2015 Prophecies

Jan 2015

Barbara Miller – I prophecied that God would use Australia again to help end the Islamic caliphate of ISIS just as Australia was a key element in the Allied victory over the Islamic caliphate of the Ottoman empire in 1917. 

(Comment – The Allied victory at Beer Sheva was 400 years to the day – 31 October – after Luther nailed his thesis on the church at Wittenberg starting the Reformation which brought Bibles to the new Protestant church and gave British and others the vision of assisting Jews to return to Israel. Australians were again involved in war against Islamic State.

In July 2017, ISIS lost control of its largest city, Mosul, to the Iraqi army, followed by the loss of its de facto political capital of Raqqa to the Syrian Democratic Forces. However, it was not till March 2019 that US-backed forces proclaimed the capture of Islamic State’s last territory in Syria eliminating its rule over a self-proclaimed caliphate. However, there are still sleeper cells around the world.)

24.1.15 Thy Kingdom Come Conference, Hunter Valley, NSW 

Barbara Miller – This conference is a platform for what the Lord will do in the Spirit. There are many birthings that will come out of it. I see a light here, like a lighthouse. Rays of light are going out from here all over Australia, even to the west coast and beyond Australia.

Unsure date – God kept giving me the word Terumah so I did a little research on it and it is a Hebrew word meaning a gift of the heart via an offering to God to create a sanctuary for Him in our heart and elevate us into His presence. Ex 25:1-27:19. It was for the building of the Mishkan (tabernacle), the portable sanctuary in the desert.


Barbara Miller – Praying setting my face like Daniel to understand the division between Jews and Arabs and bring reconciliation, I sensed that the greatest peace treaty of all was when Jesus died on the cross for us so we could have eternal life, have our names written in the Lamb’s book of life. It’s a peace treaty between us and God brokered by Jesus who paid the price in His blood. Jesus is the Prince of Peace.

Maybe we could call all the covenants in the Bible peace treaties but what came into my heart to share at our Sons of Abraham conference was the first treaty in the Bible – between Abraham and Abimelech who was a Philistine. There was contention over wells and then room in the land was made for Abraham – rehoboth


Barbara Miller – Praying re Sons of Abraham conference, I sensed the Lord speak to me that Israel has never been an empire or world dominating power whereas European powers and Arabs and Islam have. Yes, Israel conquered what is the Promised Land, a very small area but it is unfair for nations who have been world dominating powers to accuse Israel of that. This was a revelation to me.

Also, we need to emphasize the debt and thanks we have to Middle Eastern Christians who have kept the flame of Christianity alive since the start and have been on the forefront of persecution. I’ve said re the Roman church before that it has kept Christianity alive through the ages and protected the Holy Sites in Israel even though it has been a bad witness as well. So, we owe them thanks as well as criticism.

9.9.15 Shared at Amos 9:11 Tabernacle of David conference we hosted in Cairns

Barbara Miller – On 14 May 1948, the daily reading of the Torah happened to be Amos 9. What happened that day? Israel was born again as a nation after about 2000 years in exile. The restoration of the Tabernacle of David is about the restoration of the nation of Israel and the throne of David. Jesus or Yeshua, the son of David, will sit on the throne of David when He comes back. He will reign from Jerusalem for 1000 years or the Millennium, the Messianic Age.

The Tabernacle of David and its restoration has a governing element. We are talking about a heavenly throne and an earthly throne. The Tabernacle of David also involves righteousness and justice as its governing principles. Isa 16:5. In love a throne will be established: in faithfulness a man will sit on it – one from the house (tabernacle) of David – one who in judging seeks justice and speeds the cause of righteousness.

12.9.15 Shared at Amos 9:11 Tabernacle of David conference Cairns

Barbara Miller – We’ve been praying at the conference venue on Tuesday nights and the Tuesday before the conference, I saw in the spirit a disembodied mouth in the air in the room we were to use. We were outside praying. I sensed it was speaking against us and the conference and what God wanted to do through us. I thought there is a scripture about that mouth and later I went to Rev 13:5-8 about the mouth of the beast uttering proud words and blasphemies. There is a war in the heavenlies over who we will worship and because our conference has a strong focus on worship of the true God, the enemy was not happy.


We experienced great spiritual opposition to our Amos 9:11 Tabernacle of David conference at the Rydges Tradewinds, Cairns (11-14.9.15). The conference was timed to start on September 11, the anniversary of the fall of the Twin Towers. It was also timed for the Sabbath (Shemitah) year starting September 13 which Biblically speaks of rest for the land of Israel and release of debts. Our brochure states that it is possible there will be a great shaking of the world’s financial system and a historical upheaval. It was 2 Sabbath years or 14 years since September 11 and September 13 was Erev Rosh Hashanah, the start of the Jewish New Year and the Feast of Trumpets. 

On 14 September 2015, Malcolm Turnbull called a leadership spill and took over the prime ministership from PM Tony Abbott. It was the last night of our conference and Australia was shaken. Barbara had a severe headache and when she got home, she started weeping, wailing and travailing for the demise of Tony Abbott. But she sensed there was a lot more than that going on in the spirit realm she was travailing for.

On 11 September 2015, a crane toppled over onto the Masjid al-Haram, the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia with 111 people being killed and nearly 400 injured. The crane collapsed through the ceiling of the mosque during strong winds created by a powerful storm. The city was preparing for the Haji pilgrimage. The Masjid al-Haram is the largest mosque in the world and surrounds Islam’s holiest place, the Kaaba, in the city of Mecca. 

Also, a possible 3rd intifada was speculated by commentators in October with waves of violence in Israel during the Biblical feast of Sukkot.

Despite the spiritual opposition at this conference in Cairns, our back-to-back Sons of Abraham conference in Sydney was a dream run.

21.9.15 Sons of Abraham Conference we hosted in Padstow, Sydney

Barbara Miller – Thank you Lord that you showed me this conference was like a womb that is going to birth many things in the spirit. Just like Mary who the angel came to and told her about the birth of Messiah, that she would be the one who would bring Him forth and she said be it unto me as you have said. Lord I say now what You want to birth out of this conference, be it unto us, be it unto me, be it unto this conference as you have said. 

For I believe the Lord would say I have established My plans and My purposes in this place for this hour. It is part of My divine plan says the Lord for I am making a way where there is no way. I am removing the obstacles from the path. I am preparing My end time church says the Lord and I would have a bride that not only loves Me but loves one another. I don’t have a divided heart says the Lordand I would that my people would not have a divided heart for one another.

The Lord would say I have planned and purposed this conference in this place at this time to bring forth a great awakening in the spirit not only over this nation of Australia but even as it flows into Israel and the Middle East. Eye has not seen; ear has not heard what I will do says the Lord. You will marvel at what I will do. It will be beyond your comprehension at times. It will be beyond your imagination at times but I the Lord know what I am doing so trust Me. Do not fear. Do not fear. Do not let the eyes of the world intimidate you. Do not let the mouth of the world intimidate you. Fix your eyes upon Me. Follow Me and My commands. I will not lead you astray. I will not lead you into danger. I will not lead you into the paths of wild men. The Lord says I will lead you in My paths. I will open the way to you, only trust Me says the Lord. Do not fear. Be of great courage for I am with you. 

And I’m going to bring about My plans and purposes in this nation from the ends of the earth back to Jerusalem, the centre of the earth. You’ll be amazed at what I will do says the Lord. I’m birthing something here and man cannot stop it. It will go out from here like ripples on the waters. It will go out from here. It will flow out from here. You will not even know where those droplets of water will land in the hearts of men, women and children in the nations. But, says the Lord, you will look back at this day and you will remember it and you will say I had a little part in what the Lord was doing that day. I was there to see His glory. I was there to pronounce His honour. 

So, Lord I just say again be it unto us, be it unto this conference as You have said that we would bring forth from the womb of this conference Your plans and purposes. And Lord thank You for protecting the baby You are bringing forth. Thank you for protecting the new birthing that You are bringing forth that it will not be devoured by the enemy and help us also to watch over it carefully in prayer and protect it. Luke 1:38. (The conference was live-streamed to Israel, the Middle East and Asia Pacific.)

Sept Sons of Abraham Conference Sydney

Margot, Isaiah 19 highway – Wow, Barbara, that word is so rich and full of God.  Apart from that wow what it did for Australia.  Let us mark down the date of this word and see what happens in Australia from the birthing of this conference.  I know we will rejoice as we look back.  Let us scribe down the details of what happened at this conference because it will all play out now as it did in the conference. It will now play out into the nation over the months and years to come.  I feel like a big pair of cymbals has been struck in heaven and on earth in the spirit realm and now the reverberations will go on and on. An orchestra will start to join those cymbals and new sounds will come out of this clashing of the cymbal.  Those new sounds will come from the wells and ‘old’ instruments, including the didgeridoo, and it will cause a reverberation that cannot be stopped.  

Norman Miller – As Ps George Fattal spoke about the 22 Arab nations, I was seeing Isaiah 22:22, the key of David and I saw an effective door of ministry opening. I saw the key come down and turn things quickly. What the Lord opens, no one can shut. 

Barbara Miller – I shared re a dream God gave me about the Isaiah 19:23-25 highway being vertical as well as horizontal i.e., there is a dimension of being lifted up to communion with God in it. It reminded me of the stairway to heaven Jacob encountered at Bethel.

Barbara Miller – Israel is surrounded by Islamic nations who want her wiped off the map and the Jews driven into the sea. They want Jerusalem as the capital of an Islamic caliphate. This is the picture I’ve had of Israel for a long time and it is true but God has shown me a visionvery different. It is these nations on the Isaiah 19 highway i.e., the nations surrounding Israel as not just a danger to her but actually protecting her. I see an arc of prayer, praise and worship around Israel that is like a shield of support, love, comfort and protection. These Middle Eastern (ME) Christians have the spirit of God on them and in them and the Lord showed me that the ARC was like an ARK. God is in them just as His manifest presence was in the Ark of the Covenant. He presences Himself with these believers as they worship and pray to Him.

I kept seeing feathers around this arc of ME Christians and I sensed it was Ps 91:1-4, 11. I sensed that there were angels on top of the prayer and worship of the saints as another layer of protection. As I prayed more into it, I was taken to when Jesus wanted to gather Jerusalem under His wings as a mother hen would but it would not. Jesus also wept over Jerusalem. Mt 23:37-39.

Continuing to pray, I was taken to the scripture about rising up on wings of eagles (Isa 40:31) and I sensed that as the prayers and worship of the saints rises up, heaven and earth join together and the saints renew their strength and are sustained. The prayers of saints are like a spiritual Iron dome. My long-time prayer has been for angels around the borders of Israel.

Barbara Miller – The highway vision is the opening of Houses of Prayer and Worship (Tabernacles of David, Amos 9:11) along this ancient and future highway.

There is an ANZAC inheritance for Australia and NZ that is not only about Be’er-Sheva but because the ANZACS cleared the way for the Isa 19 highway from Ottoman rule. There is a spiritual ANZAC inheritance for bringing Jew, Arab and other Gentiles into unity re the Sons of Abraham.

 Oct 3

Barbara Miller – the Lord showed me a flower and it was giving off many seeds and more flowers came from it and more seeds and it kept reproducing. I believe this was saying that our Sons of Abraham conference in Sydney will keep reproducing fruit in the lives of people who were there or touched by it in other ways (DVDs). I prayed that the seeds would fall on good ground and not be eaten up by the birds or choked by the weeds as in Jesus’ parable.  This fits in with the prophetic word I had during the conference on Sept 21 that the conference would birth many things.