Jan 26, Australia Day Prayer hosted by CFIRP at church in CBD Melbourne
Barbara Miller – I saw a vision at the Australia Day prayer that morning at the Melbourne Town Hall hosted by Catch the Fire and I share it now. I saw a lion in the centre of Australia where Uluru is. It was the Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Jesus). I asked the Lord what the Lion was doing and He said that He was dethroning the ancient serpent from our nation and He was putting the Lion of the Tribe of Judah on the throne of this nation. The Lord gave me Rev 5: 5-6. (This was vital as the purpose of our prayer in Melbourne and simultaneous prayer we had raised up around Australia was to pray break covenant with the rainbow serpent and other idolatry and re-covenant the nation to God.)
Barbara Miller – I believe the Lord would say “See I am opening the heavens over this nation for it is My good pleasure to pour out My Spirit, to pour out My Light upon this nation and a darkness is going to lift from this nation. Where this nation had been bowed down, where this nation has been pulled down, where this nation has been walking knee deep in its sin, where this nation has been walking around in muddy waters, I am going to bring a lifting off this nation says the Lord. I’m going to pour out such of My Spirit as you’ve not seen before in this nation.
But I require repentance” says the Lord. “I require repentant hearts, I require hearts that are turned to Me, hearts that are not looking at what is happening around them, being dragged down by what they see and hear but hearts looking to Me” says the Lord, “hearts that will turn to Me, hearts that will worship Me, hearts that will praise Me and hearts that are repentant and rejoicing at what I’m going to do for surely a great light is coming on this nation” says the Lord.
I just see this incredible light pouring down and streaming down.
July – Our ministry hosted the Ps 24:7 The Glory is Mine in 2009, Cairns. Speakers – Ps George Annadorai, Apostle Prophets Greg and Julie Bailey and Norman and Barbara.
Prophetic Act
On the opening night when 2 silver trumpets, the shofar, a didjeridoo, clapsticks, tambourines and drums ushered in the Levites carrying the ark of the covenant which was taken to its resting place as they stepped slowly to the tune of “For such a time as this”. Before that, however, the Levites stood, carrying it on poles, while an elder of each of the 12 tribes of Israel collected a stone and made a memorial of it. Another Levite carried a satin pillow with a crown on it which was placed on the throne. The flags of the 12 tribes and the 12 gates of Ps Tom Hess’ vision were carried by worshippers. Kneeling, Ps Norman said a prayer and made a declaration that we had crossed over. The song “There is a War” was then played and we all joined in enthusiastically.
Barbara Miller – The word of God came through the prophet Haggai to the next generation, to Zerubbabel, the son of the Governor of Judah (a government leader) and Joshua the son of the High Priest (the church). God wanted the spiritual and civil/marketplace leaders to work together. But he was also calling the sons, the next generation to build. The Lord has put it on my heart that it is time to rebuild the church on the right foundations and to build the church, not our own empires and also to pass the baton on to the next generation.
Prophetic Date
We started our conference on the 21st day of the 7th month. On this day in Haggai’s time (Hebrew calendar), God said be strong (not downhearted, disappointed and depressed) but build for He was with them. He would shake the heavens and the earth and shake the nations & He would fill this house with His glory. The glory of the latter house would be greater than the glory of the former house.
Norman Miller – Jer 1:10 is the call to uproot and tear down wrong foundations and build and plant on right foundations. This was prophecied over Barbara and I in 1996 and has been one of the foundation scriptures for our ministry. We have tackled some wrong foundations in the history of our nation.
Barbara Miller – I received a prophetic word on 14 March 2004 that was based on Dan 12:9-11 “Go your way Daniel, because the words are closed up and sealed till the time to the end.” The Lord revealed to me that it is time for the seal to be broken and this revelation for the end time to be opened up. Just as Daniel recognized it was time for Jeremiah’s prophecy to be fulfilled (Jer 25:11-12) that the 70 years captivity was up, I believe the Lord showed me it’s time for this prophecy to be fulfilled. I submitted this word to the fathers of the prayer movement in Australia – Ps Noel Mann and Noel Bell who both confirmed it. We need to warfare for the opening up of this revelation just as Daniel did for Jeremiah’s prophecy to be fulfilled.
Early this year, I had a dream that Norman and I were in Europe on a train and 2 men said to us, we’ve got to go home. I said why and they said because war has broken out. I said where and they said Teheran. This is the capital of Iran, modern day Persia. When I woke, I was very interested because of my prayers and decrees re Jerusalem and Iran. However, this dream seemed unlikely. However, we’ve had the large-scale rioting since the June 12 elections and a split in the leadership.
Barbara Miller – On the weekend before this conference, I was picking up 3 wars going on in the spirit – warring thrones, warring altars and war over bridal chambers. These wars were for our obedience, our worship and our intimacy. This affects our identity as servants and sons to serve and co-rule, our identity as worshippers and our identity as the Bride of Christ.
In March 2007 at Purim, the Lord showed me to start writing decrees including decrees that reverse the effect of what the enemy has decreed for us based on Esther 8:8. This can be applied to persons, churches, cities and nations
Sept-Oct – Norman and Barbara were leaders of Australia at the All Nations Convocation Jerusalem (ANCJ) and the leaders of Bethany Gate. Also, they were the inaugural leaders of Indigenous Track for ANCJ and on ANCJ International Council of Elders. Meeting with Knesset with national leaders. Lead a 3-day prayer tour around Israel, often to Be’er-Sheva
Barbara Miller – The Lord showed me that just as Jonathan was an armour bearer to David, then Australia is an armour bearer to Israel
Barbara Miller in Prayer Tower – On the third night, the worship led to a prophetic flow and I prophecied over Indonesia, New Caledonia and Australia. Unfortunately, the word for Indonesia was not recorded but someone from New Caledonia took a video of the word for New Caledonia and Australia so we need to get a copy. In a nutshell, the word I had for Indonesia involved them being used like a spearhead to evangelize the Muslim world. I saw them like a lightning rod. I saw revival for both New Caledonia and Australia with the tall poppy stronghold losing power in the latter.