Reconciliation Newz Buzz Dec 2021

Left – The Hanukkah Menorah and Christmas tree side by side on the Cairns Esplanade. Right – Some of the Christmas trees made by Cairns schoolchildren using palm trees. The front one uses the Australian and Aboriginal flags. One school had a nativity scene.
Barbara has been giving Hanukkah messages now for nearly 25 years. This is her message for 2021 –

The message below was one I gave in 2019 on Hanukkah and Christmas and is relevant for this season.

Are there any similarities between Chanukkah (Hanukkah) and Christmas?


Decree is the key in 2022
And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut, and he shall shut (Isaiah 22:22)

On Monday the 13th of December I saw in a vision a woman was trying to open the Pandora box. (the Lord spoke to me and He said this Pandora box represents the body of Christ in Australia). The lid was open a little bit and I saw all evil was trying to come out of it. I shut the lid with my wrist and locked it with the key. (Please pray.)

Barbara’s comment – Norman and I have been very concerned about the way different views about covid 19 are dividing the church and the misinformation that is doing the rounds. We can’t let the enemy of our souls get a foothold. We had decided to put out again messages we shared in March 2020, very early in the pandemic, which we believe are still relevant. Lilian’s vision confirmed this for us because one of the things I found out about just after I published the March article below is that the Wuhan lab that the virus may have escaped from (one theory) had a sign outside saying “Pandora’s Box.” I wish I had kept a photo of it at the time. However, an internet search will show current discussions are “was it people or nature who opened Pandora’s box?” and US officials being warned not to investigate the lab leak theory or they would open Pandora’s box. Please prayerfully read our articles below.


By Pastor Barbara Miller 17.3.20

Pandemic, pangolin, pandemonium, panic, Pan. What do all these have in common – a false god called Pan who creates panic. But let’s come back to that.

When there is a crisis, before praying we need to ask ourselves if this comes from God or not. According to tradition, Gamaliel succeeded his father, Simon, and his grandfather, the renowned sage Hillel to be president of the Sanhedrin, the supreme Jewish court. Gamaliel intervened on behalf of the Apostles of Jesus when they had been arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin. Interestingly we find later in Acts 22:3 that Apostle Paul was a student of Gamaliel. But what Gamaliel said has been ringing in my mind for some time as being critical to how we pray in a crisis. He said that we don’t want to find ourselves opposing God:
“But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.” (Acts 5:39).
Read more –


By Norman Miller 26.3.20
 I sensed the Lord was saying that it is a Davidic anointing that will deal with the Covid-19. The Lord gave me Dovid-19 and a number of scriptures where He highlighted chapter 19. Barbara pointed out that Dovid is the Jewish (Yiddish) spelling for David. I believe that the Lord is using this virus to wipe out some of the Saul-like structures in the church and take us back to the heart of David, the harp and bowl ministry and house churches.

When Barbara and I hosted the 3-day Australia Day Prayer in Canberra this year, the Lord led me to prophecy over the ACT and Canberra delegates that the Lord wanted them to model the church in the book of Acts. I could see them meeting in house churches across the city and multiplying. Acts 15:13-19 also talks about the Tabernacle of David which raises up prayer, praise and worship, Godly justice, the government of God and Jew and Gentile worshipping together. I saw this as a blueprint that would then spread out from Canberra, the head of the nation, around Australia.

The Lord gave me these scriptures at the Australia Day Prayer we hosted in Canberra. One was Ex 20:20, where Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you” so we need not be afraid of this testing time with the coronavirus. 
Read more –

Rev Dr George Annadorai asked me before Hanukkah for a message for 24/7 worship and the Tabernacle of David in Singapore and this is what the Lord gave me. Blessings to Apostle George and Mano and the people of Singapore and Asia generally.
Ps Norman’s message on “Change is Gonna Come” or “Change is in the Air” is timely and will bless you. The scripture he based it on is Daniel 2:21-23:

“He controls the times and the seasons; he makes and unmakes kings; it is he who gives wisdom and understanding. He reveals things that are deep and secret; he knows what is hidden in darkness, and he himself is surrounded by light. I praise you and honour you, God of my ancestors. You have given me wisdom and strength; you have answered my prayer and shown us what to tell the king.”