Barbara Miller – “…and I could see smoke as well and I was reminded of the bushfires in NSW and I believe what the Lord is saying is:
“I am going to set a fire in this land. I’m going to set a fire that is so strong, that is so high, that is so wide that no man can stop it and it will be a fire of My Spirit says the Lord. I will blow My wind through this land. I will blow My wind through this land and it will be so strong that any barriers will be swept before it because the Lord says I am jealous for this land. I have created it. I have ordained it. I have set it aside for My purposes said the Lord. I cherish it and I am jealous for this land and I will have this land back.
And what you see in the bushfires in NSW is a natural picture of what I will do in this land. I will set such a fire in this land that none can stand before it except what has been built by Me says the Lord. What man has built will not stand. But what has been built by Me says the Lord will flourish. It will stand and it will remain. For all things will be tested says the Lord and I will have My way in this land and the fire of My Spirit will rage through this land and the wind of My Spirit will blow through this land and none can stand in the way of it. Watch for that day. Look for that day. It will surely come and it will come soon.” Thank you, Lord.
Norman Miller – I believe this nation is going to see a Moses type anointing come to fruition. Moses had a deliverance mantle. It’s going to take this kind of anointing, the Moses of this time, the Moses of this hour to set the captives free from the Pharaohs of the land, those with an Egypt-type spirit. God wants the Moses type deliverance for those who are in bondage. God wants men and women with that mantle to stand before Him on Mt Horeb. He not only wants us to pray but to dance and worship on Mt Horeb. That call needs to go out throughout this land.
13.1.02 Barbara shared on Servant Evangelism
Barbara Miller – I saw a rather large feather and there was a nature area around it but that didn’t have anything to do with the feather which was kind of superimposed on it. So, I was waiting on the Lord to see what He was saying to us through that and I believe He was saying 3 things:
- He wants us to hunger for His touch and sometimes His touch can be as light as a feather. It doesn’t have to be a lightning bolt to strike us and shake us. It can be as light as a feather but He really wants us to hunger for His touch. It was a beautiful praise and worship this morning which allowed the Lord to touch us like a feather.
- That song we had about rising on eagle’s wings. We need the feathers to enable us to rise up above trials and tribulations and even the good distractions in life, we need to rise above them so we can be in heavenly places with our Lord Jesus, ruling and reigning with Him and experiencing that communion with Him
- It’s the protection of the wings. As He spoke when Jesus wept over Jerusalem, He said I would have gathered you as a mother hen gathers her chickens to herself and the Lord Jesus is like that in Cairns, in our church and all over. He’s wanting to draw us under His wings of love and protection and we need to allow Him to do that.
Trish Janse – (intercessor from Sydney) Read Ps 91. God is brooding over Cairns. What you were describing for your church this morning is also what God wants to do over Cairns and if you’ll get down and pray and humble yourself and continue to praise God, then you’ll see breakthrough in Cairns in the next couple of years. But men and women of God still need to humble themselves. There’s still an arrogance here of “I’m a Christian” (not in this church but in Cairns). You’ll drag others with you kicking and screaming. I’ve got one shoe off so I can lean on Him. God’s calling you to intercession. That’s why this is a small service.
Write Norman. You are to write some of the songs on your heart. Sing them amongst your people because you have the heart of a worshipper.
20.1.02 (no message as it was turned over into prayer for Muslims)
Barbara Miller – The Lord showed me something in prayer this morning before the service and I’ll come to that in a minute, but it’s basically about the Muslim people so when we were in praise and worship this morning, I said Lord could you give me a word on Muslim people. What He showed me, at first, I thought it was like a backbone but as the picture formed more fully, a rather large tree. Instead of being vertical, it was horizontal and it had lots and lots and lots of roots all along it. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen trees in the water, something like mangroves even but with lots of roots all along the trunk.
As I was asking the Lord what it meant, what I was getting was that it was the roots of Islam all around the world and also the terrorist cells all around the world as well and I believe the Lord wants us to take authority over that this morning.
Now I’ll go back to sharing what the Lord showed me in prayer this morning at home. As I was waiting on Him for what He wanted to do this morning and what He wanted to say this morning, He simply said to me to start off with – “bless the Muslim people.” Well Lord how do we do that? I suppose we could pray for them. And as I waited on the Lord a bit longer, He was saying to me “you need to repent to the Muslim people.” OK we don’t have any Muslim people in our service here this morning that we can repent to, but we can repent to God and repent to them even though they’re not here to receive it or respond to it. We can also meet them face to face if that’s what the Lord intends us to do. So, as I waited upon the Lord about it, I thought well, yes, we’ve done a lot of repenting to Jewish people as Christians but we’ve never repented to Muslims (i.e., not Norman or I or our church). Maybe ministries to Muslims in Australia have. However, that’s what God wants us to do this morning. (The prayer was recorded for those interested).
Norman Miller – Read Isaiah 19:23. That’s how important it is to bless Muslim nations.
The year 2002 is also a year to draw near to the Lord.
Australia Day Word 27.1.02 Cairns
27.1.02 Barbara message on the Mercy Seat
Norman Miller – This church is a type of Jeremiah. This is the word of the Lord when prophets to this nation are called. There is a responsibility of that call. God is requiring you to step into that mantle. God does want you to be a prophet to this nation, to have a prophetic call, be a voice to this city. A Jeremiah call is being placed on you today. It’s a serious call. Jer 1:4-13.
Last week a prophetic word came about the roots of a tree and I saw the axe coming to the root of the tree to cut it. As a church we have a great responsibility this year and in years to come that you and I have word of Lord. There are times you won’t know what to say but the Holy Spirit will give us words to say and it’ll bring great transformation in other lives and situations around. We have the word of the Lord which can change course for God. Everything we say has to be from God. His perfect way and His plans. This coming year I believe a Jeremiah type anointing will come on you. Speak more prophetically because God’ll touch your mouth and the word that you’ll say will bring changes, changes, changes.
Barbara Miller – I saw twine, woven like platted hair. I believe what the Lord was saying is that a three-fold cord is not easily broken. When our relationship with the Lord is right, whatever relationships we have with other people on earth are right also and a three-fold cord is not easily broken.
This cord was not just on its own in the air but it was actually around a wheel and you know if you take the tyre off a wheel, there’s a gap in that space and that’s here the cord was. I was asking the Lord what the meaning of it was. I also saw something like a bike chain and I got the word “axle” as well. So, I haven’t got the full meaning of it. I was waiting on the Lord for an interpretation but our praise and worship just took off and I needed to enter into that. So, I need to continue to pray for an interpretation of that. But I believe as a prophetic church, the Lord would like us to give a word over this nation of Australia for Australia Day so I’m going to give that now:
The Lord would say – If this nation of Australia is yoked to Me, if this nation of Australia is tied to Me, then you will not go down. You will not sink but you will rise and you will show My glory for I want to present you as a royal diadem in My hand to the Father.
Yoke yourself to Me says the Lord for My yoke is easy and My burden is light and yes, a 3-fold cord is not easily broken. If the people of this nation link themselves to Me, tie themselves to Me, yoke themselves to Me says the Lord then this nation will be strong and it will not be broken.
For there are those that are seeking to break the back of this nation. There are those who are seeking to drain the energy and the good from this nation. There are those who would take this nation down so that it would sink into the sea. But says the Lord I have a plan and a purpose for this nation of Australia and I would raise it up says the Lord. I would raise it up. Even in these last days when I come and those who are mine will be raised up to meet Me in the heavenlies, I plan and purpose for this nation to be raised up and meet Me in heavenly places says the Lord. Even now, even in this day. That is My plan and purpose for this nation says the Lord. So, heed the word this day, pray for this nation. Hold this nation up to Me in prayer for I would present it to the Father as a royal diadem. Yoke yourself to Me and to no other god.
Prayer – Lord I’d like to pray for this nation at this time (prayer recorded elsewhere includes repenting for and breaking covenants with other gods and covenanting with God)
3.2.02 Norman message on Spirit of Denial Over Australia
Norman Miller – John 18. I just had and art exhibition called “Coming Home” in Atherton and I had a painting in it called “Billy Tea and Damper”. I set up a campfire display around it. I was going to gather burnt wood as I passed through Mareeba and Herberton but the Lord said no., I want you to get some fresh wood to light the fire and start something new, something fresh. I want the fires to be relit again.
Each one of us should pray as to how the Lord wants to use us to relight fires, spiritual fires. I believe we released a pioneering type breakthrough in Atherton with the exhibition. We invited the COC church to sing the Great South Land of the Holy Spirit in the Atherton Shire Council’s Foyer Art Gallery at the opening and it was a first. We also had a bagpiper play Amazing Grace and someone gave their heart to the Lord without an altar call. (This was a secular event.) The local intercessors asked us to join them in praying through the Council building for Council decisions etc the night before the exhibition opening which we did. This was also a first.
17.2.02 Ps Shirley Miller message on Work out Your Salvation
No word. Norman and Barbara at Tom Hess’ House of Prayer for All Nations Jerusalem conference in Singapore
24.2.02 Ps Shirley Miller message on Obedience
No word. Norman and Barbara at Wagner conference Brisbane
Barbara Miller – I saw the dove of the Holy Spirit hovering over Australia and the Pacific (Bethany Gate) area. I believe what the Lord is saying I want you (Norman and Barbara) to bring the anointing back (from the Golden Gate/Bethany Gate conference in Singapore) – that anointing for revival back to Australia, because I’m going to pour out My Spirit, breathe My Spirit, upon this nation of Australia.
Prayer – We’re going to pray now for a spirit of revival to fall on Australia … (including prophecying to the dry bones Ezek 37)
BarbaraMiller – During praise and worship, I saw a clock and I believe the Lord is saying it’s time. For the revival we’ve been waiting for – it’s time. Then the Lord showed me a waterfall and it was like a flood of His Spirit over this city. He was saying the dam has broken. And what I believe the Lord would say to us this morning is:
See I have done it. Even now I have done it. I have performed My word as I said I would perform it. It is time. It is time. I am releasing the dam of My spirit on this city and there will be such a flood of revival over this city that many will come to see it says the Lord. Prepare for it. Get ready for it, align yourself for it, position yourself for it but you will not be able to capture it or contain it says the Lord. It will go where it will. When My Spirit moves over this city says the Lord, I will fill all the empty drains. There will be an overflowing of My Spirit as I pour My rain out upon this city says the Lord. It will go where it will.
It will go to the highways and byways and I’ll pour out My Spirit on this thirsty land says the Lord. I’ll pour out My Spirit on this dry and barren land says the Lord for I have heard your prayers. I am answering them even this day says the Lord. You will see what My hand will do in this land. You will see what I will do in this city of Cairns. For have I not said it says the Lord? My Spirit will perform it says the Lord.
Norman Miller– We have a prayer assignment for the showgrounds and the race track at Woree because they’d be large venues for revival meetings. So, we have a strategic prayer assignment for the intercessors of the city. As we align ourselves to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, our prayer becomes so strategic that the Spirit of God will move. That’ll be a key prayer assignment that’ll unlock things that need to be unlocked. It’ll be used for revival. There’ll be services and it’ll be open 7 days and nights and the Spirit of God will draw them in.
(We did pray over the showgrounds and we used it, not for revival, but for a huge gathering of about 3,000 Christians for the Bethany Gate & All Pacific Prayer Assembly in 2006. We wanted to have an outreach with all the churches in the city participating. As our church was a co-host and did most of the organising, we gave the first night over to the Cairns Ministers Fraternal to run to fulfil our vision of unity. It was a wonderful night and overall conference.)
31.3.02 Barbara gave a message on The Prophetic Significance of the Passover and How Jesus Fulfilled It
Barbara Miller – I saw a boat on a river. There was a very long outsize backbone on it like you see after a fish is filleted. I thought it’d be more like a whale’s backbone it was so big. Backbones usually stand for courage. Then I saw a bridge over the river. As I asked the Lord for an interpretation, I believe He was saying that we need to have backbone or courage to build bridges between the church and the community.
6.4.02 Barbara spoke on Israel and the Singapore conference at a women’s breakfast we hosted
Barbara Miller – I sensed that the time of the fishers (the Christian ministries who help Jews to make Aliyah or return to Israel) is almost at an end and the time of the hunter is about to begin (i.e., another round of persecution to force Jews to return to Israel). (Jer 16:14-16) We can see this already with the demonstrations against Jews around the world including France because of their current war on terrorism. That night there were demonstrations in Sydney against the Israel Consulate. Also, it’s not going to be safe soon for pro-Israel Christians.
7.4.02 Norman a message on Racism, Favouritism and Elitism
Barbara Miller – What the Lord was showing me this morning was the city of Jerusalem with lines coming out from it around the world corresponding to the 12 gateways of the World Wide Prayer Watch. The Lord showed me in Singapore a few weeks ago that these lines are bloodlines. Jesus’ blood was shed for the world in Jerusalem – these bloodlines link us to Him, to each other and to Jerusalem.
He showed me this morning that those lines are also rays of light as Jesus is the light of the world but there is a shadow over Jerusalem that we need to pray to be removed.
The Lord then showed me a plastic food-serving tray with many sections, where lines come out from the centre, dividing the portions of food from each other. He said “the nations want to carve up Jerusalem”. It was like artificial divisions. I remembered that Jerusalem is already divided into the Jewish sector, the Christian sector and the Muslim sector.
He also showed me that as the Palestinians had shed more blood than the Jews in this 18-month conflict and that, as there is much power in shed blood, there is a powerful spiritual force behind the Palestinians. It is like the Old Testament days when the first-born sons of kings who came against Israel were offered as sacrifices to their gods to give them more power in battle (2 Ki 3:26-27). However, the blood of Jesus is more powerful than any other shed blood and needs to be applied to the situation.
The reason for the conflict over Jerusalem is that it’s Jesus’ earthly throne when He comes again and Satan wants it as He has wanted God’s throne from the beginning of time. This is not a fight against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. As I prayed, the Lord showed me that it was like the Jews and Arabs were in a chess game and Satan was trying to checkmate God’s moves but we know the final outcome – Satan is defeated.
This is a showdown of the gods – who is God – Yahweh or Allah? The Lord showed me it was like a Mt Carmel in the days of Elijah when he challenged them which God would they serve. It didn’t matter how much blood the followers of Baal shed; their god could not hear them for he was not really God. Yahweh, the true God answered by fire.
The Lord showed me we need to set up a prayer offensive called Operation Mt Carmel to pray that the true God would be revealed and worshipped and the enemy defeated. This is not just for our local church but God wants this message to go out worldwide – a call to arms, a call to war, a call to a prayer offensive – OPERATION MT CARMEL. This strategy is available separately.
Barbara Miller – I believe the Lord’s in the house to heal this morning so shortly we’ll have an altar call for those who want to be healed.
What the Lord showed me in worship this morning was a peg. We had a word about a peg and a scripture from Ezra 9:8 from an intercessor in Biloela last year and when we were making a decision whether to renew the church lease last December, I saw a peg and was reminded of the word from the intercessor. We planted a peg under the prayer room of our church and declared the scripture from Ezra and I gave a message on the Jabez prayer during a Sunday service. Norman actually spoke about a peg in Atherton at the breakfast we spoke at yesterday using Isa 22:22.
What I saw this morning was a peg more or less suspended in the air with nothing else around it and as I looked at that peg what I then saw was a peg in the ground with boards on each side marking out some territory and it was filled in with wet cement. It was like a foundation was being laid. (We know the foundation of the church is on the apostles and prophets).
But I believe the Lord was saying although He’s given us a firm and secure place for this church and for the ministry of this church, He also is setting a new foundation for us, whether that’s a new physical place or a new place in terms of the ministry we have. I just want to wait on the Lord now.
Lord I believe there’s more in this word for this church that you want to bring forth this morning and I want to say Lord have your way and bring that word forth. I believe the Lord would say:
“Yes. I have established you in a firm and secure place. I have put that peg down. I have put your roots down. I have planted you firmly and securely.
But says the Lord I have more for you. I am repositioning you and I am laying a new foundation for you. And says the Lord you are to move into the new thing I have for you. Move into it says the Lord. I have prepared it. I have already laid the foundation for it and it is mine to build says the Lord. All you need to do is be obedient to Me.
Yes, says the Lord even this day I am putting this church on and even firmer and secure footing than what it had before but says the Lord I am extending your borders. I am extending your territory. I say I have laid a firm foundation for you. So says the Lord walk in that new enlarged territory. Open your mind. Open your heart. Open your vision into what I have for you because I have expanded your territory even this day” says the Lord.
(I also had a sense that the scripture the Lord is giving us for the trip we’ll be taking to Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney in July-August 02 is Isa 54 about enlarging our borders.)
10.8.02 Womens’ Breakfast Cairns we hosted
Kaye Chapman – God is saying, “Let Go”. There is a ship tied to the wharf and unless you lose the ropes and let go, the tide will turn and it will be too late. The tide of My Spirit is ready to turn and take My people in a new direction, and unless you release the hold of the ropes of your life, I cannot take you where I am wanting you to go. My Spirit will truly bring release if you’ll let go.
Barbara Miller – During the praise and worship, the Lord showed me a ladder and the words He gave me were “Come up here and I will show you great and mighty things”.
And I believe that’s one of the things the Lord wants to say to us this morning. He wants us to come up higher to a higher level of intimacy with Him and to a higher walk with Him. Sometimes we’re walking down here on earth, and of course, we have to walk on earth because we’re physical beings but at the same time we’re spirit beings and God wants us to walk with Him and rule and reign with Him in the high places.
He wants our faith level to rise. He also wants our vision to rise up. Because when He says come up here and I’ll show you great and mighty things, we’ll see things differently when we see from God’s perspective. We have an overcoming perspective. We have a perspective of victory.
Many Christians are walking along in valleys of dejection, valleys of rejection and valleys of poverty or ill-health.
Barbara Miller – Prophetic song
You are the God of breakthrough (repeat a few times)
Watch out Satan I’m coming through (repeat a few times)
Move over Satan I’m gonna stomp on you (repeat a few times)
You Jehovah are the God of breakthrough R
Cross over Jordan to your promised land R
Part the waters, walk through on dry ground R
You are the God of breakthrough R
Walk thru, walk thru, into breakthrough R
Jehovah, Baal Perizzim, God of breakthrough R
Pam followed with a song on breakthrough
Barbara did an altar call on breakthrough and prophecied over people.
8.9.02 Elcho Islanders present
Prophecies not recorded
15.9.02 Barbara Miller message on Yom Kippur
Norman Miller – As He says in Isaiah – for your sins have separated Me from you and it’s time for you to set it right. Some of the wings of My prophetic eagle have been clipped and He says I need to restore so you can rise up, so you can soar in every circumstance, in every situation, in everything. But your wings have been clipped because your sins have separated you from Me.
But God wants to heal. He is a restoring God. He is a loving God. His love endures forever. And He wants you to arise with healing in your wings. He wants you to be like the eagle that soars above the storms of life. He wants you as a child to rise up. As you lift up your hands to Him, it’s His strength. For when I am weak, I am strong.
I want to restore you to new heights. I want to restore you to new vision. Am I not a God who restores and brings all things into order? And I want to bring your life into order, into divine order. You’ve stepped off the mark for a time. I’m bringing you back. I’m bringing you back with me and I’m saying My son or My daughter come back and I’ll renew you. I’ll put My strength, My spirit back in you and you will soar, just as the eagle soars and you’ll begin to run and you’ll begin to walk because your strength comes from the Lord.
Barbara Miller – The Lord was showing me a picture of the wailing wall and an Orthodox Jewish man there (with black garments, black hat and curls). There were others there but he was in the foreground. I was saying Lord what are you saying? As I waited on the Lord, He was saying the Wailing Wall represents the wailing of His people down many generations. And in Zech 12 where it talks about God pouring out a spirit of grace and supplication upon His people and they will mourn for the one whom they have pierced, I believe the wailing wall is almost a prophetic picture of that day and when God pours out His spirit of grace and supplication on the day, the wailing wall will be the place it will happen. We know as Gentile believers as the Christian church, we’ve been given a command to comfort Zion, to comfort the Jewish people. So, I want to pray now.
Dear Heavenly Father, we pray for that day when you pour out your spirit of grace and supplication on your people and they will see the One whom they have pierced and mourn as if they had lost a first-born child. Lord I pray for that day to come. I pray your people will have the veil taken from their eyes and they will see you. We know that day is coming and coming soon. We day bring it forth Lord. But Lord we would comfort your people during the time of Jacob’s trouble. As your church we would comfort them and we pray more and more that you would show us how we can do that Lord. Even the Jewish people in our city of Cairns Lord as they fear for loved ones in Israel in these difficult times. Lord as they gather beside the wailing wall and wail for their people and all the things that have been lost – lives lost, temple lost – Lord, we know you are a God of restoration. We know you are a God who heals. Lord I pray you’d pour out your spirit of wailing, not just upon the Jewish people but upon your church. Pour out your spirit of wailing and repentance that we would turn from the ways of the world and turn to you. Because Lord we know that you are the only God and we need you to pour out that spirit of grace and supplication and wailing and repentance Lord so we can turn to You.
Peta – I could see us in party dresses, singing and skipping around a maypole with streamers. But it wasn’t a maypole, it was Jesus and He said to give everything to Him and He’d look after it. Just praise and worship Him and spend happy time with Him.
Norma Mathews – Zec 13:1. It’s a beautiful word for Jews today – fountain, the cleansing of Jewish people. It’s our prayers for all Jews in Australia because we’re responsible for this part of the vineyard.
Hank Mathews – The rapture is that close and the angel is standing here with the trumpet in his mouth.
Shirley Miller – The very presence of the Lord is here this morning. He’s standing here calling and He’s waiting. If you’re down this morning, God wants to lift you up into heavenly places with Him like that eagle.
29.9.02 Message – Barbara – Keys to a Godly Marriage
Norman Miller – I began to see the hand of God on the nations. I see the army of the Lord. I see that warrior type spirit coming on the nations. I begin to see the power of God in demonstration. I began to see the media, newspapers with good reports, godly reports coming from the land. I see the hand of God moving X 3. And as Ezekiel stood in the valley of the dry bones and God said to prophecy to the bones, I see the vast army of God rising. I see the army of God launching into the destiny – the redemptive purpose for which God has called it. I see this nation of Australia bow its knees to the living God. I see the government of this nation coming, in numbers to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. I see the spirit of repentance; the spirit of mercy being poured out. I see the rain of the Holy Spirit moving. I see this land being touched.
I see renewal coming. I see revival coming. I see armies and armies of God being raised up and marching forward. I began to just hear the sound of the marching x 2. I hear the army of God marching. I hear the army of God marching – that deep deafening sound. It’s moving across the nations. And it’s getting stronger and it’s getting louder and that vast army is rising. That vast army is gathering together and even as Jacob prophecied to his 12 sons, I see that prophetic call, that call of destiny. I hear that trumpet call. I hear it x 2. I hear the sound of God’s army coming forth. They’re taking the land. They’re crossing into the Promised land. I see them x3. I see the dancing in the street. I see the worshipping and praising. I see the banners of God being lifted up. I see so much rejoicing. I see God releasing warring angels, end time angels. I see the King of Kings and the Lord of Lord’s army coming. It is a warring army.
Rhona – Word over Norman and Barbara
…river of Jebal has to be crossed. You’ve been talking about the army crossing over but they will need faithful leaders. And I have called you My children to be leaders and I will send you forth with power and authority, the fire of the highest – fire, much fire but remember this you have to pass Jebal?? And do not be afraid because I will go before you. I’ll be your rearguard. I’ll have angels surrounding you. I will have even a well of fire around you and you will know it because fear is not of Me. Because truly My children, as the army goes forth, I need leaders. You have been used already. You’ve committed your life, your ministry and your work to me. You’ve given Me hours. You will see the fruit. That fruit will remain. Much fruit. But remember this, Jebal, Jebal, the river, another river to cross.
Do not fear because you will see mighty things. And the Lord’s name shall be glorified at all times because no flesh can glory in His presence and you are much aware of this because you are humble and I’m going to elevate you and you will teach others of My ways. You will raise up prophets and apostles in My name and they shall go forth. But remember the Jebal. Coming up! Coming up! But you will go through victoriously an then I’ll be able to use you to the fullness.
Barbara Miller – I saw a campfire and I said Lord what are you saying here? And He said before the sugar cane can be harvested, it needs a fire to go through it, not only to burn the dross and the chaff but also the toads and the snakes. The Lord’s saying, I want to cleanse My church. Before I can use My church to bring revival, I want to cleanse My church. We know snakes and toads represent demonic forces, that are in the church as well. We are the church. God has to clean us up.
I asked Him if there was anymore. He showed me a fish and said fish need to be cleaned too. There’s a great harvest coming represented by sugar cane and fish. The Lord kept impressing upon me – clean My church. Clean My church. We need to clean our act up as the body of Christ so God can do what He wants to do through us and bring revival.
Shirley Miller – Tuesday morning before I came to prayer, I had a dream and I was singing in the spirit and one of the songs was “Holy Spirit Come”, like a rushing wind and as it came to the verse, flood in like an ocean with your power, suddenly there was a really loud bursting sound and I put my hands over my ears. It was like a bank of a river when it’s flooded and you hear a really loud sound. Breakthrough. The river burst its banks. The dam burst.
Suzanne Tunstall – I too saw fire and it started off with me wanting to rub my hands together fervently. The Lord says just as you rub 2 sticks together to make fire, many of the fires in this nation yes may be started by man. But I’m allowing spontaneous fires to remind people to clean them out but through that fervent prayer, that fervent prayer swept across the land like a flame and it ignites out to the islands and just as revival comes and the fire spreads from nation to nation, He is in the midst but we have to pray. We have to be fervent and we have to be persistent. Pray at all times and when you get that urge, rub your hands together. Keep praying because it is uniting the nation and as if unites, that’s when the Lord comes.
Barbara Miller – There are people who’ve not surrendered all to Him. What the Lord showed me was the mouth of a whale – like the whale into which Jonah went. There are people who are running away from what God has called them to do and they’re stuck in the belly of the whale. I saw a cavernous mouth and I could see a backbone. I believe the Lord is saying this morning that there are those who are running away from the call God has on their life. Those who are stuck inside that whale and not getting out, not going anywhere, not achieving God’s purpose for your life. You’ve got a calling and a gifting of God on your life this morning and you’re not realizing it. You’re not in the place He’s called you to be. It doesn’t apply to everybody here this morning but it applies to some of you otherwise the Lord would not have shown it to me.
You know the way to get out. Repent and say yes God I’m going to do what You called me to do. I’m going to be in the place you called me to be. You know what happened to Jonah when he submitted to God’s will for His life. He was dying inside that whale but then he was given life and was spat out or vomited out on the shore. When he fulfilled God’s purpose on his life, a whole nation (city-state) was turned around in a day. A whole city turned back to the Lord. There could be people here today who have inherited a whole nation, a whole nation that will be born again in a day if you come out and follow the call of God on your life. Or it could be the street you live in or the workplace you work in. Stop running away.
Trish Jansze – Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. I had a dream last week to go to the nations and repent for the kingdom of God is at hand.
Barbara Miller – I believe this is a mission sending church, a sending out church, an apostolic church just as the church was at Antioch. Now I know you might look around and say we’ve so few numbers here how can we send people out? But I believe the day is coming soon when we will be sending people out from here to the nations. You have the nations for your inheritance. Isn’t that exciting? I believe soon we’re going to be having services where we commission people and send them out just as Paul and Barnabas were sent out from Antioch.
Norman Miller – There are timings in God. God has a Kairos time for this nation. This word is so serious for this nation. Death could be found at your door and the important thing is your relationship with God. Aaron and Hur held up Moses hands so there would be victory over the Amalakites, enemies of Israel through the generations, even today. But hold up the name of Jesus. Even when there are wars, famines, plagues, pestilences. Lift high the name of Jesus.
Suzanne Tunstall – As the people across the nations truly believe in Me and unite in repentance, the world will bow its knee to Me. I saw sunlight over the Kuranda range. I saw people bowed in worship but as the picture evolved and light came over the range, I could see the figure of Jesus reaching out to the people.