RECONCILIATION NEWZ BUZZ May 2023 no 1 May 14 Newsletter of Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace

Happy Mothers’ Day!!

We want to extend our blessings to all our wonderful readers. God bless you!!! And Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers, including spiritual mothers!!! As we have our service on Saturdays, we already celebrated Mother’s Day yesterday with a wonderful event at our church with worship, communion, an amazing meal with amazing decorations by Norman’s sisters – Colleen, Lilian, Deborah and Joanne. We even had Bible quizzes on mothers and crafts to add some fun to the occasion. Who said church is boring? Not around here!

Israel Events

April 25-26 – In 2023, Yom Haatzmaut (Israeli Independence Day) was from sundown on April 25 to sundown on April 26. The major State Ceremony took place on the eve of Yom Haatzmaut at Mount Herzl, Israel’s National Ceremony in Jerusalem. This event marked the end of Yom Hazikaron, Israel’s memorial day, commemorating their fallen.

May 7-28 – 21 Prayers for Israel and Isaiah 62 Fast led by Mike Bickle and the International House of Prayer Kansas City. It is estimated that 5 million Christians worldwide are praying for Israel at this time. The judicial crisis in Israel has caused great unrest and division as the government tries to find the right balance between the powers of judiciary and the legislature. Also, Israel is surrounded by hostile states. CLICK HERE to get the 21 prayers.

May 9 to current – Following the death by hunger strike in prison of a Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader, there have been over 1,000 rockets fired at Israeli citizens killing one woman and injuring others. David’s Sling, Israel’s defence system, is intercepting most missiles. Israel has counteracted by the targeted killing of 6 Palestinian Jihad terrorist leaders (Iran’s proxy). Unfortunately, as they use civilians as human shields, there has been some collateral damage, The ALP Australian government is planning to increase funding to the Palestinian Authority, so Australian taxpayers will be supporting terrorism whether they want to or not.

May 14 – Israel’s independence was declared on May 14, 1948 — the day when David ben Gurion officially read the Proclamation of the Establishment of the State of Israel.. Happy 75th birthday Israel.

May 15 – May 151948, the first day of Israeli Independence and exactly one year after United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) was established,Arab armies invaded Israel and the first Arab-Israeli war began. The fledgling Israel state managed to miraculously win and Arabs have called this Nakba Day. The United Nations will stage a high-level special meeting to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Nakba – the mass displacement of around 750,000 Palestinians from their homeland in 1948. Many forget that the same number of Jews were displaced from Arab lands at the same time. However, Israel gave them a home while the Arab nations rejected the Palestinians to keep the war going.

Prophetic Word & Decree – Hear the Call of the Voice of the Lord and the Call to Gather in Canberra by Ps Norman Miller

Made on 1 April – A prophetic call to gather in Canberra 27-29 July at Lifestream Church for the Church and Cultural Challenges Conference hosted by the Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace and the Tabernacle of David Cairns. It is a call to deep intercession, the harp and bowl ministry and to bring a cultural shift in our nation to Biblical values. Sound the shofar and hear the roar of the Lion of the tribe of Judah. See more on

Don’t miss this amazing conference 27-29 July at Lifestream Christian Fellowship, 152 Langdon Ave, Wanniassa, Canberra. Speakers are Cindy McGarvie, National Director Youth for Christ, Dr Graham McLennan, founder National Alliance of Christian Leaders, Ps Peter Walker, founder Australian Indigenous Christian Ministries, David Jack, an arts and media expert, and by video, former Senator Amanda Stoker. We will start with 4 hours of worship as we seek the Lord for His purposes in strategic prayer for our nation. There is a strong effort to remove the church from the public square and impose worldly values on the church restricting our religious freedom. 

We have issues of political correctness, identity politics, and much more. Come and help bring a shift to our nation. Gal 3:28 says:
There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.

Enormous cultural changes challenge our Christian faith. We need strategic prayer, worship, and to give a reason for our faith 1 Peter 3:15. We need the anointing of Isaachar to know the times and seasons and what Israel and the church should do.

We have a prayer group for the conference with Christians from around Australia fortnightly by zoom and amazing revelation is coming forth. 

You can register for the conference on Eventbrite and early bird regos expire on 12 June –

If you would like to see more on the vision of this conference and generally about the Culture War Against the Church  READ 

People Pleasers or God Pleasers: the Church and Cultural Challenges by Ps Barbara Miller

Left – Interim Truth-Telling and Treaty Board (ITTB) – Ray Rosendale, Cheryl Buchanan, Aaron Fa’aoso, and Dr Sallyanne Atkinson, Cairns 9.5.23,  Right – Barbara Miller and Cheryl Buchanan, Co-chair ITTB Cairns 9.5.23


Path to Treaty legislation passed in Cairns as the Qld Parliament met in Cairns 9-11 May. It will establish a Truth-Telling and Healing Inquiry and a Treaty Institute. Barbara wrote an article for The Spectator which came out today 13 May though it was written the previous week.

Norman and Barbara and other Miller family members and community leaders were invited to a breakfast with the Premier, MPs and the ITTB on 11 May to commemorate the passing of the legislation. 

Traditional owner, Seith Fourmile, called out Barbara Miller and a few other key workers for Indigenous advancement including Norman’s father and mother. Co-chair of the ITTB, Cheryl Buchanan, singled out Barbara for having worked as long as Cheryl had – 53 years – for Indigenous advancement. At an earlier ITTB workshop on 9 May, Seith honoured Barbara and Norman, and Cheryl honoured Barbara remembering her as the “young Christian girl” who had stood with them at the tent embassy in Canberra in 1971.


Hardly surprising that The Weekend Australian May 13-14 said on its front page, “Australians will be asked to vote for an Indigenous voice to Parliament and executive government after a Labor-dominated parliamentary committee endorsed Anthony Albanese’s proposed constitutional amendment without change, deepening the political battle over the referendum process. 

The Liberals and Nationals – who made up less than a third of the committee members – issued dissenting reports on Friday attacking as insufficient the six-week timeframe given to the inquiry.” They said there should have been a constitutional convention to iron out drafting issues.

Former Prime Minister, Tony Abbott was denied the opportunity to make a verbal submission to the Inquiry until he went to the media and they relented and gave him a grilling over his opposition to the Voice. Ps Norman Miller was similarly denied a hearing though he put his name down to speak before the inquiry hearing in Cairns and waited all day to give evidence. Instead, he put in a written submission which should be publicly available along with all the others. As we know, there have been many legal opinions for and against the Voice with disagreement in the legal fraternity. 

Pastors Norman and Barbara were interviewed by Vision Christian Radio on the Voice as Christians are wanting some leadership and advice on this issue. A Canberra intercessor said that 1 Way fm Christian radio in Canberra also covered their interview.

It is unhelpful that one of the Aboriginal designers of the Voice, Marcia Langton, publicly said on there could be an intifada in the western desert of Australia if a yes vote for the referendum did not succeed. (The Australian 3 May). Dr David Adler President of the Australian Jewish Association told Sky News 14 May that antifada is an Arab word and means race-based terrorism. 

This is not what we want to see in Australia. There is a debate about whether the Voice would further or set back the cause of reconciliation between First Nations people and the rest of Australia. 


May 25-27 – Shavuot or Feast of Weeks

May 27 – National Day of Prayer and Fasting – see Canberra Declaration

May 27-June 3 – National Reconciliation Week with the theme – Be A Voice for Generations. Ps Norman usually opens proceedings in Cairns with a prayer and we host some activities.

May 28 – Pentecost Sunday, Pastors Norman and Barbara Miller will be speaking by zoom for Ps Jack Yeo, Emmanuel Blessings Christian Centre, Sydney

July 3-4 – Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast in Gold Coast with hosts from the Knesset, Israel’s parliament. The Israeli Ambassador will then come to Cairns and we are involved along with SCAFI and other Christian ministries that support Israel, in organising this event in our role as the founders of the Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace and the founders of the Indigenous Friends of Israel.

July – Also wonderful friends from Malaysia, Pastors Abraham and Joy Tan will be visiting us. Stay posted



Reconciliation Newz Buzz Oct no 2 2021


Check out this awesome banner with 25 years of conferences prepared for us by Tim Jack and also the 25-year ministry timeline and 25 years of prophecies –

There are so many prophecies and they are not all transcribed yet. We may later add a list of decrees as that is a key feature of our ministry. 

We have had some awesome video greetings and tributes come in from around the world and will prepare a PowerPoint with messages. We are blessed to have many joining us from Israel, the Middle East, Africa, Singapore, Malaysia, PNG, NZ and Australia on the zoom meeting. The time zone doesn’t suit for UK and USA but we’ve included a message here from Ps Larry and Anne Hamilton USA as they were the first ones to send one in and we appreciate their time with us greatly.

This October, we celebrate 25 years since we planted the Pentecostal Church of Reconciliation in Cairns in which became the Tabernacle of David local congregation and the Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace para-church ministry, the latter being launched in 1998. 

We are celebrating with a service today at our usual time of 4pm and then by a zoom meeting at 7pm Sydney time on 1 Nov so our friends from around Australia and overseas can join us to celebrate. Email us for the zoom link –

We would like those who have journeyed with us over the years to attend the zoom if you can. Whether you can attend or not, please send us a few words of your memories or testimonies and a photo of yourself so that we can make a PowerPoint of these. Short video messages are also welcome. Please please send any photos you may have of conferences we’ve hosted that you attended or meetings we spoke at that you attended. We would like to record some of our history.



Contact us about this ministry if you would like to be a part of it –


In 2006 Larry and I were in Cairns between mission trips to PNG and Papua.  Walking downtown, we visited an aboriginal art gallery (Munganbana) to enjoy the paintings.  The proprietor (Norman) came up and asked us where we were from:  America.  His next statement was, “Do you know this year is the centennial of the Azuza Street Revival the Holy Spirit brought to Los Angeles a hundred years ago?”  We were flabbergasted that he would know that, and assume we wanted to know!  He went on to explain that they were hosting an international conference to commemorate that and the 400thanniversary of de Quiros claiming the Great South Land of the Holy Spirit over Vanuatu.  Then Norman invited us to church at Tabernacle of David.

 From then on, TOD was our church and Norman and Barbara were our pastors.  Being a small congregation, everyone including us went to work on the Bethany Gate/All Pacific Prayer Assembly.  Your website says 2,000 attended.  (Norman revised this to 3,000 because of the huge number of people who came for the free nights over 10 days, not always the same people.) Wow!  I remember it was held at the sports arena.  After setting up, Larry volunteered to stay all night and sleep there to guard the sound equipment. 

 The conference and the attendees made such an impact on us that the next year we flew into Port Moresby from Alotau, PNG, to attend APPA.  Prophetess Barbara spoke on making declarations and using the King’s signet ring.  Prime Minister Somare publicly signed a covenant pledging PNG to worship no other God but Yahweh. 

 We were used to celebrating Passover in our congregation in USA, but we were just growing in understanding our Hebrew roots beyond the basic commandments.  Your connection to Israel and end-time prophecy really helped bring things together for us.  By the time we made the long sail back to USA in 2011, I was writing Bible lessons on the subject! 

 TOD worship was another new thing to us, and we so appreciate all the Millers for bringing us together spiritually and presenting us to God with your musical gifts.  Back in America we found a small movement had started, and almost immediately connected with another congregation with harp and bowl worship that follows the Feasts.

 Thanks for the newsletters and books.  We miss the friends we made through the church.  Next time we get together we won’t need a boat and an airplane to get there!  Maranatha!

Here are the people who came to send us off on our last voyage from Cairns.L to R Larry Hamilton, Sarah Kenny Pascoe, Anne Hamilton, Norman Miller and Wallace Pau