Australia Day Prayer event Canberra hosted by Millers, CFIRP
Barbara Miller – I had a vision of our nation Australia as a boat heading in the wrong direction, possibly shipwreck. While this cartoon is of the present government, I think it has a wider application. The Lord kept giving me a vision of Australia being like a boat that is going in the wrong direction and is in danger of running aground on various rocks that I outlined and sinking. I also kept getting a vision of an anchor and I believe the Lord told me it represented our Judeo-Christian heritage. We need to be anchored on Judeo-Christian values and hope and faith as in Heb 6:19. We are going through stormy weather. Secularism and humanism and anti-Christian spirits are attacking our nation. These spirits want to take us off our moorings, take us away from our moral compass and, steer us in the wrong direction, have us drift from God’s plans and purposes for our nation and run us aground on the rocks of ungodliness, even depravity. Even the church is double-minded in its stand on issues like same sex marriage and “doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” James 1:5-8.
A small rudder can turn that boat around (James 3:4) and the rudder is the decree I wrote, our prayers, worship and prophetic acts. I shared visions I saw of the titanic and also a woman in sackcloth repenting. I led the group in a Daniel prayer of repentance for our nation and taught on decrees, delivering one on Jan 26. I also spoke about needing to be a sheep nation as in Mat 25.
Australia Day Prayer, Canberra
Anick, Tabernacle of David Canberra– When Barbara spoke, Anick saw the hand of God under the swirling sea and a boat on top that was turning, turning, turning. She saw 2 angels come and put their hands on each side of the boat and heard a voice saying “I am stabilising it.”
Then on Saturday afternoon when Norman brought out the religious freedom hand that he painted for prayer and to give to Warwick Marsh, Anick recognised it as like the hand she saw under the boat/sea.
Norman declared a New Australia. He declared it’s Hepzibah and Beulah as in Isaiah 62 and said that as there is New Zealand and New Caledonia, he declared a New Australia and that the church would operate in a new wineskin, not the old wineskins and old structures. Isaiah 62:4 is a message of hope to the nation of Israel. God plans to change its name from Deserted and Desolate to Hephzibah and Beulah. Beulah means “married.” When God changes a name in the Bible, it conveys transformation, a second chance, and a new beginning. Hepzibah means the Lord will delight in her. Australia has another chance, a new beginning but we need to receive it and walk in it. Norman asked us to prophetically take a step forward there and then, and later to buy something new as a reminder.
Australia Day Prayer, Tabernacle of David Cairns (we organized congregations around Australia to pray along with us and provided 20 prayer points.)
Colleen Burfitt – I saw a vision of a ship steering to the left side which was full of darkness and then I turned to the right side. As the prayers were going up, a light shining so bright as the Shekinah glory of God made itself present. I saw the ship change course steering to the right side dropping its anchor – “this is where My anchor is to hold and to be grounded.”
Know this, God has a plan for this nation. There will be a mighty turnaround of the anchor to be grounded and for us to hold onto God to bring about a change, not just a seasonal change but one that will last for all times. The hand of God is about to be released. There will be a shaking by the hand of God, a greater awakening, a greater prayer focus.
Australia, know this today that I will pour out my wrath and judgement in these last days. Hear my voice and turn this nation around and surrender to me to make this land holy and pleasing to Me. Align with me. Stand steadfast; know My plans for the end times. Make decisions, Godly decisions.
To those leaders I have put in place as Godly leaders of this nation, be the Esther and the Mordechai, stand up, speak out, make the change. Be accountable for your actions, your decisions. Seek clarity from me, the God of heaven and earth. Don’t make hasty decisions. Don’t be persuaded. 1 Kings 18:21 – do not waver between two opinions. Matthew 6:24 – No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other.
The King of Glory is stepping in. Psalm 24:7 – Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up you ancient doors, that the King of Glory may come in. As the Lion of Judah shall roar from Zion, so shall He roar from Parliament House in the capital of Australia (Canberra) as it was in 24:7. I am the Lord your God. Follow My decrees.
16.2.19 Vision/Prophetic Re Hand of God Over Map of Australia
Norman Miller – I can see the hand of God on the tip of Australia. I can see the hand of the Lord move over the shape of the map of Australia. I can see it move down the borderline, coming right down, right through Queensland. It’s going further, further, the formation of His hand, His plumbline. He’s shaping this nation. I’m seeing the divine hand of God and I also see Tasmania as the hand of God is shaping it.
I can see the hand of God, His plumbline from His throne room – so pivotal – pointing to the heart of this nation and I can see a shift in the Spirit. Now I can see, inscribed in the heart of this nation, the word “Jacob” and I can see like this big ladder. I see the angels ascending and descending to and from the throne room. Songs and prayer are going up directly to the throne room.
I’m getting the word “generation.” I’m now seeing something changing as the book of Psalms would speak of in Ps 24:7 (Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.) Even as Jacob’s name was changed to Israel, I now see this nation in the plumbline, coming into formation. I see this generation worshipping and praying, such is the move of God. It’s like the heart in this nation is being changed. The natural and the spiritual heart is being changed. It’s like God is saying, ‘I’m taking out the stony heart’ and leaving His Spirit, His Ruach Ha Kodesh.
I’m seeing also the word “David” or “Davidic worship” that’s breaking something in the Spirit. Now I’m picturing this big harp and the wind of God is blowing on the harp strings. It’s like the sound on the hearts of people of this nation. I’m getting the word from Rev 4 re throne-room worship and it’s this generation, who will have a heart for the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel, whose worship and praise is going forth. Those that are unsaved are hearing the sound and they are aligning in formation and they are singing and crying, “Hallelujah, salvation belongs to our God who is seated on the throne.”
I’m hearing God say, “The harvest is coming, the harvest of souls is coming, the harvest of souls is coming.”
Barbara Miller – While Norman and I were having our daily communion and praying, I saw a vision of a white cloak or mantle which had folds. I sensed in the spirit that the moment was like when Elisha picked up Elijah’s cloak which was really Elijah passing on his mantle to Elisha. 2 Ki 2:7-15. I also felt the Lord was anointing us for the GAP Network Spiritual Government ministry leadership. I shared this with Norman who agreed. I picked it up in the spirit and I asked Norman what I should do with it as I couldn’t put it down again. He said we’ll put it on by faith and so we did. I think it was an important confirming moment for us.
23.5.19 After federal elections
Barbara Miller read Col 2:15 – “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.” Barbara shared that the Lord put on her heart that the victory we saw in the Australian elections reflected a huge victory in the spirit realm over our nation. After the election, there was a newspaper headline saying the “Labour Ship Sank.” I remember our Australian Day prayer weekend in Canberra where we prayed for the ship of state (Australia) not to sink but to be safe on the anchor of Judeo-Christian values and to have its steering wheel or rudder steered by God.
Norman Miller said he sensed it is a time like in the book of Nehemiah 4:16-18 when the walls of Jerusalem were being rebuilt and there was opposition from Sanballat, Tobiah, Gesham and others and they had to rebuild with one hand and have a weapon in the other to protect themselves while others stood guard. The enemy was angry and humiliated when there were no more gaps in the wall. The walls of our government are being rebuilt on a godly foundation and we need to use our spiritual weapons to guard the government MPs as they do it. There are those who want to pull down the walls of our Judeo-Christian heritage.
Norman ended in prayer praying that the Lord would seal all our prayers with His precious blood. He prayed Australia would come into its redemptive purpose and gifts. He prayed our GAP spiritual government ministry would move in an increase of His favour and have bloodline protection. “Lord you are rebuilding our foundation. We ask that You set a new plumbline and alignment. We pray You remove the opposing spirits of Sanballat, Tobiah, Gesham and we prophecy them to the pits of hell and not to return.”
22.6.19 Dream re Boris Johnson, UK
I had a dream re Boris Johnson on 22.6.19. In the dream, I saw a crowd of people in London following Boris Johnson and Norman and I were there too. We followed them to see what was happening. Boris and the crowd were moving from the left to the right in my dream not towards or away from my view. Then he suddenly made an about turn and most of the people turned and followed him though a few scattered, taken by surprise.
I am presuming this dream means Boris will be made PM and he will head towards a hard Brexit and then abruptly change his mind. I stress this is my interpretation and I’m not saying this is what the Lord told me is the interpretation.
Later comment – He was elected Conservative Party leader the next day and became PM on 24 June 19. The last Brexit deadline arrived on 31 Oct 19. Despite Boris Johnson’s previous repeated assertions that Brexit will happen on Halloween, “no ifs or buts”, “come what may”, “do or die,” the UK remained in the EU till 31 January 2020 through difficult negotiations and turbulent times.
13.9.19 Vision of PM Scott Morrison
Barbara Miller – I saw the Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and the Lord extending to him a sceptre. I didn’t hear anything but I started weeping straight away as I immediately had the impression that, as in the time of Esther, the Lord was anointing Scott Morrison for such a time as this to stand up for the Jewish people. That just as Esther was reluctant at first to take on the responsibility but then did so at great risk, he will accept the challenge and be prepared to pay the price to champion the cause of Israel and the Jews. I sensed there could be a crisis where his intervention is important. I felt it was a precious and significant moment where the Lord was revealing an important part of His purpose for Scott Morrison.
Typing this up, I sensed to check the significance of 13 September. The Oslo Accords (between Israel and the Palestinians) were signed on 13.9.1993. We need to keep praying for our PM and how God would use him re Israel and the Palestinians.