Norman & Barbara Miller handing his big boomerang on “No Racism in the constitution” to former speaker of federal parliament Bronwyn Bishop accompanied by former Minister for Indigenous Australian Ken Wyatt and Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch at Parliament House Canberra 27.11.2013 – 10 years ago. Norman was campaigning for Indigenous recognition in the constitution at the same time.


By Barbara Miller 15.10.23

About 60% of Australians voted no in the Voice referendum held on 14.10.23 with no state having a majority of yes voters. The ACT, Teal electorates, and the richer electorates had a majority of yes voters whereas electorates that had a high percentage of First Nations people had a majority of no voters. So, it was clearly not an issue that had the support of a majority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

This is a big blow to the efforts of Prime Minister Albanese who spent hundreds of millions of dollars on this referendum that could have been spent on improving health, education, and housing etc. on the ground for First Nations people and easing the cost of living pressure for many Australians. Albanese was so intent on getting this Voice up as his legacy that he was blind to other issues, including joining world leaders in a quick response to the Hamas massacre of Israelis.

Millions were also spent on the yes campaign by big corporations that would have been better spent Closing the Gap between First Nations and other Australians. We have a combination of Big Government, Big Name First Nations leaders, Big Business, Big Banks, Big Sports, and Big Faith and Multicultural groups who all supported the yes vote by saying they were taking the moral high ground on this issue.
However, the Australian people pushed back against the elites and voted for a united nation not divided by race and they voted for equal citizenship of Australians. They stood up to the moral intimidation and voted no.

The sad thing is that the Prime Minister and the First Nations leaders who ran the yes campaign have set back the cause of reconciliation in this nation and now we need some healing as a nation.
First Nations leaders and voters who supported the yes vote are saying that they have been rejected by the Australian people and are in a time of mourning for the result of the vote, their dreams for their reshaping of Australia dashed. They say they have a media blackout for one week with flags at half-mast to grieve and reassess. We certainly feel for them and want to comfort them at this time.

However, Australians have great goodwill towards First Nations people. They would have voted for recognition of First Australians people in the constitution if it had not been conflated with the Voice as a way to do it. What the people of Australia did is to reject the particular model that was put forward.
While there are a few racists in Australia, both in the non-Indigenous and the Indigenous communities, Australia is not a racist nation and has made many important steps to advance the cause of First Nations people.

As the no campaign First Nations leaders have said, the referendum was based on a lie that there was not a First Nations voice advising government because there are many national First Nations organisations advising government including the Coalition of Peaks which represents them all. It has about 80 member organisations. Also, there is no guarantee that the Voice would have made a difference to close the gap.
We do believe a reassessment needs to be made of the programs run for and by First Nations people and the effectiveness of these.

Ps Norman Miller is calling for a reconciliation roundtable gathering to be held by zoom on Thursday 19 October at 6.30pm Brisbane time and 7.30pm Sydney time which he and I will be hosting. He is doing this because over 25 years ago, he had a prophetic word that he and I were called to be watchmen over the nation of Australia in the area of reconciliation. Norman is calling Christians, First Nations and others to pray for reconciliation and to pray for strategies for our nation to move forward and heal after the failed referendum. Contact us to join in.

We all have the message and ministry of reconciliation 2 Cor 5:17-21


Ps Norman Miller is calling for a reconciliation roundtable gathering to be held by zoom on Thursday 19 October at 6.30pm Brisbane time and 7.30pm Sydney time which he and I will be hosting. He is doing this because over 25 years ago, he had a prophetic word that he and I were called to be watchmen over the nation of Australia in the area of reconciliation. Norman is calling Christians, First Nations and others to pray for reconciliation and to pray for strategies for our nation to move forward and heal after the failed referendum. Contact us to join in.

We all have the message and ministry of reconciliation 2 Cor 5:17-21

Israel and Gaza at War: Gaza is part of the Promised Land by Ps Barbara Miller

Watch this up-to-date message on the Biblical history of Israel and Gaza and some prophetic insights.


By Ps Barbara Miller

This is a photo of the Welcome the King of Glory event in Israel taken 13.10.17. It was the first one and Norman and I attended it taking a team. A huge number attended, mostly from Pacific nations as the All Pacific Arise (formerly APPA) came at the invitation of Messianic Jewish leaders from Israel. This year 300 attended and it was held at the King of Kings congregation in Jerusalem. While there were calls to cancel it, half of the delegates had already arrived, being there when the Hamas massacre of Israelis occurred. Because of security concerns, the government only allowed 50 people at a time in a room so 6 rooms were used with TV screens. 

The 3-day conference is now ended but half of the delegates have not been able to go home because the airport was closed. There are likely to be other Christians still in Israel from the ICEJ and ANCJ conferences so we pray for the safety of Christians in Israel as well as the Israeli people. 

The Welcome the King of Glory conference was reportedly successful. We have some of our Indigenous Friends of Israel state coordinators at this conference. The nations repented of their idolatry and covenanted their nation to the Lord and Messianic Jewish leaders repented for Israel’s rejection of Messiah. No doubt heaven took note. Messianic leaders would have found comfort from the nations standing and praying with them in their hour of need.

We ask for prayers for Christian Arabs as well. Forty Arabs were killed among the Israelis killed by Hamas as they tend to be indiscriminate in their killing. There are good relationships between Messianic Jews and Christian Arabs in Israel built up over a long time. However, there are tensions in Israel as Arabs don’t want to be mistaken for Hamas. 

We continue to pray as well that this does not develop into a global conflict before the appointed time of the Lord. 

Find out the background story behind the Voice referendum and read a significant Biblical view and prophetic insights. Order the eBook from Amazon or the paperback from Amazon or
Australian amazon link  US Amazon link



By Pastor Norman Miller 14.4.23

I have been a big supporter of the recognition of First Nations people in the Australian constitution and removal of racism from the constitution since 2012 when the Expert Panel on Recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in the Constitution brought out its recommendations. 

However, I cannot support the Voice as it currently stands as I believe it will not promote the cause of reconciliation but bring division between First Nations people with each other and with the rest of the nation.

I also believe it will be taking away Australians’ equality before the law in the constitution and introduce race into it making two classes of citizens based on race or ancestry.

Reminiscent of the Yirrkala bark petition, I made a giant boomerang in 2012 with the words No Racism in the Constitution on it and I presented it to then-Speaker the Hon. Bronwyn Bishop at Parliament House Canberra in the company of MPs the Hon. Ken Wyatt and the Hon. Warren Entsch on 27 November 2013.

This boomerang was part of an exhibition at the Museum of Australian Democracy Canberra where it is now housed

On the same occasion in 2013, I presented my local member, the Hon. Warren Entsch the Miller Boomerang Petition with 2115 signatures on it that I had gathered at my own expense around the nation and he presented it to parliament. My journey around Australia to gather the first signatures is shown on this video

I continued to gather signatures and presented the rest of the 5,100 signatures to then-speaker the Hon. Tony Smith MP, the Clerk of the House, and the Hon. Warren Entsch MP on 8 February 2016 who presented it to Parliament

It was basically supporting constitutional recognition and the removal of racism from the Constitution and was based on the recommendation of the Expert Panel. It read: “We therefore ask the House to: 

Educate the Australian nation about the need for constitutional change and hold a referendum within two years to:

  • Remove Section 25 – which says the States can ban people from voting based on their race; • Remove section 51(xxvi) – which can be used to pass laws that discriminate against people based on their race;
  • Insert a new section 51A – to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and to preserve the Australian Government’s ability to pass laws for the benefit of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples;
  • Insert a new section 116A, banning racial discrimination by government; and
  • Insert a new section 127A, recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages were this country’s first tongues, while confirming that English is Australia’s national language.” For more information see

Most Australians, including myself, support the constitutional recognition of First Nations people in the constitution, effective consultation with First Nations people on matters that affect us, and reconciliation. 

The referendum question should be split into two propositions – one, the recognition of First Nations people in the constitution, and a second on the Voice. There is still a lack of clarity on the Voice and its possible unintended consequences.

The option of achieving this recognition through a preamble was rejected at the referendum on a republic and would be now by many First Nations people. However, as you can see from the example of the Expert Panel’s recommendations, it can be achieved within the body of the constitution without adding in a Voice. 

A legislated Voice is still an option that could be considered by the Joint Select Committee on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum which reports back on 15 May. Amendments re a constitutional Voice to executive government are likely to be discussed but considering the composition of the Committee, not much change to the Referendum Working Group/Albanese proposal is likely. 

I want to see practical solutions on the ground for my people – closing the gap on the serious disadvantage that exists for my people, money spent where it will count and the voices of grassroots First Nations people heard. 

I also believe the First Nations Christian Voice needs to be heard in this debate. More articles on the Voice by my wife can be found on the Canberra Declaration blog and on our church website

I will also be writing on this subject soon from the perspective of my role as co-founder of the Indigenous Friends of Israel