2008 Prophecies

Barbara Miller – The Lord gave me a prophetic word on Australia Day 26.1.08 that He was going to shake the nation of Australia and bring flooding (including the centre of Australia) and economic upheaval. At that time, neither of these things looked likely. Australia was in drought and our economy was doing well. However, towards the end of 20008, we were seeing the drought broken in many places and a global financial recession which has affected our nation. (In January 2009 e.g., torrential rains in NW Qld, swelled Eyre’s Creek and the Georgina and Diamantina River systems so that Australia’s secret river in the heart of the nation was flowing. It is Kallakoopah Creek, a tributary of the Warburton River. Most of the time, this river in the desert doesn’t exist – The Weekend Australian May 9-10, 2009)

Feb – Norman and Barbara went to Parliament House Canberra for the Apology to the Stolen Generations. 

Vision re Rudd Government

Barbara Miller – I saw the Lord with a broom and believe He was saying He wanted to cleanse the nation. I saw a lot of water, even out in the centre of Australia in dry places. I saw a tap turned on. I’ve seen that tap before. I felt that the Lord was saying that the water we’re starting to see now in the physical that he’s going to bring that water in the spiritual over our nation.

I sensed that there was a lot of ground that was unstable under people’s feet. God was shaking things and changing things. I could see Kevin Rudd, the Prime Minister, and sensed that this is a cautious government that wants to bring changes for good for the nation but it’s not really in their hands. It’s in God’s hands. 

God’s going to be doing things that even confound the government. Not because He doesn’t approve of them. He put them there. But they aren’t in control. He is.  So, they’re going to find themselves a little bit in over their heads in some areas because they are not really in control.


I believe the Lord would say – I’ve turned a new page in this nation. I’ve even turned a new chapter in this nation. The old things have gone. The new things have come. But I have set before you as a nation a choice, even as I set it before the Israelites of old in Deuteronomy 28. A choice – obedience or disobedience to Me and as they were obedient to Me, I would bless them and as they were disobedient to Me, I would curse them.

And I set before the nation of Australia this day a choice – choose this day whom you will serve and My blessings will fall upon this nation as you’ve not seen before if you will follow Me says the Lord. For I’m giving you a chance to choose again, as a nation, as a people.

The Lord says I would send a flood upon this nation such as you have never seen before. Even in those places dry and parched. Even where there have been dust bowls, I’m sending a flood. You will see it in the natural and spiritual as well. I am sending a flood on this nation says the Lord. I’m bringing changes upon this nation. I’m sweeping this nation clean. I would show this nation that I am the God of this nation. 

I will bring a shaking and I will bring a shifting and the ground that you stood on before that you thought was firm ground will give away underneath you says the Lord. For you need to have your foundations on Me and not on any other thing. There are many foundations in this nation that are not of Me. I’ll pull the rug from under your feet says the Lord. I’ll shake those foundations. I’ll remove that solid ground under you so you will be confounded and not know what’s happening says the Lord. It’ll be like shifting sands. You need to know that I am the rock of your salvation. Stand on that rock. Your feet will be safe. Your feet will be sure. But if you stand on shifting sands, if your foundations are other than Me, then this will be a time of trouble for you says the Lord. This is going to be a time of great shifting, of great difficulty, of much questioning says the Lord.

For I am going to bring an instability upon this nation. This is a nation that has known so much stability in the past but I’m bringing an instability. I’m bringing a shaking. I’m bringing a rocking to the foundations and try as the new government will to come in and fix those things, says the Lord, it’s not in their hands. It’s in My hands says the Lord. And if they will look to Me, if they will seek My guidance, their path will be sure. They can be sure-footed but if they do not follow Me says the Lord, it will be a difficult path for them. 

Everything is shifting. Everything is shaking. I’m even bringing this nation to its knees. For I would have this nation call out to Me. I would have this nation to worship Me. I’m going to bring an unsettling. I’m going to bring a difficulty upon this nation. You’ve seen it already in the financial markets says the Lord and already in the flooding in the natural in places in this nation. That’s only the start of what I will do. 

For times will become more difficult says the Lord but do not fear for you who are in Me will be safe. Your feet will be upon a rock, safe and secure but there are many who are going to go through difficult times says the Lord. Things will be changing. They won’t have the reference points they had in the past. They won’t know what to hang on to, and at that time, they have the opportunity to call out to Me says the Lord. For I am always there to save. I am always there to catch them. This is a time of opportunity says the Lord. It will be difficult for many but I am presenting a new opportunity to bow down and serve Me says the Lord and be the great nation I’ve called you to be.

Vision re Prime Minister Kevin Rudd

A few days later I had another vision of Kevin Rudd. There was a dyke with holes in it. He had his hand in it trying to fix the holes or leaks but he couldn’t stop the water.


I gave the above word, without the visions re Kevin Rudd as I had typed the word but not the visions, to Therese Rein, his wife, to give to him. This was at Parliament House Canberra when the apology was given to Aboriginal people 13 February 2008. 


While I did spend much time praying about the Lord’s prophetic destiny for Indigenous people in Australia, all I got (but it’s quite a revelation to me, is that Adam and Eve were Indigenous (in that the definition of indigenous people is first nation and Adam and Eve were the first people.) So, the mandate to Adam and Eve is a mandate to Indigenous people as well as to all people. How I came to this is that I was thinking about the welfare reform in the NT and Qld and the Family Responsibilities Commission. God gave Adam and Eve responsibility over creation and a mandate to care for the garden.


Barbara Miller– After more prayer, the Lord showed me that as Adam was Indigenous, and we are all descendants of Adam, then we are all Indigenous. However, some people in Australia have ancestors who are Indigenous to other nations e.g., Britain while other have ancestors Indigenous to Australia. I then saw that because the Indigenous people of Australia are particularly linked to Australia, then they must be particularly linked to the prophetic destiny of Australia. Then I remembered Shorty O’Neill telling me that any Aboriginal people born at Palm Island, even though they are of different tribes, are called Bwgcolman the local tribe. This is a spirit of adoption. I then remembered what the Lord showed me at Uluru when we went with Brian Pickering – the spirit of adoption on the Aboriginal people and on the land. 

I then asked the Lord about the destiny of Australia and got that Australia’s 2 main callings were righteousness and justice and standing beside Israel. Indigenous people need to do this too. William Cooper and Norman Miller and others have done just that. 

Aug – Norman and Barbara spoke at 080808 conference Canberra hosted by Hilary Moroney

Barbara Miller’s word for the 080808 conference – A Clarion Call to the Church in the Nation to Unite (Clarion means clear, inspiring, rousing)

I saw the words “clarion call” and I asked the Lord what for and He said to unite. I believe the 080808 conference in Canberra is a clarion call to the church in the nation to unite. 

He then showed me two very big boulders with a small space in between them. In the space was a stick-like figure of a person holding the boulders back on each side and I believe the Lord is talking about the pressures that are on this nation and the church in this nation.

I believe the Lord would say “Yes, I’m issuing a clarion call to this nation, even a clarion call to the church in this nation for there are forces that are going to come against you in these days. They are dark forces; they are forces that are designed to put pressure on you. They are forces that are designed to crush you.  They are forces that would want to come and divide you says the Lord and I would have a church that is united says the Lord. I would have a church that is focused on Me and not focused on all the pressures that are occurring in the world around you. 

And the Lord would say for a time is coming in this nation where a great fear is going to come upon this nation and there are pressures from abroad and there are pressures from within this nation and you’re going to feel as if you are in a vice says the Lord. You’re going to feel as if things are closing in and closing in and closing in and that you have so little room to breathe and so little room to move but the Lord would say I am there in the midst of it. 

Just hear My still small voice, tune into Me says the Lord and I will give you the strategy for the way out of this situation. Because it’s like things are closing in on you. It’s like the pressures are coming down on you and coming all around you. It looks as if there’s no way to turn for this nation and even the church in this nation says the Lord. But as the church I have called you not to be in the same place that the nation is in. I’ve called you to be a prophetic voice to the nation. You must separate yourselves from what is occurring in this nation so that you can stand apart from it and you can be a voice to it so that you’re not going down and being crushed by the same forces that will crush the rest of the nation around you. 

Those forces are conspiring against this nation at the moment says the Lord. I would have you as a church to separate yourself to seek Me for the strategy, seek Me for the way out so you are not standing there in the same situation, so that you are not standing there trying to keep these pressures at bay but you are standing back from that. In fact, you are on your knees in prayer to Me and you are seeing what is happening, you are hearing My voice and you are speaking prophetically to this nation and you are drawing a picture for them as to what is happening in this nation so that you can lead them out of this situation says the Lord. Because that is what I’ve called you as a church to do – to stand in the gap for this nation, not to be caught in the same vices this nation is caught in but to stand apart. See it to call it like it is; to call this nation to repentance; to call this nation to focus on Me and not on what is occurring around them says the Lord for I am the only way out of this situation.

Look to Me. Do not get caught up in the pressures of the world but look to Me says the Lord and you will find your way out. You will find victory when all else around you looks lost, when everything else is crowding in, when nothing makes sense, when everything is too hard, when everything looks impossible says the Lord. Turn to Me; focus on Me for I have the answer. I am the only One who has the answer. I am the way. I am the only way and life is in Me says the Lord. Any other way is death. Any other way you will perish. But I am the only One who can lead you to life. I am the only One who can lead you to freedom and I am the only One who can lead you to love says the Lord.

For I do have plans and purposes for this nation says the Lord and I would not have you as the church in the nation get off track because you are the ones to provide the even keel for the whole nation to keep the whole nation on track, to keep the whole nation on course says the Lord.

Prophetic Act of Blessing

Norman Miller – Norman and Barbara were blessed to have a 30min segment where we gave a fathers and mothers blessing and led reconciliation. Norman’s prayer:

Lord, we honour and bless the fathers and mothers and we bless the children, the different generations here tonight. We honour and bless the people of different races and cultures here tonight. We bless men and women, boys and girls here tonight. Lord, we bless people of different denominations here tonight. We bestow a father’s and a mother’s blessing. 

We call forth the Elijah’s and Elishas tonight. We call forth an anointing for mentoring, for passing on the baton. And we use these clapsticks to pass the baton on*. We ask the older generation to prophetically pass the baton on to the next generation and bless them.

We call forth an anointing for unity, for reconciliation, for oneness, for forgiveness, for healing, for grace, mercy and compassion. We call forth the fathers heart tonight. Lord this is what it is all about – your heart, the Father’s heart.

Barbara Miller – Norman and I were asked to lead a seminar on “the role of Indigenous people in bringing the kingdom of God to Australia.” In preparing, the Lord showed me that the key strategy was to hold a prayer meeting on Australia Day each year to break covenant with the rainbow serpent and re-covenant the nation to the Lord. We had dealt with it significantly in the past in prayer on the Sydney Harbour Bridge in early 2001 because it had been flashed over the bridge in New Years’ Eve fireworks and in our Healing the People Healing the Land conference at Uluru in July 2005 and on other occasions. As we left Uluru in our buses, two people looked back and took photos of Uluru. When they looked at their images later, the rainbow serpent with its head cut off and its eggs was leaving the rock. It could not be seen in the natural but was caught on camera. As Uluru is believed to be its lair, wasn’t that the end of it? One problem is that Aboriginal people and others continue to worship it and feed it so that is why the Lord has given us this assignment to raise up these Australia Day prayer events and it is a long-term prayer strategy that will gather support. 

 Elizabeth Wright Vision – When we were joined in prayer, all in unity, I saw something like tongues of fire going around and around on the outside of our circle and then I saw standing behind the leaders – Norman, Barbara and Kris what appeared to be 3 huge horsemen carrying 3 flags, one was healing, one was reconciliation and the third was revival and I asked the Lord what they were waiting for and He said they were waiting for you all to finish the prayer and discussion so they can take them out to the nation of Australia to bring about God’s purposes as has been modelled here today at this conference.

Sept 08 Jerusalem Decree on Rosh Hashanah at the All Nations Convocation Jerusalem 

Barbara Miller – Then God stirred me to write the Jerusalem Decree on Rosh Hashanah and release it at the All Nations Convocation Jerusalem in Sept 08. At the International Council of Elders meeting beforehand, an Israeli pastor expressed concern at the Haman-like spirit coming out of Iran funding Hezbollah, Hamas and Syria encircling Israel. They were preparing for war. It was decided to call a worldwide Esther fast to coincide with Yom Kippur and to call forth Esthers and Mordecais. I sensed strongly we needed to also call forth deliverers from Iran in the spirit of Cyrus, Darius and Artaxerxes who would provide finance and military protection for Israel rather than fund enemy armies against them. This may seem way out but the Lord did it before in history and He can do it again. They agreed to add this to the call to fast.