Barbara Miller – A few years ago I was in in Mackay at the COC Church on a Sunday night and the Lord gave me a vision of some Aboriginal women sitting on the ground in Central Australia and they were painting, and they said ‘come over here’ and then it changed to the Torres Strait islander women in the islands, sitting on a woven mat and they were weaving baskets, and they said ‘come over here’, so I said to Norman ‘that must be my Macedonian call’, but we didn’t try to do anything to make that happen, I thought well the Lord will do it in His timing, so I believe our recent visit to Uluru and Alice Springs is part of that, and I believe the invitation to speak to the Torres Strait Islander Women’s Group in Cairns on Monday night is part of that as well, but I really believe that the Lord wants to do something in the Torres Strait.
(We did speak at a conference in Darnley Is, the Torres Strait in 2006 and we hosted a conference in Uluru in July 2005.)
Pam Wordham – In worship this morning I saw what looked like a huge cathedral, and then I saw walking up was this gloriously dressed couple – the lady had on the most gorgeous white dress absolutely studded with diamonds and precious stones, and the man had on the royal purple cloak with the roman-collar. I was asking the Lord what it was that He was saying. He was saying that He had blessed this church and those two people were our Pastors, the Apostle and Prophetess – our Pastors are just so pleasing to our Father and that is how He sees them.
30.1.05 Australia Day Word and Word for Indigenous Australians
Barbara Miller – Many times, when we were in our church in Andrejic Arcade and when we were in Clare Street, I saw the angels ascending and descending on that stairway or ladder to heaven when Jacob was at Bethel and he dedicated that place to the Lord; and I know others of you have seen angels in this place since we’ve been here, and I’ve seen them at the door, lighting up the door, to invite people in. I haven’t seen them this morning but what the Lord showed me this morning, and I actually asked Him for an Australia Day word, in the years past the Lord consistently gives me a word for the nation on Australia Day. And what I saw this morning, it was a map of Australia and in the middle was a light, and that light shone very, very brightly with sparks going out from it, all over the nation, and as I continued to watch it that outline of Australia got smaller and smaller and that light got bigger and bigger, until it took up almost the whole of Australia, and those sparks were going out all over the nations, and I really believe that the Lord was saying that, this year, and in particular He’s going to use ‘Uluru’, that’s going to be a light to this nation, and it’s going to grow and grow, and Australia itself will be a light to the nations, and I just think that’s an awesome thing.
… And I believe the Lord would say, ‘Australia I have you marked out for such a time as this. It is indeed your time. In the year of 2005, you are going to see revival fires right around this nation for I purpose to do it,’ says the Lord, ‘no man will stop Me from doing it, it is your time, it is your time Australia, this is your year, your year of visitation. I purpose to do it, I will do it, none shall stop Me,’ says the Lord. But says the Lord ‘I will use My faithful remnant in this day, those who are pure of heart and clean of hands, I would use you in this day to light that fire, to be that light,’ for surely says the Lord, ‘My light will shine upon this nation of Australia, My light will shine in such a way that all the nations will see it, and they will come to the light, for that light is Me.’ says the Lord. ‘And once I show My light, and once I start My fire in this nation; none shall quench the fire; none shall put out the light; and it will be sustained.’ says the Lord, ‘The revivals have come and revivals have gone, but this one, it shall come and it will remain, it will stay,’ and the Lord says ‘I will send missionaries from the shores of this land, even from among the Indigenous people to the four corners of the earth, for your time has come, your time has come for your spiritual custodianship of this land to be recognized, your time has come for Me to release to you your inheritance.
Your time has come for Me to release you to this nation of Australia and to the nations of the world, for I would surely call you as torch-bearers, as flame-bearers to this nation, and to the nations. For I have said it’, says the Lord, ‘and I will surely do it and none shall stop me.’ says the Lord, ‘Even the vain of heart, even the feint of heart, even those who will not believe, those who rant and rave against Me will not stop Me,’ says the Lord, ‘for this is My time of visitation to you Australia. I will do it. I will surely do it. And I will even use those assembled in this place today, as I will use the remnant of My church in this nation, for I purposed to do it,’ says the Lord, ‘and so be it’. Thank you, Lord, Amen
Judy Miller – What I saw today was on that 2nd last song we were singing ‘Open the eyes of my heart I want to see Jesus’; I saw Jesus descend. He was actually standing up there at the back of the hall there. He was above the table – He wasn’t standing on the ground. He was in the air. He was larger than a man. He was standing there with His white robe, and He was just looking over us. Then when we started singing ‘The gate of heaven – and surely the Lord is in this place’, He stood there, and when we sang ‘and surely there are angels in this place’, I saw all these angels surrounding His feet, and they were on their knees like Norman, and they had their heads lower and their wings were up, so it was just beautiful, they were just around Him, worshipping Him and He was just standing there.
Barbara Miller – The Lord reminded me that this is the Northern Gate, here in Cairns, you will remember a few weeks ago, we had a couple from Wales who came and they brought coal from Wales and they wanted to pass onto us the blessing of the Welsh Revival, and they recently sent us report of their visit to Australia. They did not plan to do any ministry in Cairns at all, this was a holiday before they left for home. They were going to the Eastern Gate in Newcastle, a coal town. But when they came here, the Lord changed everything; you know what happened because some of you were here. And they said that they realized later that this was a Northern Gate. And so, during the praise and worship this morning I was getting “Northern Gate” and Cairns is a northern gate in terms of the international airport we have here. We are the gateway to the nations from the north. The Torres Straight Islands are the gateway in terms of the sea, the northern gateway to this nation. (They left some coal with us as a prophetic act.)
1.2.05 Prayer Meeting
Roger Wall – Praying in tongues –fire up the coast of Queensland and around Australia then a purple (royal) took different shapes then the form of a dove and went over Australia, then some other form – Australia, later like bridges or arches lit up & touching down in different places. A highway, the Lord is making a highway to touch down in different places of Australia to draw different ones out (the called of God). Big Convention or Conference at Uluru & from there some to Israel and back to minister here.
Barbara Miller – (song -tongues) What I was seeing was that there was this earth moving equipment and it was digging really deep, and as I was watching it, I was saying, Lord what are you saying here? And it was like He was saying was that the foundations needed to be re-laid, that He was digging really deep into the foundations so that He could re-lay the foundations of His temple, and rebuild His Temple. And we know that we are the living stones in His temple and He wants to rebuild that on the right foundations, and the other thing I heard Him saying, was once again He would shake heaven and earth – and I’m going to get Norman to come and read that scripture in a moment (Heb 12:25), but I believe this morning that the Lord would say,
“Yes again I am going to shake heaven and earth in this nation of Australia, and whatever is not of Me will be ripped up, will be ripped apart, for indeed I would send My earthmoving equipment in to dig deep into the earth and to remove any foundations in My church, in My body that is not of Me”, says the Lord, “And as I do that, as I establish My foundation for My church, then I will build it”, says the Lord, “on that right foundation, then nothing will move it, nothing will shake it, “but says the Lord, “whatever can be shaken will be shaken in the days to come and you will see My hand move across this nation, and whatever is not of Me surely it will be shaken, says the Lord, surely it will be removed, surely it will be dug out, for nothing will stand against the power of My presence that is not of Me, and whatever rears its ugly head against Me even in My church in this nation, says the Lord, will not be able to stand the power of My presence, and will not will be able to withstand My hand when I move against it”. says the Lord, “for what I build no man will tear down, but what man builds I will tear down,” says the Lord, “not to hurt you,” says the Lord”, “but to build a sure foundation and to build a temple of praise to Myself in your very hearts and in you as My temple, My living stones.”
Cheryl Weiden – I just saw “Burn,” our hearts have to be for the Lord. And with that burning comes that cleansing, comes the purifying, comes the holiness. And I just saw as we present our hearts to Him, that He will do the burning, He will do the cleansing. And we can’t burn with the fire of God, unless all of that dross is gone. All of that junk is gone. We just have to allow Him to burn it up. I just could see us presenting our hearts to Him, to allow Him to do it, with His fire. And I just remembered the words, and I think it may have been Wesley that said it, “When the people burn with the fire of God, people come to watch them burn”. Then I just saw, like when you’re out in the bush, and you have a 44-gallon drum with holes in it, full of wood, and you put a fire in it and people will sit around it. I just had the words “It’s cold out there! It’s cold out there!” And people will come and sit around these drums of fire, to warm. And I could just see these drums of fire, with people gathering together, and coming around to get warm. I could just see it all around the nation. There were these drums of fire, with people, many people coming together.
Then I could see like these spot fires all around the nation. And then I saw Uluru, and it was like spontaneous combustion. The heart just (Whoosh). It just caught on fire, and with that, the whole nation of Australia, it just caught on fire, and it was like a spontaneous combustion, going out. But with the fire, it’s a white-hot fire! And it’s a white-hot fire that purifies. If we try to whip up the fire ourselves, if we try to do the fire ourselves, it would be like a rubbish dump that is set on fire, and it smoulders, and it’s a stench, and it’s a stinking, but with the Fire of God, it’s white hot, it’s quick, it’s spontaneous, and it just does a purifying work.
(We hosted a Ps 24:7 conference Healing the Land, Healing the People at Uluru in July 2005. It is also a key Indigenous gate)
10.4.05 Thomas Manton, UK visiting TOD Cairns
The Lord’s been talking to me for Australia, that He’s going to move by His mighty hand, and even in the governments, even in the political capital of Canberra, Canberra, I don’t know how to say it yet, but I can spell it but I don’t know how to say it. Amen. I asked if the capital was Sydney. Shows you I know a lot about it, I’m on the other side of the planet from where I live. Amen. But Jesus said to go to the utter most parts of the earth, so it’s an honour and privilege to go all around the world for Him. We’re now in our 6th continent of the world. We’ve been in all 6 continents, and our ministry has truly become global, so it’s really exciting to be here in Australia. Somebody say, “Australia shall be saved!” Do you really believe that?
And I saw some scandals that would literally come out in your media headlines, and it will just be such a disruption, because God said there’s a seed of Satan that’s there, and He’s going to begin to uproot in the next 24 months. This is now April 2005. Before 2 years’ time, it will be happening in all through the next 2 years, there’ll be political battles and fights. I even saw after that further, (let me finish that); and scandals that will literally come out of your media headlines. God said He’s going to infiltrate Australia, even through the government. See sometimes we’re on the ground, the ground troops; the church. Amen. But we’re fighting our little battles in our towns and villages and cities, but God has to hit it from the top. If you really want to take a nation you have to remove things from the high places. Amen.
And one thing the Lord spoke to me this last year for India. I heard a report that 100 churches were burned in Sri Lanka in one season, like a month’s time and they killed pastors and killed people. This is the kind of stuff that doesn’t hit the headlines. But the Lord spoke to me and said I’m going to infiltrate India from the top down. And even if they don’t convert from being Moslem or Hindus, still I will make a place for My Gospel, and more freedom for Christianity. After that Benny Hinn went to do a Crusade there and they said millions of people came, and even the government was appeasing him in some of that thing. This was a fulfilment of the Word of the Lord. And that’s just the beginning. Can you say Praise the Lord? He said he met with some of the top actors in Bollywood and led them to the Lord, and they didn’t know anything about Jesus. So, God is moving.
He’s going to do the same thing in the secular society here in Australia, and even more. And I saw further that God was going to save celebrities, amen, newscasters, sports celebrities, actors, actresses, political leaders. God is going to infiltrate this land from the top down, and their testimonies are going to go out to many people. We’re going to begin to see a movement out there in the world. How many know that it’s not just for us here in the church, but we need to see it happen in the world. And that’s the place where the church is usually most the scared to go, but that’s where God wants us to go. Amen.
I know of one prophet in America who now is meeting privately with a lot of Hollywood actors, I mean major stars. Amen. And he’s talking about you know Steven Spiegel was touched by the Lord and Arnold Schwarzenegger is next. And God’s been talking to me about some of these people. I don’t know who all of your celebrities are, in Australia, I don’t know them by name. This is a different far-away place for me here. But I just want to tell you mark it down, when you begin to see their testimony come out, it’s going to do something awesome. Can we lift our hands and pray for that? The whole nation is going to be shaken by revival.
I was down in Townsville, preaching about a week ago, we did a three-day meeting there; then I did a Resurrection Conference out in Mt. Isa. Right across from the big mine there, is the great church there. And the Lord began to show me a portal in the Heavens opening over Townsville and something is shifting in that place. In Mt. Isa we saw it there. We were in another place, another church and we saw it there, and literally the Glory began to come out in the photographs that were taken. God is shifting something in the Heavens and something’s about to happen that we’ve never seen before. How many know if it comes the way we saw it before, we’ll just say, “Well that the way it’s always done.” But if God comes and does something fresh and new, amen, we’re going to get excited and the people are going to get excited. Amen, Praise the Lord. Clap your hands if you want to, it’s all right.
I also saw in Mareeba, up over the mountain there, you know Mareeba. You know where that is? That way? That way! I’m learning my way around here. I saw, the Holy Ghost said a sign is going to be given there. The first 10 seconds of my opening prayer when I was at a church there; the Lord said, “A sign is going to be given in this place”. And then I began to hear after that, some people were telling me there are great prophecies over Mareeba. How many know Queensland, amen, is not just for the wallabies and the kangaroos and all of the critters you have here. I never saw so many animals in my life. It’s wonderful. How many know it’s for all of God’s people to get touched? In Jesus’ Name. Amen. Father we give you praise for Your touch of visitation in this land.
Barbara Miller – I saw a gold and red scepter being pointed down towards me – it was very ornate and had a red and gold crown on the end of it. I wanted to be sure I was not just imagining this and I asked God for confirmation. I felt He reminded me of Esther and I was just so overawed in my spirit that I just cried as the vision unfolded – was shaken in a way I’ve never been with previous visions. I could hardly talk to explain it afterwards.
I touched the tip of the scepter as Esther did and I felt the Lord was saying ‘you can have up to ½ my kingdom’ – I know Esther asked for the physical lives of the Jewish people under Medo-Persian rule, and I decided to ask for souls – Jew & Gentile.
Because I’d just been reading about Evan Roberts asking for 100,000 souls before the Welsh Revival, I asked for 100,000 souls. I then remembered the vision “ask of me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance”, so I asked for Australia, the Pacific and Asia, but I made a special request for Europe and the UK because of the falling away from Christianity there and the rise of Islam. I also asked for Israel and the Middle East including Iraq and the Palestinian Authority. Then why not Africa and North and South America and Russia. I didn’t want anywhere to be left out.
I asked God to download passion and burden for the lost to our church and me. I said, ‘Lord, years ago when Norman and I asked you to give us a love for Israel and the Jewish people you did it instantly. Though it grew, I asked the Lord to do the same thing now for souls to be saved. I was quite overcome with all of this – I also told God I would be prepared to pay the price just as Esther did. I also asked the Lord to help me enter His rest so that I would not be worn out. I slept better that night than I usually do – such peace and rest.
One thing that remains in my mind (as I can still see it clearly a week later) is how huge the scepter is. Much bigger that a scepter used by an earthly King would be, but I didn’t have to hold it, God did. Also, the crown on the end is beautiful.
22.04.05 Friday
Cheryl Weiden – Saw in the spirit a little tugboat towing a huge ship. As I looked the huge ship became the nation of Australia. It was being towed surely and steadily forward. Had the impression that to undertake such a huge task, the tugboat needed to be in peak condition, having all the maintenance fully up to date. As they continued on, I could see the tugboat steering the ship through all these dangerous pathways. There were very high jagged cliffs on either side and the way was very narrow. Without skill the ship could very easily hit the cliffs. At times there were only inches of leeway. Other places there were mines, that were very hard to see, but the tugboat very skilfully manoeuvred the ship through. The captain of the tugboat couldn’t see the mines, but was directed through by the ships communication system: An unseen voice of authority. As the ship was being towed onward, I saw what had been a barren land, springing up with people: Like plants popping up out of the ground. As they went onward, they began clapping and cheering and jumping up and down in joy and excitement. As one voice they shouted, “Holy! Holy! Holy!” I looked to see where they were headed and up ahead was the most beautiful glowing golden city. I got the words, “Celestial City.”
15.5.05 Re trip to Malaysia and Thailand and trip to Aurukun
Barbara Miller – During the praise and worship I was asking the Lord for a word for our coming trip to Malaysia and Thailand, and all I saw was a purple flower. I was waiting on the Lord and saying what was the purple flower all about? And all I was receiving was that purple represents royalty, and the flower was in full bloom, and I got a sense that the Lord was saying that we are going to come into more of a kingly anointing during that particular trip. I know Mum has been praying a lot about that and I could see a purple robe as well, and coming more into full bloom with that. And then as I waited for a while, I also saw a mosque with the golden dome on it, and I saw that it was under our feet. So, at some stage I believe that the Lord is going to bring us to a position where He has us to have an influence of asserting some authority over that Islamic spirit. Praise the Lord I do not know how He is going to work that out.
And I also asked the Lord for a word for my trip to Aurukun this week because I am going Tuesday, coming back Thursday, and all I could see was a shovel and some very hard ground and very little dirt being dug up by that shovel, and so I said Lord it looks like it is going to be a hard road. And then as I was watching and waiting on the Lord, I was seeing the dig, dig, and I remembered that song that we had for our redigging the wells conference a couple of years ago, and it was starting to come to me, and I felt the Lord was saying there is a well under your feet, dig it. So, it is going to be well worth the hard slog with the hard ground and digging because the Lord has a precious well that He wants to release in Aurukun of His anointing. So that word will keep me going through the difficult times there with Aurukun. Praise the Lord.
8.5.05 Bethany Gate APPA conference prophecies
Barbara Miller – What I was seeing was like a canoe coming from New Zealand towards Australia, and people would have expected it to land in Sydney Harbour near the Opera House. I could see the Opera House. But the Lord decided to send it to Cairns instead for His own good purposes.
Pam Wordham – While the tape was being played and whatever, I didn’t see – I had my eyes shut, and I saw Australia, and right in the center I saw, it was almost like a bomb was thrown into it, it was a light, a huge shaft of light came down into the center of it and exploded, and next thing I saw was the whole of Australia became white, then it sent sparks and light shafts over to Africa, then the continent of Africa became light, then it sent shafts over to India and Pakistan and the whole of that became white. So, I thank you Lord that you have planned not only for Australia to be revived, but Africa, India and Pakistan. I asked the Lord about other countries, but He said ‘No’, and that was all I saw at this time.
17.06.05 Friday Harvest Time!
Cheryl Weiden – In the Prayer Room, I see Australia filled like a whole paddock of ripe wheat. I hear the words shouted, “Build the vats! Build the vats! Make ready the room for the grain storage! Hurry the work Make the vats ready!” I see huge grain silos standing amongst the wheat. The wheat is so ripe that it seems the grain is nearly popping out of the heads. Sense of urgency! On the horizon is a gathering storm and it is paramount that we get the grain into the silos. In the opposite direction is a line of huge harvesters. They give the impression of battle tanks: Armoury that is ready for business and nothing will stop the work. Nothing will defeat them. The grain will come off and into the vats and nothing will stop the work. The harvesters slowly start rolling forward, but they are so lined up, proceeding that it is a completed work.
Barbara Miller – I was actually praying and asking the Lord for the Sons of Abraham Conference in Sydney hosted by Ps Jack Yeo, as we leave on Tuesday morning and come back the following Sunday night. Rather than giving me a prophetic word, I believe He gave me the word that He wants me to bring in the message down there which I’ve been praying about, particularly last night – and what He was saying to me was like, ‘Adam was the first man and God had a covenant with him, and then when He wiped away mankind with the flood, Noah became the first man, and God had a covenant with him. But in terms of the spiritual heritage of Israel and Christians, it’s like Abraham is the first man, God had a special covenant with Abraham and it was generational, with Isaac and then with Jacob, and there’s something very special in that about our spiritual inheritance, as well as the inheritance of the people of Israel as the physical sons.
We know that we’re the spiritual sons and daughters of Abraham, but then it was interesting that He was showing me that even with Ishmael, one of Abraham’s sons, while he didn’t receive the covenantal blessing, still received a blessing. We actually don’t have the Church talking about God’s promise to Abraham to bless Ishmael and his seed and God’s reassurance to Hagar about how He was going to bless Ishmael. So, I believe that the Lord wants me to share about that at Sydney at the Sons of Abraham Conference.
Cherry Florence – (Presented us with a large banner she made.) Whenever this banner is lifted You shall be glorified, the Lord Jesus Christ, Jehovah Nissi, Yeshua, Messiah, Yeshua Ha Machiach, You Father indeed will be glorified, glorify Yourself Father in this nation. Let revival flow Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, it’s your heart’s desire Father, and Lord in Your heart is the full, fullness and the purpose and the plan that You have concerning this day. Mark this day says the Lord, mark it, mark it in your heart, it’s a very important occasion. Thank You Father, we honour You, we honour You. We’ll just go this way, you go that way and we’ll show them what’s on the back. And Moses asked Father God, he said ‘and who do I say who sent me when I go?’ and the Lord said, Exodus 3: ‘say that I AM has sent you, I AM that I AM’ the name of God. So, Father we give You praise and we give You glory. Thank You Lord.
I’ve just got a prophetic word: I see three roads coming to a cross point and then I see a bridge and then I see a most unusual thing about this bridge because it’s actually the bridge over which the Lord will take you, to release you into the God appointed places, people groups, nations that He will be calling you into, and it’s an extraordinary thing I see – the bridge, the end of the bridge here which starts from the intersection here where these three roads meet, it’s on a pivot, it’s pivotal, it’s a pivotal bridge – it’s swinging to the left, and then I see it swinging out here, and then it can swing back here, and the pivotal point is right here in Cairns, but it’s over this bridge you will go, and God is going to connect you, He’s going to connect You, He’s going to connect you to people groups….you’ve not even been in communication with, He’s going to connect you into nations and take you into nations via this bridge, it’s an incredible thing, and He’s going to be connecting you, and connecting you, and connecting you, many people worldwide are praying for this very time and for Uluru, and you’re going to be especially connected to the native Americans, you’re going to be specially connected to the people of Israel – Jerusalem, this banner is the instigation of the purposes and the plans of God, the revival is going to be released in many places throughout this nation, God’s rivers of living water are going to flow, and flow, and flow.
So, remember it’s a connecting time, divine appointments, and God is going to bring the release. And He is saying don’t be concerned with the lack of finances, don’t be concerned, He says, make your concerns made known to Him, it’s like you are going to be able to speak and utter the prophetic utterance and the provision is going to be there, and you’ll lack for nothing, and those things you’re thinking concerning ministry, concerning the comings and goings ‘Oh it would be good to have.’ Well, He says, make your requests known, all provision is going to be released to you, and I believe we need all the most, the best equipment possible, and because we’re ambassadors for Christ and we’re glorifying Him, and so Father we thank you that you’ll cause the finances to flow in an unprecedented manner in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
And I ask this, and I request your permission ‘may I anoint your feet with His holy oil?’ ‘Yes’. We just give Him all the glory.
I did just forget one thing – This Banner – and I’ll be very quick here, this Banner, it is symbolic of a King’s Robe, it carries Royalty – the Gold represents God’s Sovereignty and Glory, and around here we have interwoven colours that represents the Twelve Tribes of Israel. We have Healing for the Nations with these Leaves here. This is a White Dove Feather and it is symbolic of the Holy Spirit. The Purple represents Royalty and Kingship. The four-foot drop represents the Creation – the whole Creation. The seven-foot width says completion and perfection, and when this is captured in the light – you can think of the rainbow, He’s our Covenant God, but it also represents jewels of the Crown, so I just wanted to share that with you, God bless you, thank you Father.
September 05 Bethany Gate APPA conference prophecies
Barbara Miller – I saw a canoe and it represented the whole Pacific and each nation had a set of oars and needed to row together in unity but I got the impression that Australia, and to a lesser extent New Zealand, was overtaking the other nations. It was a sense of raised shoulders but its meaning was clear. The Lord was saying to me that unless Australia realizes it is part of the Pacific and rows the canoe in unison with the other nations, then the Pacific as a whole will not come into its full destiny in Him.
30.9.05 Bethany Gate APPA conference prophecies
Barbara Miller– I saw a jewel in a crown, now this was about a week ago, (18/9/05) but there are some people here, I think need to hear this one. I saw a jewel in a crown, and later some Pacific Islanders carrying a rather large; imposing King, and the word I had was ‘I’m speaking to you, the Pacific and Australia as part of the Pacific – and you are a jewel in My crown’. Amen! ‘Just as you Islanders had kings in the Pacific and carried them, I’m putting a Levitical anointing on you, and you will honor Me and carry My presence to the nations of the earth, even to Israel – just as the Levites carried the Ark of the Covenant in days of old.’ Amen, praise the Lord.
30.10.05 Bethany Gate APPA conference prophecies
Barbara Miller– We had been praying for more confirmation that we were to host the Bethany Gate APPA in Cairns in 2006. I felt the Lord say this conference is like the Promised Land for us. While there are giants in the land, we need to be like Joshua and Caleb and go in, because this is something God has called us to do.
The second vision was about the canoe which was given in New Zealand to Norman and I and brought back to Cairns to host conference next year. The canoe was beached on rocks but the Lord said that was okay, it has simply come to rest here. It then changed to the Ark of Covenant and the Lord was saying to me ‘Don’t let it go into the home of Obed Edom. It needs to stay in your house. I believed the Lord was saying this is a mantle for you and your ministry; don’t give it away, keep it; it’s going to be a blessing to you. The Ark of Covenant represents Gods Glory.
Barbara Miller – It’s not burdensome for you, says the Lord, but something that will be a joy to you, something that will uplift your spirits, says the Lord, for I have deposited much within you, says the Lord, there is much manna in you, and the Lord says, I will have you to share it out, I would have you to deal it out, for your time has not yet come, says the Lord, I have plans and purposes for you, and the Lord says, I will just call you into even more of a mentoring role than what you have had in times past, says the Lord, and I’m even putting a gathering anointing in you that you would gather ones to yourself, that you would impart to them in this day, for the Lord would say, for I have things that I have planned, things that I have purposed, says the Lord, and I have not left you out of these things even for this region up here in North Queensland, says the Lord, that even you shall play a pivotal role, says the Lord, so I would have you gather them in and I would have you in that role of supporting, that role of mentoring, that role of building, says the Lord, and the Lord says, you’ve known many breakthroughs, it is a time now for building upon the breakthroughs, says the Lord, for I am building My church in this region, says the Lord, and what I purpose to do in this region, says the Lord, will absolutely astound the whole world, so watch for it because it will soon appear and you will be a part of it. Thank you, Lord.
Barbara Miller – What the Lord was showing me during the praise & worship, was and it’s probably just for myself, I saw a feather pen and it was inset in gold and it was on a desk, and there were some papers on the desk – they were starting to sort of kind of just blow off the desk. There was a clock on the desk, and even as I see it now, the clock is in gold, but I felt what the Lord was saying to me was ‘that time was running out to do the writing that I’ve called you to do, and it’s been on my heart for many years to write things down but time has been an issue for me, so I just believe that the Lord is speaking to me personally that time is running out to do that writing, and so Lord I just pray this morning that you would help me to find the time to do what you’ve called me to do.
4.12.05 Bethany Gate APPA conference prophecies
Norman Miller – “like doves to their nests, surely the islands look to Me. In the lead of ships of Tarshish bringing your sons from afar, with silver & gold to honor the Holy God of Israel, for He has endowed you with splendor.” He’s talking about the ships, and it’s a prophetic, end-time prophetic picture of what God is doing and speaking of nations, where He’s bringing His covenant children home. I believe that God is bringing a preparation from the ends of the earth, just as the Gospel was brought forth from Jerusalem and goes down to the ends of the earth & Australia is like the ends of the earth, along with the islands, but there is a preparation – God is calling you and me to prepare the way…
What I was also seeing while I was standing there, I began to just see ships and I don’t know if the Lord is speaking to someone that will prophetically sail from the island of Vanuatu, maybe that’s prophetic, maybe that’s just something where the Lord may have, maybe a Christian right there, that they’re prophetically going to sail to the shores of our city, to the inlet of our city, because I began to to see ships coming in, I began to just see the flotilla, I began to just see small boats, and I believe that next year, and I just believe that God is just laying it upon the hearts of those to prophetically sail from the shores from Vanuatu and other nations, to come to our shores, to come to the borderlines, to come into the city, to come into the inlet of this city. We know of a boat ministry in Sydney and we’ve been praying how to get our conference over the sea to Yarrabah.
Jane Michail, one of our intercessors, described her Saturday morning prayer in our Sunday morning service after Norman had shared – Yesterday morning, when we started praying over the city, the Lord said ‘pray about the boundaries – the sea coast, and we went up to the wharf, and it’s just what Norman’s talking about this morning. The Lord got us to pray over two big boats, and the bottom of one boat there was a whole lot of fish, and He was saying ‘this is the harvest’, and there was a helicopter above that was filming, and we didn’t know that, but the Lord was saying that that was the reconnaissance that was going out beforehand. Then there came a along a flotilla of boats and God was saying to us – ‘this was the ministries that were going to go out from Cairns into the harvest, and there were about 40 or 50 boats and Yarrabah was on one side and Cairns was on the other.
It was like He was saying ‘these are the headlands’ in the spirit, these are the headlands, and the interesting thing was that the men were at the head, at the helm in all these boats that were going out, and the Holy Spirit anointing was so strong, and the Lord was just really speaking to us about the boats., and also about these two boats – to claim them for us as Bethany Gate to go over to Yarrabah, and that the boats were representing this ministry to go out into the harvest, and there was a huge release of joy and victory. We had just a, just a sense of God’s victory – we were on the wharf area, like one of these boats had even a helicopter, and we felt we had to claim all that as well. It was part and parcel of what God was doing, and the Lord gave me the ‘vessels of honor’ scripture to mind. I just wanted to share that, because it was just what Norman was talking about. We know that one of those boats was called ‘Serenity’ and Lord I believe that was significant.