringing a cultural shift in our nations back to Judeo-Christian values in the name of the Lord of the breakthrough, the Lord of Heavens armies.

v24 As soon as you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the poplar (mulberry) trees, move quickly, because that will mean the Lord has gone out in front of you to strike the Philistine army.” The Lord told David to move after he heard the angelic army moving.

Warfare in the Heavenlies Over Australia

I sense we are experiencing warfare in the heavenlies over Australia as in the time of Daniel. Dan 10 tells us that Daniel prayed and fasted when he realized that the prophecy of Jeremiah showed it was time for the captives to return from Babylon to Israel. An angel finally appeared to him 21 days later, and explains the delay: the “prince of Persia” had been opposing him the whole time, and it wasn’t until Michael relieved the angel that he could continue his trip to Daniel. The angel gave Daniel long an outline of future events but had to return to fighting the prince of Persia and the prince of Greece. Only Michael supports this angel against these forces.

So there is likely to be an angel over Australia and a demonic spirit prince over Australia. We need to pray and ask God to release His angel over Australia on behalf of His plans and purposes and align ourselves with God’s purposes and activities.


Judah Must Go First & Waking Up From the Spirit of Woke by Ps Norman Miller 

In 1999, Barbara & I went to Ephesus to join Peter Wagner & Christians from many nations to pray against the Queen of Heaven. The strategy was to worship for 4 hours because in Biblical times, they worshipped Diana for 2hrs. That’s one reason why I wanted to start with 4 hrs worship.

After the death of Joshua, the Israelites asked the Lord, “Who of us is to go up first to fight against the Canaanites?” The Lord answered, “Judah shall go up; I have given the land into their hands.” Judges 1:1-2.

On the first night of the conference, we had no speaker just 4 hours of non-stop worship with Lifestream church taking the first hour, Tabernacle of David Cairns taking the 2nd and 4th hour and the third hour shared by international teams from Taiwan and Malaysia. We praise the Lord for an awesome night of breakthrough.

Double rainbow seen over Cairns first day of our Canberra conference (photo by Serene Tan) and rainbow seen over Canberra 28.7.23 (photo by Jacqueline Bedson.) In Genesis 9: 14-15, God told Noah, “Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.”

Even around the throne of God, there is pictured a majestic rainbow—used to communicate the glory of God (Rev. 4:3). We thank the Lord for His blessing over the conference.

So many people to thank – all those who attended, all those who prayed, those who contributed finances. Most of all we thank the Lord because without Him it would be impossible. Thanks to speakers – Cindy McGarvie, Dr Graham Mclennan, Daniel Simon. David Jack, Amanda Stoker by zoom and the international team – all incredible speakers with so much information for us to digest.

We had a live zoom for those who couldn’t come face to face. We won’t be providing DVDs but we do hope to have messages available on youtube to those who were registered and perhaps to others by donation as well. David Jack did an incredible job videoing as he has done for many of our conferences. Peter Taylor did an amazing job not just looking after the sound and making the PowerPoint of messages and songs available but also setting up and managing the live zoom. We thank Derek Bedson for looking after the overheads. Thanks to Peter, Derek, David, Glen Sebasio and Norman for setting up.

We were incredibly blessed by the LIfestream church who supported the conference not just with the venue but the catering and cleaning etc. It is a church of elders rather than pastors and the servant leadership of Peter and Kim Taylor and Derek and Jacqueline Bedson was unparalleled. May they receive their reward.

Thanks also to our faithful prayer team who met with us regularly for months to pray for the conference and Jacqueline who led up the prayer team during the conference. Also thanks to all the worship teams including our wonderful team from Cairns of Thomas Miller, Colleen Burfitt and Norman Miller with Glen Sebasio of Canberra joining us. We are grateful to Judy Miller who looked after the registration and book tables.

We thank David and Carol Jack for their financial help for the conference and Rod and Lyn Baker who decided to bless the speakers with dinner. Also thanks to Joy Silverwood for cooking lunches. Please pray for Kim, Jacqueline and Joy who will head to the Philippines for a mission trip.

We were very blessed to have the team from Taiwan and pastors from Malaysia and PNG joining us.



Also World Prayer Assembly in Perth 3-6 Oct 23 –




A glimpse of our congregation’s meeting area. This was not staged but taken as I walked by. Such a blessing. You can just see the well we named Rehoboth which was made for a conference we hosted in 2003 called Redigging the Wells of Revival and Transformation. It refers to the Gen 26:18-26 scriptures where Isaac redug the wells of his father Abraham. The Philistines had stopped up the well after Abraham passed away. Today the wells of revival have been stopped up by the enemy and we need to redig those wells and bring forth revival again. If you want to read a summary report of this ground-breaking conference, click HERE.

At our conference, we brought together Aboriginal communities who had experienced revival like Elcho Island, Pinnacle Pocket, Yarrabah etc. with the City Transformation movement under Brian Pickering and Ben Gray. Brian was a speaker. It was a wonderful time with prophetic words flowing.

19 Also Isaac’s servants dug in the valley, and found a well of running water there. 20 But the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with Isaac’s herdsmen, saying, “The water is ours.” So he called the name of the well Esek, because they quarreled with him. 21 Then they dug another well, and they quarreled over that one also. So he called its name Sitnah. 22 And he moved from there and dug another well, and they did not quarrel over it. So he called its name Rehoboth, because he said, “For now the Lord has made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land.”

Blowing of Silver Trumpets and Shofars for Rosh HaShanah

Rosh HaShanah – Jewish New Year & Yom Teruah (Trumpets) – Anniversary of Creation
by Ps Barbara Miller. The blowing of the silver trumpets and shofars is on another video This video  contains worship, lighting of the candle, kiddush i.e. the blessing over the wine and bread (challah), a message by Pastor Barbara Miller, and then a festive meal. Scroll to the section you want or be blessed by the whole event.

If you would love a copy of this Reconciliation CD with original songs from the Tabernacle of David Cairns, you can order one here. Just scroll down to find the picture. Free shipping in Australia. Photo of didjeridoo player Darryl Miller in this image.

Yom Kippur Or Day of Atonement message by Ps Barbara Miller

Ps Norman Miller had a wonderful message and prophetic word on Expanding Our Territory with many scriptures but the prayer of Jabez was a key one. Unfortunately, he didn’t want it recorded. Do pray this prayer and be blessed.

Message – Rise Up on Eagles Wings

Barbara has prepared a Holocaust Handbook forAustralian schools so please pray that those in charge of the curriculum in all states will be interested in using it. It mentions William Cooper, an Aboriginal Christian who led the Australian Aborigines’ League in a protest to the German consulate in Melbourne in 1938 against Kristallnacht. If you want to read about him, there is a sale on books about him. It has been extended to October so you still have an opportunity to get one. 


Slashed from $29.95 to $7ea for September only.
Sales of 10 or more copies, the low price of $5 each
$12 Shipping for 1 copy. $2 extra for each additional copy. 
Email me for direct sales here
or go to the website –

A New Review – Decrees and Dangerous Prayers

Decrees and Dangerous Prayers is a very powerful tool for those passionate to change history. Barbara Miller rightly quotes the words found in proverbs, “Life and death are indeed in the power of the tongue.” Jesus rarely prayed for people rather he decreed or commanded healing. The prophets of Israel did the same.

 Peter the apostle did not pray for the cripple at the gate beautiful rather he decreed God’s will over the man through the gift of faith. The rest is history!

 Acts 3:1-8 says, “Peter and John went to the Temple one afternoon to take part in the three o’clock prayer service. As they approached the Temple, a man lame from birth was being carried in. Each day he was put beside the Temple gate, the one called the Beautiful Gate, so he could beg from the people going into the Temple. When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for some money.

 Peter and John looked at him intently, and Peter said, ‘Look at us!’ The lame man looked at them eagerly, expecting some money. But Peter said, ‘I don’t have any silver or gold for you. But I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ, the Nazarene, get up and walk!’

 Then Peter took the lame man by the right hand and helped him up. And as he did, the man’s feet and ankles were instantly healed and strengthened. 8He jumped up, stood on his feet, and began to walk! Then, walking, leaping, and praising God, he went into the Temple with them.”

 I have known Ps Barbara Miller since the early nineties along with her husband Ps Norman Miller. She has authored over 10 books and she is a mighty woman of God as is her husband, Norman Miller. They helped launch a prophetic decree for this nation called the Canberra Declaration on 21 July 2010 that has blossomed into a significant ministry in the nation for righteousness.

 What am I saying? Ps Barbara is not just a writer but a doer. She has lived and breathed, “Decrees and Dangerous Prayers,” for over 30 years. This book is testimony to that fact. Reading this book will inspire you, challenge you and change you. I highly recommend it for all believers!

Warwick Marsh, founder Dads4Kids Fatherhood Foundation, co-founder the Canberra Declaration and National Day of Prayer and Fasting



Ps Norman has made a gunyah (traditional Aboriginal dwelling) in his backyard from which to send Christian messages out by video. He has a worship ministry on the Cairns streets (Esplanade) where he has been going every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday night for about 5 years now. As well as touching lives, it changes the spiritual atmosphere over the city.

Barbara Miller Interviewed on her Reconciliation Ministry by Eric Skattebo of Vision Christian Radio



A. Writing and Declaring Decrees
B. How to Observe Biblical (Jewish) Feasts from a Christian Standpoint
C. Tabernacle of David
D. Reconciliation
E. Writing a Christian Book
F. something else. If so, what?

We post nearly every day on our Facebook page for Indigenous Friends of Israel and this refreshes the front page of our website. Please like it so you can get updates from us of what is happening around the world that is affecting the Jewish community and Israel as many of you, like us, pray for Israel daily. This will give you some prayer points. To like it, click here.

Reconciliation Newz Buzz Oct no 2 2021


Check out this awesome banner with 25 years of conferences prepared for us by Tim Jack and also the 25-year ministry timeline and 25 years of prophecies –

There are so many prophecies and they are not all transcribed yet. We may later add a list of decrees as that is a key feature of our ministry. 

We have had some awesome video greetings and tributes come in from around the world and will prepare a PowerPoint with messages. We are blessed to have many joining us from Israel, the Middle East, Africa, Singapore, Malaysia, PNG, NZ and Australia on the zoom meeting. The time zone doesn’t suit for UK and USA but we’ve included a message here from Ps Larry and Anne Hamilton USA as they were the first ones to send one in and we appreciate their time with us greatly.

This October, we celebrate 25 years since we planted the Pentecostal Church of Reconciliation in Cairns in which became the Tabernacle of David local congregation and the Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace para-church ministry, the latter being launched in 1998. 

We are celebrating with a service today at our usual time of 4pm and then by a zoom meeting at 7pm Sydney time on 1 Nov so our friends from around Australia and overseas can join us to celebrate. Email us for the zoom link –

We would like those who have journeyed with us over the years to attend the zoom if you can. Whether you can attend or not, please send us a few words of your memories or testimonies and a photo of yourself so that we can make a PowerPoint of these. Short video messages are also welcome. Please please send any photos you may have of conferences we’ve hosted that you attended or meetings we spoke at that you attended. We would like to record some of our history.



Contact us about this ministry if you would like to be a part of it –


In 2006 Larry and I were in Cairns between mission trips to PNG and Papua.  Walking downtown, we visited an aboriginal art gallery (Munganbana) to enjoy the paintings.  The proprietor (Norman) came up and asked us where we were from:  America.  His next statement was, “Do you know this year is the centennial of the Azuza Street Revival the Holy Spirit brought to Los Angeles a hundred years ago?”  We were flabbergasted that he would know that, and assume we wanted to know!  He went on to explain that they were hosting an international conference to commemorate that and the 400thanniversary of de Quiros claiming the Great South Land of the Holy Spirit over Vanuatu.  Then Norman invited us to church at Tabernacle of David.

 From then on, TOD was our church and Norman and Barbara were our pastors.  Being a small congregation, everyone including us went to work on the Bethany Gate/All Pacific Prayer Assembly.  Your website says 2,000 attended.  (Norman revised this to 3,000 because of the huge number of people who came for the free nights over 10 days, not always the same people.) Wow!  I remember it was held at the sports arena.  After setting up, Larry volunteered to stay all night and sleep there to guard the sound equipment. 

 The conference and the attendees made such an impact on us that the next year we flew into Port Moresby from Alotau, PNG, to attend APPA.  Prophetess Barbara spoke on making declarations and using the King’s signet ring.  Prime Minister Somare publicly signed a covenant pledging PNG to worship no other God but Yahweh. 

 We were used to celebrating Passover in our congregation in USA, but we were just growing in understanding our Hebrew roots beyond the basic commandments.  Your connection to Israel and end-time prophecy really helped bring things together for us.  By the time we made the long sail back to USA in 2011, I was writing Bible lessons on the subject! 

 TOD worship was another new thing to us, and we so appreciate all the Millers for bringing us together spiritually and presenting us to God with your musical gifts.  Back in America we found a small movement had started, and almost immediately connected with another congregation with harp and bowl worship that follows the Feasts.

 Thanks for the newsletters and books.  We miss the friends we made through the church.  Next time we get together we won’t need a boat and an airplane to get there!  Maranatha!

Here are the people who came to send us off on our last voyage from Cairns.L to R Larry Hamilton, Sarah Kenny Pascoe, Anne Hamilton, Norman Miller and Wallace Pau