RECONCILIATION NEWZ BUZZ July 2024 no 2, July 19 Newsletter

Register now for this amazing seminar – Click here for this exciting event

We have updated our Indigenous Friends of Israel International website and we would love you to get involved. thanks to those from many nations who have become members and are getting involved. Follow our facebook, instagram, linkedin and/or  youtube pages and join our whatsapp group. Find links here

Ps Enoch and Sarah Lavender are on a book tour of Qld with his new book “The Jubilee & End Times.” He is an excellent Bible teacher with a focus on Israel and was a key leader in Shalom Israel in Melbourne before moving to the Tweed Heads and itinerant ministry. He and Sarah will also share personally how the Lord has led them in their marriage and minister physical and emotional healing. Contact him on 0415452850 if you have a ministry opportunity for them.

Join us in Cairns 20 July 4-6pm to hear them share. Tabernacle of David 33 Lake St Cairns. Also it will be livestreamed to our church facebook page so tune in for the message about 4.45pm –


Speakers from left, Dr Sheree Trotter from NZ is Māori (Te Arawa). She earned her PhD in history from the University of Auckland (Thesis: Zionism in New Zealand to 1948). In 2012 she co-founded the Holocaust and Antisemitism Foundation for whom she has interviewed seventy Holocaust survivors. Sheree completed an Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy scholars-in-residence course at University of Oxford in 2023. She is the co-Director of the Indigenous Coalition for Israel and the Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem. 

On the right is Dalia Ayalon Sinclair from Israel with her painting in a recent exhibition there. Her art is influenced by losing family in the Holocaust. She spends part of each year in Australia and organises a yearly conference to commemorate UN Resolution 181 passed in 1947 to divide the British mandate into 2 states one Jewish and one Arab. Norman and Barbara were privileged to speak at that event at the Central Synagogue last year. Dalia is a former SBS journalist who coordinated the Hebrew language program and reported positively on the Christian group Celebration Shalom as part of this.

Kelvin Crombie has just confirmed and is well known to most of you and has an exciting story to tell which will be included in our next newsletter. Photos below are of Kelvin with Norman and Barbara Miller in Cairns and Norman and Barbara in front of teepees at the Sacred Assembly gathering of First Nations people at Sagkeeng Manitoba Canada in 1997 at which they had an opportunity to share. 


“Poster girl for Hamas, Senator Lidia Thorpe, should resign. Her latest radical chic is a green Hamas-style headband in Arabic drawing attention to her ill-conceived support of their cause,” says Indigenous Friends of Israel International co-founders Norman and Barbara Miller.

“Outrage over her selfie wearing the headband on X led to her removing it yesterday less than 24 hours after posting it. Many complained about her ‘dressing up’ as a terrorist and that it was offensive and divisive, so she apologized saying she was pushing for a ceasefire.

Strangely, the Arabic script on her headband read ‘I love chocolate milk’ with the caption on her post ‘I wholeheartedly support this message. I hope you do too.’

Thorpe is pushing a narrative that the Jewish people are colonizers and occupiers of Israel ignoring the fact that it is their ancient homeland, and they are Indigenous to Israel with a 4,000 year history there.

Many nations invaded and colonized the land of the Jews over thousands of years. Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, Byzantines, Arabs, Crusaders, Mamelukes, Ottomans, and Britain to name some of them but there was always a Jewish presence in the land.

When Israel reformed as a modern nation in 1948, it was decolonizing the land which had been a British mandate under the League of Nations which became the United Nations. Australia presided over the vote admitting Israel to the United Nations in 1949.

Hamas is not pushing for a Palestinian state that would include Gaza and the West Bank (Judea and Samaria). It wants the whole of Israel as its maps show and it wants the destruction and removal of the only Jewish state in the world. It also wants the removal of all Jews from the Jewish homeland. This is genocidal and is in the Hamas charter.

About 800,000 Jews were traumatically made refugees from Arab lands in the Middle East in 1948 losing their homes, businesses, jobs, nationalities etc. So, it was not just the Jews of Europe who survived the Holocaust who made Israel home.

Thorpe’s misguided attempt to align the Blak Sovereign Movement with the Palestinian cause is flawed. The Palestinian people are not Indigenous to Israel.

The Jews have never invaded any land in all of history. They simply returned home, joining those who had never left.

Senator Thorpe spoke on Monday at a ‘free Palestine’ rally in Melbourne asserting that the violence in Gaza was like the attempted genocide of Indigenous Australians by European settlers.

There is no comparison here. Yes, Australia was colonized by British settlers and yes there was loss of life despite instructions otherwise by the British crown. Israel instead is defending itself against an invasion and massacre by Hamas on October 7 and trying to ensure that Hamas cannot keep its promise to keep repeating October 7. Also, the captives taken by Hamas in a war crime need to be freed.

It seems dressing up to make a point has form with Lidia Thorpe who arrived in a pro-Palestine dress at the mid-winter parliamentary ball earlier this month with the genocidal phrase ‘from the river to the sea’ embroidered down the front.

A blood-stained look at the bottom of her dress completed the picture. It is time for Senator Thorpe to resign. This was not the platform she was voted in on, having resigned from the Greens last year, supposedly a representative on environmental issues.

’Not my senator,’ many Indigenous and other Australians are saying about Senator Lidia Thorpe.”

Please get involved! We need your help!

We would love to connect with you and help you support Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, working against calls for its destruction and the genocide of its people. These calls are advancing at great pace since October 7. Indigenous Friends of Israel formed in July 2017 because of concerns over Australia’s policy towards Israel. Since then we have gone international as antisemitism is international and isan ancient hatred. The forces standing against Israel also oppose Western and/or Judeo-Christian values which have helped us achieve a society with social cohesion and the rule of law.

Please help us take a stand against antisemitism, and for a community where all are valued and safe.  There are many opportunities to use your passion, gifting and skills as a volunteer whether you are a person of faith or not.  United we stand and divided we fall. Please complete the form to volunteer.

Are you good at creating or sharing social media, fundraising, administration, film and video making, government advocacy, newsletters, speaking, representing a geographical area, organising zoom meetings or do you have other giftings or talents that you can use to bless the Lord, the Jewish people, and Israel. It doesn’t matter where you live in the world, you can get involved. Check it out here.

Donations to the ministry of the Centre for International Reconciliation & Peace
BSB: 064804 Account no: 14069302 Swift code: ctbaau2s

Commonwealth of Australia Bank, 120 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Donations to Pastors Account BSB: 064804 Account no: 14258760



Left – Ps Norman Miller speaking at pro-Israel rally in the Brisbane CBD organised by the Jewish community 12.11.23. Iranian supporters attended. Right – Come to the Never Again is Now rally organised by Christians and Jews in the Brisbane CBD June 9 with the most amazing speakers who will be revealed soon. Also wonderful praise and worship and dance. Bring your flags.

Ps Norman will be doing a brief opening welcome at 2.30pm with didjeridoo and shofar. If you feel led to join in the blowing of the shofar wherever you are in the world at the same time, please do so. Joel 2.
Right – Rev Mark Leach, co-founder of Never Again is Now speaking at Sydney rally  Feb 18 with Ps Norman’s painting in the background. Rev Mark will be speaking in Brisbane June 9 along with key personalities. Don’t miss out!

Interview of Barbara Miller, Indigenous Friends of Israel (IFI) by Luke Williams, Cairns Post re ICC and Israel 24.5.24
Read the press release that IFI put out on 22.5.24 on which this interview is based. Click HERE There was also an article in The Cairns Post that covered Barbara’s comments and the reply of Maja Amanita of Free Palestine FNQ. Click HERE.


Indigenous Friends of Israel co-founders Norman and Barbara Miller have applauded Tuesday night’s Sky News documentary Never Again: The Fight Against Antisemitism hosted by former federal treasurer Josh Frydenberg. The Millers say, “The Never Again documentary was a defining moment for Australia when a number of prominent Australian leaders called out the alarming rise of antisemitism in Australia.”

“These included former Prime Ministers John Howard and Julia Gillard, the current Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Opposition Leader, Peter Dutton, a former Governor-General, Sir Peter Cosgrove, Denis Richardson, the former Director-General of Security for Australia, Catholic Archbishop Peter Comensoli and former Aboriginal ALP senator and Olympian Nova Peris.

“What is happening on our streets and in our universities with pro-Hamas protests is unAustralian and we need social cohesion, not division. We don’t want ethnic or religious conflicts from overseas threatening the multicultural fabric of our nation.

“As a network of Indigenous Australians, we support the view that the Jewish people are Indigenous to Israel, having had a presence of 4,000 years there and that the rebirth of the state of Israel in 1948 was a matter of decolonization not occupation. Arab Israelis interviewed on the Never Again documentary attested to Israel not being an apartheid state. READ MORE

Pentecost Message by Ps Norman Miller 18.5.24
Are We in the End Times by Ps Barbara Miller 25.5.24

Reconciliation Week 27 May – June 3

Reconciliation Australia website admits that this came from a Christian initiative:

‘National Reconciliation Week (NRW) started as the Week of Prayer for Reconciliation in 1993 (the International Year of the World’s Indigenous Peoples) and was supported by Australia’s major faith communities.

In 1996, the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation launched Australia’s first National Reconciliation Week. (Norman and Barbara attended the National Reconciliation Convention in Melbourne.)

In 2001, Reconciliation Australia was established to continue to provide national leadership on reconciliation.

In the same year, approximately 300,000 people walked across Sydney Harbour Bridge as part of National Reconciliation Week and subsequently across bridges in cities and towns to show their support for reconciliation.

Today, National Reconciliation Week is celebrated in workplaces, schools, and early learning services, community organisations and groups, and by individuals Australia-wide.”

26 May – National Sorry Day, officially the National Day of Healing, is an event held annually commemorating the Stolen Generations or children removed from their families
27 May – The successful 1967 referendum giving Indigenous people the right to be counted in the census and the federal government to make legislation for them.
3 June – anniversary of the 1992 High Court Mabo decision that recognized native title.

Our Centre for Int Reconciliation & Peace Vision Statement 1996-2024

To be a Prophetic End-time Ministry without Walls

and a House of Prayer for ALL NATIONS and ISRAELTo share the gospel in a socially relevant way, breaking down the barriers between the church and the community. To be history makers and to transform our city, our nation, and the international community at all levels; becoming more like the Kingdom of God.
To share the gospel in a way that is culturally relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people & to people of other cultures.
To promote RECONCILIATION of Jew with Gentile, while teaching on the Jewish roots of the Christian faith and Israel’s role in end-time events.
To promote RECONCILIATION of humanity with GOD, race with race, culture with culture, tribe with tribe, Male with Female, Old with Young, rich with poor, denomination with denomination and nation with nation. (2 Cor 5:17-21, Gal 3:28, Malachi 4:5-6)
To teach on Godly Justice
To reach the alienated, the outcast, those living in parks, etc. & running a care ministry
To work across denominations to bring unity to the body of Christ
To be a prophetic voice to Australia and the nations
To engage in spiritual warfare & Intercession on behalf of the saints & for end-time harvest
To train, mentor, father & mother Indigenous and non-indigenous leadership then release them into ministry and run a Training School
To plant churches throughout the Cape York Peninsula and wherever the Lord leads us.
To be a healing church and a miracle-working church.

Left – Reconciliation CD with Darryl Miller on didjeridoo. AVAILABLE HERE.          Right – Colleen Burfitt and Norman Miller Tabernacle of David Cairns and Ruth Webb, Tabernacle of David Bendigo leading worship at the Sons of Abraham conference our church hosted in Jerusalem to bring Jews and Arab Christians together. We hosted a similar Sons of Abraham conference in Sydney in 2015. We had wonderful Christian Arab pastors and Messianic Jewish speakers at both.

Prophetic words re Australia and Antisemitism by Ps Barbara Miller 11.2.19

Book launch of If I Survive NSW Parliament House Sydney

Left – Read this story of Holocaust survivor Lena Goldstein and you’ll see the similarity of what is happening in Australia today to Europe in the 1930s. Right – Read about Aboriginal Christian William Cooper and his protest against Kristallnacht, the start of the Holocaust in 1938. See

Donations to the ministry of the Centre for International Reconciliation & Peace
BSB: 064804 Account no: 14069302 Swift code: ctbaau2s

Commonwealth of Australia Bank, 120 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Donations to Pastors Account BSB: 064804 Account no: 14258760




We have had this pulpit with a map of Australia on top of a tree stump for a long time. It was given to us by Ps Royree Jensen of Brisbane and Ps Dutch Sheets was the last person to preach on it before we received it. Norman painted it and put Uluru in the centre with a dove and 2 Chron 7:14 on it. We usually have a heart-shaped stone from the Galilee in the middle of it to symbolize Australia having a heart of flesh not a stony heart towards God. Since our congregation has been called the Tabernacle of David for many years, Norman felt led by the Lord to repaint it and put Amos 9:11 there about the rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David.

As part of our calling is to raise up the Tabernacle of David around Australia, if you are interested in this, please let us know.


At the Healing the Commonwealth prayer event on 27.6.22, prayer leaders from Britain and the Commonwealth nations joined together in a time of fresh repentance and forgiveness. Norman was asked, along with other nations, to share testimonies of past reconciliation events between Britain and Australia that we have been involved with since 1997. All continents were represented in the 27.6.22 event. Brian Pickering of the Australian Prayer Network lead the 1999 Reconciliation Tour of England by the Australian team and spoke before Norman and introduces him here. Norman and Barbara were part of that team. It was a very touching time.

Healing the Commonwealth Prayer Event 27.6.22
Message by Ps Norman Miller Australia
British-Australian Reconciliation by Ps Barbara Miller
This message was delivered to our church service 25.6.22 as a lead-up to the Healing the Commonwealth prayer event on 27.6.22. As each panel member, including Norman, had only 4 mins to share, Barbara is able to give a longer account for those interested in what was an amazing series of reconciliation events that has continued to affect our ministry. We have had a number of follow-up events.

‘Blessing the Commonwealth’ 16th July Birmingham
Update from World Prayer Centre

We are looking forward to our upcoming event ‘Blessing the Commonwealth’ on Saturday 16th July in Birmingham city centre! Our team led a powerful time at our recent ‘Healing the Commonwealth’ prayer event as we repented for the pain caused to Commonwealth nations and territories when Britain created the British Empire and later the Commonwealth.

We want to take proactive steps to heal the divide between territories and nations. That’s where you come in – you’ve got the power! Jesus called us to carry the gospel of peace wherever we go. And we believe in the power of prayer. This is your opportunity to pray for restoration and for salvation for Commonwealth nations. Have you got your ticket for our ‘Blessing the Commonwealth’ event?

We love that we can now connect together in-person and we urge you to join us in the room at Gas Street Church. We will have an amazing time of worship with Tim Hughes and Gas Street Music. There will be guest speakers from across the Commonwealth and of course opportunities to pray.

This July and August the Commonwealth is coming to Birmingham in the form of the Commonwealth Games, known as ‘the friendly games’. As thousands of athletes and officials arrive from the 54 nations, we want to prepare a highway of blessing and thanksgiving.

Find out more here
Commonwealth Prayer

To pray for a particular Commonwealth territory or nation head to our Youtube channel to catch up with all our prayer videos from the Queen’s Baton Relay. The Baton is currently in Wales so join to pray with children from across the Welsh nation.

Please click subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive notifications of our latest videos which we create to equip YOU in your prayer life.

By Munganbana Norman Miller 4.7.22

Munganbana will be marching again in the NAIDOC Cairns march this week. Munganbana Norman Miller said, “I will be carrying a giant boomerang I made with Voice Treaty Truth on it as I support the Uluru Statement from the Heart.”

He said, “I will also be wearing a T-shirt saying “Israel, Since 1948” commemorating the reforming of the modern state of Israel and a Holocaust pin. This is because Aboriginal Christian leader, William Cooper is the father of NAIDOC, initiating it on 28 January 1940 as an annual Aboriginal Sunday supported by the churches.

“In 1955, the date changed to the first Sunday in July and became known as National Aborigines Day. In 1957, the National Aborigines Day Observance Committee (NADOC) was formed whose goal was to promote awareness of Aboriginal people, their cultures and their plight. In 1989, the title changed to NAIDOC Week to include Torres Strait Islanders in the national celebrations. So, we owe it to William Cooper who got the ball rolling.”

When asked where the Israel connection is, Munganbana said that William Cooper led the Australian Aborigines’ League on a protest to the German Consulate in Melbourne in 1938 against the treatment of Jewish people at Kristallnacht, the start of the Holocaust.

Munganbana said, “This was remarkable because Aboriginals were not citizens of their own nation at the time and would not be till the 60s. Also, it was of the few private protests worldwide with a slow response from governments. My wife Barbara and I were privileged to be at Yad Vashem World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Israel for the honouring of William Cooper in December 2010.

“My wife has since written 3 books on him which are available at my Munganbana Reef and Rainforest Aboriginal Art Gallery in 33 Lake Street. The cover for the first book, William Coper Gentle Warrior, has a photo of William Cooper superimposed over my canvas painting, The Gathering. I am an Aboriginal artist and have had my own art gallery for over 25 years.

“I support the constitutional recognition of the Voice and will be at the Cairns Esplanade near the lagoon at 12.30 pm on Tuesday 5 July with my giant boomerang and singing a song I wrote called Reconciliation.

“At the march on Friday and at the Esplanade on Tuesday, people will be able to sign the back of the boomerang.

“I’m also writing a book called Boomerang Man because I have made a number of giant boomerangs over the years on my grassroots campaign for constitutional recognition of First Nations People which I started in 2014 and one of them is in the Museum of National Democracy in Canberra.”

For more information on Munganbana’s art see gallery

For more information on William Cooper click here


The Restoring Hope Ministry team have been in Cape York in June installing reception for GOD TV in a number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. They have been to Cairns, Yarrabah, Mareeba, Cooktown, Hopevale, Wujul Wujul, Bamaga, Weipa and Napranum. Some of the team will return to install God TV on islands of the Torres Straits.

This is a photo of the team which have been received with open arms – Brian Sonnerman and Greg Gannon from Geraldton, Rod Baker from NSW, David Jack and Tony and Delia Kish from Melbourne, and Donna Meehan and Lorraine Kelly from Newscastle. 55 installations have been made and it has brought great joy and comfort to the communities concerned with the systems being installed in churches and at some homes where people like to meet. Great to see the good news being spread and eagerly received and blessings to the team who went.

They have been taking the Good News to remote communities across the Top End of Australia installing God TV satellite dishes and bringing clothes, books, prayer and music to the communities. You can support this wonderful outreach by contacting – Brian –

We were blessed to pray for and send off the team in Cairns on their way to the Cape and give them prophetic words re their trip. They hope to service other communities in the future.

Prophetic Word Over God TV Team by Ps Barbara Miller 4.6.22
Worship and Prophetic Word by Ps Norman Miller
Over God TV Team 4.6.22


Call Forth the Songs of Joy – Revival is Coming
by Ps Norman Miller 18.6.22 Part 1
Part 2 –
  1. Writing and Declaring Decrees
  2. How to Observe Biblical (Jewish) Feasts from a Christian Standpoint
  3. Tabernacle of David
  4. Reconciliation
  5. Writing a Christian Book
  6. something else. If so, what?
What is Your Calling and Destiny
by Ps Barbara Miller

Please pray that the schools will have a Holocaust curriculum that includes the inspiring story of William Cooper as a Christian Australian Aboriginal upstander.

We post nearly every day on our Facebook page for Indigenous Friends of Israel and this refreshes the front page of our website. Please like it so you can get updates from us of what is happening around the world that is affecting the Jewish community and Israel as many of you, like us, pray for Israel daily. This will give you some prayer points. To like it, click here.