2012 Prophecies


Word 1 Norman Miller – I am reminded of the man born blind and Jesus put mud on his eyes and he could see – a miracle. People around didn’t believe and questioned. Even today Jesus heals and people question. I get a sense God is beginning to open up more eyes of blind people in the nations in the spiritual and physical. Those things that have tried to block us from seeing God’s purpose are being removed. God’s rebuilding things on earth as it is in heaven. The ears of the deaf are beginning to open in the natural and some are hearing in the spirit for the first time. I hear a “pop”.

I see the hand of God beginning to move to set the captives free so all men will know when God’s glory will be revealed. For the church to awaken, it must know the times we are in and when God is revealing Himself by His Spirit. We must position ourselves and act in obedience to those things God shows us and tells us. John 9, Isaiah 61.

Word 2 Norman Miller – I’m longing to see more of the power of God working through us. I’m believing to see more miracles, signs and wonders poured out.

The Lord said “Heavenly angels are being released.” He told me to speak out of Isaiah 6. Revelation will come even more strongly on the remnant of believers in this place. God is commissioning us to do greater things than ever before. I was releasing the things I was seeing so we would all receive an impartation of what God was releasing. I could hear the “pop” sound so loud. I could see what the King of Glory was doing when my nephew’s son Noah didn’t need that operation. God had already done a job on him. Put believing into action.

I said Lord “When will the day of harvest come? When will the day of harvest come Lord?” Then I saw the throngs in the valley of decision. Many will make the right decision before it is too late. 

18.3.12 Vision about a week before the Qld state election of 24 March

Barbara Miller – During worship, I saw a seesaw on top of Parliament House. The axle or pivot point on which the seesaw was perched was the flag mast.  Julia Gillard was sitting on the left side of the seesaw and Tony Abbott on the right. I was getting the words “slippery slope” and “path to destruction”. 

As I looked at it, I sensed that it’s usually children who go on seesaws and that they looked funny on top of Parliament House and that God’s eternal perspective is so much bigger. I also sensed that Parliament House, as the seat of government, is a throne, an earthly throne and that God’s throne is the one that is eternal and all-powerful. I sensed that those who are called to governmental intercession and to this particular assignment need to discern the spirits attached to each of these leaders and take authority over them in Jesus’ name. (The flag mast structure was intended as a sculpture of symbolic significance, in identifying the cardinal point of Griffin’s Parliamentary Triangle.) Psalm 2:1-12 was quickened to me.


Norman Miller – The Lord is going to shift and sift. He’s calling those 10 virgins to keep their eyes on Him and not be distracted by spirits bringing division and distraction. Throughout the earth, He’s calling the church to come out of a lukewarm spirit, to be on fire. He’s calling the church, people, tribes, nations and languages to stand before Him to cry out and to sing songs of salvation and deliverance; to know that He is God and quietly turn their eyes to Him before it is too late. God is bringing in the true order of His way that is right and just and preparing a people to be right and just. He is calling His children to be closer and closer and not run here and there and fall into the temptations of Mammon, not to be lukewarm to God and live for money. 

God is calling His church to come out of a corrupt way of thinking and not to align yourself with corrupt things that will bring a holy judgement from the Lord. God is by His spirit bringing a testing right throughout the earth and even as there has been an earthquake in central Australia, know that spiritual earthquakes are going to happen to shake you out of those things you are aligning yourself with and are bringing a blindness. 

God wants to lead you out because of alignment with a corrupt thing. God is calling a people who will be holy and bow their knees to Him. He’s bringing a people, nation, a language, a tribe that will truly serve Him and worship Him as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. These are awesome days but days of testing of the church. Those who stay on the right course with God will find He will bring you to things that are eternal. 

See the promises of God and see His true restoration and how He calls us and uses us and through it, there’ll be more and more victory in Him and Him alone. Go set your eyes on Jesus and not on the things that man would bring about and the vision that man would bring out of corruption. God is calling His people out of this to align with Him so you can stand before His throne and call out in that day – salvation belongs to our God and the Lamb that sits on the throne. 

Come into alignment with God. Know the ways of enemy bring about errors, untruth and judgement. Come into the order of a holy God and be sanctified. The Father of lies has been manifesting himself. Jesus said I know your Father God and He is the Father of Truth. The Father of lies has been defeated and God is calling His church to come out of the spirit of bondage and Pharaoh. 

Come out of her and come out of her ways. Come out of those things that have been of your undoing. Then God will bring about His true and just judgement.  God is calling them to come out and align themselves with the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Rev 18:4, Ex 8:1 

“In many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, ‘Save yourselves from this corrupt generation’.” Acts 2:40. A Bible commentary says “Corruption is a state of spiritual decay and moral dishonesty, arising from the effects of sin, which expresses itself in disobedience towards God.” Mammon is not just the love of money but a god that opposes Jesus Christ and Jesus clearly said that we cannot worship God and Mammon but must choose. 


Norman Miller – We have a breakthrough anointing on our ministry and have seen many breakthroughs but I’d been praying to the Lord for a breakthrough and though we’d had many prophetic words of breakthroughs in our Sunday services, I know there is more and as I pressed into the Lord, He gave me Joel 1 about the invasion of locusts. I sense we need a Joel restoration as the church in the nation in our finances and family so that we can be an end time army to combat the army of locusts that’s been plaguing our finances, family and church. 

As I prayed, I saw a vision of an army of locusts, swarms and swarms of them. The Lord is saying in Joel 1, “hear this you elders: listen all who live in the land”. He wants the elders to tell their children and their children to tell their children. 

In v4, He uses the word locusts 6 times so He really wants us to get the message – “What the locust swarm has left, the great locusts have eaten, what the great locusts have left, the young locusts have eaten, what the young locusts have left, other locusts have eaten.”

It is a call to repentance. We are called to wail, mourn, grieve and cry out to the Lord because the harvest has been ruined. Where is the harvest of souls? “Even now”, declares the Lord “return to Me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning” (Joel 2:12)

God was speaking to me even as I was gardening. God trims us. Anything that is spiritually dead is cut off. I’ve seen grasshoppers eat the tomato bushes. I had to prune the leaves that had been eaten.  As I see it in the natural, I ask what are the spiritual implications?

As the body of Christ, we need to repent. I want to be a blessing to God and others. Has the locust been eating the fruit God has for us? God wants to restore to us what the locust has eaten. “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten – the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm – my great army that I sent among you.” (Joel 2:25). Norman led us in prayers of repentance and taking back what the enemy had stolen from us in a prophetic act.

Marian Millard – said during our worship she saw 2 angels coming out of the heavenly realm blowing 2 trumpets and it took her to Nu 10:1 – “The Lord said to Moses: “Make two trumpets of hammered silver, and use them for calling the community together and for having the camps set out.” She said she had seen grasshoppers in her garden this week and had asked the Lord what to do about it. She said she sensed we are in a battle in this nation and v9 says what to do “When you go into battle in your own land against an enemy who is oppressing you, sound a blast on the trumpets. Then you will be remembered by the Lord your God and rescued from your enemies.”

The trumpets are really shofars so Norman took the shofar we had and blew it and we made declarations. We know Joel 2:1 says “Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on my holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the day of the Lord is coming. It is close at hand”

April 2012

Norman Miller – Round and round and round. Till a spirit of dizziness, came upon those who were on the sea-saw. It started slow and even now I can even see it going faster and faster, to the point that on the sea-saw that there will be a fall. And I start to see this in-balance, being heavily weighed on our Nation, to the scale to the point, where the balance becomes at rest and at peace. And I see the words once again of righteousness and justice on either ends of that sea-saw. And I see the words foundation, which is the middle point of that sea-saw. And I begin to hear a loud roar, that so loud that, that voice is being echoed right throughout this Nation. And I see it traveling and I see it expanding, I see it the distance of this going over the Nations to different parts to different points. 

And I see the word Glory, I see the Glory of the Lord just permeating right across the land, right across the seas. God would say to even this remnant, I’ve shifted your mind sets, I’ve shifted you to a place, where you are at a Pinnacle of great breakthroughs. Even through your prayers that are bringing the balance, that is bringing the marriage into this Nation, city and city of nations. And I will have you and call you to stand to stand firm and to stand strong,

And even as you have been standing in my foundations. Know that I am placing you even strategic than before. And know how would do it and how I am and calling you into greater things with me. As you have honoured me there would come that respect and honouring of you also in this land. Even those of you in this place right now, as you have honoured me so will a greater honouring also come on you. Know this, for I have kept you even my hand, even in the palms of my hands, I have inscribed even your names in the palm of my hands. 

For you are family in the natural and yes you have natural sons and daughters, grand children but so you have come into things as a family and a greater family and to how I am calling you into the things to bring about not only the natural things but the spiritual things. 

And I hear the words imparting a balance of power and even as government has a balance of power or a minority, I am giving you the spiritual balance of power of placing that anointing and mantle upon on you this day. So, when you pray, you’ll pray and speak you pray that with a new power and authority that is of me and my spirit, not by might nor by power but by my spirit and as I use you and as I choose too. See you will bring the balance of that Spiritual power even more to this nation even more to this city. You hold the spiritual balance power that is in you, that power that of Me those flows in and through you that is all you need to bring about change and change will come, and change is now, and changes are starting to appear.

I am calling you rise to the new the challenge – with A NEW BALANCE OF POWER that has been released to you this day. (Not to misuse the power but not to lord over people and use it in righteous and justice). You have the balance of Power, don’t limit God, don’t limit yourself.

May Vanuatu Prayer Assembly

Norman and Barbara Miller spoke at the Vanuatu Prayer Assembly hosted by Apostle Raynold Bori and prayed on location where Ferdinand de Quiros made his declaration over the South Lands of the Holy Spirit. Barbara was asked to re-declare it with the modification the Lord gave her.

Norman sensed from the Lord that there was a jostling spirit between Vanuatu and Australia and that it needed to be removed and that a joining needed to occur. He did a prophetic act asking Raynold and his wife Joy to hold the Vanuatu flag. Runa Meeks from Australia held the Australian flag and I was in the middle with the flag of Israel. Norman prayed over us and then I felt to step aside and join the flags of Vanuatu and Australia. Norman asked them to wrap the Vanuatu flag in the Australian flag and then wrap them inside the Israel flag. It was then tied at the top and bottom so as not to unravel. Norman declared that a 3-fold cord is not easily broken. The following day he asked them not to unwrap the flags for 9 months as he felt something was being birthed in the Spirit. The intercessors agreed to this and said they would pray over it until then. So, we look forward to finding out what God did as they prayed for unity of the nations and God’s plans to be birthed.

Later that day we found out that there had been a diplomatic incident between Australia and Vanuatu so God had been using us as spiritual diplomats. The Prime Minister of Vanuatu had been at Sydney airport on his way to Israel and his travel aide was arrested by the Australian government for fraud. The PM and his aide had been tricked to go onto Australian territory in the guise of filling out papers so the aide could be arrested. This was considered a humiliating way to treat the PM of Vanuatu. Vanuatu considered it a breach of their sovereignty. The government of Vanuatu ordered Australian police stationed in Vanuatu to go home. So, Australia threatened to pull out its aid to Vanuatu. When he found out, Raynold said Vanuatu is so dependent on Australian aid, it could bring down the government. 

There certainly was some jostling going on between the nations as we held the Vanuatu Prayer Assembly and this prophetic act was very timely and much needed. God orchestrated it so that he had His spiritual diplomats in the right place at the right time interceding in the heavenlies and affecting history. The matter sorted out in a couple of days. It is amazing that the Prime Minister of Vanuatu was passing through Australia to Israel (the 3 countries whose flags we united). There are over 200 nations in the world. Of all of them, the PM just happened to be travelling to Israel. isn’t God good? He had us there at a critical time.


Judy Miller – I saw an arrow hitting its mark and anything in the way is split. Then I saw an atmosphere trying to press in like a telephone pole. Then I saw another thing in the air which I believe is the Lord pushing this atmosphere back. Then a bull elephant was charging towards us but God was pushing the enemy back. It was very close. It has manifested but it was pushed back. 

24.6.12 Shared Later at Ps 247 conference Canberra

Barbara Miller – I was seeing part of a fence which was curved and on the right side of the picture. Just inside the fence, to the left, was a deep hole, pit or chasm. It was dark. I sensed the fence was providing protection from a sudden drop into the pit very close to the fence. I wondered if it was a warning as well for Australia. I sensed the Lord is protecting us like the fence. It represents safety. I sensed as I was praying the word pitfall coming strongly.

The Lord says “yes, there are pitfalls ahead so be wary”. The Lord said “I’m going to make you sure footed”. I’m seeing little golden wings on our feet and sensing the Lord is sending an angelic presence also to be with us. And He’s going to guide our footsteps and make our path ahead sure and make sure we don’t fall into any pitfalls; that we don’t fall into any traps. He’s going to guide us.

“I will make your path ahead sure for you are surely treading in the path I would have you go. It’s not any mistake that you’re having this conference. It’s by My design. I have My plans and purposes in this conference. I’ll surely keep you safe. The enemy does want to come and stop what you are doing but the Lord says have no fear son and daughter because you will surely be safe because My angels will be there to lift you up to heavenly places. I have put wings on your feet so you can rise above the plans of the enemy and the enemy will not be able to drag you down into the pit. 

Keep your focus on Me. Keep your focus on Me” says the Lord because I have My plans and purposes for you in this nation and it will surely come to pass. Wait for it” says the Lord. “Don’t miss it. Stay tuned in because I do have a great move of God for this nation. I really want this nation to turn to Me” says the Lord “and I’m going to use you like that rudder to turn the ship of this nation around. I’ve called you even before the beginning of time for this very assignment that I am bringing you into Parliament House for” says the Lord. 

“So do not treat it lightly” says the Lord. “Do not take it too casually” says the Lord. “Do not miss anything that I call you to do for I shall surely take you to the bowels of this nation to disgorge all that is not of Me, to expose what has been hidden in dark places” says the Lord, “to expose it, to bring it out into the open so that it can be dealt with” says the Lord. “So that the sore at the heart of this nation, the festering at the heart of this nation can be lanced and the muck come out. Sin will be exposed” says the Lord “so that I can come in My glory and I can fill these spaces that the enemy has been clogging up, with My glory. 

The enemy has been filling these wells with dirt, evil and sin” says the Lord. “I want you to redig the wells in this nation, to redig the wells of revival and bring about My plans and purposes because” the Lord says “I can’t live with sin. I can’t be in the same place where sin abides because I am holy” says the Lord “so I call you to clean out these places so I can come and shine My glory and power and take the church of this nation and the people of this nation into your prophetic destiny, plan, call and purpose” says the Lord.

Judy Miller – As Barbara was giving the (above) word, I saw an angel stirring the waters. John 5. Norman and Barbara said this was for healing and miracles.


Colleen Burfitt – I saw a lion with tears in his eyes. He was roaring and out of his mouth were coming the nations.

July- Our ministry hosted the Ps 24:7 Asia Pacific Apostolic Prophetic Conference, Parliament House Canberra

A prophetic act at the opening of the conference brought heaven down over Parliament House Canberra and the nations of Israel and Asia Pacific assembled. We opened the gates to the King of Glory and had a coronation ceremony for Lord Jesus or Yeshua. We believe this was the rudder to turn the ship of our nation around. We were exercising our spiritual balance of power. There was prayer and teaching on establishing Godly government in Australia and the nations. We established God’s throne and altar in Parliament House for the 3rd year in a row.

The Opening Prophetic Act

Norman felt the Lord speaking to him for some time that we needed a prophetic act based on Ps 24:7 to open the conference to the King of Glory. As we continued to pray about it, we sensed that we needed to base it on Rev 21 and Ezek 48 and have 12 people to represent the 12 tribes of Israel standing in their gates. We also wanted the 12 apostles, the foundations of the New Jerusalem to stand with them. We prayed for the 12 angels to join us. As we continued to pray, we sensed that the New Jerusalem needed to come down from heaven as part of the prophetic act. 

Colleen Burfitt, assisted by Norman, made a banner of the New Jerusalem and, as we could not arrange for it to be lowered down from the ceiling, Norman unfurled it to a drum roll from Bob Crockford. We really sensed that this brought heaven down over the Asia Pacific region and particularly over Parliament House Canberra. Not only did we open the gates to the King of Glory but Barbara sensed we needed to have a coronation ceremony for Lord Jesus or Yeshua and she prophetically crowned Him King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Norman had opened with blowing the shofar, we did a number of scripture readings and worship songs as part of the prophetic act, Barbara made a decree, the 24 elders knelt and laid their crowns before the throne and Hazel Morgan presented the prayers of the saints to the Lord representing the harp and bowl ministry. Norman also made declarations of our nations based on Isa 62 and Isa 54, declaring Hephzibah and Beulah, that our nations were married to the Lord. He felt that this would change the atmosphere over our nation re the marriage debate.

We had been picking up in the spirit for some months before the conference that we needed to find the rudder to turn the ship of our nation around, the game changer, and that we were the spiritual balance of power. What was the one thing we had to do that we were going into Parliament House for? Barbara had a word just before the conference that we were the rudder. However, she also sensed that the prophetic act itself was the rudder. When we had completed it, taking one and a half hours, we felt what needed to be accomplished in the spirit was done and that we could have gone home. We had a sense of “it is done” (Rev 21:6). When Norman shared in our church service 15/7/12, he saw a crown come down over Parliament House confirming the coronation we had performed.

5.7.12 Another Prophetic Act

Norman Miller – was led spontaneously to do a prophetic act during worship on the last day. He got 3 people to stand in each of the 4 directions – N, S, E, and W and roar in unison 12 times like the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. He then asked Ps Israel to seal it by blowing the shofar 12 times. Apostle George Annadorai sensed that something shifted in the spirit and he gave a prophetic word in 3 parts. We will supply it when it is transcribed. 

Colleen Burfitt – said she saw Parliament House spinning around and it landed in the east and then spun again and landed in the north and then spun again and landed in the south and then spun again and landed in the west and then it spun again and came back to its present location. 

5.7.12 Word over Norman and Barbara Miller by Ps Israel Pochtar, Voice of Judah, Israel at Ps 24: Asia Pacific Apostolic Prophetic Conference 2012

Ps Israel Pochtar – God is preparing you and sending you to Sydney. He has already touched the hearts of some people there who are waiting for you and praying for you. They will join hands with you. It will be a new base and many lives will be touched and new things birthed. You’ll soon be receiving directions as to when God wants you there. Don’t worry that there are some big ministries there. They need you. God wants you in this city (Canberra) as well.

He prayed the blessings from Zion over the nations of Asia Pacific.

5.7.12 Word over Norman and Barbara Miller by Prophet Sharmaine Meek, Melbourne at Ps 24: Asia Pacific Apostolic Prophetic Conference 2012

Prophet Sharmaine Meeks – Son and daughter, the Lord would say you haven’t seen anything yet. Get ready for experiencing NSE &W apostolic and prophetic anointing to a greater level. You are at the end of the old season. You’re ploughing deeper, breaking up the fallow ground. Plough! You are called to NSW, Qld and Victoria and every state of this nation, Asia Pacific and Israel. Break up the fallow ground. I pull out everything that’s tried to plug up their well. It’ll flow out, even to Aboriginal communities. You haven’t seen anything yet. You’re going to have a new level of voice, authority and edicts into the heavenlies. Others don’t understand you but I understand you says the Lord and I commend you for your faithfulness. It’s a new day. 

Dec – Our ministry hosted the 12.12.12 conference at Golden Grove Sydney. Speakers – Norman and Barbara Miller. Attended by Taiwanese Indigenous pastors and many others.

11.12.12 First Day of 12.12.12 conference

Norman Miller – had a vision of an angel stirring a pool for healing as happened in Jesus time at the pool of Bethesda. 

Barbara Miller – saw a treasure chest being opened and tipped upon us, first with coins and then with jewels. 


Ada Koy – said that during the worship, she saw a stairwell come down out of heaven. It was clear and very wide and had a balustrade of pure gold. The stairs were like spun glass and like gold. The Lord was coming down the stairway. He was dressed in white and had a garland of flowers in his hair of roses and myrtles as Jewish grooms do. There was a line of angels on each side.

Ada said that as Barbara made the decrees, Jesus sent angels to bring them to pass. She felt the Lord was saying this stairway to heaven is available for each one of us personally if we would like to take hold of it. But there is a responsibility that rests on us about what we do with it. There is an open gate but we choose whether to avail ourselves of it.

This is an awesome thing so we took some time quietly to wait on the Lord and experience His presence and have one on one time with Him. No doubt He spoke to people in a personal way. It was very precious and special. 

As we sang the “Gate of Heaven”, we did a countdown to 12md with John Morgan as timekeeper and then Barbara declared each decree one by one quite dramatically. After each decree, everyone said “amen, hallelujah” a couple of times and Norman blew the shofar. There was a huge air of excitement at what God was doing in our midst and how special and strategic it was for us to be gathered together in His presence at this time. Then Barbara would declare the next decree and the “amens”, “hallelujahs”, shofar blowing and excitement continued for each decree. There was a sense that a real shift in the heavenlies was taking place. The decrees are available separately. There were a number of prophetic words from Norman and Barbara which need to be transcribed.