2011 Prophecies

23.1.11 Australia Day Word 

Barbara Miller – Vision 

I was seeing a lighthouse and that we are meant to be a beacon. As I was worshipping, I believe the Lord is saying He has drawn the eyes of the world to Queensland and Australia through the floods and through the visit of Oprah. This sounds strange but it is what I heard. I asked the Lord why He would draw the eyes of the world here.


After a time of prayer where I ended with – Lord, whatever You’re birthing in Queensland, I ask that you bring it forth. Whatever you’re doing here You want the world to see, bring it forth.


What I’m sensing is we are coming into a time that is going to be a real turning point. It’s almost as if people are going to say “before the floods” and after the floods” because I believe the Lord has turned this nation around. The impact of the floods will be such that there will be people who will turn their back on the lifestyle that they have had before and they’ll turn themselves in a new way to the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings.

For I believe the Lord would say, yes, I am doing a new thing in this nation. You have had floods before. You have had devastations before. You have had fires before. You have had droughts before. You have had plagues in this land as well – locusts. 

The Lord said it has reached a turning point. You have a choice as a nation whether to go on in the things of the past that have weighed you down or whether you would turn to Me says the Lord and the way that I would show you and the way that I have lighted up before you and the path that leads to Me says the Lord.

For there is a path of destruction that many in this nation follow says the Lord but I would open to you the path of righteousness, the path of justice, the path of compassion. I will open that to you says the Lord. Only turn from your wicked ways and follow Me says the Lord.

And there’s going to be such a turning to Me in this nation that the eyes of the world will be upon it, just as the eyes of the world have been upon this nation in the floods. Just as the eyes of the world have been upon this nation in its devastation, the eyes of the world will be upon this nation in its glory, says the Lord, as you manifest My glory.

As you turn around and turn towards Me, I send spiritual showers on you, showers of blessing on you and the eyes of the world are going to be turned towards you says the Lord. And they will see My great feats and they will know that I am the God who can turn any situation around. I am the God who has light and darkness in My hand. I am the God who has destruction and blessing in My hand. I am the God who has life and death in My hand.

So, seek My hand to bless says the Lord while there is yet time for this nation of Australia and this state of Queensland. Seek My hand while there is yet time for, I propose to do mighty things says the Lord. Only seek Me and you shall see it come forth.


Let us not miss the hour of Your visitation, Lord. Just as a flower opens towards heaven to receive showers of blessing and rays of sunlight, help us to turn our face towards heaven.


Barbara MillerVision – I was seeing a bell and I believe the Lord was saying He was ringing a bell across this nation. And you know how you sometimes judge things and I thought bell? That’s really old fashioned. These days people use computers and mobile phones to get messages across. But just as Muslims use loud speakers for their call to prayer, churches used to use church bells to call people to worship and to call people to come to the service. So, I got a real sense God’s ringing a bell across this nation at the moment.


I believe the Lord would say, yes. I’m ringing a bell across this nation and I’m calling them in. I’m calling them into My house; I’m calling them in to worship Me; I’m calling them to pray; I’m calling them into a deeper commitment to Me. For the time is short and the hour is near and the time will come when I will close the door, says the Lord, to the banquet feast. 

For I would send you out says the Lord, send you out even now in a fresh call to bring My people in says the Lord. Don’t delay! For there is no more delay in My kingdom says the Lord. Be My voices to carry that call out. Help My people to hear the ringing of the bell as I ring it throughout this land. Pray that they will hear My call; pray that they will hear the ringing of the bell. The time is short.

Judy Miller – saw an angel blowing a trumpet and saw a breakthrough. At the end of the trumpet, she saw a bell flower. It was like a voice or breath of God coming out of the trumpet. The Spirit is announcing and we need to hear. God’s word will not return to Him void but will accomplish its purpose.

15.5.11 Dream re Israel and President Obama

Barbara Miller – I woke up on Sunday 15 May 2011 having had a dream where President Obama seemed to be giving a geography lesson and he had a pointer and was pointing to a map of Israel. He was saying that there was a strategic area in the north of Israel near the border and he showed it on the map. It seemed to be on the left of the map. I can’t remember the name of the place but it had a hyphenated name of 3 syllables on each side of the hyphen. On the right side of the hyphen, the lettering was indistinct but something like CAO or BAO. I’m not sure about the first half. I doubt that there would be any name like this. 

Then I saw a large sculpture in 3 pieces, presumably at the location our attention was being drawn to on the map.  The three pieces were like granite or a large grainy stone and it was a moving sculpture. It was alive. The middle stone had a humanlike shape and face but was much bigger than the size of a human and I sensed it was demonic not human. It was somersaulting in and out of the other two stationary stones, one after the other. It would go into one, come out and then go in the opposite direction into the other. They were forward somersaults. I was surprised that the stone on the left, which had a rough opening in the top, had blood spurting out of it each time the human-looking stone somersaulted in and out, like it was alive and hurting from the impact. For some reason, my attention wasn’t drawn so much to the stone on the right-hand side of the somersaulting stone. The dream ended when the centre stone left the stone on the left and did a backward flip instead of a forward flip.

The northern border of Israel on the map Obama showed us looked wavy, a little like the Northern Territory coastline in Australia. It was a long line, not like the pointy top you see on a map of Israel because it was a close-up view. We led a prayer team to pray on Israel’s northern border with Lebanon and Syria late last year.


The day I woke up from the dream was the day that Palestinians commemorate Nakba Day or Catastrophe Day when Israel won the War of Independence after it was attacked by some Arab states in 1948. Each year the Palestinians commemorate this day and Israel prepares for trouble. On May 15 this year, reports say about a dozen people were killed in demonstrations along the Lebanese and Syrian borders by both IDF and Lebanese troops attempting to disperse the demonstrations and prevent border breaches. However, there was a serious border breach in the Golan Heights area bordering Syria. Prayers for Israel and the Middle East went up around the world leading up to and during Nakba Day 2011.

However, why was President Obama in the dream giving a geography lesson re Israel? We were to find out a few days later when he gave a speech saying that Israel should return to its pre-1967 borders in order to secure a peace deal with the Palestinians. This was much further than American policy had gone before. Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu was en route to the USA during the speech and quickly said on arrival that this would make Israel’s borders indefensible.

I emailed the dream to Liz Wright, an intercessor from the Northern Territory to see what the Lord might show her re the interpretation.  Norman and I then went to Canberra so Norman could give a painting he did to commemorate anniversary the apology to the “stolen generation” of Aboriginal people to Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd. While there, we further organised our July conference and I continued to pray re the dream. 

This is Liz Wright’s interpretation

“I believe I have understanding of your dream. The Lord gave this to me in prayer Monday night and I have checked it against the news I have seen.

The Northern Territory coastline border and my subsequent vision of a pointy rock hitting against the coastline and splitting it dividing the land were a clue. I think that the clue was dividing the land and that was the connection with the NT.

President Obama’s geography lesson was him explaining how he believed the land of Israel should be divided along the pre 1967 lines. The stone on the left is the US, the stone on the right is Israel. President Obama and Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu are in talks commenced on 20th May. President Obama explained his division of the land into 2 states Palestinian and Israeli on Thurs 19th while Prime Minister Netanyahu was in transit throwing the stone from the US to Israel (Prime Minister Netanyahu) who rejects US policy throwing the stone back. It is demonic because it is Satan’s wish to divide the land (and ultimately wipe Israel off the map). This will go back and forward. Meanwhile in the US there is pressure from the Republicans and others who have risen against President Obama to say they should stand by Israel and not divide the land this way. I believe the stone will back flip out when Americans push President Obama enough that he does a back flip on this policy.

The stone on the left (US) has blood spurting out each time the middle stone is hurled back to the one on the right (Israel) because in pursuing this policy President Obama is hurting his own nation. Gen 12:3 those who bless you (Abraham-Israel) I will bless and those who curse you I will curse.  I believe we are to pray that Prime Minister Netanyahu stands strong and pressure rises against President Obama in the US and he does a policy back flip.”

Revelation after additional prayer by Barbara

 I appreciate this interpretation very much especially that one stone is the USA and one stone is Israel and it is in the context of Obama and Netanyahu’s exchange. However, from the vantage point of being able to recall what I saw in the dream, it wasn’t so much that each was throwing a stone at each other back and forth, it was something or someone in the middle between the 2 nations impacting back and forth between them and on one stone in particular. As I continued to pray, I sensed that the stone in the middle represents the peace plan between Israel and the Palestinians that has been shaped by human hands. It has actually been going back and forth for many years with the USA propelling the process. Other nations like Egypt have also had a hand in it. We should certainly pray that the back flip seen in the dream occurs such that Obama does not continue to push for the pre-1967 borders and division of the land of Israel. 

The stone which has blood spurting out of it could be Israel and could speak of bloodshed to come over this whole border issue. It could be the USA as we know that Zechariah 12:3 says that “On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.” We also know that the 1967 war reunited Jerusalem and that it is a major stumbling block to a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians who want it as their capital. 

Also, Isaiah 8:13-14 says “The Lord Almighty is the One you are to regard as holy, He is the One you are to fear, He is the One you are to dread, and He will be a sanctuary; but for both houses of Israel He will be a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall. And for the people of Jerusalem, He will be a trap and a snare.” It is important for Israel to seek the Lord’s will re any peace plan and not be trapped into a “land for peace” deal. I sensed in prayer a comparison between former Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and King Nebuchadnezzar. Sharon ordered an Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip. He ordered Israeli soldiers to bulldoze every settlement structure except synagogues and 9,000 settlers were removed under protest. Israel soldiers formally left Gaza on 11 September 2005. In December 2005, Sharon suffered a minor stroke and on 4 January 2006, he suffered a massive stroke and has been in a coma ever sense. This has opened the way for a possible withdrawal of settlers from the West Bank which present PM Netanyahu now has to deal with.

Daniel 4 tells us how he interpreted the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon. The King didn’t heed the warning and judgement came upon him. Dan 4:16-17 “Let his mind be changed from that of a man and let him be given the mind of an animal, till seven times pass by for him. The decision is announced by messengers, the holy ones declare the verdict, so that the living may know the Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he wishes and sets over them the lowliest of men.” Nebuchadnezzar, after the appointed time, had his sanity restored, praised the Most High and was reinstated. We do not know the fate of Ariel Sharon and we know there are differences as well as similarities in the stories. But I think there is a lesson for us here and the Lord brought this comparison to me for a reason.

As I continued to pray, I got the sense that the Palestinians really want to go back to the pre-1948 borders so that Israel doesn’t exist at all and is wiped off the map. There is plenty of evidence for this and it is not new. I think it’s worth stating however that this is behind the pre-1967 border issue. I also got the sense that, though we are called to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Ps 122), there will be no peace until Messiah returns. 


I have been trying to find out the site of the strategic location that Obama was pointing to in the dream. It could be Har Dov as protesters from Lebanon pinpointed this area on Nakba Day. Michael Williams, the United Nations special coordinator for Lebanon said the UN was concerned about the growing tension on the Lebanon border following the Hezbollah arms cache’s explosion and the civilian march Hezbollah arranged into Israeli territory near Har Dov about a week ago. He said these moves were grave violations of Resolution 1701. Israel had exploded a cache inside the Lebanese border which were Israeli arms stockpiled by Hezbollah after the 2006 war. He also asked Israel to remove an observation post near the site of the Lebanese march a week ago to reduce tensions so this observation post would be near Har Dov. The place has 3 syllables X2 but not with a hyphen in the middle of it as seen in my dream. See report from Haaretz 1/6/11 below.

There is a new prayer alert as there is a planned demonstration on the south Lebanon border scheduled for June 5 to mark Nakba Day. There is a concern re a repeat of Nakba Day when Israeli troops fired at Palestinian protesters who marched to Maroun al-Ras at the border, killing 11 of them according to Lebanese sources. See the Daily Star 1/6/11 below. Israeli sources say 10 were killed and it was by the Lebanese army according to army footage they have (Jeremy Last, Jewish News Online 19/5/11). Maroun al-Ras is a hyphenated word, also a possibility for the place in the dream but it is in Lebanon on the border of Lebanon and Israel. Palestinian and Lebanese demonstrators are planning to march to the Lebanese-Israeli border on June 5, where they will set up tents at Maroun al-Ras and at the Khiyam prison.

When we went to the All Nations Convocation in Jerusalem in Sept-Oct, we were able to pray through the above at the International Council of Elders meeting that we are part of and, because of the serious situation in Israel, Ps Tom Hess called an Esther fast.


Barbara Miller – On May 6 when we had our usual morning prayers, I was praying about what God wanted to come out of our Canberra conference and praying we’d be on track with Him and not miss His heart in any way and I had a vision of a see-saw and I was getting the words “pivotal” and “delicate balance”. I then saw Julia Gillard, the Prime Minister on one end of the see-saw and Tony Abbott, the Opposition Leader on the other end and the see-saw was going up and down. I was sensing that the Lord was saying that our conference would “tip the balance towards righteousness in our nation”. 

 We know in the natural that Gillard and Abbott go up and down in the favour of men and women as measured in opinion polls and that there is a delicate balance with the independents and Greens holding the balance of power. We can see the Greens trying to tip us towards unrighteousness as a nation. The praying people of our nation are in a sense praying to tip us towards righteousness as a nation as are Christian parliamentarians on both sides of politics. 

 Praying about this later, I remembered the expression “tipping point” and checked it out after prayer. It’s the idea that little things can make a big difference and how trends are sparked and take hold. Also, we know that governing for Julia Gillard is a balancing act between competing interests as governing always is but more so for her. In July, we see the Greens having the balance of power in the Senate which could make our July conference critical. Last year, we found ourselves meeting in Parliament House Canberra in July just before the August national elections which had been called at short notice and our conference became strategic with its title “The Government of God.”

 We are praying to understand more of what God is saying through this vision and the accompanying words but we know the conference will be strategic in His purposes. 

 Please see the vision and a word about God ringing a bell throughout this nation to bring people into His kingdom and His house. It is a call to consecration and a call to evangelism before it is too late. God forgive me for judging the vision when I saw the bell but after I prayed and the word came, I was weeping with God’s heart for the lost as I delivered it. Please ask God to help people hear the ringing of the bell and to heed it.


Barbara Miller – What I as seeing, as I was praying for our nation and for our conference in Canberra 21-23 July, was the see-saw that I had seen in an earlier vision and it was as if the sins of Australia had weighed down the right side so much it was nearly on the ground. Our sins were piled high and weighing it down. On the left-hand side of the see-saw was Australia’s relationship with Israel and this was on the positive side of the balance but it was not enough to outweigh the sin. 

  I was getting the words “You have been weighed in the balance and found wanting.” So, I looked up Daniel 5. Here we have the writing on the wall by a human hand sent by God. It’s become a saying even in our own language. Why did it happen? The Babylonian King Belshazzar had a feast and he and his nobles drank out of the gold and silver goblets his father took from the temple in Jerusalem. They praised the gods of gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood and stone. The king became fearful.

 Daniel was asked to interpret the writing. V25-28 “This is the inscription that was written:

MENE, MENE, TEKEL, PARSIN. This is what these words mean:

Mene: God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end.

Tekel: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.

Peres: Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians”

 That very night, the King was slain and Darius, the Mede took over his kingdom.

I sensed that this is a word for Australia at the moment – that we have been weighed in the balance and found wanting. The reign of Julia Gillard and possibly the ALP will soon be at an end. I want to stay above party politics but I have to relay what the Lord showed me.

 I shared this with our prayer team last Wednesday morning after receiving it on Tuesday and they witnessed with it. I was praying in our service yesterday morning to give me a confirmation re this word before releasing it to the congregation and a sister who is prophetic confirmed it.

 This is a time to cry out for mercy for our nation. I was studying Habakkuk when the Lord took me to Daniel. Habakkuk was crying out to God because Judah’s rulers were oppressing the poor and he wanted God to bring justice. However, when God showed him He was going to bring the Babylonians against Judah in judgement, he was horrified as he wanted Judah spared from the hands of that evil regime.

 Ezekiel 22:30 God says, “I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before Me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none.”  Let many Ezekiels be found in our nation in this hour to pray for godly people and godly government in this nation. The writing is on the wall with same sex marriage and other issues and we need to be before the throne of mercy. There will be an opportunity to pray corporately on July 24 at the National Day of Prayer in Canberra at the Great Hall Parliament House and in your own churches and cities.

 Also, the Lord has shown us our Ps 24: Kingdom of Heaven in 2011 conference at Parliament House Canberra 21-23 July will be strategic and pivotal in getting this nation back on track. He has told me it will be a tipping point towards righteousness in our nation. 

July – Our ministry hosted the Ps 24:7 Kingdom of Heaven in 2011, Parliament House Canberra

Norman Miller – had the vision for the conference following on from the Ps 24:7 Government of God conference in Parliament House Canberra 21-24 July 2010. Barbara sensed the Lord wants us there 3 years in a row to build on the breakthroughs. Last year at the conference Barbara saw the Lion of Judah dancing on the top of Parliament House which is why David Jack did the wonderful image of the lion on top of Parliament House for our brochure. Norman wrote a new song for the conference about the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Norman has been declaring Isaiah 9:6-7 that the government of Australia is on the shoulders of Jesus every morning in our prayers for about 2 years now.

 Last year, we found ourselves meeting in Parliament House Canberra in July just before the August national elections which had been called at short notice and our conference became strategic with its title “The Government of God.”

Norman Miller – shared Jer 1:10 and said we need to be cautious how we build. God’s spirit will test our foundations. Norman – I saw a vision which Colleen (Burfitt) and I have made into a banner. It had a cross with foundation written under it and justice on the left and righteousness on the right, as the foundations of His throne (Ps 89). Barbara added holiness at the top of the cross and Colleen added peace and joy. 

Ps Noel Mann, a speaker – said he had a dream the day before the conference where the Lord told him to say what He’s called him to say and do what He’s called him to do because it’s an appointed time in God. God said he is calling forth His prophets in this land. So, make room for the prophets. Love them, bless them. Receive a prophet and receive a prophet’s reward. After the dream, the Lord took me, said Noel, to Jer 1:10. When he heard Norman speak about this scripture, Noel said God you’re going to do something in this conference to bring down and uproot certain things. 

Norman Miller – A few months ago, I saw a lion encircling our church. It was giving me a fierce look. I said Lord this isn’t you, is it? It was the devourer, the father of lies. It is playing havoc with the nations with its deception, lying and corruption. God can’t tolerate that. God can’t tolerate the Queen of Heaven. The enemy goes around like a roaring lion but he is really a toothless tiger. 

Norman Miller – said that earlier this year, we had cyclone Yasi, a category 5 cyclone, the most destructive category, heading straight for Cairns at high speed for a direct hit. If you put the name backwards, it is I SAY, the Lord has the last say. The Sunday before the cyclone, the weather bureau had not alerted anybody to it and we were having our service. 

I saw an angel in a vision. It had one foot on the land and one foot on the sea. One hand was raised. I immediately thought of Rev 10 and read it out. Rev 10:1-3 “Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven. He was robed in a cloud, with a rainbow above his head; his face was like the sun, and his legs were like fiery pillars. He was holding a little scroll, which lay open in his right hand. He planted his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, and he gave a loud shout like the roar of a lion. When he shouted, the voices of the seven thunders spoke. V6b-7 ….and said, “There shall be no more delay! But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets.”

Norman said we’ve been sensing very much this year that God has called us to be a voice in this nation and that there is no more delay to the things He wants to accomplish. 

Barbara Miller – I saw in the spirit a line of angels pick up the edge of the cyclone as if it was a sheet and push it back and away from us. The cyclone dramatically turned at the last minute and our city was saved. However, instead of going out to sea, it hit some coastal areas of low population to the south of us. There was a lot of property destruction but no direct loss of life. 

Norman Miller – called the church to come out of Babylon. Rev 18:2-8. V4 “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues”.  This tied in with Norman’s earlier call to repentance on the first night with the story of Jonah being sent to Nineveh, a city in modern day Iraq to call it to repentance.  Norman was impacted by the Lord saying that Nineveh was an important city and felt the Lord was also saying Canberra is an important city. 

Barbara Miller – The Lord put on my heart that we are preparing the way and our conference was part of preparing the way in the spirit and anointing of John the Baptist and Elijah.


Rev Dr George Annadorai – On the final night of the conference, George asked the Canberra people to gather around Norman and I and pray over us and then he released a word over us saying that the Lord had taken us up to a new level. He said:

Cornelius was visited by the apostle and it changed everything for all in the household. Things are about to change dramatically my brother and my sister and this time it’s not just you, Norman and Barbara but your entire household. Your entire household has come before Him, the faithfulness of your family. Your family has come before Him. Heaven is remembering you this day. Your tireless efforts in bringing this message, day after day. Today, not only are you being remembered but your household. And your household is to be blessed as well. Things are about to change dramatically for every member of your household, especially the ones who are here. 

So let this day mark a new beginning for you, Norman and Barbara. Heaven has remembered you and heaven has chosen to reward you this day and so in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we stand here in the capital city of Australia, the heart of Australia, the soul of Australia, the spirit of Australia and within the Parliament House, we call on the government of God to come on you as you seek to establish His government in this nation. (not on tape because it ran out and David had to use a supplementary on his camera, but I remember George declaring that Canberra would recognize us, receive us, respect and honour us). 

The keys are in your hands – open the doors now and walk in. So, Father, seal this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and let not an iota be stolen by the evil one but everything that has been prayed, promised and prophesied will remain intact and it will come to pass. So, Father we are witnesses, we from Australia and the nations are witnesses of this moment of transition as you are catapulting this man, this woman, from where they are, not to the next level but altogether to another level. They’re going to bypass several stages. Suddenly they’ll find themselves in a completely different realm and, as they do, may they remember this day that you God are fulfilling.

You recognize those who are faithful. You remember those who are faithful. You reward those who are faithful. So, thank you Father for remembering. Mordecai did something in his day and time and they thought nobody saw it. Then came a moment the King realized and the time to reward had come. There has been a gap my brother, a gap but God has allowed that gap so that your heart may be tested, that you spirit may be tested, that your faith may be tested but you have stood through all this. Through all this you came through.

That you are standing here in Parliament House is a testimony of your faithfulness and that He is declaring these words over you is a testimony of His faithfulness and so together as a family of God, we celebrate. We celebrate this moment. We celebrate this moment. We celebrate this moment!! Hallelujah, we celebrate! Canberraites, now would be a good time to hug the man and the woman (clapping and cheering in background as Canberra people, who had just prayed for us before George prophesied over us, gave us a hug).