2014 Prophecies


Norman Miller – What I am seeing is a compass. It’s round, but the compass hasn’t shifted as yet. The arm of this compass is like the hand of a watch. It’s just in one place. I see N for the north, S for South, E for the east and W for the west. I’m seeing that this compass is just staying, it hasn’t changed.

It’s still there; it’s still there in the direction of North. It’s like the call. I get a sense that The Lord is beginning to do something. It will be like carrying the sons and daughters of Israel in the arms, and fostering them, giving them shelter, giving them refuge, giving them strength. It’s like the beckoning call to the Gentiles, importantly to the north, the north direction. There’s a wind of change, and it’s still in that position because God’s positioning us for a time such as this. And whatever will take place is truly in the Lords hands.

And this is the season that He has us in. And this is the wind of His spirit that He’s blowing in the north. And it will blow to the south, and to the east and to the west. It’s stronger in the north

Even as the winds of Gods spirit blowing. And something is beginning to shift, in the hearts of the people in the north. They’re beginning to see the call of how God will use us and how we will respond in the practical steps that He gives us and shows us as we continually listen to His voice. 

And something is beginning to happen in this direction, in the north direction. And we even know as a people that God is positioning us here. That we’re in this time, of something that’s going to be so pivotal to how the winds of God’s spirit will blow to the south, to the east, to the west. That course of change is going to come and it’s going to bring a wind of direction, a wind of God’s Holy Spirit.

And God has set the compass, and it’s pointed. It’s like the sceptre being pointed. And even as the King pointed the sceptre to Esther and said I would give you up to half my kingdom. What is your request?  I get a sense that, the Esther church is on the rise. I remember now even as I am praying & prophetically speaking the Lord would say that the Esther church would rise and I remember He personally gave me that word for this church and pray that anointing upon the women of this church.

Something of the wind of God spirit is just brooding and God’s positioned us for this time. Whatever we do here in the north is going to be so pivotal to the south, to the east and to the west. Let it be marked with the seal of God’s Holy Spirit. Let it be marked very very clearly, imprinted in to your heart and to your spirit by the anointing of the Holy Spirit for God is about to do something big. And those who will hear the call will respond; they would come. And this day and this hour is upon us, for He’s positioning us. And how He positions us will be a key to the turning of the south, the east and the west. We need to listen, to obey, and to respond. That God’s holding us for a very pivotal position and He’s turning something in our hearts and in our spirit. He’s bringing a wind and change.

The compass has not changed; God direction has not changed. He’s bringing a wind and it will only change because the time is in his hands. As He begins to turn the hearts of the children back to the Father, to Him, for He’s our Heavenly Father. God is positioning us ‘For such a time as this’.


Norman MillerDuring worship, I saw the gates of heaven open. Then I saw the gates of the land throughout Asia Pacific open up. Now I am seeing the angel of the Lord with one foot on the land and one foot on the sea (Rev 10:2-3) and the gates of heaven open and rain pouring out. I see it in the spirit – this whole gateway of earth coming into transformation like a new garden. It’s like an increase coming to the land and people producing fruit. 

I can see a river flowing from the throne-room of heaven. The fruit from these trees is bringing healing to the land. (Rev 22). I’m seeing the throne-room river, this glorious river and its flowing to where there is much drought. It’s flowing on the earth. I see the word “harvest”. I’m seeing new planting. I’m seeing new buildings shaping in the spirit. I’m seeing new layers of foundations. Where things have been dead, barren, unfruitful, a new crop is forming. The shape of the land is being shaped by the Master Potter.

And I can see the soil and we know we are formed of the dirt of the ground. God’s bringing a new way. He’s creating new things in the wilderness and the desert. Even the unlearned, the blind and the deaf receive His healing, repairing, renewing, refreshing, strengthening, giving new hope and life abundant. As He opens heaven, so the earth opens.  It’s a new praise and worship springing up and things not yet seen and heard but now God is presencing Himself very strongly. We know He walked with men on earth and His feet touched the soil of the earth.  There is a ploughing of ground like a softening in the spirit. 

As I see the new heavens opening up and the new earth, it’s like the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven and where foundations have not been aligned, they are coming into alignment. Like a people reaching to new alignment with a holy God. I can see a new holiness coming into the land and people crying out “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord” as they sing, even angels singing (Isaiah 6).

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord. The whole earth is filled with His glory. God is beginning to do this new thing. (Isaiah 42:10) Something new is being done in the spirit. And I see the old traditions, old things, old habits. I see the words “the new has come. The new has come.” We need to speak this over the conference, the “Islands will look to Me”.

13-16 March, Purim, The Islands Look to Me conference, Cairns hosted by CFIRP

Bishop Dominiquae Bierman, Israel and Barbara Miller – prophetic words over Apostle Norman Miller and Indigenous Australians re rulership and governance –


Barbara MillerA few days before the Oct 2014 dream, Barbara had a vision with the word “unjihad” and she felt we had to find the opposite like salaam or peace in Arabic and shalom, peace in Hebrew. So, we put the words salaam, shalom and peace on the front of the brochures for 2015 conference in Sydney and 2017 in Jerusalem. I also saw the words “practical love” and sensed the Father heart of God needed to be communicated to Arabs because Abraham had sent Ishmael away. On reflection, I’ve heard that the word father is not associated with Allah and there may not even be a word for father in Arabic.


Barbara Miller – I had a dream that Norman and I were at the border into Israel and there was a line. There were friendly enough guards on the border who let us through. The entrance was through a building called Brothers. When we went through the door, we came into a room which was like a hostel with lots of single beds with people in some of them. It was one big open room. There was an admin desk which at the back wall. It was not attended as it was evening. 

We went through the door on the right and it was accommodation as well of a higher level. I started putting flowers of different kinds into a vase. One was yellow. Then I realized that there were a lot of people there that needed to be fed and I was responsible. So, I asked them what food they wanted and a woman called Ossie, who looked Torres Strait Islander, told me that she’d told me a couple of days earlier that she would cook the meal for us all. Gratefully, I went back to the flowers for a few moments and then I thought, there’s a lot of people here, I wonder if she’s asked for some help or if I should ask if some could help her.

The scene faded to the following morning, and a woman suggested we go to breakfast and we went on a bus. I think there was a beach nearby. I thought we went too far and it was taking up too much time so I was relieved it was not yet 9am when we got back. Then I realized that there was a conference to start that morning and Norman and I were supposed to be running it. I thought we don’t have an agenda. Norman and I will have to do all the preaching because we haven’t invited any speakers. We’ll have to start very soon and I don’t have any messages prepared. I’ll have to get up and start it off. It was basically a message to prepare.  

I sensed the brothers meant Jews and Arabs and that we should host a Sons of Abraham conference. We decided to host one in Sydney first as a lead up to hosting one in Jerusalem. When we visited Auburn in Sydney to meet Arab Christian leaders, we passed a café with the sign “Brothers” on it.

I set my heart before God to understand the division between Jews and Arabs and how to heal it just as Daniel set his heart to understand.