We thank you for your condolences and prayers for our beautiful son Michael Miller who unexpectedly passed away on 27 Jan while we were commemorating International Holocaust Remembrance Day. He went to Israel with us in 2006, was baptised in the Jordan river, and loved Israel with a passion. We are grateful that the Never Again is Now team in Sydney has planted trees in his name in Israel. We thank the many people in Australia and Israel who have reached out to us including Rabbi Riesenberg and the Southern Cross Alliance for Israel, Lena Goldstein’s family, and many more. We felt the comfort of your prayers and we know Michael is with the Lord which is the greatest comfort of all. His service was live streamed and can be found here

He loved fishing and we are grateful that Awesome Anglers are going to make a fishing shirt in his memory with a mangrove jack and an Aboriginal design on it. His mates and cousins will arrange fishing trips in memory of him as well. May his life be used as a fisher of men for the Lord’s glory.

Left – 1999 Portsmouth, Australians welcomed by British at re-enactment of the departure of the First Fleet from England. Norman and Barbara there as part of the Australian team under the leadership of Brian Pickering and Ben Gray
Right – 1998 Norman with a child at Almolonga, Guatemala where we saw the large vegetables that resulted from the revival. 

Prayer Pioneers Thanksgiving Dinner

We are blessed to attend a Prayer Pioneers Thanksgiving Dinner in Sydney on 17 Feb hosted by the Canberra Declaration to honour the following prayer pioneers:

  1. Barbara Bell – Intercessors for Australia 1973 – 1994
  2. Jenny & Brian Hagger – Australian House of Prayer
  3. Ps Tim & Di Edwards – Prayer Leader & Indigenous Elder
  4. Ps Peter & Maria Walker –  Prayer Leader & Indigenous Elder
  5. Ben & Liz Gray – Founder of the Australian Prayer Network & Apostolic Oversight for the APN
  6. Matthew & Kathryn Bolte – Fellow Leader in the Australian Prayer Network
  7. Ken & Yvonne Kilah – Fellow Leader in the Australian Prayer Network
  8. Brian & Robyn Pickering – Leaders & Coordinators of prayer in the nation 1984 – 2024.  

This event was occasioned by the retirement of Brian and Robyn Pickering from 40 years’ service to the Australian Prayer Network (APN). We would also like to honour Pastor Noel and Dianne Mann who worked with them for many years, Noel having gone on to be with the Lord some years ago as has Noel Bell of Intercessors for Australia. 

Norman and Barbara have been blessed to join prayer teams led by Brian, Robyn and Ben in England, Guatemala, Ephesus and Uluru. Brian was a speaker at our Reconciliation Conference in Cairns in 1998 when we hosted the British on their prayer tour of Australia and Brian spoke at our Ship Shaping History into Place 24/7 conference at the Sydney Opera House in 2006. We stayed with Brian and Robyn when the Lord led us to come from Cairns to Sydney to pray on the Sydney Harbour Bridge after the rainbow serpent had been flashed over it in fireworks on New Year’s Eve in 2000. We also joined the Sydney Belongs to Jesus event the APN organised. We worked with Brian, Robyn and Ben when their ministry was called Spirit Alive before it became APN. We were happy to introduce the city transformation movement to pastors in Cairns, inviting Brian to come and speak.

We were blessed to attend the Out There conferences in Brisbane hosted by Ben in 2000 and 2001 and to have worked with Jenny Haggar over the years as well. We were blessed to take Peter and Maria Walker on a tour of Israel and have them speak at conferences we hosted at Uluru and Canberra. Thanks also to Brian Pickering for speaking at a Redigging the Wells and Transformation conference we organised in Cairns in 2003 and for the wonderful ministry of Tim and Di Edwards.

We bless all these mighty men and women of valour.

Left – 2005 Healing the Land Healing the People conference Uluru hosted by our CFIRP. Dr George Annadorai, Singapore with Millers. We have no photos of the 1999 conference in Uluru hosted by the Australian Prayer Network we attended and no photos of our time at Ephesus with Peter Wagner and APN. 
Right – 2004 Jewish speakers Gary Feldman and Josie Lacey with Peter Walker and Millers at our CFIRP conference called Opening the Gates to the King of Glory Ps 24/7 conference in Canberra

CLICK HERE for a free ticket at Humanitix 

Never again is a grassroots movement led by Christians and Christian leaders. We partner with Israeli and Jewish communities to stop antisemitism. Famous Australian leaders and entertainers will speak and perform. Police and security will be present. 

Everyone is invited to join with thousands of others to stand with our Jewish friends and neighbours.  This matters to anyone persecuted for their faith or race.

Take a stand against antisemitism.  We will sing. We will pray. We will push back the darkness and the hatred.

  1. Share this invite to 5-10 other friends to join you in solidarity
  2. Join our Telegram channel or WhatsApp groupto stay connected on event details and our goals (your details hidden to others)
  3. Follow and grow the movement on Social Media and check out website here

Unite in love for peace and truth.  Make Australian history.

Team NeverAgain, is Now! 

Self-funded, any donations will make it bigger and better with greater impact and outcomes
Australia’s Biggest Rally!
Stand for Australian Judeo-Christian values
say no to antisemitism, lies and incitement
Sun 18 Feb 2024 3-4pm AEDT Sydney venue to be revealed
CLICK HERE for a free ticket at Humanitix 
Please let others know!

Don’t miss this awesome event to bless Israel, enjoy friends and make a stand for good values..

See this reel by Barbara to promote the Never Again is Now event in Sydney.

Australia Day: Celebrate or Abolish? Pride or Shame?

Barbara Miller 26 Jan 24, Published 29 JANUARY 2024

Do First Nations people celebrate Australia Day? Yes! The vibrancy and resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures is celebrated by thousands each January 26 at Victoria Park, Sydney with market stalls, sports, and bands. Called the Yabun Festival, it has been going since 2003, with this year’s theme being “Surviving, Guiding, Thriving.” Norman and I have attended it and its friendly atmosphere many times.

Melbourne has a Share the Spirit event billed as “Coming together to heal with peace and love”, presented by Songlines Aboriginal Music. It is Victoria’s largest and longest-running Indigenous festival, with performances of song and dance at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl.

However, most capital cities also have protests led by First Nations people who call it Invasion Day, Survival Day, or Day of Mourning. Aboriginal protestors like Senator Lidia Thorpe, a leader of the Blak Sovereignty movement, declared at an Invasion Day rally in 2023 that there is a war going on that was declared on her people 200 years ago. Similar claims were made on Friday.



Story below
We Stand Up For Israel: Indigenous Friends of Israel
by Munganbana Norman Miller

The star of David is the centre of this painting just as Jerusalem is the centre of the world (Ezekiel 5:5). The star of David is also on Israel’s flag. It is surrounded by yellow ochre representing G-d’s glory and His calling for the Jewish people to be a light to the nations. The Magen David is encircled by blue and white dots representing Israel.

The dots that continue to circle it reflect the yellow and red ochres of the earth and of the sun. They also represent sunrises and sunsets. This speaks of the heavens touching the earth. The purple dots represent royalty as Jerusalem will be Messiah’s throne. The stars in the sky represent the stars of the southern cross over Australia and in its flag.

The dots also represent the Indigenous Friends of Israel as the Indigenous people of the earth surround, protect, and support her.

The dove of peace, also representing the spirit of G-d, alights over the star of David. As Psalm 85:10-11 (NLT) says:
Unfailing love and truth have met together;
righteousness and peace have kissed.
Truth springs up from the earth,
and righteousness smiles down from heaven.

May Australia shine like the stars in heaven to reflect God’s glory and His love for Israel (Daniel 12:3)

Never Again is Now. We stand against antisemitism. And never again will Israel be uprooted from the land G-d has given them. (Amos 9:11-15)

CFIRP Israel Appeal Flier

By Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace

Help Israel recover from Oct 7 bloodbath and its aftermath by donating to ministries run by Ps Avi and Chaya Mizrachi of Dugit Ministries Tel Aviv (left) and Ps Howard and Randi Bass of Yeshua’s Inheritance Congregation Beer Sheva.

There are thousands of Jewish people displaced by the terror that occurred on Oct 7 with their homes and communities destroyed. Some of those affected were Holocaust survivors. Many just left with the clothes on their backs and are in need of help. Lives have been turned upside down. It is not safe yet to return and rebuild and probably won’t be for a long time. 

For any donation from Australians over $70 AUD, you can receive a copy of Ps Munganbana Norman Miller’s painting of From Mourning into Dancing based on Psalm 30 and Ps Barbara Miller’s book William Cooper, Gentle Warrior: Standing Up for Australian Aborigines and Persecuted Jews. The flier above done for us by our friend Tim Jack, shows you how to donate


Thanks to those who have donated already. Funds have been transferred and we have posted out the books and prints promised to those who donated $70 or more. God bless you!!!

Who will listen to what you say? The share of the man who stayed with  the supplies is to be the same as that of him who went down to the battle. All will share alike.” 1 Samuel 30:24

Donations to the ministry of the Centre for International Reconciliation & Peace
BSB: 064804 Account no: 14069302 Swift code: ctbaau2s

Commonwealth of Australia Bank, 120 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Donations to Pastors Account BSB: 064804 Account no: 14258760



Norman & Barbara Miller handing his big boomerang on “No Racism in the constitution” to former speaker of federal parliament Bronwyn Bishop accompanied by former Minister for Indigenous Australian Ken Wyatt and Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch at Parliament House Canberra 27.11.2013 – 10 years ago. Norman was campaigning for Indigenous recognition in the constitution at the same time.


By Barbara Miller 15.10.23

About 60% of Australians voted no in the Voice referendum held on 14.10.23 with no state having a majority of yes voters. The ACT, Teal electorates, and the richer electorates had a majority of yes voters whereas electorates that had a high percentage of First Nations people had a majority of no voters. So, it was clearly not an issue that had the support of a majority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

This is a big blow to the efforts of Prime Minister Albanese who spent hundreds of millions of dollars on this referendum that could have been spent on improving health, education, and housing etc. on the ground for First Nations people and easing the cost of living pressure for many Australians. Albanese was so intent on getting this Voice up as his legacy that he was blind to other issues, including joining world leaders in a quick response to the Hamas massacre of Israelis.

Millions were also spent on the yes campaign by big corporations that would have been better spent Closing the Gap between First Nations and other Australians. We have a combination of Big Government, Big Name First Nations leaders, Big Business, Big Banks, Big Sports, and Big Faith and Multicultural groups who all supported the yes vote by saying they were taking the moral high ground on this issue.
However, the Australian people pushed back against the elites and voted for a united nation not divided by race and they voted for equal citizenship of Australians. They stood up to the moral intimidation and voted no.

The sad thing is that the Prime Minister and the First Nations leaders who ran the yes campaign have set back the cause of reconciliation in this nation and now we need some healing as a nation.
First Nations leaders and voters who supported the yes vote are saying that they have been rejected by the Australian people and are in a time of mourning for the result of the vote, their dreams for their reshaping of Australia dashed. They say they have a media blackout for one week with flags at half-mast to grieve and reassess. We certainly feel for them and want to comfort them at this time.

However, Australians have great goodwill towards First Nations people. They would have voted for recognition of First Australians people in the constitution if it had not been conflated with the Voice as a way to do it. What the people of Australia did is to reject the particular model that was put forward.
While there are a few racists in Australia, both in the non-Indigenous and the Indigenous communities, Australia is not a racist nation and has made many important steps to advance the cause of First Nations people.

As the no campaign First Nations leaders have said, the referendum was based on a lie that there was not a First Nations voice advising government because there are many national First Nations organisations advising government including the Coalition of Peaks which represents them all. It has about 80 member organisations. Also, there is no guarantee that the Voice would have made a difference to close the gap.
We do believe a reassessment needs to be made of the programs run for and by First Nations people and the effectiveness of these.

Ps Norman Miller is calling for a reconciliation roundtable gathering to be held by zoom on Thursday 19 October at 6.30pm Brisbane time and 7.30pm Sydney time which he and I will be hosting. He is doing this because over 25 years ago, he had a prophetic word that he and I were called to be watchmen over the nation of Australia in the area of reconciliation. Norman is calling Christians, First Nations and others to pray for reconciliation and to pray for strategies for our nation to move forward and heal after the failed referendum. Contact us to join in.

We all have the message and ministry of reconciliation 2 Cor 5:17-21


Ps Norman Miller is calling for a reconciliation roundtable gathering to be held by zoom on Thursday 19 October at 6.30pm Brisbane time and 7.30pm Sydney time which he and I will be hosting. He is doing this because over 25 years ago, he had a prophetic word that he and I were called to be watchmen over the nation of Australia in the area of reconciliation. Norman is calling Christians, First Nations and others to pray for reconciliation and to pray for strategies for our nation to move forward and heal after the failed referendum. Contact us to join in.

We all have the message and ministry of reconciliation 2 Cor 5:17-21

Israel and Gaza at War: Gaza is part of the Promised Land by Ps Barbara Miller

Watch this up-to-date message on the Biblical history of Israel and Gaza and some prophetic insights.


By Ps Barbara Miller

This is a photo of the Welcome the King of Glory event in Israel taken 13.10.17. It was the first one and Norman and I attended it taking a team. A huge number attended, mostly from Pacific nations as the All Pacific Arise (formerly APPA) came at the invitation of Messianic Jewish leaders from Israel. This year 300 attended and it was held at the King of Kings congregation in Jerusalem. While there were calls to cancel it, half of the delegates had already arrived, being there when the Hamas massacre of Israelis occurred. Because of security concerns, the government only allowed 50 people at a time in a room so 6 rooms were used with TV screens. 

The 3-day conference is now ended but half of the delegates have not been able to go home because the airport was closed. There are likely to be other Christians still in Israel from the ICEJ and ANCJ conferences so we pray for the safety of Christians in Israel as well as the Israeli people. 

The Welcome the King of Glory conference was reportedly successful. We have some of our Indigenous Friends of Israel state coordinators at this conference. The nations repented of their idolatry and covenanted their nation to the Lord and Messianic Jewish leaders repented for Israel’s rejection of Messiah. No doubt heaven took note. Messianic leaders would have found comfort from the nations standing and praying with them in their hour of need.

We ask for prayers for Christian Arabs as well. Forty Arabs were killed among the Israelis killed by Hamas as they tend to be indiscriminate in their killing. There are good relationships between Messianic Jews and Christian Arabs in Israel built up over a long time. However, there are tensions in Israel as Arabs don’t want to be mistaken for Hamas. 

We continue to pray as well that this does not develop into a global conflict before the appointed time of the Lord. 

Find out the background story behind the Voice referendum and read a significant Biblical view and prophetic insights. Order the eBook from Amazon or the paperback from Amazon or
Australian amazon link  US Amazon link


RECONCILIATION NEWZ BUZZ Sept 2023 no 1, 10 Sept

L – Uluru R – Flags and banners at the prayer at Mutitjulu Waterhole, Uluru at the Healing the People Healing the Land conference 2005

Bob Randall (1929-2015) was a Yankunytjatjara elder and traditional owner of Uluru who welcomed us to Uluru to host a conference there in 2005 called Healing the Land Healing the People.

Healing the Land Healing the People conference Uluru

Why revisit this now?

Australia is facing a referendum on the Voice on Oct 14 and it is a result of a convention held by First Nations people from around Australia at Uluru in 2017. It is called the Uluru Statement from the Heart. (

The debate over whether to vote yes or no is dividing Australia – dividing Indigenous and non-Indigenous people and dividing Indigenous people with from one another. We held our conference at Uluru, the heart of Australia, to bring reconciliation and healing and to release repentance to God and one another and receive forgiveness and healing from God and one another. It was a powerful time appointed and anointed by God.


Aboriginal leaders of many tribes around Australia attended and many non-Indigenous Australians as well. Uncle Bob was taken from his family at 7 years old and he sang for us one of the iconic songs about the removal of Aboriginal children from their families which he wrote – My Brown Skin Baby. You can sense the wailing of the mothers. There was repentance for this led by Ps Barbara Miller. Uncle Bob was very gracious and said the land belongs to all of us – Indigenous and others.

Dedication and covenanting Australia to God

There are a number of videos but this is a highlights video – see at 4.40min the dedication and covenanting Australia to God in a prophetic act by Ps Norman Miller and traditional owner of Uluru Bob Randall with tribal leaders standing with them. Norman had seen the hand of God come down over Uluru and he believed God wanted to unlock something in the spirit in our nation and turn the nation towards Him. It was based on Isaiah 22:22 “I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open” and a Joshua strategy of doing it 7 times.

Norman believed the Lord wanted the key turned in the centre of a map of Australia as a prophetic act 7 times at 10.22, and 22.22 for the 3 days and the first night at 22.22. It was very powerful with Uncle Bob being the local authority and national elder and Norman in national spiritual authority together on the first night and Norman on the remainder. Norman also had this scripture the Lord gave him – Psalm 72:9 “May desert tribes bow down before Him, and His enemies lick the dust!” (ESV)

Repentance by leaders from many Aboriginal tribes

See at 1.14hr repentance by leaders from many Aboriginal tribes. There was repentance from idol worship, bloodshed, witchcraft, broken covenants, sexual immorality and impurity, homosexuality, lust, fornication, iniquity and gambling. There was a release of forgiveness towards those who had hurt them and prayer for healing from rejection and for fathers to be restored to families.

Ps Vuniani Nakauyaca from Fiji led this session and did an act of healing the land with the soil of the land and salt and water similar to what had been done in Fiji with the revival there. Norman led the men Indigenous and nonindigenous to pray for and bless their wives and ask for forgiveness if needed. Ps Peter Walker asked the Indigenous men to wash the feet of nonindigenous men as an act of reconciliation.

Dr George Annadorai from Singapore gave a powerful message about how the Lord spoke to pastors in Singapore (Chinese and Indian) that the land did not recognize them. They realized they had left out the Malay people. He spoke on the prodigal son with Indigenous men representing the younger brother and nonindigenous men representing the elder brother. A powerful reconciliation followed in a prophetic act.

The conference gave a platform to a number of Aboriginal speakers – Ps Peter and Maria Walker, Ps Gloria Dyer (now Miller), and Ella Gordon. Ps Vuniani and Ella have gone to their heavenly reward and we were blessed to have them.

Prayer at Mutitujulu Waterhole

About 350 people attended our meeting in a large tent, owned by the Tent of Promise, including Ps Milo Siilata and his son from New Zealand, We hired a number of buses to take us to the foot of the rock Uluru to pray at Mutitjulu Waterhole where we had an amazing time of prayer.

Rainbow Serpent left Uluru

Amazingly, as we left the rock, two people, Ps Veronica Coutts and John Andrews turned around to take a photo and captured on their phones the rainbow serpent and its eggs leaving Uluru as we had prayed for. This could not be seen in the natural. We understand that New Age people and witches from around the world as well as Aboriginal people continue to invoke the rainbow serpent.

A lot of spiritual warfare came against us with a group in Brisbane holding a meeting pretending they were the ones organising the conference. Ps Noel Mann saw their ad in the paper and alerted us and Norman and I flew to Brisbane and confronted them with Ella Gordon joining us. We had to deregister them from our conference. Despite this, we had some women turn up and dance like snakes during our worship and we had to remove them. Our worship team had strange items left outside their hotel rooms.

Ps Barbara Miller’s message covers the vision for the conference and the spiritual mapping she did beforehand. Part 2 of it is here Part 1 is missing at the moment but more repentance from tribal leaders can be seen in this message which occurs on the first morning of the conference.

The conference started and ended with worship. It started with the song Kings and Nations and a parade of many waving banners and flags representing the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 gates of Jerusalem. It ended at 1.56hr with joyful shake-a-leg dancing by Aboriginal Christians at the end.

This conference was one of 10 Psalm 24:7 conferences Welcoming the King of Glory we held around the nation between 2003 and 2012, with 4 of them in Parliament House Canberra and the others at the Sydney Opera House, Melbourne, Bendigo and Cairns.

Thanks to David Jack or making these videos available and to Sonia Harriman for the highlights video.

Welcome the King of Glory Prayer Movement from the Ends of the Earth to Israel by Ps Avi Mizrachi.

Message at Indigenous Friends of Israel and Tabernacle of David Cairns conference 18-20 Aug 23 Cairns. Ps Avi and Chaya Mizrachi are the leaders of the Messianic pastors team that is hosting this conference in Israel with the nations attending, particularly All Pacific Arise (formerly APPA) who have been walking with the Israeli team.

Norman and Barbara led a team from Australia to the 1st Welcome the King of Glory (WTKOG) convocation in Israel in 2017. The 3rd Welcome the King of Glory convocation in Jerusalem 11-13 October 2023 has the theme of “Gathering the Nations to Covenant with God!” (Zechariah 2:10-13) so it will be a special time and we encourage you to attend.

Norman and Barbara aren’t taking a team this year but we asked Ps Avi and Chaya to pray for the team who is going who attended our Cairns conference. During the video, you’ll see some footage of the 1st and 2nd WTKOG convocations. Check out the interesting story Ps Avi tells of Abu Ghosh where the first WTKOG was held and its relationship with Obed Edom and the ark of the covenant which Barbara also shares on in relation to a dream she had prior to hosting the Bethany Gate APPA in Cairns in 2006. It all ties in.

Indigenous Friends of Israel decrees

Indigenous Friends of Israel & TOD Cairns Conference in Cairns on 18.8.2023, there was a valuable time of decreeing, by the Indigenous people and leaders present, that “the Jews are the Indigenous people of Israel” and “we align ourselves with the God of Israel.”

Indigenous Friends of Israel had a meeting after the conference of state and city coordinators so we are stretching the tent pegs as in Isaiah 54 so if you are interested, please let us know. Non-Indigenous people can be associate members as we believe in reconciliation. Email us here.



We will have more in the next newsletter but here is a reminder of what we have already posted. 

The Voice and Constitutional Recognition of First Nations People: For and Against Arguments (here)

Bad Politics or False Worship: Caterpillar Dreaming (here)

How we got to Voice Treaty Truth (here)

Also on Vision Christian radio 4 months ago – HERE
& Church & Cultural Challenges conference and the Voice, Vision Christian radio July HERE


Also World Prayer Assembly in Perth 3-6 Oct 23 –




We have had this pulpit with a map of Australia on top of a tree stump for a long time. It was given to us by Ps Royree Jensen of Brisbane and Ps Dutch Sheets was the last person to preach on it before we received it. Norman painted it and put Uluru in the centre with a dove and 2 Chron 7:14 on it. We usually have a heart-shaped stone from the Galilee in the middle of it to symbolize Australia having a heart of flesh not a stony heart towards God. Since our congregation has been called the Tabernacle of David for many years, Norman felt led by the Lord to repaint it and put Amos 9:11 there about the rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David.

As part of our calling is to raise up the Tabernacle of David around Australia, if you are interested in this, please let us know.


At the Healing the Commonwealth prayer event on 27.6.22, prayer leaders from Britain and the Commonwealth nations joined together in a time of fresh repentance and forgiveness. Norman was asked, along with other nations, to share testimonies of past reconciliation events between Britain and Australia that we have been involved with since 1997. All continents were represented in the 27.6.22 event. Brian Pickering of the Australian Prayer Network lead the 1999 Reconciliation Tour of England by the Australian team and spoke before Norman and introduces him here. Norman and Barbara were part of that team. It was a very touching time.

Healing the Commonwealth Prayer Event 27.6.22
Message by Ps Norman Miller Australia
British-Australian Reconciliation by Ps Barbara Miller
This message was delivered to our church service 25.6.22 as a lead-up to the Healing the Commonwealth prayer event on 27.6.22. As each panel member, including Norman, had only 4 mins to share, Barbara is able to give a longer account for those interested in what was an amazing series of reconciliation events that has continued to affect our ministry. We have had a number of follow-up events.

‘Blessing the Commonwealth’ 16th July Birmingham
Update from World Prayer Centre

We are looking forward to our upcoming event ‘Blessing the Commonwealth’ on Saturday 16th July in Birmingham city centre! Our team led a powerful time at our recent ‘Healing the Commonwealth’ prayer event as we repented for the pain caused to Commonwealth nations and territories when Britain created the British Empire and later the Commonwealth.

We want to take proactive steps to heal the divide between territories and nations. That’s where you come in – you’ve got the power! Jesus called us to carry the gospel of peace wherever we go. And we believe in the power of prayer. This is your opportunity to pray for restoration and for salvation for Commonwealth nations. Have you got your ticket for our ‘Blessing the Commonwealth’ event?

We love that we can now connect together in-person and we urge you to join us in the room at Gas Street Church. We will have an amazing time of worship with Tim Hughes and Gas Street Music. There will be guest speakers from across the Commonwealth and of course opportunities to pray.

This July and August the Commonwealth is coming to Birmingham in the form of the Commonwealth Games, known as ‘the friendly games’. As thousands of athletes and officials arrive from the 54 nations, we want to prepare a highway of blessing and thanksgiving.

Find out more here
Commonwealth Prayer

To pray for a particular Commonwealth territory or nation head to our Youtube channel to catch up with all our prayer videos from the Queen’s Baton Relay. The Baton is currently in Wales so join to pray with children from across the Welsh nation.

Please click subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive notifications of our latest videos which we create to equip YOU in your prayer life.

By Munganbana Norman Miller 4.7.22

Munganbana will be marching again in the NAIDOC Cairns march this week. Munganbana Norman Miller said, “I will be carrying a giant boomerang I made with Voice Treaty Truth on it as I support the Uluru Statement from the Heart.”

He said, “I will also be wearing a T-shirt saying “Israel, Since 1948” commemorating the reforming of the modern state of Israel and a Holocaust pin. This is because Aboriginal Christian leader, William Cooper is the father of NAIDOC, initiating it on 28 January 1940 as an annual Aboriginal Sunday supported by the churches.

“In 1955, the date changed to the first Sunday in July and became known as National Aborigines Day. In 1957, the National Aborigines Day Observance Committee (NADOC) was formed whose goal was to promote awareness of Aboriginal people, their cultures and their plight. In 1989, the title changed to NAIDOC Week to include Torres Strait Islanders in the national celebrations. So, we owe it to William Cooper who got the ball rolling.”

When asked where the Israel connection is, Munganbana said that William Cooper led the Australian Aborigines’ League on a protest to the German Consulate in Melbourne in 1938 against the treatment of Jewish people at Kristallnacht, the start of the Holocaust.

Munganbana said, “This was remarkable because Aboriginals were not citizens of their own nation at the time and would not be till the 60s. Also, it was of the few private protests worldwide with a slow response from governments. My wife Barbara and I were privileged to be at Yad Vashem World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Israel for the honouring of William Cooper in December 2010.

“My wife has since written 3 books on him which are available at my Munganbana Reef and Rainforest Aboriginal Art Gallery in 33 Lake Street. The cover for the first book, William Coper Gentle Warrior, has a photo of William Cooper superimposed over my canvas painting, The Gathering. I am an Aboriginal artist and have had my own art gallery for over 25 years.

“I support the constitutional recognition of the Voice and will be at the Cairns Esplanade near the lagoon at 12.30 pm on Tuesday 5 July with my giant boomerang and singing a song I wrote called Reconciliation.

“At the march on Friday and at the Esplanade on Tuesday, people will be able to sign the back of the boomerang.

“I’m also writing a book called Boomerang Man because I have made a number of giant boomerangs over the years on my grassroots campaign for constitutional recognition of First Nations People which I started in 2014 and one of them is in the Museum of National Democracy in Canberra.”

For more information on Munganbana’s art see gallery

For more information on William Cooper click here


The Restoring Hope Ministry team have been in Cape York in June installing reception for GOD TV in a number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. They have been to Cairns, Yarrabah, Mareeba, Cooktown, Hopevale, Wujul Wujul, Bamaga, Weipa and Napranum. Some of the team will return to install God TV on islands of the Torres Straits.

This is a photo of the team which have been received with open arms – Brian Sonnerman and Greg Gannon from Geraldton, Rod Baker from NSW, David Jack and Tony and Delia Kish from Melbourne, and Donna Meehan and Lorraine Kelly from Newscastle. 55 installations have been made and it has brought great joy and comfort to the communities concerned with the systems being installed in churches and at some homes where people like to meet. Great to see the good news being spread and eagerly received and blessings to the team who went.

They have been taking the Good News to remote communities across the Top End of Australia installing God TV satellite dishes and bringing clothes, books, prayer and music to the communities. You can support this wonderful outreach by contacting – Brian –

We were blessed to pray for and send off the team in Cairns on their way to the Cape and give them prophetic words re their trip. They hope to service other communities in the future.

Prophetic Word Over God TV Team by Ps Barbara Miller 4.6.22
Worship and Prophetic Word by Ps Norman Miller
Over God TV Team 4.6.22


Call Forth the Songs of Joy – Revival is Coming
by Ps Norman Miller 18.6.22 Part 1
Part 2 –
  1. Writing and Declaring Decrees
  2. How to Observe Biblical (Jewish) Feasts from a Christian Standpoint
  3. Tabernacle of David
  4. Reconciliation
  5. Writing a Christian Book
  6. something else. If so, what?
What is Your Calling and Destiny
by Ps Barbara Miller

Please pray that the schools will have a Holocaust curriculum that includes the inspiring story of William Cooper as a Christian Australian Aboriginal upstander.

We post nearly every day on our Facebook page for Indigenous Friends of Israel and this refreshes the front page of our website. Please like it so you can get updates from us of what is happening around the world that is affecting the Jewish community and Israel as many of you, like us, pray for Israel daily. This will give you some prayer points. To like it, click here.


Russian Invasion of Ukraine – Decree

By Barbara Miller

Our heartfelt prayers have been going out daily for Ukraine since the Russian invasion. The Lord showed me these spirits are operating – power lust, glory lust, blood lust, a spirit of empire, territorial spirits, self-exalting spirits, a deceptive spirit, a thieving, destroying spirit, and an authoritarian, oppressive spirit. Also, from newspaper reports, it appears that Putin has co-opted the church with only some opposition. He sees this as a spiritual battle, and it is – between the forces of darkness and light. However, in his deception, he is in the right. So we can do prayers of binding and loosing as in as in Mat 16:19 as we are given the keys of the kingdom to do this. I don’t recommend you do this on your own as some of these are world powers and it is not safe. However, I have a decree that you can pray. Job 22:28 says:

Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy  ways.

We decree the power lust and glory lust operating in the Russian invasion of Ukraine must bow the knee before the name of Jesus and, as Jesus prayed in the Lord’s prayer in Matt 6– “lead us not into temptation” but deliver Ukraine and Russia “from the evil one for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. We decree the blood of Jesus is more powerful than blood lust and more powerful to save than any other blood. As it says in Rev 1:5 “from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood.”

We decree the spirit of empire operating in Europe cannot stand against the Creator of the universe as Col 1:16 says “For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him”. We decree loss of power to territorial spirits operating in Europe. As Acts 17:26 says “From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.”

We declare Jesus has triumphed on the cross and by His resurrection over the lying, deception and murder that has been occurring in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As John 8:44 says “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. We declare that the thieving, destroying spirit operating in the Russian invasion of Ukraine is defeated by the blood and name of Jesus and that Jesus brings life and resurrection to Ukraine. As John 10:10 says “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

We decree demise and dismantling of the authoritarian spirit operating over Russia and declare the servant leadership demonstrated by Jesus in Matt 20:25-28. “Jesus called them together and said, ‘You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them.  Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your servant— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many’.”

We decree that the church in Russia will shine a light in the darkness and have the strength to resist being compromised and co-opted by Putin. As Jesus prays in John 17:14-15 “I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.”

We decree that those who have been blinded by the evil one in Europe will have their eyes opened and that they will reach out to Jesus for their salvation. We pray comfort and practical help for all those who have lost loved ones and been wounded on both sides of the war and for those who been made refugees and lost their homes and livelihoods. We pray wisdom for the leaders of all Europe, especially of Ukraine. We thank you Jesus that you came to

“… proclaim freedom for the prisoners
    and recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free,”

Luke 4:18

Signed with the signet ring of the Lord Jesus Christ (Esther 8:8)


by Ps Norman Miller, Tabernacle of David Cairns


by Ps Barbara Miller, Tabernacle of David Cairns

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