ISRAEL HUMANITARIAN APPEAL By Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace
Help Israel recover from Oct 7 bloodbath and its aftermath by donating to ministries run by Ps Avi and Chaya Mizrachi of Dugit Ministries Tel Aviv (left) and Ps Howard and Randi Bass of Yeshua’s Inheritance Congregation Beer Sheva (right with Millers on Oct 30 2017 before 100th anniversary of Beer Sheva battle).
There are thousands of Jewish people displaced by the terror that occurred on Oct 7 with their homes and communities destroyed. Some of those affected were Holocaust survivors. Many just left with the clothes on their backs and are in need of help. Lives have been turned upside down. It is not safe yet to return and rebuild and probably won’t be for a long time.
For any donation from Australians over $70 AUD, you can receive a copy of Ps Munganbana Norman Miller’s painting of From Mourning into Dancing based on Psalm 30 and Ps Barbara Miller’s book William Cooper, Gentle Warrior: Standing Up for Australian Aborigines and Persecuted Jews. The flier above done for us by our friend Tim Jack, shows you how to donate i.e.
Left – destruction of Ohel Yaaqov synagogue by fire at Kristallnacht and Right – Baden, Germany, Jews arrested and forced into concentration camp on Kristallnacht 1938.
Hear Ps Avi Mizrachi of Dugit Ministries Tel Aviv and Ps Howard Bass of Yeshua’s Inheritance Beer Sheva share at 6.30pm AEST, 7.30pm AEDT, 7pm SA & NT, 4.30pm WA, and 10.30am Israel time.
We also commemorate the protest of Kristallnacht by Aboriginal Christians William Cooper and the Australian Aborigines’ League in 1938 when they marched to the German Consulate in Melbourne.
For those interested to know more about Kristallnacht or the Night of the Broken Glass, you can read an excerpt of my book Shattered Lives Broken Dreams. You will see eerie similarities to what is happening now. READ HERE
If you would like to read the response of Indigenous Friends of Israel to the Islamic preacher urging holy war or Jihad in Sydney recently, read our article on Canberra Declaration – READ HERE
Book trailer – Voice Treaty Truth: Has the Christian Voice Been Heard?
What is happening in Australian race relations is a mirror of what is happening in the Western world. Australia is currently divided 60/40 over a recent referendum to enshrine an Indigenous representative body in the constitution which would be a Voice to parliament and the executive government.
There was pushback about creating a race-based body in the constitution and the inequality of having two classes of citizens. This is likely to continue with division over the need for a treaty and debating about the truth of Australia’s history. This book, Voice Treaty Truth, examines both sides of the argument in a passionate and balanced way and looks at the issues from political, historical, and spiritual viewpoints.
Find out the background story behind the Voice referendum and read a significant Biblical view and prophetic insights. Order the eBook from Amazon or the paperback from Amazon or
Hear Ps Avi Mizrachi of Dugit Ministries Tel Aviv and Ps Howard Bass of Yeshua’s Inheritance Beer Sheva share at 6.30pm Brisbane time, 7.30pm Sydney, 7pm SA & NT, 4.30pm WA, and 10.30am Israel time.
The photo is of Germans passing a Jewish shop with windows broken during Kristallnacht 9-10 Nov 1938. It was the start of the Holocaust. It is taken from my book Shattered Lives Broken Dreams.
It is with sadness that we tell you that 1930’s Nazi Germany is here again, this time with Islamo-fascism, hatred of Jews and rampant antisemitism, On October 7, the hope of Never Again was shattered. With 1400 Jews tortured and slaughtered, many in their beds or safe rooms, it was the highest number of Jews murdered in one day since the Holocaust.
The October 7 barbaric onslaught on civilians in Israel has sparked a blood lust around the world to annihilate the Jewish state and Jews wherever they can be found in the world. We see it on the streets of western nations like Australia, the US, the UK and Europe
We are calling this zoom meeting on the anniversary of Kristallancht or the Night ot the Broken Glass in Germany where Jewish homes and businesses had their windows broken, synagogues were burned , over 90 Jews were killed and thousands were forced to wear stars of David and marched to a concentration camp.
This time, Jewish families were burnt alive in Israel, Jewish businesses are being vandalised in the United States, Jewish diplomats are wearing stars of David at the UN and Jewish children in Australia can’t wear uniforms to school for fear of being attacked. Actual attacks on Jews are occurring around the world. Jewish university students in Australia are having to sit their exams segregated in safe places.
In my book If I Survive about Lena Goldstein, she talks about how she experienced the attacks on Jews by other students at university in Poland and she and other Jews were not able to complete their studies.
Incredibly, Israel is being blamed for what has happened. It is a classic blame the victim narrative. Worse it is a narrative of cultural Marxism where the Marxists talk about the “useful idiots” in academia, the media and government (even churches) who swallow their ideology that there is only one way of looking at the world – oppressors and the oppressed. Despite being the most multicultural nation in the world, Israel is painted as the white oppressor of coloured Palestinians. It is painted as occupiers of Gaza even though it pulled out in 2005.
We grieve about all innocent victims of this Israel-Hamas war to root out the terrorists – those slaughtered mercilessly in Israel and those civilians killed by Israeli retaliation in Gaza including those used as human shields by Hamas. We know Israel tries hard to avoid civilian casualties but Hamas wins the media war at the toll.
We pray for innocents to be spared and for Christian Arabs in Israel and Arab lands to be safe as well. We pray for God’s angels to be stationed on the borders of Israel to protect her against Iran and its proxies – Hezbollah in Lebanon, proxies in Syria and Iraq in the north, the Palestinian Authority in Judea and Samaria (West Bank) Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza and the Houthis from Yemen firing on Eilat in the south.
We pray Lord that You would comfort your people in Israel and worldwide from the grief of loss of loved ones and fear from threats to their very existence and heal the wounded. I woke up the other morning with the words “existential threat.” Israel and the Jews worldwide are fighting for their very existence, their survival as a people and as the only Jewish nation in the world, the only democracy in the Middle East. And we stand with Israel. Isaiah 40:1-2 “Comfort, comfort My people,” says your God. “With gentle words, tender and kind …
Please join us Thursday night and stand with Israel as well. Zechariah 2:8 says:
“For thus says the Lord of hosts, “After glory He has sent me against the nations which plunder you, for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye’.”
ISRAEL HUMANITARIAN APPEAL By Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace
Help Israel recover from Oct 7 bloodbath and its aftermath by donating to ministries run by Ps Avi and Chaya Mizrachi of Dugit Ministries Tel Aviv (left) and Ps Howard and Randi Bass of Yeshua’s Inheritance Congregation Beer Sheva (right with Millers on Oct 30 2017 before 100th anniversary of Beer Sheva battle).
For any donation from Australians over $70 AUD, you can receive a copy of Ps Munganbana Norman Miller’s painting of From Mourning into Dancing based on Psalm 30 and Ps Barbara Miller’s book William Cooper, Gentle Warrior: Standing Up for Australian Aborigines and Persecuted Jews. As soon as the flier is ready with details, we will make it available on our church website and send it to you. In the meantime, you still donate on our website or send us an email. Blessings all
Left – From Mourning into Dancing and Right William Cooper book
We had an inspiring time when Ps Norman Miller called a Reconciliation Roundtable by zoom on Thursday 19 October followed up by one on 2 Nov. It was called to discuss and pray for strategies to move forward in healing and reconciliation after the Voice Referendum divided our nation and brought grieving and anger to many of the Yes Campaigners. Many useful strategies came up and the recording is below. We will inform you of the next one soon.
We all have the message and ministry of reconciliation 2 Cor 5:17-21. Gal 3:28 tells us we are all one in Christ no matter what our race, gender, income or social status.
Find out the background story behind the Voice referendum and read a significant Biblical view and prophetic insights. Order the eBook from Amazon or the paperback from Amazon or
We had an inspiring time when Ps Norman Miller called a Reconciliation Roundtable by zoom on Thursday 19 October. It was called to discuss and pray for strategies to move forward in healing and reconciliation after the Voice Referendum divided our nation and brought grieving and anger to many of the Yes Campaigners. Many of the participants are keen to continue and we are holding another one on Thursday 2 November at 6.30pm Brisbane time, 7.30pm Sydney time and 4.30pm WA time. Indigenous and non-Indigenous people are welcome. Please email us for the zoom link.
There was a powerful communion led by Ps Norman where he pulled the spear out of white Australia as part of removing the payback spirit. We discussed and prayed for:
A new way forward. This included Closing the Gap as practical reconciliation with key performance indicators being met and money spent more effectively.
We need a paradigm shift. We need to change the narrative from victim/oppressor to one where we can work more positively. This means accepting some personal and community responsibility by Aboriginal parents, communities and organisations.
We need to promote the forgiveness side of reconciliation more as it is a two-way street. We could join the National Forgiveness Day on Feb 1 run by the Abdullah family in Sydney.
A workbook could be developed from Barbara’s Voice Treaty Truth Book with 10 lessons that could be used by home groups, prayer groups and Bible Colleges etc.
We could have an online course in reconciliation in race relations that has videos.
We can invite First Nations Christians to do 5-minute videos that could be incorporated in this.
We can promote trauma-informed counselling
We will have monthly Reconciliation Roundtable meetings by zoom and have guest speakers with Q and A. Initially we will have another meeting in 2 weeks’ time to keep the momentum going.
Somehow we need to reach out to schools, maybe through ILO’s or teachers.
We all have the message and ministry of reconciliation 2 Cor 5:17-21
NB I wrote this article for Canberra Declaration as I was concerned about the leaders of the Yes Campaign using similar terms re Australia and Israel i.e. both nations are illegal occupiers & that some First Nations leaders support the Palestinian Cause & support Hamas terrorism
Legitimacy of Non-Indigenous Occupation of Australia Challenged by Yes Campaign
By Barbara Miller 27 OCTOBER 2023
Leaders of the Yes Campaign for the Voice referendum released on Sunday night, 23 October, an anonymous statement condemning Australians for voting no to their proposal to enshrine a Voice in the constitution. They are not accepting the democratic process in this nation and are calling it a shameful act that promotes colonialism.
They also said that racism, ignorance, and misinformation were factors, and they have received a bitter lesson from the vote. This ignores the fact that it was not a referendum where non-Indigenous people voted no, and First Nations people voted yes. There were yes and no voters in both camps.
The Guardianreported that the statement said that the Voice referendum ‘unleashed a tsunami of racism’ and Australia had chosen “to make itself less liberal and less democratic” by voting no. It continued that the result was so mean-spirited it would remain “unbelievable and appalling” for decades to come.
Occupied Territory?
More seriously, they have accused Australians of non-Indigenous heritage, who may have been born here and had many generations of family members living here, as illegal occupiers who need to have First Nations people recognise their right to live here. Who would do that? The government-appointed Referendum Working Group, who, along with Prime Minister Albanese, have managed to divide this nation with this referendum proposal? The editorial in The Australian on October 24 says the statement by the Yes campaign said:
“It is the legitimacy of the non-Indigenous occupation in this country that requires recognition, not the other way around. Our sovereignty has never been ceded.”
So, do they want all non-Indigenous Australians to leave Australia, or do they want co-sovereignty and co-governance and laws that will flow from this that will greatly change Australian life? If it is the latter, it is true that First Nations People did not cede sovereignty. However, two court cases have determined that First Nations Australians no longer have sovereignty — Coe v Commonwealth 1979 and the Mabonative title decision of 1992. Regarding the 1979 case: READ MORE
Makarrata and Reconciliation Part 1
by Ps Norman Miller 21.10.23
Led by Ps Norman Miller and the worship team
Vicarious Trauma and Race-based Trauma – God Can Heal by Ps Barbara Miller
Voice Treaty Truth: Has the Christian Voice Been Heard? Book Trailer
Discounted eBook on Amazon to 99c US for 5 days from 7 November 8am PST or 8 November 1am Brisbane time so get the special while you can.
Find out the background story behind the Voice referendum and read a significant Biblical view and prophetic insights. Order the eBook from Amazon or the paperback from Amazon or
William Cooper’s grandson Uncle Boydie (Alf Turner), Abe Schwarz, unknown woman and Barbara and Norman Miller laying a wreath at Be’er Sheva at the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Be’er Sheva on Oct 31 2017. Norman and Barbara led a prayer tour of 50 internationally based Christians through Israel and hosted a Sons of Abraham conference in Jerusalem on this visit as well as attending the Welcome the King of Glory conference.
The charge of the Australian Lighthorse, as well as the fighting by the New Zealanders and British, was crucial to opening up the way for Jerusalem to be wrested from 400 years of rule by the Muslim Ottoman Empire in 1917. A Jewish homeland was set up under a British Mandate and eventually, in 1948, the state of Israel was reborn.
L – Uluru R – Flags and banners at the prayer at Mutitjulu Waterhole, Uluru at the Healing the People Healing the Land conference 2005
Bob Randall (1929-2015) was a Yankunytjatjara elder and traditional owner of Uluru who welcomed us to Uluru to host a conference there in 2005 called Healing the Land Healing the People.
Healing the Land Healing the People conference Uluru
Why revisit this now?
Australia is facing a referendum on the Voice on Oct 14 and it is a result of a convention held by First Nations people from around Australia at Uluru in 2017. It is called the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
The debate over whether to vote yes or no is dividing Australia – dividing Indigenous and non-Indigenous people and dividing Indigenous people with from one another. We held our conference at Uluru, the heart of Australia, to bring reconciliation and healing and to release repentance to God and one another and receive forgiveness and healing from God and one another. It was a powerful time appointed and anointed by God.
Aboriginal leaders of many tribes around Australia attended and many non-Indigenous Australians as well. Uncle Bob was taken from his family at 7 years old and he sang for us one of the iconic songs about the removal of Aboriginal children from their families which he wrote – My Brown Skin Baby. You can sense the wailing of the mothers. There was repentance for this led by Ps Barbara Miller. Uncle Bob was very gracious and said the land belongs to all of us – Indigenous and others.
Dedication and covenanting Australia to God
There are a number of videos but this is a highlights video – see at 4.40min the dedication and covenanting Australia to God in a prophetic act by Ps Norman Miller and traditional owner of Uluru Bob Randall with tribal leaders standing with them. Norman had seen the hand of God come down over Uluru and he believed God wanted to unlock something in the spirit in our nation and turn the nation towards Him. It was based on Isaiah 22:22 “I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open” and a Joshua strategy of doing it 7 times.
Norman believed the Lord wanted the key turned in the centre of a map of Australia as a prophetic act 7 times at 10.22, and 22.22 for the 3 days and the first night at 22.22. It was very powerful with Uncle Bob being the local authority and national elder and Norman in national spiritual authority together on the first night and Norman on the remainder. Norman also had this scripture the Lord gave him – Psalm 72:9 “May desert tribes bow down before Him, and His enemies lick the dust!” (ESV)
Repentance by leaders from many Aboriginal tribes
See at 1.14hr repentance by leaders from many Aboriginal tribes. There was repentance from idol worship, bloodshed, witchcraft, broken covenants, sexual immorality and impurity, homosexuality, lust, fornication, iniquity and gambling. There was a release of forgiveness towards those who had hurt them and prayer for healing from rejection and for fathers to be restored to families.
Ps Vuniani Nakauyaca from Fiji led this session and did an act of healing the land with the soil of the land and salt and water similar to what had been done in Fiji with the revival there. Norman led the men Indigenous and nonindigenous to pray for and bless their wives and ask for forgiveness if needed. Ps Peter Walker asked the Indigenous men to wash the feet of nonindigenous men as an act of reconciliation.
Dr George Annadorai from Singapore gave a powerful message about how the Lord spoke to pastors in Singapore (Chinese and Indian) that the land did not recognize them. They realized they had left out the Malay people. He spoke on the prodigal son with Indigenous men representing the younger brother and nonindigenous men representing the elder brother. A powerful reconciliation followed in a prophetic act.
The conference gave a platform to a number of Aboriginal speakers – Ps Peter and Maria Walker, Ps Gloria Dyer (now Miller), and Ella Gordon. Ps Vuniani and Ella have gone to their heavenly reward and we were blessed to have them.
Prayer at Mutitujulu Waterhole
About 350 people attended our meeting in a large tent, owned by the Tent of Promise, including Ps Milo Siilata and his son from New Zealand, We hired a number of buses to take us to the foot of the rock Uluru to pray at Mutitjulu Waterhole where we had an amazing time of prayer.
Rainbow Serpent left Uluru
Amazingly, as we left the rock, two people, Ps Veronica Coutts and John Andrews turned around to take a photo and captured on their phones the rainbow serpent and its eggs leaving Uluru as we had prayed for. This could not be seen in the natural. We understand that New Age people and witches from around the world as well as Aboriginal people continue to invoke the rainbow serpent.
A lot of spiritual warfare came against us with a group in Brisbane holding a meeting pretending they were the ones organising the conference. Ps Noel Mann saw their ad in the paper and alerted us and Norman and I flew to Brisbane and confronted them with Ella Gordon joining us. We had to deregister them from our conference. Despite this, we had some women turn up and dance like snakes during our worship and we had to remove them. Our worship team had strange items left outside their hotel rooms.
Ps Barbara Miller’s message covers the vision for the conference and the spiritual mapping she did beforehand. Part 2 of it is here
Part 1 is missing at the moment but more repentance from tribal leaders can be seen in this message which occurs on the first morning of the conference.
The conference started and ended with worship. It started with the song Kings and Nations and a parade of many waving banners and flags representing the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 gates of Jerusalem. It ended at 1.56hr with joyful shake-a-leg dancing by Aboriginal Christians at the end.
This conference was one of 10 Psalm 24:7 conferences Welcoming the King of Glory we held around the nation between 2003 and 2012, with 4 of them in Parliament House Canberra and the others at the Sydney Opera House, Melbourne, Bendigo and Cairns.
Thanks to David Jack or making these videos available and to Sonia Harriman for the highlights video.
Welcome the King of Glory Prayer Movement from the Ends of the Earth to Israel by Ps Avi Mizrachi.
Message at Indigenous Friends of Israel and Tabernacle of David Cairns conference 18-20 Aug 23 Cairns. Ps Avi and Chaya Mizrachi are the leaders of the Messianic pastors team that is hosting this conference in Israel with the nations attending, particularly All Pacific Arise (formerly APPA) who have been walking with the Israeli team.
Norman and Barbara led a team from Australia to the 1st Welcome the King of Glory (WTKOG) convocation in Israel in 2017. The 3rd Welcome the King of Glory convocation in Jerusalem 11-13 October 2023 has the theme of “Gathering the Nations to Covenant with God!” (Zechariah 2:10-13) so it will be a special time and we encourage you to attend.
Norman and Barbara aren’t taking a team this year but we asked Ps Avi and Chaya to pray for the team who is going who attended our Cairns conference. During the video, you’ll see some footage of the 1st and 2nd WTKOG convocations. Check out the interesting story Ps Avi tells of Abu Ghosh where the first WTKOG was held and its relationship with Obed Edom and the ark of the covenant which Barbara also shares on in relation to a dream she had prior to hosting the Bethany Gate APPA in Cairns in 2006. It all ties in.
Indigenous Friends of Israel decrees
Indigenous Friends of Israel & TOD Cairns Conference in Cairns on 18.8.2023, there was a valuable time of decreeing, by the Indigenous people and leaders present, that “the Jews are the Indigenous people of Israel” and “we align ourselves with the God of Israel.”
Indigenous Friends of Israel had a meeting after the conference of state and city coordinators so we are stretching the tent pegs as in Isaiah 54 so if you are interested, please let us know. Non-Indigenous people can be associate members as we believe in reconciliation. Email us here.
We will have more in the next newsletter but here is a reminder of what we have already posted. PRAYER POINTS
The Voice and Constitutional Recognition of First Nations People: For and Against Arguments (here)
Bad Politics or False Worship: Caterpillar Dreaming (here)
Left – Devora Mizrachi speaking and Chaya Mizrachi sitting. Right – Norman & Barbara Miller & Ps Avi Mizrachi at Shabbat meal.
We were very blessed to have Ps Avi and Chaya Mizrachi and their family – daughter Devora, 2 grandchildren and nephew Eden and niece Linoy for our Indigenous Friends of Israel and Tabernacle of David Cairns conference 18-20 August. They came from ministering in the Solomon Islands. It was a very anointed conference and we were all so blessed. This was just 2 weeks after Ps Norman and Barbara had hosted a Church and Cultural Challenges conference in Canberra.
We were also blessed to have David and Carol Jack come from Melbourne and for David to video both conferences. He is still working on these but in the meantime, we have a few not-so-professional videos of the Cairns conference for you to look at on YouTube. We started with a Shabbat meal and ended with an amazing prophetic act of the tribes aligning themselves with the tribe of Judah and Israel. These are not available as yet.
This photo was sent to Barbara by an Egyptian intercessor concerned at the Australian government’s decision to use Hamas terminology that the West Bank (which includes East Jerusalem) and Gaza are “occupied territories” rather than Australia’s previous position that they were “disputed territories.” Hamas, a terrorist organisation, is hailing this decision. It is also inaccurate in that Israel pulled out of Gaza many years ago. This decision was made a few days prior to the National ALP conference in exchange for the Socialist Left’s support of the AUKUS defence agreement.
The Southern Cross Alliance for Israel (SCAFI) also put a press release out on 15 August signed off by John Lockwood and 30 mostly Christian organisations with some Jewish. David Jack did the leg work on it to get agreement on the wording. Our Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace and Indigenous Friends of Israel are 2 of the signatories.
The ALP has long had a position to recognize Palestine as a state though it doesn’t meet the requirements internationally recognized for a state. There was a push at this conference to recognize Palestine as a state immediately. However, after some debate, it was decided that the status quo would remain.
Indigenous Friends of Israel had a meeting after the conference of state and city coordinators so we are stretching the tent pegs as in Isaiah 54 so if you are interested, please let us know. Non-Indigenous people can be associate members as we believe in reconciliation. Email us here:
What if there was no Israel & how Bible prophecies have been fulfilled by Ps Avi Mizrachi
Ps Chaya Mizrachi shares on what it’s like to live in Israel Comment – This is not just good information but sharing from the heart
Many gifts were exchanged. This is a 2m x 2m canvas painting that Norman, who paints under his Aboriginal name of Munganbana (Mountain Water) gave to Ps Avi and Chaya Mizrachi. This painting has the names of Norman’s tribes on it – Jirrbal, Bar-barrum and Wadjanbarra Yidinji
This is a specially made drum/tambourine that was given by the Mizrachis to the Millers. We will get more information for you and a closer-up photo in another newsletter.
Devora Mizrachi on growing up in Israel and her time in the army
So many people to thank – all those who attended, all those who prayed, those who contributed finances. Most of all we thank the Lord because without Him it would be impossible. Thanks to our Israeli speakers and to Ps Norman and Barbara Miller who spoke. Thanks to Mum Ps Shirley Miller and our TOD prayer team. Thanks also to Deborah Miller, Colleen Burfitt, and Lilian Miller for catering. We overflowed with food all weekend. Thanks to Judy Miller on registrations, Carol Jack on the book table, Deborah on the overhead projector and Thomas Miller & Colleen Burfitt on the amazing praise and worship with Israeli songs. Thanks for Devora, Eden and Linoy Mizrachi for leading Israeli dancing. Again, thanks to David Jack on video.
Hi Saints – Don’t Miss Out on this Amazing Conference – Church and Cultural Challenges!! 27-29 July Lifestream Church Canberra
Nights are free and day regos are $30. 4 hours worship first night starting 7pm & worship & speaker last 2 nights starting 7.30pm Regos open 1pm 27 July & session one at 2pm
See full timetable and more details here register for the conference on Eventbrite
Photo above of PNG team who came to more than one of the 4 conferences we hosted at Parliament House Canberra – 2004, 2010, 2011 & 2012. We are fundraising for the leader of this team Ps Dora Kua to come to our July conference this year. Some funds have come in praise the Lord. Please pray if you are meant to help sponsor Ps Dora.
Also we need sponsors for Australian Indigenous delegates both for the Canberra conference and the Cairns Indigenous Friends of Israel conference 18-20 August where Ps Avi & Chaya Mizrachi from Israel will be speaking. Please pray if the Lord wants you to help.
It is about 20 years since we have asked for financial support so please be a sponsor and be blessed sharing in the spoils of war.“And who will listen to you in regard to this matter? For as is the share of him who goes down into the battle, so shall his share be who stays by the provisions and supplies; they shall share alike.” 1 Samuel 30:24.
If you can’t get to Canberra, you can register to zoom into the event live to listen to and view the speaker sessions at a cost of $45 for the 3 days. Please contact us if you want to do this as it is still being finalized and we can send you the registration details and special link. You will be very blessed!
Sessions will also be videod for those who want a physical DVD and an order form will be available soon. Email us (here)
LEFT – We are pleased to have a team of Indigenous pastors from Taiwan attending our Canberra conference including Ps & Mrs Chen who attended our 12.12.12 conference in Sydney. RIGHT – We are also pleased to have Ps Joy Tan and her daughter Serene from Malaysia to attend our Canberra conference. Here Norman and Barbara are pictured with our Malaysian family Samuel, Ps Abraham, Ps Joy and Serene Tan and friend Jamie in Cairns recently.
You are in for a very interesting session with arts and media expert David Jack (above) who is one of the speakers for the Church & Cultural Challenges Conference in Canberra. He has given us a taste of what he will share in the following.
The Truth will set you free by David Jack
“In the Post Modernist age where do we find our Saviour? In Jesus or the World?
In media the power of film and TV can be a great thing but it can also beguile and deceive. So much portrayed through media the arts is set up against the church.
Those active agents fighting this influence are few but tenacious, we will explore and discuss them. What can one person do? If we are to be a light unto the nations it starts with each of us in our daily walk to reflect the characteristics of Jesus.”
Glen Sebasio on guitar and Ps Norman Miller leading worship at Lifestream church Canberra for an Australia Day prayer conference in 2019 that we hosted. In 2020, we hosted an Australia Day conference at Grace church Canberra. We have also led a Tabernacle of David workshop at Lifestream in 2018.
Norman believes the worship at the Church & Cultural Challenges conference will bring such a presence of God that people won’t want to go home afterwards but will want to stay in the presence.
He has Acts 16:25-26 on his heart:
And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one’s bands were loosed.
Be prepared for an earthquake that will set the prisoners free. When the jailer woke up, he was going to commit suicide as he thought the prisoners had fled, but Paul led him and his family to the Lord instead. Be prepared for an awakening where people wake up from the world’s woke agenda and we have a revival!
Norman and Barbara were blessed to speak recently at the Gold Coast at a meeting of Chinese pastors and leaders from the Gold Coast and Brisbane. It was good to catch up with our friends Judy Chiem, Debbie Tien and Monica Peng there.
Correction – The Calvary Hospital pulled down the cross after the ACT government’s forced takeover, not the government. Please continue to pray that there will be a Senate Inquiry to this situation.
The Mayor of the City of Gold Coast Tom Tate was our host and we had several dignitaries present from Australia, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Cook Islands, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu – altogether 16 nations prayed for the peace of Jerusalem.
We saw something phenomenal that we haven’t seen before – governments sent their official representatives to the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast Gold Coast: Prime Minister of Fiji, Sitiveni Rabuka sent Deputy Prime Minister Gavoka; Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, Marape sent the Minister of Community Development and Religion, The Hon. James Peter; Cook Islands Government sent Minister of the Crown, The Hon. Vainetutai Rose Toki-Brown; Solomon Islands’ government sent The Hon. Peter Kenilorea Jr., Member of the National Parliament and the Vanuatuan Prime Minister Kalsakau sent the Deputy Speaker of the Vanuatu Parliament MP Noris Kalmet and MP Jean Baptist.
From Australia, we had Mr. Robert Moelhoek, a Member of the Queensland Parliament, and The Hon. Stuart Robert, a (recently retired) Member of the Australian Parliament. Robert Ilatov, the co-chair of the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast, MK Tatiana Mazarsky and MK Ohad Tal represented Israel. In addition, we had delegates from Estonia, Fiji, Indonesia, Papua, New Zealand, the Philippines, Samoa, Switzerland, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Deputy Prime Minister Gavoka shared how God had turned around the political situation in Fiji, after the opposition leader, former PM Sitiveni Rabuka prayed at the JPB Canberra in 2020, and promised to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
Not only did the Head of the Opposition become Prime Minister again, but recently the cabinet made the decision to open the Embassy in Israel.
Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast Gold Coast 3-4 July. Top Left – Pacific leaders and Aboriginal leaders Rev Les Baird & Ps Norman Miller read scriptures on opening night along with other teams. Top Right – Final song with Pacific Islander singers and Norman & Barbara Miller. Botton left – Sheena Tranter from the Commonwealth Prayer Movement UK with Norman & Barbara & Bottom right Judy Chiem, Taiwanese leader with Barbara.
Daniel Simon and Graham McLennan, speakers at Church & Cultural Challenges Conference
Hi Saints – Don’t Miss Out on this Amazing Conference – Church and Cultural Challenges!!
The book of Romans tells us to “Live in harmony with one another… If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.”
For centuries we have understood that living in harmony with others means respecting their freedom to speak freely, express their opinions, and live according to their faith. But these hard-won freedoms should not be taken for granted. In Australia today Christians find themselves under increasing pressure to stay silent, to compromise on issues of faith, and to leave their beliefs at home or in the pew. It is increasingly difficult to be open about our faith in the workplace and to form faith-based communities, schools, and charities. But these freedoms are important for all Australians, not just Christians. We should desire a society in which these fundamental freedoms are valued, so we can be free to speak the truth in love and to “overcome evil with good”.
The law in Australia provides some protection for the fundamental human right of religious freedom. But as society becomes increasingly hostile to Christianity, the gaps in the law are being exposed and conflicting rights are being given priority. Freedom of religion is seen as an excuse for people of faith to discriminate against minorities. This is seen especially in the area of LGBT issues, and Christian schools are currently at the frontlines of public debate about conflicting rights and freedoms. The Human Rights Law Alliance helps to protect the rights of Christians and Christian organisations to stay faithful to Scripture and serve freely in their communities.
I will be sharing about Understanding our Christian History with a presentation from the website which will include Individuals. Institutions, Documents and Events.
The website includes various Resources such as Books, Biographies, Multimedia, Defence and the ANZACs which was founded by returning Chaplains from Gallipoli, Stories of Revival in Australia including our Indigenous, and God’s Sovereignty in the development of Australia with our Pioneers, Statesman including those in spheres of influence in Law, Government and Education. ………………………..
You can register for the conference on Eventbrite and day regos are now available –
Support for Canberra Declaration’s Prayer & Work to Save Calvary Hospital ACT + Amazing Angelic Vision by an Intercessor. Also a call to attend the Church & Cultural Challenges Conference in Canberra 27-29 July
Prayer by Ps Norman Miller at Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast Gold Coast Australia 3-4 July 23
Brief Reflection re Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast Gold Coast 3-4.7.23 & After Events with Israel Ambassador to Australia Amir Maimon in Cairns 5.7.23 & Townsville 6.7.23
The Israel Ambassador to Australia Amir Maimon spoke at events with Jews and Christians in Cairns at Royals church pastored by Adem Xhafer and at the Baptist Church Townsville pastored by Garry Wynn. Other speakers at both events were Ps Joel Baker from the Sunshine Coast, Matthew Chivers, head of Bridges for Peace Australia, Ian Worby, head of Christians for Israel Australia, Barry Rodgers Director of the Australian Lighthorse Association and Ps Norman and Barbara Miller, founders of Indigenous Friends of Israel. Rabbi Riesenberg from Melbourne who works with Christians in SCAFI – Southern Cross Alliance for Israel, spoke in Cairns only. David Jack, also of SCAFI videod all events. John Lockwood of SCAFI also attended both events and spoke at our church on 8.7.23
Ambassador Amir Maimon pictured with the Miller family in Cairns.