INVITE TO SHABBAT MEAL & CONFERENCE – FROM JERUSALEM TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH (Actually Tel Aviv to Cairns) Hosted by Indigenous Friends of Israel & CFIRP
UPDATE TO CHURCH & CULTURAL CHALLENGES CONFERENCE LIFESTREAM CHURCH CANBERRA 27-29 JULY. EARLY BIRD RUNS OUT 12 JUNE. REGISTER NOW & DON’T MISS OUT! Announcing our final speaker, Christian lawyer Daniel Simon from the Human Rights Law Alliance. See the update of P4 of the flier
May 14 was the 417th anniversary of the decree over the South Lands of the Holy Spirit by Ferdinand de Quiros. If you would like to read about his amazing journey to get to Vanuatu and the story of what took place on the day and island he made the declaration then read about it in my book The European Quest to Find Terra Australis Incognita: Quiros, Torres and Janszoon. See
If you would like to know how to write decrees and how decrees can change your nation, see Barbara’s book Decrees and Dangerous Prayers: 7 steps we can use to change our nation or community. There is a special deal at
Shavuot, or the Feast of Weeks, is a major Jewish holiday and Biblical feast that occurs on the sixth day of the Hebrew month of Sivan. In the Bible, Shavuot marked the wheat harvest in the Land of Israel. It is celebrated worldwide by Jews and Christians who are aware of the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. This year it is celebrated from sundown 25 May 2023 – sundown 27 May. As well as celebrating it in our Tabernacle of David on Sat 27 May at 4pm, Norman and Barbara will be sharing by zoom for the Pentecost Sunday service for Ps Jack Yeo and Emmanuel Blessings Christian Centre in Sydney with their service starting at 9.30am. Contact us if you are interested in joining in either service.
May 25-27 – Shavuot or Feast of Weeks
May 27 – National Day of Prayer and Fasting – see Canberra Declaration
May 27-June 3 – National Reconciliation Week with the theme – Be A Voice for Generations. Ps Norman usually opens proceedings in Cairns with a prayer and we host some activities.
May 28 – Pentecost Sunday, Pastors Norman and Barbara Miller will be speaking by zoom for Ps Jack Yeo, Emmanuel Blessings Christian Centre, Sydney
July 3-4 – Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast in Gold Coast with hosts from the Knesset, Israel’s parliament. The Israeli Ambassador will then come to Cairns and we are involved along with SCAFI, Bridges for Peace , and other Christian ministries that support Israel, in this event in our role as the founders of the Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace and the founders of the Indigenous Friends of Israel. Norman will share for 10 mins.
July – Also wonderful friends from Malaysia, Pastors Abraham and Joy Tan will be visiting us. Stay posted
Left – Ps Barbara & Norman Miller with Ps Howard & Randi Bass, Be’er Sheva Israel on the eve of the centenary of the Light horse charge of Oct 31 1917. Ps Howard’s message – We praise God with you for His faithfulness towards you and the Centre for International Reconciliation & Peace over these 25 years, and we trust that as you follow the Good Shepherd’s lead, He will find you faithfully doing what He has put into your hands until He returns. Through the blood of Yeshua’s/Jesus’ cross, we are united in God’s reconciliation and peace.
Right – Ps George Fattal, Sydney speaking at one of our conferences in Parliament House Canberra. Ps George’s message – Congratulations beautiful people of God, the Lord has been faithful as this is His ministry, may the Lord continue to enrich your lives and ministry for His Glory, and yes for sure it will be an honour to join and celebrate with you this amazing milestone. (Ps George was able to join us on our 25th birthday zoom celebration and bless us more.)
Left – Ps Jenny Hagger, Founder, Australian House of Prayer for All Nations, Adelaide. Ps Jenny says – We are honoured at Australian House of Prayer for All Nations to have the opportunity of sending you our warmest congratulations on the 25th birthday celebration of the Tabernacle of David in Cairns. As a prophetic church fellowship and related ministries, you have been inspiring in the significant pioneering roles you have played in our nation and beyond.
Your heart for healing and reconciliation is expressed in Barbara’s well-researched books, through Norman’s art and teaching and all the conferences and seminars you have held in key locations, including Parliament House in Canberra. You carry the heart of the Father for Israel, expressed in your years of intercession and standing on the land. We join you in giving thanks to the Lord for 25 wonderful years serving Him.
Right – Sue and Roy Rowe, intercessory leaders in New Zealand. Sue says– Congratulations, from New Zealand, on your anniversary, celebrating the culmination of years of much planning, travel, strategic warfare, and strategic relationships new and old, especially to and with Israel.
It was a pleasure to be part of one of the teams you led to Israel, and the partnership with Howard and Randi Bass once we got there. Your fountain of knowledge of Israel came to the fore during the bus trips, as you explained the significance of each place we visited, and provided the historical context.
Tabernacle of David Cairns worship team. Be blessed by the worship song Enter the Holy of Holies and free worship –
Prophetic words and visions from Ps Shirley Miller, Judy Miller, Colleen Burfitt and Ps Norman Miller after breakthrough worship 20.11.21
Biblical Basis of my Journey That Led to My Latest Book Secrets and Lies by Barbara Miller. This is worth checking out as it discusses briefly but insightfuly Critical Race Theory and Black Lives Matter and much more.
Left – Margot from the Isaiah 19 Highway says – What a delight to give honor where honor is rightly due. I personally have a lot to thank you for and Australia has a lot to thank you for. You are forerunners in the most crucial message of all and a blessing to Israel. When it wasn’t popular and still so misunderstood, you championed Israel and spoke up for her with your words and with your lives.
I first met you in Israel in 2003 at the Tom Hess convocation, representing Australia. How apt that it was you who God chose for that honorable task. How apt that Norman as an Indigenous Australian carried God’s heart for Israel and led the way for Australia to embrace the Jewish people, and teach us to honor them, their beautiful Jewish Messiah Yeshua and the land that He gave to them. How apt that it was at this convocation where I first met you.
How apt that this was my very first month of the next five years of living in the City of our God, and the launching of my journey into the Isaiah 19 highway nations that continues to this day. I loved you right away. I loved your hearts right away. I loved your message and everything you carried right away. Thank you for batting for Israel and never giving up. Thank you for the blessing that has been and you have been to Australia and to Israel.
The next time I had the privilege of spending extended time with you was the rare occasion that I came back to Australia in 2015. You invited me to attend a conference and speak there. Again, I saw how special you were. We were on the same page right away again, with hearts, minds, faith and prayers connected as one. The message God gave me for us was so special to me. It was a new message. It was something that grew in me like something that was birthed in me.
I’ve never had such a message that impacted me so deeply. I was blessed more than anyone at that conference. I’m very sure of that. It was a message that God gave me in dreams and by revelation and it has never left me since. In fact, it has grown, as does anything that God gives by His Spirit. This tells me a lot about the hunger you and your congregation carry and the things that you birth. It tells me, how you release the fullness of people’s ministries and what God has given them. Your ministry shouts forerunners.
Your ministry births deep things that become pillars in the end time heralders. Thank you for every time you ask me to join you. I absolutely love sharing with you and hearing from you, because each time it comes with anticipation of what deep and revelatory things God is going to birth.
Your humility and love for the Lord points to Yeshua and to all that is on His heart. It draws the Bride into the depths of His heart and past the superficial things. Past even the good things to the deepest things on His heart. Thank you for carrying the cross with Him. Thank you for being by His side in the things that are so dear to His heart, in the things that make Him weep and the things that bring Him joy.
Thank you for carrying His heart so beautifully. I want to finish by leaving a verse that makes me want to put it like a banner over you. “Works that will NOT burn in the fire”. ICorinthians3:14. “Well done good and faithful, faithful servants”. Matthew 25:21. Thank you, dear Norman and Barbara.
Right – Brian and Robyn, co-founders of the Australian Prayer Network.
Brian brings this humourous story of when our ministry hosted a group of intercessors who were on a reconciliation tour of Australia. They were to speak at our Reconciliation conference in 1998. Brian says – It is a joy to pass on our congratulations to Norman and Barbara on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the House of David. Over the years Norman and Barbara have laboured faithfully in many areas of Christian service and have made an enormous contribution to the lives of many they have impacted over that time.
Our paths have crossed many times over those 25 years, both here in Australia and overseas as well. The story that stands out for me (Brian) the most from many I could tell was when the British Intercessory team led by Brian Mills and Roger Mitchell came to Australia as part of what became known as British/Australian Reconciliation.
The British Team along with myself visited Cairns and were hosted by Norman and Barbara. Accommodation was found for them at a venue run by some Catholic Nuns. One night the Nuns went out and left the British Team to themselves with instructions that their dinners were stored in the refrigerator in plastic containers. All went well until the British went to the freezer section of the refrigerator rather than the refrigerator itself. Sure enough, there were plastic containers full of food. So they promptly emptied the containers onto a plate and put them in the microwave.
They did not complain about the food but noted to us later that it was a little tougher than expected. They finished their meal and settled in for the evening without further incident. When the nuns returned home they went to the fridge and noted the food still there unused. They then opened the freezer and discovered that all the food in the containers had gone at which point panic set in.
They called out to me to come and gingerly asked whether the British had in fact eaten the food in the freezer rather than the fridge to which I replied in the affirmative. At this point, their faces turned to horror as they told me they had in fact eaten the food set apart for their dogs and not the British. The food in the fridge was in fact the food they should have eaten. From memory the dog food they ate was in fact kangaroo meat – hence the relative toughness of it.
When we get together with the British from time to time we still laugh about this incident which fortunately did not set off another international incident.
(We do too Brian. We remember when Brian Mills shared this at our conference saying “Ruff ruff !! and we all had a big laugh. The kangaroo meat had 3 vegetables with it as the Nuns fed their dogs well.)