2004 Prophecies

Australia Day word was on Jewish-Gentile Reconciliation and is not transcribed. However, this word is – 14.3.04 re the three Daniels      

Barbara Miller – This is probably a fairly unusual word the Lord has given to me this morning. As we were praising and worshipping, what was coming to me is that it’s amazing that in this nation at the moment we have 3 Daniels that the Lord is working through.  Now two of those are Daniel Scot and Daniel Nalliah, who some of you have been praying for. And you will know that there is a court case against them by the Islamic Council of Victoria under the new Racial and Religious Vilification Act that is being tested. The other one, Daniel Shayesteh, is going to be traveling around Australia, as Norman mentioned earlier, in the next 2 or 3 years with the Australian Prayer Network trying to alert the nation to the issues raised by Islam. 

And I was saying, “Oh Lord! 3 Daniels!”  And the Lord just quickened to my spirit that it is the time! We’re about to see the time very soon that the seal on the Book of Daniel will be opened. And I think that’s amazing! And I was saying, “Lord are you sure this is just not me?” But I do believe this is something the Lord was saying. So, have a look at Daniel 12:9. Remember that Daniel received an angelic visitation that showed him what was going to happen in the end of times. This is what the angel said to Daniel:

“Go your way Daniel, because the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end. Many will be purified, made spotless and refined. But the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.  From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up there will be 1290 days. Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1335 days. As for you, go your way till the end and you will rest and at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.”

I believe that the Lord is saying that we are seeing the time of that seal being broken and the revelation given to Daniel at that time, being opened up. With what the 3 Daniels are doing in Australia, I believe the Lord has put a strong commission upon each of them. That they will in fact be involved also in the opening up of that kind of revelation. And as I was continuing to wait upon the Lord, I said, “Isn’t Daniel the one who understood from Scripture when there was another time that you were in fact fulfilling, and he prayed for that to be fulfilled? And the Lord said, “Yes!” So, you’ll find that here in Daniel 9:1-3:

In the first year of Darius, son of Xerxes (a Mede by descent), who was made ruler over the Babylonian kingdom – in the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, [That’s what I’m doing right now!]   According to the word of the Lord given to Jeremiah the prophet [So I’ve been reading the word of Daniel the prophet] that the desolation of Jerusalem would last 70 years. So, I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, and fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes. I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed…

And what happens there, it’s a beautiful prayer of identificational repentance, where Daniel stands in for the sin of the nation and we know that he spent a long time in prayer and fasting before the answer came. And we see that over here in verse 20-23: 

While I was speaking and praying, confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel and making my request to the Lord my God for his holy hill – while I was still in prayer, Gabriel, the man I had seen in the earlier vision, came to me, in swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice. He instructed me and said to me, “Daniel, I have now come to give you insight and understanding. As soon as you began to pray an answer was given, which I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed. Therefore, consider the message and understand the vision.”

Now he goes on to talk about that. And we know that if we look down here to Daniel 10: 12-14, we see the reason why it took a while for that answer to come because there was a struggle in heavenly places.

Then he continued, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me 21 days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia. Now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future, for the vision concerns a time yet to come.” 

And so there he goes on to give the revelation except for that bit that was closed up for a future time, which I believe the Lord is saying is now. And I think for us this is a call to pray. Because just as Daniel recognized from Scripture the time from the prophecy of Jeremiah. He said, “Wow! The 70 years is up! The time is NOW!” He didn’t just say, “Oh well Lord, you’re going to do it, I can sit back and relax!” No! He went into prayer and fasting. He said, “Lord, your Word through Jeremiah says! “This is the time for the liberation of your people that you have set forth. The answer came straight away from the Lord, because Daniel was a man of prayer and fasting. But there was a struggle in heavenly places between good angels and bad angels (very high-level angels. Very high-level angels!) for 21 days until that answer came through. 

But we need to continue to pray because some of us have been praying prayers that have already been answered. Already been answered. Some of you don’t know that your prayers have already been answered. Prayers for your families. Prayers for this city. Prayers for this nation. Even prayers for Israel. God has answered those prayers, but there is still a struggle going on in heavenly places, before you will see the physical result of that answer. So, do not give up! Continue to pray until you can see the physical manifestation of that prayer. 

And I believe that the Lord is saying to us this morning that He’s giving us the charge, that just as Daniel prayed for the prophecy of Jeremiah to come true, we need to pray now for the opening of the books that was promised to Daniel. We need to pray that the revelation that was sealed until the end of time is opened in God’s timing. That it is the time for the opening of that revelation. So that is a prayer challenge for us here. And probably I need to pray about how practically you can do that so that you don’t get on too high a level of spiritual warfare when you pray. You need to pray at a level that you’re comfortable with. Even if you just say, “Lord what You say in Daniel 12:9, Lord, we just ask that you will fulfill your Word.” Just a simple prayer like that. “Lord, we believe your Word. We ask You to fulfill your Word!” We can all do that! 

And as I was praying and thinking about the Prince of Persia, here, what the Lord also quickened to me was that Daniel Shayesteh, who’s going to be traveling around Australia is actually from Iran. The ancient name for Iran is Persia. So, I believe that the Lord has also sent us a Christian of Persian decent to this nation, because the Prince of Persia is operating over this nation. And there’s going to be a spiritual battle going on over the next 3 years, as the Australian Prayer Network moves through the nation and we need to support them in that, as they go through the nation and open people’s eyes to what God wants to do in these last days. 

Daniel Scot, one of the ones fighting the court case in Victoria is actually from Pakistan, and I think Danny Nalliah is from Sri Lanka. But I believe that God is using them as well. And the Islamic people are saying that they have a claim to Australia before Christianity even came here, because of the Afghan camel handlers that were in the heart of this nation. So, we really need to be aware of the strategies of the evil angels, and we need to be aware of what God is putting in place to deal with that and what the Lord’s strategies are, so that we can pray with that. But I believe this is a very significant word from the Lord this morning and He wouldn’t reveal it to us, unless we were going to be involved somehow in its fulfillment. But certainly, pray because God’s doing exciting things in these times. Praise the Lord!

NB This is a word with some context with it for listeners in our church service. It is transcribed from a tape.

5.09.04 – Father’s Day

Barbara Miller – Esther 8:1-5. As the King held the golden scepter towards Esther, so she arose & stood before their King & the Lord began to just put this in my heart, put this in my spirit.  He said I would give you an honourable house in this city, nation & nations.  Councilors, Mayors, Governors and yes even Presidents & earthly Kings will know of you.  What I call you to do and you obey and you respond; you will truly see a Godly aligning in immeasurable ways.  All glory is mine, you’ll be amazed, yes even standing in awe of the spiritual climate that is beginning to change, yes even now, sayeth the Lord.  And I believe it was just something that God is beginning to just shift things right before our eyes.  Things that we may not hear of, but major, major changes are coming.  And before this year we’re even going to see more and more changes of God doing awesome things in the days that lay ahead, especially for the Church.  As we fix our eyes and our hearts towards Him God is beginning to give us His favour and let us stand fast in the presence & favour of the Lord Almighty.  Thank you, Lord.


Barbara Miller – I’ve seen your heart says the Lord.  I’ve heard your cries and surely, I’ve heard your prayers, says the Lord, in this place.  You’re coming into such a time, says the Lord, when the overflow of My love will be upon you, when the overflow of My abundance will be upon you, and people will come and people will weep and people will cry out and they will see Me, says the Lord.  In this place they will see Me.  They will hear Me and they will be changed for I am bringing such a wave of My Glory on this place as you have never seen and with it, the souls will come tumbling in.  Many will just fall into this place, they will wonder why they even came here, but I will bring them, says the Lord, surely, I will bring them.  You have prepared a place.  You have positioned yourself.  You have made yourself available and surely, I will bring them in says the Lord.  It’s coming!  The Breakthrough is coming!  Thank you, Lord.