Jan 2001
Barbara Miller – Behold says the Lord it is a new day. I would do a new thing in your midst. See Me perform it even now says the Lord for I am opening the floodgates of heaven to pour out a blessing upon you even this very day and I would lift up the curtains to the next stage to the new thing that I would perform and you would enter in to the midst of it for you are part of my plans and purposes for this city. I have trained you; I have developed you; I have raised you up for such a time as this.
Have I not done it? says the Lord. Can you not see it? says the Lord. Will you not walk in it? says the Lord for I have prepared the way for you. Walk ye in it. Walk ye in it. Walk ye in it. Go forward. Go forth and go into all the things that I have prepared for you because I have lifted the curtain on a new act today. I have lifted the curtain on the next stage of what I would do for this church and this city and you are part of my plans and my purposes. I have opened the gate. I have opened the door. Walk ye in it.
Do not fear for I the Lord will perform it. It is mine to perform. It is mine to perform so have no fear. No fear of man. No fear of even the darkest night. For am I not greater than anything says the Lord. Am I not greater than anything that could be thrown at you? Am I not greater than any scheme man can devise against you? Am I not greater than any scheme the enemy of all men can devise against you? Trust me says the Lord for I have done a new thing today in your midst and I rejoice says the Lord and I would have you rejoice in it as well.
Word 21.1.01 Cairns
Barbara Miller – On 21 January in our Sunday morning service I had a vision of the Sydney Opera House. Then I saw a very large (giant) ear of corn. I prayed as we continued to worship about the meaning of the vision and the Lord reminded me of the very large vegetables and fruits in Almolonga and He quickened to my spirit that the revival in Australia will be similar to the revival in Guatemala. I got the impression that it would be a similar anointing and similarly transforming and that the harvest is ready.
I then remembered that Harold Caballeros would be in Sydney soon and I believe there is a connection between my vision and his visit. I also had a sense that, as corn needs to burst forth from the ground, break forth and breakthrough, we need to break forth and burst forth and breakthrough into revival.
Dream 28.1.01 Cairns
Barbara Miller – I had a dream about 3.30am Sunday January 28. I was in a church and something must have happened because there was a group of people in a circle and other people with them getting their relationships right, talking about how they’d felt hurt over things. This was on the left-hand side. On the right side there was a huge green snake-like a pottery vase. Just as in the story of the genie in the lamp, there was a woman pastor in the snake-like pottery vase. She’d used some ritual to do it. There was another pastor near the snake and I said, “Where is she?” He said she’d put herself in the vase and something about New Age. I shouted, commanding her to come out. I was getting angry and ready to hit the vase. It looked as if it was going to come alive. That’s when Norman woke me up because of my movement and noises.
I wondered why it was a green snake because the snake over this nation is a rainbow colour. Green can stand for greed. When Norman and I were invited to speak at the Intercessors for Zimbabwe conference on Reconciliation last August, the Lord did not allow me to speak on reconciliation until I’d spoken on spiritual warfare and we’d led the people through some breaking of covenants with false gods and re-covenanting. I shared on coming out of Babylon, idolatry mostly for black Africans and mammon, mostly for white Africans. I shared on rebuilding an altar and that’s what the pastors did. I sensed that the green snake represented what black and white Australians have done together in this country re false worship. Green snakes can be tree snakes so I thought of the tree of life in the Garden of Eden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Before I went back to sleep, I asked the Lord the meaning of the dream. He said, “Australia is in the belly of the snake”. This dream was located in the middle of the church and so it appears the snake is in the church and also New Age.
Australia Day Word 28.1.01 Cairns
Barbara Miller – I had another vision in our service Sunday morning (28 January) which relates to Sydney and Australia. First, I saw a chain and then an anchor on the end of it. Then I saw a boat with the British flag anchoring in Sydney Cove and realized it represented Captain Arthur Phillip’s landing in Sydney in 1788 (what we now call Australia Day). Of course, this was the Australia Day weekend 2001. I prayed about what it meant and this is what I received:
“From this day forward, I take possession of this land of Australia. From this day forward it is My name that covers this land of Australia. From this day forward, it is My banner, My flag that will be raised over the nation of Australia and no other god has possession of this land but Me and no other god has authority in this land but Me. I will take this land,” says the Lord. It is My inheritance. I have birthed this land. I love this land. I will redeem the land to Myself. I will shake off all those things that have been an encumbrance and a hindrance to this nation, all those things that have dragged you down, all those things that have put shame upon you and removed My glory from you. But” says the Lord, “this day I take it back. I’m taking the nation of Australia back to Myself” says the Lord. “I take it back. This is My inheritance and I take it back,” says the Lord.
I shared with our church on January 28 that, while praying what to share that week, the vision of the Sydney Opera House and the giant ear of corn kept coming back to me and the Lord reminded me of various connections in the spirit He was making.
Feb 2001
BarbaraMiller – I had a vision. I don’t remember the details of but there were bricks in it and it was about the need to set the foundations of the church right in Cairns on the apostles and prophets to the city. Also, to raise them up. (This may be recorded.)
Barbara Miller – I had a vision of the Sydney Opera House. Then I saw a very large (giant) ear of corn. I prayed as we continued to worship about the meaning of the vision and the Lord reminded me of the very large vegetables and fruits in Almolonga and He quickened to my spirit that the revival in Australia will be similar to the revival in Guatemala. I got the impression that it would be a similar anointing and similarly transforming and that the harvest is ready.
I then remembered that Harold Caballeros would be in Sydney soon and I believe there is a connection between my vision and his visit. I also had a sense that, as corn needs to burst forth from the ground, break forth and breakthrough, we need to break forth and burst forth and breakthrough into revival.
27.2.01 Word for Norman & Barbara Miller by Apostle/Prophet Bobbie Jean Merck, USA Aussie Church at Springwood Brisbane
I will begin little by little to transform you into a new image of My glory and you’ll begin to see more and more working of My glory and you’ll begin to see more and more working in your life daily the power of the preaching of My word, the power of the teaching of My word. And you’ll find a new balance come into your ministry and into the life of the people that I have ordained and planned for you, for you are a lover of the supernatural. You are a lover of the Spirit and it is wonderful and it is good that you have been open and been able to see so many things in the realm of the spirit.
But I shall begin to place in your heart the rich desserts of heaven. My word that shall stand for ever and ever and ever. You will open your mouth like Christ and you will speak the word only and you will see the miracles take place. You will see the healings take place because I the Lord your God ordain you into a new position this day and I say unto you go for it because I’m going to bring unto you the wicked, those who are bound by evil and you are going to set them free by the presence of My glory and anointing that rests and abides upon thee. So do not be concerned for I will perfect all that concerns thee. Just continue to follow the Spirit, continue to follow Jesus one day at a time and then all will work out just fine.
3.03.01 Hills Centre, Sydney Belongs to Jesus rally timed to coincide with the Mardi Gras
Barbara Miller – I saw Jeremiah’s boiling pot. We had been to Ebenezer ministry that afternoon with Johannes Facius and Eliyahu Ben Haim, a Messianic Jew and also listened to Ms Merk at Dayspring church.
Norman Miller – received a word that keeps coming to him – that God would give him favour in the land. This time he also believed the Lord was saying that God was going to give him more spiritual authority in the land. A couple of years previously Barbara had given Norman a word that God was going to give him a mantle of national deliverance (like Moses) and we didn’t know what this might mean but now we started to see that God was going to use our prayer assignment re the rainbow serpent as part of this.
BarbaraMiller – I saw the inside of a boat and then realised that there were a number of them heading in the same direction. I got the word flotilla. I believe the Lord was giving us a word of encouragement – that sometimes we’ve felt alone out there birthing God’s plans for the city of Cairns but the Lord was saying there was now a flotilla of ships slowly but surely heading in the right direction. I sensed that this applied to intercession in the region as well. Later as I recalled the vision, I realised that they were warships. At home later Norman looked up the word flotilla and it said a number of small navy vessels.
Barbara asked the Lord why He gave her so much revelation after she’d seen so much at Bobbie Jean Merck’s seminar and He said that she was like Simon and Anna who were in the temple when Jesus came to be dedicated. They’d been waiting and praying to see the Messiah and they did and He was revealing Himself to Barbara.
Barbara Miller – I saw a rope ladder thrown down from heaven and when I asked the Lord the meaning I got the words “way out”. As I waited for more revelation, I got that the Lord never tests us without providing a way out. So, we need to look for this way out. As we move up to another level, there will be a higher level of testing because to whom much is given, much is required but there will always be a way out. Also, the Lord will not test us more than we are able to bear.
Norman and I thought also of Jacob’s ladder where angels ascend and descend because we’d had a number of prophecies about that in our church in early 1999.
Barbara Miller – I saw a rope and then a tree in the background. I noticed the rope was untied. I believe the Lord was showing us that He was breaking bondages in our service and bringing freedom, breaking yokes. He was also asking us to draw upon the tree of life that was in Eden and is in Rev 22. The water from the throne of God waters this tree and its fruit is abundant and its leaves are for the healing of the nations. We need to draw from its creative life, abundant life and resurrection life.
Barbara Miller – I saw a cupboard which was not very high and the hand of the Lord opened it from left to right, a sliding door. I kneeled down before it and I saw one shelf in the middle of it and some dusty books on it and below it in the bottom of the cupboard. They started to fall into my lap and when I asked the Lord what it meant, He said it was the wisdom of the ages which He was opening up to me and that I was to share it out like manna. It was like the books were dusty because of little use by people. This was an awesome privilege.
The Lord’s word was long and detailed. (taped). It was awesome but I don’t think the recording was working.
12.5.01 Saturday at Tabernacle of David with Tom White, USA preaching
Barbara Miller – I saw a long, narrow boat with many oars and many people rowing it together in the right timing. I felt the Lord was saying that He was bringing His church (many denominations) together to row in unison in the direction He would have us go.
Regina Lambourne – word for Norman and Barbara is increase. God’s given you the city because of your prayer and work for unity. Yours is the main prophetic church in the city. (Word was longer but tape didn’t turn out so this was all we could remember. Regina doesn’t come to our church but she’s part of our intercessory team for the city.)
Pam Wordham – word for Norman and Barbara is increase. Yes, God has given you the city because of your work for unity. Those who oppose you will face the judgement of God.
Barbara Miller – I saw beads, not an iron curtain or bamboo curtain but a bead curtain with brown glass doors all over Africa opening. A definite call by the Lord to Africa. (We were invited later to speak at 3 Intercessors for Zimbabwe conferences and went.)
12.5.01 Sat at our church after lunch with Tom White, USA preaching
Barbara Miller – I saw a long, narrow boat with many oars and many people rowing it together in the right timing. I felt the Lord was saying that He was bringing His church (many denominations) together to row in unison in the direction He would have us go.
13.5.01 at Ps Adem Xhafer’s church in Cairns because we were hosting Ps Tom White from the USA to preach there.
Barbara Miller – I saw a high house with a window on the right side. (I only saw the right side of the house). From it there was a glow. It seemed to flow up to the right. As I looked up there was an image of Jesus with much light around Him. I realised then that the glory coming from the window was reflected glory and that it was really coming into the window from Jesus.
What I felt the Lord was saying was that this weekend (with Tom White’s visit), the Lord was opening a window in the house of God’s people so that His glory, His light and His revelation could flow into the house of God’s people (corporate) and into their hearts as they were individually temples of the Lord as well.
20.5.01 at Ps Ben Gray’s church in Brisbane
Barbara Miller – I saw what I later found out to be a tracing wheel with a hand on it pushing or running it up and down on some material. I also saw a bunch of large flowers open and close and open and close. I kept getting the words mark it out, mark it out, mark it out.
I later spoke to Marlene Bennet who said it was a tracing wheel. She said it was foundational and made a true image. A tracing wheel is used to mark out or lay out material and trace a pattern on it which you can then cut around. You run over the lines on the pattern till it’s marked on the material underneath.
While praying in Brisbane during the week, I saw some water pouring into my hand as it would from a waterfall, though I didn’t see a waterfall. Then I saw some very high powerful waves. I’m not sure what this means but I was asking why I was in Brisbane and what to do next in Cairns.
27.5.01 (Barbara preached on City Reaching)
Barbara Miller – I had the faint impression of angels wings in the church. We had matzoh bread for communion given to us by Lyn Moffat as a thanks for borrowing our menorah. In a vision, I saw the matzoh bread and felt the Lord was going to do something special in our communion this morning. Then I saw an old parchment and believed it was scripture. I then saw a communion cup of wine. The words I got were “draw strength from the ancient roots”. What I believed it meant is that we are to draw strength from the word of God which was already ancient when, in Jesus, the word became flesh. We are also to draw strength from His body and blood in communion which was the ancient celebration of Passover when Jesus used the last supper to institute a new covenant until He returns for the marriage supper of the lamb. We are to draw strength from the Hebraic roots of the Christian faith, the word and communion. We don’t normally have one bread to break up, but I cut slices of bread into small pieces. We also have a number of small glasses to put the grape juice in. This is the Protestant way we’re used to but it seemed the Lord was showing me this was individualism. The ancient way was one bread and one cup representing the one body of Christ (Yeshua).
Barbara Miller – I saw a tunnel and in it a boat hurtling forward through the water towards me. It was like a ride at Dreamworld where water splashes up as the boat hurtles forward and people call out with excitement. There were a small group on the boat/ride. What I believe the Lord was saying was that at times we seem to be in a tunnel and not be able to see what’s happening around us but we’re hurtling forward into God’s plans and purposes for us and we’ll soon be out of the tunnel and be able to see clearly. It was a word of encouragement.
10.06.01 (Rev Ian and Shirley Thomson shared on Alpha and we later ran an Alpha Course)
Barbara Miller – I saw a spotlight or torch and then a map of Australia and believed the Lord was saying that He was putting a spotlight on Australia and that it was time for a move of His Spirit.
When we were in our church in Andrejic Arcade (before December 2000), we had a tarry meeting one Friday night and the Lord gave me a vision the city of Cairns that it would be a light and that people would be drawn to the light in this city and then He showed me on the Sunday service that actually people would be drawn to our very congregation, to our very church, that there would be a great light that would come forth, not of us, but of the glory of the Lord and that nations would come to worship. As a magnet they would be drawn to that light and I believe the days of that being fulfilled are a lot closer particularly with that scripture the Lord has given me this morning – Isaiah 60 – “Arise shine, for your light has come, And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.” It is as if the glory of the Lord had risen upon Australia.
Nations will come. We know we often get people from overseas to our congregation but we’ve had the ones and twos coming as God leads them but there’s going to be a great stream of people in future who are going to come. God’s going to do a great thing in this city.
Barbara Miller – I saw a circle like an opening in heaven and then I saw wings on each side of the circle and then in the bottom of the circle I realized it was the mercy seat of the ark of the covenant and I felt the Lord was saying He wanted us to put a visual representation of that in our church because that is what He wants to put in our midst. The ark represents His presence. (We did so as a result of this word.)
Barclay Miller – read Isaiah 40 about preparing the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God and v22 It is He who sits above the circle of the earth.
20.6.01 Wednesday (Norman preached at COC tent crusade Atherton)
Barbara Miller – While we were in praise and worship, what I saw was a white fence, like a picket fence. It didn’t have a straight top along it, it was sort of curved down like that. But I saw this fence and as I was watching it, saying “Lord, what are you saying?” it is like it receded out of the picture.
And I believe what the Lord was saying, is that He has taken away the barriers. He has taken away the barriers and I believe the Lord is saying …”I have seen your faithfulness, I have seen your faithfulness, I have heard your heart cry. I have heard you when you have been on your knees. I have seen your tears. I have felt your heart.” And the Lord says…”I have removed the barriers. Take this city, take this city, it is yours. Take this city for I have given it into your hand, for you are ones that I can trust with My glory. You are ones I can trust with My Presence and My power, for you have a great love in your heart for this city, and you have a great love for the people of this city.”
So says the Lord. “I can trust you with My power, and I am pouring out My Spirit upon this place in such measure that you will not believe it until you see it, but there will be rivers, rivers and rivers flowing in this place,” says the Lord, “of My glory, My glory, and it will flow and it will continue to flow and it will flow, and yes, it will even reach down to Cairns, and it will reach out to the countryside round about.” says the Lord.
“For I have seen your faithfulness and I have seen your heart and I am well pleased,” says the Lord, “and I have removed the barriers this day. Go forth, go forward and take the land and take this city,” says the Lord. (Transcribed from video).
22.6.01 Friday COC crusade Atherton
Barbara Miller – I saw a glass-like spaceship, half in one dimension, half in another and there seemed to be an explosion of light in it. When I asked the Lord for an interpretation, I got “breaking the sound barrier” and “breaking barriers”. Waiting further, I got that there was a breaking through from the natural to the supernatural dimension and from the earthly to the heavenly. This fits in with the testimony later that night of the pastor’s wife Shirley being miraculously healed 10 years ago from cancer when close to death and her husband and son coming to the Lord and a young girl miraculously alive after prayer when she was close to death, a current testimony delivered that night.
Kaye Chapman, the leader of the intercessors told me after the meeting when I delivered this word that the Lord had put it on her heart to get intercessors together who, like herself, had an anointing for miracles and healing. I felt also that barriers between churches and the church and the community were also being dealt with at a spiritual level.
Barbara Miller – I saw a line down the centre of the vision and then it turned into a line of very high green stalks (plants). As I looked, I saw fully grown corn so it seemed they must be corn stalks. I also saw a large envelope on the right side of the stalks, in the front of the picture. I asked the Lord for an interpretation and sensed that it represented the harvest of souls which is fully grown and ready. The envelope meant that our harvest would not just be a local one.
Norman Miller – read Zech 2 about a man with a measuring line measuring the width and length of Jerusalem. Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns without walls because of the multitude of men and livestock in it. The Lord would be a wall of fire around her and the glory in her midst. The Lord said to sing and rejoice for He is coming to dwell in your midst (Israel & many nations). Be silent before the Lord for He is aroused from His holy habitation. Norman said that our harvest would be so big, the churches in our city needed to be without walls. You won’t be able to measure the length and breadth of the people that the Lord brings in because there will be too many to measure.
1.7.01 (Jack and Gwen Russell were there)
Barbara Miller – During praise and worship I saw the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant and the cherubim with their wings over the mercy seat. I saw the ark a few weeks ago also. This time I just saw the mercy seat itself. What I then saw was how Jesus wept over Jerusalem and how He said that as a mother hen He would have liked to have gathered them as chickens under His wings but they would not. It was almost as if the wings over the mercy seat also represented the heart of the Father and the heart of Jesus for gathering the lost.
I asked the Lord what He was saying and I believe it was “Don’t miss the hour of your visitation”. That’s what He said to Jerusalem that they did not know the hour of their visitation.
So, Lord, I pray we won’t miss the hour of your visitation, that our heart will be so tuned into you that when we worship You we will indeed make a mercy seat that you can come and make your throne on. Lord that we would indeed have a heart for the lost as you do and that we would want to gather them on the wings of worship, that we’d gather them towards the holy throne of your presence and glory. Lord let us have hearts of mercy like you and not hearts of judgement towards these unsaved. Lord we pray your holy throne would inspire in us a passion for you and the lost would be drawn in… (can’t hear tape). Lord don’t let us miss our visitation. Give us spiritual eyes and ears.
8.7.01 (Norman preached on The Measuring Line)
Barbara Miller – There were some beautiful large flowers, very big. They were being put inside a vase but there was no bottom to the vase. It was shattered and broken and I asked God is this from you? I don’t understand it. What are you saying? And as I waited and listened to the Lord what I believe He is saying is He wants to put His glory, His beauty in human vessels but it’ll shatter us and break us if we’re not ready to contain His glory and His beauty and I believe He is saying to us this morning we’re not ready yet to contain the glory that He wants to send.
But I still believe it’s not far off. It’s a call for us to prayer and purity and waiting on the Lord to ask Him to make us vessels that are pure and holy, individually and as a church that we can receive His glory. We know that we can’t hold all the Lord’s glory but He does want to visit us and He not only wants to visit us, He wants to inhabit our praises, inhabit our temple. We need to pray, we need to worship, we need to get ourselves ready tor the great outpouring of the spirit that the Lord wants to bring.
Shirley Miller – We’re lights. You know the little nursery rhyme we used to say at school that humpty dumpty sat on a wall and humpty dumpty had a great fall and when He fell off the wall he was shattered into all sorts of pieces and the king could not put him back together again. Many of us in this church here this morning, we’re shattered and we’re holding onto things God doesn’t want us to hold on to. He wants us to be made into a vessel fit for the king because we’re in the last days. Because we’re still in this condition this morning, nursing unforgiveness and all these things in our heart, God wants us to be released in these areas this morning. He wants us to grow up, to move on in these last days. How are we going to be witnessing? How are we going to be prepared ourselves when we are still nursing all these things in our hearts? God wants us to be set free this morning so don’t be wrapped up in ourselves that we may move on and do the things God wants us to do.
Roger Wall – Barbara said just now we should be a vessel that can contain the glory of God. That’s what I’ve been reading about and it’s impressed on my heart. We’ve had a concept that the church should be preaching, preaching but no, the church is to be a vessel to contain the glory of God and to contain the glory of God our lives have got to be right; our hearts have got to be right and it’s the Holy Ghost who does the preparing and our hearts have to be malleable, mouldable in the hands of the Holy Ghost. As Barbara said if His full glory came at the moment, we wouldn’t be able to hold Him.
Norman Miller – read James – Beware of personal favouritism of rich over poor.
I believe that these chairs, this place, God is going to anoint and I believe God’ll fill the chairs with the poor, those from the highways and byways. That’s not only here but around Australia.
15.7.01 (Ps Des Brennan preached and Ps John Blacket shared)
Norman Miller – I was seeing a wave, just as the Lord commanded the wave, and spoke to it…. The wave of His presence, the wave of obedience. See that relationship.
Yesterday afternoon, after work, I went to the beach and as I lay on the beach, I could see waves coming in and coming in and getting closer and closer and I was expecting that wave to touch my feet. It didn’t come all the way. It came about one third of the way but I kept looking and looking for that wave to come.
It’s coming. God’s people are beginning to get ready. God’s beginning to position His people as we continue to stay in His presence and we focus totally on being in His perfect will. God is truly sending in that wave of obedience to His church. There’s an expectation of the wave of His glory. There’s and expectation of the wave of revival and it’s coming and it’s coming. But the church must be skilled, must be trained. Iron sharpens iron. God is beginning to position His people. We’ll begin to hear and see what God is doing.
These waves come in ways you and I would not expect. As we look to our Lord, our God, everything is in His hands. He said “son and daughter I’ve inscribed you in the palm of My hands” He loves you. It’s good to be still in the presence of the Lord.
God is getting His church ready, big time. He truly is indeed equipping, training His endtime army. Continue to move in that wave of obedience this morning. Flow in the things of God. Be in the right timing of God.
Barbara Miller – When we were worshipping earlier, I saw a heart and I saw an arrow in the heart and it reminded me of the spear in the side of Jesus on Calvary. Our sins are arrows in the heart of the Lord and what the Lord was saying to me was “love costs, love bleeds and love hurts”.
He did that on the cross of Calvary and at times in our Christian walk, we bleed, we hurt and we receive arrows. It might be from other Christians or from people who don’t know the Lord but it costs. When we make a commitment to the Lord, it costs and that’s what Calvary is all about. It cost Father God His Son.
And then what I saw was an anchor and that anchor was going down deep and I said Lord what are you saying? He said “I want My people to go down deep, not just scratch the surface but to go down deep” and I believe the Lord would say
“Oh, My people, I long for you, My people. I long for you. I long for you to go deep into the things of Me. Go deep. Know My heart. Share My heart. For I would share My heart with you. I would share My longing with you but so often you are just content to scratch the surface. So often you don’t want to know.
So often you are afraid of any pain that it might cause you. So often you don’t want to bear My griefs and My sorrows. So often you will not go deep. But My people, I am calling you. Go deep. Go deep. For I would be known by you.
I will show Myself if you scratch the surface but you’ll only get a little bit. Go deep. Go deep My people for I have treasures there to share with you. Go deep. I am calling you. I am calling you right here and now. Go deep. Dig deep. Dig deep. Anchor yourself in Me for I will not fail you. I will not fail you. Dig deep.
Anchor yourself in Me and I would dig deep in you if you would only open yourself to Me. Open your heart to Me. I would burrow inside you. I would nestle inside of you but you only want to open the latch door on your heart. You won’t let Me into all the places I would go.
I would have more of you and I would have you to have more of Me. Dig deep. Dig deep. Yearn for Me as I yearn for you. Long for Me as I long for you. I’m calling you. Will you hear My call? Will you hear My call this day?
For I will not wrestle with you many days,” says the Lord “but I am wrestling with you now. I am truly wrestling with you now for I want you. I want you and I call you and I say come. Come, come to Me, come to Me, My people, come. I want you. I wrestle with you. I say come.”
Bev Underwood – Zech 4:6. Speak to the mountains in our life and say “grace, grace, grace.”
Roger Miller – I was hungry for the glory of the Lord and I saw a diving bell. I saw it from underneath and bubbles were going up and there was light – the glory of God.
Prophet Greg Bailey – Outside of prophetic teaching meetings, Prophet Greg Bailey from Brisbane said to us that he believed that there was a spirit of illegitimate government over Cairns. He sensed this on the plane coming in. He also believed that Norman and Barbara would find that as they breakthrough, they would no longer have to rewin territory they’d taken but would have permanent breakthrough and would only have to boundary ride.
22.7.01 Prophecy Over Norman & Barbara Miller, Hear God’s Voice Seminar, Cairns
Apostle Prophet Greg Bailey – Lord, I thank you for these faithful servants as I lay hands on these anointed vessels today. I see that the mandate rests so strongly on them. I thank you for that mandate of unity these ones carry, for that spirit of unity round about them. We come against every spirit of disunity, against every spirit of disharmony that you will close the mouths of those ones that’ve been speaking against these servants. I pray as you closed the mouths of the lions in Daniel’s den, you’ll close the mouths of those ones who have the ability but you’ll not allow that to come to pass. Father I break off every curse. I break off every word curse, every witchcraft curse in Jesus’ name and Father I release those ones to the fullness of God. I thank you O God that you’ve placed these two together. There’s a strength that you have together. One can put 1000 and two can put 10,000 to flight and I see you two united together in spirit and I see there’s going to be much that you’ll continue to achieve.
I see even now, and God says that there is much that has happened over Cairns because of your prayers, because of your prophesying and decreeing and the Lord says “daughter, I’m releasing even more of a decreeing anointing on you, prophetically you start to decree and as the decree goes forth, it is from the King and it is a new rule, it is a new order, something new that is going to be positioned in this place” says God. “I’m raising up an apostolic anointing on you” says God “and I’m giving you a governmental authority and you’re going to start to see things even more clearly than you’ve done before, even as that prophetic anointing starts to uncover those things but the apostolic starts to put them in order so that we can walk in and possess those things.”
God would say “Even son, I’ve put places upon your heart, I’ve put cities upon your heart, I’ve put even nations upon your heart” says God and the Lord says “son, I’m even giving you those nations right now. I’ve given you nations” and God says “you’re going to turn the kingdoms of this world into the kingdoms of God and… Even now, I’m raising you to a new level; I’m raising you to a new level. I’ve put new decrees upon your mouth. God says I’m even taking coals as I did with Isaiah and I’m cleansing your lips,” says God.
You’re going to be speaking more but I see you speaking less words. You’re going to be having more speaking engagements around the country and around the nations” says God but you’re going to be speaking less words because God is going to anoint the words, He gives you. “They are going to be anointed words, not so much the amount of words you say but they will be more anointed so you don’t have to go on more and more the way you are bringing forth my word. I will fill your mouth with My word” says God. Sometimes you’ll have no idea what you’ll speak but God says “you’ll go to that place, you’ll go to that church, you’ll go to that people and you’ll open your mouth and I’ll fill it and the anointing on those words will start to destroy the yoke, will destroy principalities and powers, will destroy bondages over people, over territories, over churches.”
So, the Lord says “son and daughter, this is again your commission. I’m commissioning you afresh and I’m bringing off, I’m taking authority over the old staleness. I place a fresh mantle on you this day” and God said “before it was like it didn’t suit or fit you but God said it’s fitting you right now. Its tailor made. It’s tailor made to your design, to your destiny, to your purpose” says God.
“This is your time. This is your visitation says God. This is the day of salvation says God. I’m bringing salvation around you in areas right now says God, even money. You’ve been struggling, striving, and trying to make ends meet. You’ve been trying to rob Peter to pay Paul and using your finance God’s given you to pay off different things for the church.” God says “that’s no longer going to be an issue. That’s no longer going to happen” says God. “I’m starting to bring people in; I’m starting to give them a kingdom mentality that they’re going to start sowing not that they haven’t but God says I’m bringing a new understanding. I’m bringing a new people says God, ones that are going to fund. I’m even placing it upon their hearts right now that they’re going to be drawn to this place, they’re going to come and the first thing they do, they’re going to start tithing. The first thing they do is to get right behind the vision and these ones,” God said “will be from Me because I will build this church, I will build this church” and the Lord says “The gates of hell will not prevail. What I have already started” says the Lord “I will finish in your life, in your life.”
Thank you, Lord. Just release them in their destiny. Release them in their destiny. Give them new plans and strategies, give them governmental authority. Lord, you’re giving that to them right now. Lord show them, take them right now into the spirit realm. You’re showing them that is what I want you to do, the blueprints are there, the blueprints are there. God says “open your spiritual eyes right now. I’m showing you the blueprints. God says you need to write them down. They’re going to be strategic” says God. “Write these things down” and even as it were, you’re going to have it around your neck, you’re going to have it with you and within you, plastered around.
I see the vision, the destiny, the governmental strategy God gives you; you’re going to have it with you everywhere you go. You’ll be praying for it every single minute of the day and you’re going to see it come to pass. God says “I’ve brought you two as gatekeepers” and the Lord says “I’ve been well pleased with you, what you’ve done with what I’ve given you” and God says “now I’m going to increase. I’m expanding you. I’m extending your borders” says God. “I’m extending your borders even within yourself, I’m extending your borders even in your mind, I’m extending your borders even in authority in the spirit realm, and I’m extending your borders even in where you go to minister. So, the Lord says son and daughter this is your day, your hour. It is time to rise and shine for the glory of the Lord.”
29.7.01 Barbara preached on Corporate Giftings and Corporate Vision
Barbara Miller – What I saw when we were praising and worshipping was a scrubbing brush and I said Oh Lord, are you saying you need to give us a scrub this morning to clean us up a bit more. Scrubbing brushes are pretty hard, aren’t they? Not just washers. But, as I continued to look, the scrubbing brush wasn’t actually on us. It was on some glass.
And as I waited and watched and I could see the suds there, the scrubbing brush was cleaning the glass. The scripture came to me that Paul wrote. When we’re on this side of the veil, when we’re living on earth, we see through a glass darkly. We see in part and in that day when we pass over to the other side, we’ll know in full. We’ll have the full picture of all that God is and all that God wants us to know. But on this side, we see in part and we prophecy in part.
But I said Lord, what are you really saying here? I believe the Lord was saying that He’s given us as a church a very clear revelation and we thought that we were seeing very clearly but we were still only seeing in part. He’s cleaning that looking glass or glass we look through to see what God’s vision is for us as a church and it’s going to become a lot clearer for us. This is because He’s there with His scrubbing brush cleaning our looking glass or fixing up our eyesight so we’re going to be able to have an even greater revelation of what His gifting and calling on us is as a church.
Norman Miller – That’s a confirmation to me as well what Barbara was sharing. I didn’t see the scrubbing brush. I was seeing the paintbrush in the Master’s hand. I believe He was putting a fresh anointing, a fresh outlook upon us. I began to just see the different colours of the rainbow coming together. I’m beginning to see a spiritual blend of what God’s beginning to do. He’s beginning to give us clarity and before we weren’t able to accept it.
Sometimes it didn’t fit. Sometimes the coat was a little bit too small. God is giving us a new coat, a coat of armour that’s anointed, that’s going to move in power and to move in authority and I believe God is planting a new mantle, a different look upon His church. The church will be completely different to what we see now. God wants His people not to lose sight. It’s got to be corporate. Isolation brings error and God is beginning to draw people back to Himself. God is bringing His sheep that’ve wandered so many times. God’s beginning to show His church so that they can see clearly, so they can focus on the 21st century church and beyond. There’s going to come a different outlook of the church on how we’ll view things, see things, how church’ll be done.
There’s a greater measure of that revelation and God wants His people to rise up and continue to stay focused on Him because He’s beginning to open up the heavens and He’s speaking to His church concerning the times, the hours and the days. He’s getting His church ready for visitation. There is a stirring I believe God is bringing about among His people. I believe God wants His people to come closer, to be knitted so that this vision God has given His church for the final hour, i.e. His people to come before Him, to bow before Him, to exalt Him and praise His holy name in the presence of our heavenly Master, is come.
I believe there’s a double anointing just like when Elijah ascended into heaven and Elisha was there with him and it’s going to take that same partnership. He’s raising up Elishas of the day. Elijah said to Elisha if you see me when I ascend, you can have it. God is saying if you see what I’m doing, you’ll move in My timing, not man’s timing. So, I believe church there’s a new gear that the church of God needs to go into. Sometimes the church has been in first or second gear. It’s a different level of anointing. He’s focusing His intercessors on “follow Me”. God’s wanting His church to rise above that level. Sometimes we’re down here, but it’s lifting. God’s taking us to another level. Where you are you’re stale in that level, stagnant at that level. Have an intimate relationship with Him so that as you minister to Him, He’ll minister to the lost. I believe that as we come together, we need to focus on the eternal things of God, never to lose sight of what God is doing. I just want to encourage you with the things of God on My heart this morning. The gear you’ve been in is not going to work. Go up another level.
Shirley Miller – Remember King David when he danced before the ark. The Lord says king David danced before the ark and the ark is coming up the road. This morning we sang about the glory of the risen Lord and God is saying the ark is coming. We will dance and we will sing and we will shout and we will proclaim the glory of the risen Lord and the glory of the Lord will fall upon His people.
5.8.01 (Graeme Jackel, visiting Cairns from Melbourne, preached on Intimacy) Clare St Church
Norman Miller – I will protect My children. I’m a God that looks after My children. Let My presence, let My arms just embrace you. Know that My hand is upon you and I have called you for such a time as this. I’m bringing forth new things this day” declares the Lord. “I’m bringing you through. I am your God that will strengthen you. As you trust in Me, as you hold My hands and as I hold your hands, know that I will never let you go. I will never let you go. I am your God who will never leave you nor forsake you. I’ve been with you in those trial times, those testing times and those hard times and I will lead you into My promises. My love, My mercy endures forever. I am the God of love. Let Me take hold of your hand My child this morning.
Barbara Miller – What the Lord was showing me was a rather large wheel and my heart went to this scripture in Ezekiel 1:15-28. What I believe the Lord was saying is that just as Ezekiel in a vision saw the glory of the Lord leave the temple because of the sin of the people and then later in a vision he saw the glory of the Lord re-enter the temple through the east gate, the glory of God is re-entering this tabernacle. The glory of the Lord left many years ago when this building ceased to be a church and became a new age centre but as we’ve reclaimed it for the Lord and restored it, the glory of the Lord is returning.
Graeme Jackel,– I’ve seen lights come on on a map of up here and I believe there’s going to be a revival here. It’s interesting about that wheel this morning because down in Melbourne Ps Danny said to one of our intercession groups praying for revival for Australia, put your hands out like this and there were 12 of us and I said this makes a wheel. Jesus is central and we’re all reaching in here. It’s interesting that is linked up to Ezek 1.
With prophecies, we had a prayer meeting here early Thursday morning led by Ps Norman and Barbara and I saw small torches with a fire. (The torch was also on the video they showed Friday night of Tom Hess and the highlights of the All Nations Convocation Jerusalem 2000). I believe these were faithful people carrying torches at this time and there was fire burning on that. When we were worshipping God this morning, I had the vision of the small torches coming through and one big flame coming out of the one torch and I felt that’s prophetic for this church of what God’s going to do. At the moment it might seem we’ve all got torches but the Lord is going to bring a big fire and I believe the fire is going to burn so brightly in this city of Cairns.
(Barbara saw a torch that morning in her prayer. Sally Jackel said Sunday after the service she saw a mushroom over Cairns and got the words wrong covering, that some of the churches had wrong coverings. Rev Ian Thomson also saw a mushroom at the last pastors’ prayer meeting but was unsure of the meaning.)
Barbara Miller – I saw a fence and then had a sense of Rachel, the American girl killed in the Columbine massacre. Cindy Jacobs told us her story at the Burning Heart conference in Brisbane we’ve just returned from. A gun was held to Rachel’s head and she was asked if she believed in God. She said yes. She was shot in the leg. As she lay in her own blood, she was asked again if she believed in God, gun held to her head. She said yes. She was shot dead. An intercessor had a dream of a lamb chasing butterflies and a sword came down from heaven and slayed the lamb and lots of little lambs came out of the lamb. The intercessor didn’t know that Rachel loved butterflies and her room was full of them. Her parents didn’t know that Rachel’s name meant lamb. When her parents read Rachel’s diary later, she wrote that she would die for her faith.
Her death was not in vain because it triggered a wave of revival among youth in the US. At a service for Rachel afterwards, they had an altar call to pick up the baton. You might think they’d run in the opposite direction – out the door but no they ran forward for the altar call. Recently 40,000 youth went to Washington for a Prayer for the Nation after 40 days of prayer and fasting. It rained for hours but they kept praying, some of them lying face in the mud, weeping for their nation. Dutch Sheets’ daughter had been weeping so much in prayer one night that she burst the blood vessels in her eyes and was weeping blood.
Cindy said Australia needed to pray and fast or we’d see gang warfare involving Asian kids. I believe we need to release a spirit of sacrifice across our nation. I want to pray for an impartation of sacrifice. The blood of the martyrs builds the church. There’s been little blood spilt in Australia for the sake of the gospel and there has been little revival. We need a sacrificial way of living. What is God asking us to sacrifice this morning – food, time praying or witnessing, money, talents? Who wants to come to the altar this morning and say Lord I want to be like Rachel and be a living sacrifice? I want to present my body as a living sacrifice on your altar (Romans 1).
We went into travail to prevent violence in Australia.
Norman Miller – Someone has prophecied financial breakthrough over your life and you’ve put that word on the shelf. You say, oh, I’ll wait for that to come to pass but you have to warfare with those prophetic words. You have to warfare in the spirit. That’s what He’s saying to you – change. Prophetic words come to this church – so many. God’s blessed this church with words of prophecy and the people of God, once we hear that word, we have to warfare and say God, what are you saying? What are you saying when the prophetic is brought forth?
Now the word from Cindy has been a warning! I’m beginning to see pockets of how God is doing a shaking in this nation and the church of God has to wake up. There’ll be violence in the streets if the church does not pray. Rick Joyner prophecied that there would be race wars. You can see the race war in Fiji, Israel and Palestine etc. That’s why the people of God need to pray and pray and pray. In Timothy, Paul tells us to warfare over our prophecies. We don’t want our prophecies to be shipwrecked like Paul was. Many of you have had prophecies over you about finances. Some of you may have rejected them or put them on the shelf. That’ll come to pass, you say, when God wants it to but you have not warfared into that prophecy.
A warfare anointing came on Colleen when she was songleading so Norman and Barbara called the church to the altar so she could impart the anointing and prophecy over them while the pastors backed her up. Norman released Barbara to impart a warfare anointing also. This was in line with what Barbara was going to preach on.
Barbara saw a merry go round. She had seen one in our church about a year previously. She said she didn’t normally get the same word or vision more than once except for about 3 weeks in a row early last year when the Lord showed her a ladder or stairway to heaven in our church with angels ascending and descending on it. However, she said what the Lord is saying to us today is to get off the merry go round and stop going round and round in circles. This fitted in with her message about seizing the kairos time and moving through the window of opportunity into our promised land or the promises God has for us and not grumbling and wandering around in circles in the wilderness for 40 years like the Israelites.
10.9.01 Positioned for Dominion Conference Cairns
Apostle Leon Walters USA Over Norman and Barbara Miller – I thank you Father for the honour and privilege of being able to pray for Norm and Barb. Thank you, Father, that your hand is upon them. Even as I lay hands on them, I know its significant. There’s a greater level and there’s a greater depth of meaning Lord in this impartation. Lord as I lay hands on them, I’m reminded of the woman with the issue of blood as she reached through the crowd and touched you. Without seeing, you felt virtue went out of you. I feel virtue going out to Norman and Barbara tonight. I see an impartation going that is going to revolutionize, that is going to change their life. They’ll never be the same again. They’ll not leave the same as they came, even from this very night. Lord I see not only is their business going to change, their ministry is going to change, their impact is going to change.
The Lord would say son and daughter, this is the time, this is the season. Everything that has happened from the past to the present the Lord said has been purposed by Me. The Lord said even areas you failed in I’ve allowed you to go through it. The Lord said I can mature you. I can make the man and give you true examples of what you’re not going to be. The Lord said now enter into your time of success. I’ve called you to be like a Mumma and Poppa in the kingdom.
The Lord said there’ll be a deluge of people that’ll flood to this nation and city, this geographical area, even from other nations says the Lord. They’ll come here from other nations looking for a place of hope, looking for a place of survival and the Lord said it’s all going to be cleared. It’s all going to be possible, even politically it’s going to be made possible. Others will want to reject them and there’ll be a wall the enemy will want to put up and bring division in this city and region. But the Lord said I’ll give you a way to be a Mum and Pop to them.
Out of that I’m going to build a warring nation, a warring people. The Lord says son and daughter I want you to pray for every church in this city you come into contact with. Like Gideon, you’re a ploughman and ploughwoman who break the ground. Others grow and increase because of the work you’re doing. But the Lord said I don’t ever want you to look and say Lord we’ve laboured long and we’ve warred and we’ve done warfare worship and others are growing but we seem to be the same and the Lord said bless their growth. Bless their growth. You’ve been faithful with that which is another man’s.
But the Lord said you’re going to have your portion. I’m hearing the Lord say I give you a three-year agenda. In three years, the Lord said you’re going to double, triple and quadruple. I’m hearing you’re going to have your congregation to 300 people. The Lord said I’ll bring families from the north, the east, the south and the west to you. You’re going to have pastors call you and say we have this family in our church with this anointing and we can’t take them where they need to be. The Lord said I’m going to have them send families to you. I’m doing a new thing. You won’t take them. You’ll be a Mumma and Poppa to a new nation.
It’s like territory. I’m seeing – it’s not a farm but it’s much land. 50 or 60 acres of land. I see where it’s going to be a healing centre. I see where it’s going to be a counselling centre, an apostolic and prophetic base and there’ll be an international training college and school and the Lord says you’ll train and equip 5-fold ministers. You’ll be a Mumma and a Poppa. I’ll truly release the apostle heart out of you and not just the apostolic anointing, I’ll release the fatherhood anointing. We have many teachers and many instructors but not many fathers and the Lord said you’ll release that father’s heart.
The Lord said even where the enemy came to rob, steal and kill and when he tried to put your vision down within you, the Lord said you have to apologize for nothing. This is my gift; my anointing and I want you to rise up with greater boldness and a greater confidence and the Lord said I’m going to put you right in the seat of the political arena said the Lord. I’m going to take you even to the mayors and the governors. The Lord said I’m going to take you to places even of the corporate arena says the Lord and I’m going to give you vision in this area said God even for the business people and you’ll establish a way to ….and the Lord said there’s going to be an increase. I’m going to bring young entrepreneurs to you and you’ll train them and release them.
Daughter, I release the prophetic flow in the way you want it. You say Lord I want to prophecy without stopping. The Lord said daughter you’ll prophecy like Ezekiel of old. You won’t even need anybody there. When you pray, you’ll pray prophetically, when you sing, you’ll sing prophetically, when you preach, you’ll preach prophetically, when you prophecy, it’ll be a ………. anointing. It’ll be a river within you. You’ll be like Esther of old. I’m going to give you favour with people in high places.
The Lord said daughter I’m bringing a miracle with your child. I’ll heal the child, heal the wounds. There’ll be new love in the relationship with the children, even the spiritual children. The Lord said this a new thing I’m doing. I don’t want you to look back. Look ahead. It’s a new day. Old things have passed away and all things become new in, through and for you. Lord I just release corporately the prophetess and apostolic anointing, mother and father and the revelatory gift within them right now in Jesus’ name.
(Apostle Leon ordained Norman as an Apostle and Barbara as a prophet on September 11, 2001, 9/11 the same night the Twin Towers fell in the USA. That prayer is not recorded as it was in our church after the conference, which was at another location, finished.)
10-11.9.01, Positioned for Dominion Conference, Cairns, hosted by TOD & CFIRP
Apostle Leon Walters, USA– (Our purpose in being here is to make an impact in the spirit realm, sending a word into the heavenlies that’ll broaden the hole in the heavenlies……There is a divine connection between Australia and New Zealand that will impact the nations of the world.)
Out of the north, I believe the breath of the Holy Spirit is going to begin to breathe heavily and the seed of warfare will begin to rise up out of the northern part of Australia, and there’s going to be a sound, there’s going to be a warrior anointing of warfare praise and intercession and the warriors of the Lord are beginning to rise up out of the north and it’s going to be like a river that’s going to flow all the way to the borders of Australia and even touching into New Zealand.
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God is saying to Cairns, Australia “I don’t want you to back up anymore. I’ve given you a unique anointing and I want you to press in like you’ve never pressed in before.” We should have the largest facilities for church meetings than anywhere in Australia. (Of course, in the end time revival we won’t be able to build churches big enough to hold the end time harvest).
no 3
This is a prophetic word to Australia and New Zealand:
Isa 54 “Sing O barren … break forth into singing and cry out aloud”
Pastors take this scripture home with you, print it out, put it in the bulletins of your church, put it before the church. It’s time for a new birthing in Cairns Australia. It’s time for a new release of the Holy Spirit. I’m not talking about release where we just get excited, jump up and down and pass out on the floor. I’m talking about a revelation in your spirit that you can be spiritual giants like David of old and you’ll begin to bring down the goliaths in the city, and begin, like Gideon to go and tear down the Asherah poles and pull down the occultism and drive out satanism and drive out spirits of immorality and proclaim over the city and our country that it is a righteous place.
Sing! We’ve not seen a revival yet born out of Cairns, Australia. But I’m telling you I believe the Holy Spirit is saying as you cry out, God’s going to birth a revival out of here. They’ll have to enlarge airports, they’ll have to make changes because of what God will bring here from the nations of the world.
v2. I believe your children and your children’s children will not have to move to other areas that as you begin to broaden your tent stakes that there is an inheritance, a spiritual righteousness right here in this city, here in northern Australia that is yours for the taking. But I want you to get out of the box. I want you to begin to think the way that I think, out of the old church mentality, out of the old religious mindsets, get past those old doctrinal issues, get off all the argumentation and come into righteousness and begin to receive a revelation of who He is. He says He will pour a revival out here that your children and your children’s children will inherit and they’ll go to the nations of the world. This is the word of God.
no 4
I believe there’s going to be articles written from north, south, east and west about Cairns Australia. Lord you’re getting ready to do something in this place that is going to be significant and every other city is going to want to know something about it. You’ll supernaturally bring people here Lord. I see intercessors being raised up in Cairns Australia. I see warriors of the Lord raising up in this place. I see a new warring mentality. Lord there’s going to be new music and new demonstration of warfare praise that’s going to be released out of the northern part of Australia. Lord I just release those prophetic words and insights over this city and this place, over this part of the region, that it’ll be like a geyser that would spring up a well of living water that would come out of this place and that would flood all the way to the south.
No 5
I’m sending this out as a prophetic word because I believe there is a new mandate of the Holy Spirit being released upon the 5-fold ministries not only in giving (the word) but upon the church to begin to receive of the revelation and then be willing to do something with it. We are past the time of just getting excited about a message. God’s saying I’ve not only called you to be hearers of the word but doers of the word.
(Every word we say stays in the airwaves. Those songs will be sung in the airwaves from now to eternity. I sense in my spirit that there’s a militancy in Cairns Australia and you don’t put up with any of the devil’s mess and don’t back down. You’re not afraid to fight. You don’t make contracts with the devil like – you don’t bother me and I won’t bother you. I’m going to give him all the hell I can.)
No 6 (Sept 11,2001)
Birthing. God wants to bring forth in Australia. There’s a birthing God wants to bring forth in Cairns. If I hear the word of the Lord properly, God is going to cause an amazing eruption of His Spirit out of this place and there’s going to be a thrust and a breakthrough of the things of the Spirit. If God is going to breakthrough in this area, then we need to position – position ourselves for breakthrough, to birth the increase. Zec 4:10. Don’t despise the day of small beginnings.
Start with what you have. Bring what you have. Put it on the altar of sacrifice like Abraham. God’ll electrify that thing and give it back to you as a hot potato.
No 7 (Sept 11,2001)
We speak heavy rain over Cairns – a deluge – position and posture for breakthrough. I really believe that the Lord is speaking in this conference that God has prepared us for such a time as this. If you’ll posture your attitude, don’t leave this conference saying I don’t know if I believe those prophets and apostles or not, don’t even know if I believe in prophets and apostles, posture and position yourself and say I’m not moving till I see the abundance of rain that I heard in my spirit. God is going to bring a deluge of anointing upon Cairns, Australia and upon the church and the ministries and everything contiguous to it in this area.
No 8 (Sept 11,2001)
And the Lord said you have reversed the curse. You’ve reversed the order even that the enemy had written against you says God. And the Lord said now you’re going to experience a new level of breakthrough. The Lord said I’m going to bring every tribe, every nation, every creed of every language together and the Lord said there’s going to be a new form of worship, a new form of praise even that will come out of the northern part of Australia and the Lord says it will begin to spread like a river to the north, east, south and west and the Lord said I’m even bringing my ministers together and the Lord said there’s going to be healing and going to be unity says God for the Lord said surely the sound of the instruments and the sound of your praise and the sacrifice of your dance has now jammed the enemy’s plans and the Lord said I am releasing a new plan so the Lord said shout unto Me with the voice of triumph for the Lord says surely I am your breakthrough even in this day in this house says the Lord.
10-11.9.01, Positioned for Dominion Conference, hosted by the Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace and held at COC venue Cairns
Apostle/Prophet Greg Bailey– When I was here, I knew God had picked this place out. Honest, it wasn’t my first choice but when here, my spirit was so excited, over the moon. I got such a stirring in my spirit that this is the place. This is the place. God is going to do something awesome here in Cairns. I believe it’s Cairns’ time. There is a new spirit God is releasing upon us here in Cairns and surrounding areas and I believe that this is a time and season that we have come here to release and leave a deposit.
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…For the servants of myself to rise up to a new level. Truly the harvest is ripe. Truly there are many, many that need to be coming into the kingdom of God. The Lord said right now I’m raising up my army. Even right now says the Lord. I prophecy right now into my dry dead bones and as you come together, as the spirit of unity is being released, even upon this city of Cairns, even the surrounding areas, the Lord says as to come together, bone to bone, and as you come together, sinew to sinew and muscle to muscle, God will start to rise up.
The Lord says as I prophecy, as I prophecy. Wow! As I blow the prophetic anointing across my body the Lord says I’m wanting my church to come to life. I’m bringing it back to life. The Lord says there is a great and mighty army raising up in this area and the Lord says I’m marshalling my troops, marshalling my generals. I’m getting them ready. I’m preparing your leaders says God. They’re coming to life. They’re coming to order. The Lord says even right now as the leaders come in; the people will even start to be prepared in their positions. Oh! The Lord says this is a time my church not to sit back and relax but to arise for the glory of God is resting upon you says the Lord. It’s time to shine. It’s time to shine! Wow! Breakforth! Yes! Oh! Arise! Arise! Oh!
No 3
The Lord reminded me of Jer 1:10. I believe this is a word for the church in Cairns and region. “See, I have. I have. It’s already done. I have this day, this day, this day set you over the nations to root out, to pull down, to destroy and to build, to plant. ” We have achieved that here even this morning. We’ve started a revolt. We’re revolting against the enemy.
The Lord also showed me Eph 3:10. God’s intent was that now. God is God of today. He speaks present truth that relates to us today.” Now through the church, through me, the manifold wisdom of God …” That’s what’s happening here. We are going to let the demonic rulers know that we as the church are arising, we are taking back the kingdoms of this world and we are turning them back into the kingdoms of God. This is what I believe God is saying to us with this conference – that He is positioning us for dominion and we cannot rule and reign underneath principalities and powers because we can only go so far. And that’s what’s been happening with the church. We’ve only been going so far because we haven’t been addressing the major problem, the major strongholds that’ve been going on above us as well in here. There’ve been a lot of battles going on in our minds. Our mindsets saying- how can we make a difference? There’s a lot of disappointment out there. But yesterday is gone. Today’s a new day. He’s not doing it any other way but through the church.
No 4
Breakthrough is about to hit your region. Breakthrough. All things are lining up. There’s been a shift even in the heavens. There’s been some things that’ve been rearranging. People of God have risen up and there’s a spirit of unity in this area that is not like other places. Where other places will speak about it and say oh yeah, we’ve joined together but they’ve got things in their heart. But I believe in my spirit today that there’s a spirit of unity over this region and when God brings us together with a spirit of unity, then there’s a commanded blessing that comes upon this church, God’s body as a whole in the fullness of time. 2 Cor 6:1-2. Now is today of salvation, take hold of it.
Finally receive the fullness. I believe that’s why we’re here in Cairns and not in any other city in Australia. Cairns it’s your time, your season, your season of breakthrough. You grab a hold if it and you run as far as you can with it. There’s a fullness of grace that God is wanting to release.
Job 1:16 From the fullness of His grace we have received one blessing after another after another. When you are walking in an open heaven, when you have finally broken through, you start to walk in one blessing after another after another after another blessing.
No 5
I am so excited. When we flew into here Sunday night, I’m thinking praise God we’re coming back into Australia (we love NZ) but there’s nothing more than coming back to your home nation and I thought praise God we’re coming to Cairns and I thought I’m excited. Oh! Yes, I remember when I was here last time! God you are stirring my spirit! And I believe there’s been a crescendo. There’s been a momentum coming from the conferences we’ve been having and it’s like it’s all going to be washed up onto Cairns. It’s all going to swept into Cairns. There’s a tidal wave coming and it’s a wave of God’s glory going to wash all over this region. And this is the right time. It’s the right season.
No 6
None of My words will be delayed any longer. There’s a resurrection taking place. There are ones – the Lord’s just speaking to me right now. There’s some of you who’ve had words over you that you thought were not God. You thought well God, I’m putting that up on a shelf and if it comes to pass it’s you or if it doesn’t, it’s not. There’s even those of you who’ve had words and said it can’t be true and dismissed those. I believe what God is saying today is I am resurrecting some of those things. I’m resurrecting even those words. It was Me says God. I did speak it out and it will come to pass and the Lord says even those ones that God says the words will come to pass without delay the Lord says I’m breaking off all restrictions from around about you. There will not be those things will stop you. I’m breaking off all chains from around about you and about the vision and about the dream says God and there’s ones here right now I believe you’ve said God it sounds good but I don’t know about that.
I want you to hear the word of the Lord today. Hear the word of the Lord today that He has a plan and purpose for you, for your family, for your company, your business, whatever it may be. He’s got a plan and it will come to pass but I believe there are some things that you may be doing even though the word is spoken out, it may not say what sin you are doing, it may not say what you have to do about it but God says it’s My word and I believe you still must line your living up with the word of God and what it says you have to do. You continue to be righteous and to be changed and conformed into the image of God and God says this word will come to pass, that world I’ve given you will come to pass, that word I’ve given you will come to pass. I believe God is saying I want to release that warfare anointing. Time to warfare over prophecies till they come to pass. Release the warrior anointing.
I break off every fear and constriction and hindrance. Stir them to come out of Babylon and build what you have for them in the region of Cairns. Much is going to come out of the Cairns region.
Barbara Miller – What I could see was a lake and I could see sailing boats on the lake and just on the edge of it there seemed to be sand and buildings close by. I said Lord where is it and he gave me the impression it was the Sea of Galilee and I said Lord why would you show me the Sea of Galilee? He reminded me of the heart shaped stone that we brought back from the Sea of Galilee which normally sits on our altar right in the heart of Australia in the middle of Uluru. And it’s like He was saying that this is especially connecting us with the land of Israel and reminding us that the key to world revival is in fact Israel and even our key for the blessing of our nation of Australia is the nation of Israel. The ministry re Israel is very important to us but I believe the Lord is saying that in days to come, it’s going to be even more defining in the sense that those churches who have a heart for Israel are going to a time of greater blessing but also persecution in the days ahead.
We know that just recently there’s been a jihad or holy war declared on Australia (this week). We don’t know what that’s going to mean in the future but make no mistake about it, we are in the end times and the church of Jesus Christ is in times that will bring us difficult choices in the future but also bring us choices that we’re going to be protected. If we choose the Lord Jesus Christ, no eternal harm can befall us because we are in His kingdom. We are His blessed ones and those who choose Him, He’ll choose and protect and we will find no harm of any eternal consequence will befall them. So, even as the days ahead may become difficult, know that you are rooted in the One who Himself is the chief cornerstone of the church, Himself is the rock of our salvation. We are rooted in the Lord Jesus Christ and upon that rock, many nations will hurt their feet. But we will not. We will stand strong upon that rock. And we need to pray for our churches and for our nation that they will have a revelation that Israel is indeed the key to world revival and the key to eternal life and every good thing.
BarbaraMiller – I saw white clouds, a blue sky and an open heaven and then an open window, the bottom right-hand corner of it. I believe the Lord is saying “Have I not opened the heavens for you over this city and even over this region? Have not I made a doorway for you into the heavenlies for you to move into, for you to go into new territory says the Lord? Have I not opened it before your very eyes this week says the Lord? Seize the time. Seize the opportunity. Move when the time is right. Move through the window of opportunity says the Lord. Have I not opened to you a doorway? Have I not opened a window?
See it says the Lord and move through it and move into the new territory I have given you, into the new day that I have set before you, into the new time that I have set before you. For, says the Lord, I have ordained you for such a time as this that you would go forth, that you would go forth with wings on your feet, that you would go forth with My word, that you would take it to the ends of the earth says the Lord. For I have brought you forth in such a time as this with my very word to cover the ends of the earth for I would have My glory cover the earth as the waters cover the sea says the Lord and you have a part in this. You are ones that I have brought forth, even through birth pains, through trials and through difficulties I have brought you forth for even such a time as this says the Lord.
So go forward, go for it, go through the doors I have opened, go through the windows I have opened, go through the open heaven. Do not look back! Do not look back to say what am I leaving behind! Do not look back to count the cost! Do not withhold anything from Me says the Lord. For I have looked forward to this day and this day has come. Do not turn back! Go forward into all that I have for you.
I’m revealing my plans and purposes to you. Yes, the Lord says, even the hidden things I am revealing to you this day. Walk in them. Walk in those new truths, walk in that new revelation and go forward, push forward, go forward and breakthrough in the heavenlies over this city, over this church and over this region says the Lord and I will not fold it back.
Kaye Chapman – The Lord said take heed of My words. My wind is blowing into this place and I want you to know it is from the north. Today I’m taking you people out into the marketplace. My wind is going to blow through here and it is going to blow with a mighty rush. I need to send My wind to this place to bring change. There have been too many things that have stood against the moving of My Spirit. So, I’m coming to clean out the hearts of My people. Today I’m going to give you a new refreshing wind of My Spirit. The wind is going to help to raise you above your circumstances. I’m coming to bring a new refreshing wind to uphold you. Take heed of the things I’m going to show you. I’m going to show you new strategies and plans to enable you to go to a new dimension of My Spirit. I wish to take you on to a new thing. I’ve been calling unto you to come to Me and receive of Me. So today let Me replenish your dry wells. Ask of Me today and I will come and meet with you face to face.
Norman Miller – The wind of change has been prophecied. Breathe upon us O Lord. Lord we want to know your heart this morning more and more. I say breathe upon your people Lord this morning. Even the wind and the waves obey you. Lord we your people would obey you and listen to the words you’ve spoken this morning in this place and we would walk into the prophecies that have come forth in this place and we would move into those things with you. Direct the camp this morning, in Jesus’ name we pray.
Colleen Burfitt – I believe our Father would say this morning that we are so settled in our ways we need to rise up. Rise up My people and go forward. Do not be set back in your ways. We are saying we are in a stable place but He is saying He doesn’t need you to be stable anymore. He’s given you a place in your life where He wants you to be doing and sometimes in our life, we are so comfortable that we say another day, another day but He’s saying I want you to be out there doing the things I’ve asked you to do, the place where I need you to be right this very minute. I want you to be in the place where you should be right now. You should be going forth. God is trying to challenge us. Don’t just be complacent in the things that are out there but He says He wants you to go to the next step this morning. Are you ready or do you want to stay where you are this morning?
You need to go forward in Him, not backward. He’s saying I don’t want you to go back. I want you to go forward, to take that next step. Do you believe you’re ready to take the next step this morning because if you’re not ready to take the next step with the Lord this morning, you’re going to be left behind? And we don’t want to be left behind.
Roger Wall – The Lord wants us to move to the next level but there’s some here, the Lord is tarrying and waiting for but we must all come in because He’s the Good shepherd and He wants us all to go on to the next level. Seek His face here on this earth. Seek His face here on this earth. Seek His face.
Barbara Miller – What I saw during praise and worship was the crown of thorns that Jesus wore and it was like barbed wire on His head. Then it changed into a garland of flowers, a crown of glory. And I believe that what the Lord is saying to us is that there is great persecution coming to His church. Now it’s been going on for a long time in many nations of the world but the time will come when persecution will touch us. The church here needs to be prepared for that. There have been prophecies about what happened in the USA. There are prophecies in the Bible about persecution. Jesus Himself spoke about the persecution that is coming and we have to realize that we are in the last days.
The other thing the Lord was reminding me of is when He talks in His word about the wheat and the tares growing up together. Often, we say, Lord, why is there so much evil in the world? Why don’t you get rid of it? But the Lord allows the evil and the good to grow up side by side. The day is coming soon where the tares, the evil, will be rooted out.
The word I’ve been getting the last few days has been polarization. The good is going to become more obviously good and the evil is going to become more obviously evil. We are told that there will be a falling away even of Christians in these days so we need to be ready and prepared in our hearts for the persecution that will come to Australia. It already has come in other nations.
But we need to know that Jesus is with us and will give us strength to withstand any kind of suffering that may come upon us and He will replace that crown of thorns or that crown of barbed wire with a crown of glory and with a garland of flowers. We know what our ultimate reward is.
I’ll pray now about that – Lord I pray that we will heed the warnings in your word and that we would heed the warnings of your prophets and that we would make ourselves ready. Lord we know that you do not test us more than we can bear. You always give us a way out. Lord we know that where there has been martyrdom and persecution your church has grown and flourished. So, Lord we ask that in this time ahead you would give us courage, you would give us strength, you would give us your wisdom in these times to come and as Norman was singing before “It’s not by might nor by power but by your Spirit”. We ask for the strength of your Spirit to help us in coming days.
Barbara – Word no 2 – As we were singing, I really believe there was a call for the church to rise up, awake, align. We need to arise out of our complacency, we need to awake out of our slumber and we need to align ourselves with the body of Christ as the great end time army the Lord talks about in Ezek 37.
Norman Miller– Read 1 Cor 3:5 – watering, working and warning is what is coming through this morning. I believe there’s an alert to the church in this very time. Here it’s talking about Paul. I planted; Apollos watered but God gave the increase. The Lord spoke to me a few weeks ago about the abundance of rain and we had a few showers.
Last week we had a word about a wind of change. The winds outside the church were howling. There was a very strong wind blowing. So, I said OK Lord, we had the rain, we had the wind. It must be the fire next. It’s been prophecied in this nation about the fires of revival. God’s fire tests and purifies and we need to be sanctified by God’s word. We need to be watered, to work as God directs us and hear the warnings coming through. I believe there’ll be an increase. This is an important time. The times are in God’s hands but the enemy is trying to bring distraction, disappointment etc. He who plants and he who waters are one. You are God’s field and you are God’s building. Hear the word. Heed how you build. Build on the foundation of Jesus. Each one’s work will become clear for the day will declare it for it will be revealed by fire.
Norman Miller – Isaiah 21:18. The Lord said he would set in the desert the cypress tree and the pine together. Isaiah was called to be a prophet. Isa 6. He saw the Lord high and lifted up and His train filled the temple. That’s what I was seeing – the train of His robe filling the temple. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord. Read Rev 7. If I could cut palm branches to wave in this place this morning in worship to the Lord I would.
Psalm 2. This is the word of the Lord. “Ask of Me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, the ends of the earth for your possession” and I believe God wants you to ask of Him this morning. Ask of Me and I’ll give you the nations. Ask the Lord of the Harvest to give you this city for His glory and His will and His purpose so His plans and His perfect will of Jesus be done. Ask God to stir your heart to give you the nations and this city. I believe that the prophetic word for you this morning is that God wants you to ask Him right now. That you’d ask the Lord, the God of heaven and earth, ask Him for this city that you want to take this city for Him, that you want to take your city for the living God, wherever you may be, your spiritual Jerusalem in this land of Australia. This great South Land of the Holy Spirit.
I believe that’s a prophetic call for you. God is saying, “Ask of Me, son, Ask of Me, daughter and I will give you the nations for your inheritance. I’ll give you the people that come to this nation. Ask of Me, my son, ask of Me, my daughter.” This is the prophetic word, the living word of God who is the author of life and resurrection and His word is living. It is active. It is sharper than any double-edged sword and He wants us to ask of Him this morning. Will you ask Him? Will you receive that prophetic word? Ask of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and give Him praise as we worship again.
Barbara Miller – While we were in praise and worship earlier, what the Lord showed me was that He wants to give us a mountain top experience. I could see the blue sky and the clouds and there were mountains. In fact, the words of the song said “From the mountains to the valleys” but I could see there was a big light over the mountains. We weren’t down in the valley looking up to the mountains. We were looking across from a nearby mountain and I believe what the Lord wants to get into our spirits this morning is that He has mountaintop experiences for us. He wants us to dance on the mountaintops. He wants us to rejoice on top of the mountains. He wants us to proclaim His word from the mountaintops. We proclaim His word from the mountaintops by song as we’ve been doing this morning and we proclaim His word from the mountain through reading scripture and we proclaim His word from the mountaintops with our prophetic word. So, sing, proclaim scripture and prophecy from the mountaintops. We need to proclaim from the mountaintops that we’re not living in the valleys of despair. We’re having mountaintop experiences. We’re having victory in our lives. We are ruling from the mountaintops. God said in His word that we are to rule and reign from heavenly places.
7.10.01 (Baptisms held)
Barbara Miller – I saw a boat which was very high above the water and it was in a slipway waiting to be launched. As I looked at it, I realized the building of it was complete and it was ready to be launched. I believe the Lord was saying that there was something we’d finished and it was ready to be launched.
14.10.01 Church’s 5th birthday celebration
Barbara Miller – Remember how Elijah won a great victory on Mt Carmel and afterwards killed all the prophets of Baal. Jezebel sent a message to Elijah saying “may the gods deal with me ever so severely if by this time tomorrow I do not make your life like one of them. Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. Now that seems really strange doesn’t it because Elijah had just won this incredible victory and killed this huge no of the prophets of Baal. Yet Jezebel threatens him and he runs for his life. But we know that there’s a spirit of intimidation behind Jezebel that comes against the prophets of the Lord. (Read scripture) He got so depressed and in such a state of despair, he prayed that he would die and this sounds like a silly phrase but “all the kings’ horses and all the kings’ men” could not defeat Elijah but when Jezebel came against him, he ran for his life and then wanted to die. (Read scripture – fell asleep and angel fed him).
What was happening here? After the incredible victory of the prophet of God against the enemies of God, after turning the whole nation to the worship of God instead of Baal, he’s now putting as much distance as he can between himself and that victory. The reason for that is he is exhausted. He was exhausted by the spiritual battle he’d just been through and instead of powering on, he really needed to rest. He started to fear and wanted to run away. I think what the Lord was saying to me this morning during the time of praise and worship was, we need to be careful as a church as well, because I believe we’ve won some big victories in the spirit in this city and one of those recently was the conference we had with CI where we had the apostles and prophets from the USA. It was incredible what happened in this city and our small church hosted that.
I really believe during that time that we took on a lot of principalities and powers over this city with our warfare praise and worship and we won an incredible victory but what we need to be careful of is that when we win a victory, we’re not so exhausted that we stop doing all those things that brought that victory into place. Though the victory is the Lord’s and not ours, He uses human vessels and we don’t want to start to run the other way and get discouraged and want to give up. That’s what that spirit of Jezebel does when it comes against the prophets and we just had a huge victory and we’ve got to be aware of the Jezebel spirit that would want to come against us, that would tire us, that would want to make us runaway, that would want to make us give up what we are doing so that when the victory is there, instead of pressing on and pressing in, we say that’s it. I’ve done this huge thing. Now I have to have a big big break. We need to realize that there’s a spirit behind that. With our praise and worship, we won incredible victories at that conference and we’ve been too tired to have a full-on music practice since the conference. I’m not pointing fingers but that’s just one indication of how that spirit will come against us.
This is the 5th birthday of our church. I don’t know about you but I know Norman and I have felt very tired lately, though not discouraged or wanting to give up or run away. There’s a spirit coming against our church that’s wanting to tire us out and get us to think “well we’ve fought the good fight. Haven’t we done enough?” Because that’s what Elijah was thinking. He said he’d been very zealous and thought he was the only one left but the Lord said he had 7,000 in reserve who were faithful. We might feel that because we have a small number here that we are the few, that we’ve worked hard enough, fought the good fight, done our job and we need a rest now, we need a break and why aren’t other people doing it, why is it just us all the time? We’ve got to realize that even though Elijah was exhausted from a big fight, when he got tired and discouraged and ran away and wanted to die, and said look what I’ve done. I’m the only one, the Lord said, I have 7,000 others who are faithful to me. We have to realize we’re not the only church who is faithful. The Lord has other churches who are working hard to progress His kingdom.
I think it’s rather sad what happened here at the end. The Lord took the commission off Elijah because he got too tired and discouraged to continue on. The Lord said I need you to go and commission Elisha to take over from you and full-on to appoint a new king as well and it was the new king that finished the job of getting rid of Ahab and Jezebel. We don’t want to drop the baton so that the Lord has to tell us to pass it on. Don’t stop praying up a storm after the conference because the devil will try to take back territory he’s lost. For a small church, we’ve won tremendous victories with the Lord in the spirit but let’s not let the spirit of Jezebel come against us because I really believe that on the 5th birthday of our church, we’re under attack from that spirit. (Many confirmed tiredness over them all week and some confirmed discouragement and/or wanting to slow down or lay things aside for a time).
Barbara Miller – The music Tommy is playing is exactly what we need and we’ll continue with it soon but I want to share what I saw was a lake. In front of me was some sand and a shore and a bit of grass and a big body of water. I saw a ship on it. I don’t know what the ship means. Then I saw a key in the front of the picture. I was saying Lord what are you saying here? What I believe He is saying is that there is a key to unlocking the supply of water, which is the supply of the Holy Spirit and that this water in that lake is going to flood over its banks and flood over the whole area, the water representing the Holy Spirit. As we were singing, I sensed that in the natural, just as someone unlocks a dam and the dam can burst its banks and spread over a large area, we need to do this in the spirit.
We need to unlock the dam which is the supply of God’s spirit. At the moment, it’s like it’s being held back and the Lord wants us to call it forth and release it so that the water can break forth, burst the banks of that lake and come forth, so it’ll flood a whole area with the spirit of the Lord and bring revival.
So as Norman was singing “breakthrough”, I was spiritually unlocking the dam with proclamation through song and prophetic action using that key to unlock the dam and calling forth that water. That fits in well with what Norman was singing with breakthrough so if Tommy can go back to that same music and you can prophetically worship the Lord and see yourself unlocking that dam, that water supply and call forth the water of the spirit over the whole region and call forth revival. (The dam was Lake Tinaroo).
Norman Miller – What I was seeing was the key as Barbara was saying. There has to be some shifting. It’s like each one of us drive a car. We’ve got to unlock that door to get in. We’ve got to turn that key to start the motor up. And there’s got to be a shift. So, I believe I was seeing the hand of God upon your hand. He said I’ve inscribed you on the palm of My hand. So just as the hand of the Lord was on Ezekiel, there has to be that shift. Now you have to do something. You have to make a movement with the hands, because God’s hand is upon you. You have to turn the key. There’s got to be a shift. There’re some things God wants you to shift out of the way.
What I was also seeing was a pipe, whether it’s a drainage pipe or a house pipe. Sometimes there are blockages and sometimes there are leaves or rubbish that get in that pipe and God wants to flow, to clean out where there’s been some blockages, to make that transition right now. There’s got to be that shift right now. Remember the story where Peter confesses Jesus as Christ and Jesus answered him in Mat 16:17-19 and said “Blessed are you Simon Bar Jonah for this was not revealed to you by man. And I tell you that you are Peter and, on this rock, I’ll build my church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
O there has to come that divine shift, that release. Shift your mentality of thinking. If there’s some blockages in that pipeline allow the Holy Spirit to move in there and clean so there can be a complete flow through that pipe or drain. God wants to flow freely and He said I’ll give you the kingdom and what you bind on earth whatever the hindrances, will be bound in heaven. God wants to do something in your life. God wants to do something in this city. God wants to do something in this nation. So as a church, God wants to give us something right now. Hold onto His word of binding and loosing. So, get your hands and wave them. Don’t let them be stiff. Let them be loose. There’s a shift that has to come. God wants to move you. God wants to prepare your hands to do His work. There is some reaching out to people God wants you to do. He says “whatever is loosed on earth is loosed in heaven.”
Rev 3:7 talks about the key of David. Jesus says to that church I have set before you an open door that no one can shut. It is important to hold onto God and not loose sight of what He wants us to do. I believe you have that key right now to release that. There’s an open heaven. There’re doors of opportunity and God wants us to unlock those things right now.
Naomi Le Strange – I saw 2 things when Norman was sharing the word from Amos. I saw like a cloud over Australia and it was full of the glory of the Lord. It was like gold and from out of it came a shaft of like golden fire and it just spread all over the country of Australia and I believe that that’s a fire of cleansing and renewal and healing for the whole country and it’s the glory of the Lord coming down.
The other thing I saw was when Norman was singing the song about breakthrough and I was outside with the kids but it was a vision of the warrior Jesus. So often we think of Jesus and we see the shepherd Jesus, the caring Jesus and we don’t see the warrior Jesus and it was like the song where He rides on the clouds and it was like He’s coming in a chariot of fire driving a horse of fire and He was there with His shield and His sword and He was strong and He was mighty and His horses were on fire and His sword was afire and in a cloud behind Him was a cross. But Jesus was a warrior. He was our warrior King and He’s not some meek little mouse. He’s the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and He’s a warrior.
Norman Miller – Read Rev 3:7. I have set before you an open door no one can shut for you have kept My word though you have little strength. When we are weak then we are strong. Those who hope in the Lord shall renew their strength. You have kept my word and that’s important that as people of God, as His church, His body, that we hold onto God, His promises never fail, His words never return void. Don’t be ashamed. Call out the name of Jesus. Tell others about Jesus. Let that key of an open come upon you today. Stand before an open heaven that the King of Kings and Lord of Lords wants to give you and I. He wants to impart key strategies for your life to give you key territories that you and I can take – keys to enlargement. Where you have walked, God will extend. There’s coming an extension for many of you and you will be stretched like rubber bands.
Barbara Miller – What I could see was a lake and I could see sailing boats on the lake and just on the edge of it there seemed to be sand and buildings close by. I said Lord where is it and he gave me the impression it was the Sea of Galilee and I said Lord why would you show me the Sea of Galilee? He reminded me of the heart shaped stone that we brought back from the Sea of Galilee which normally sits on our altar right in the heart of Australia in the middle of Uluru. And it’s like He was saying that this is especially connecting us with the land of Israel and reminding us that the key to world revival is in fact Israel and even our key for the blessing of our nation of Australia is the nation of Israel. The ministry re Israel is very important to us but I believe the Lord is saying that in days to come, it’s going to be even more defining in the sense that those churches who have a heart for Israel are going to a time of greater blessing but also persecution in the days ahead.
We know that just recently there’s been a jihad or holy war declared on Australia (this week). We don’t know what that’s going to mean in the future but make no mistake about it, we are in the end times and the church of Jesus Christ is in times that will bring us difficult choices in the future but also bring us choices that we’re going to be protected. If we choose the Lord Jesus Christ, no eternal harm can befall us because we are in His kingdom. We are His blessed ones and those who choose Him, He’ll choose and protect and we will find no harm of any eternal consequence will befall them. So, even as the days ahead may become difficult, know that you are rooted in the One who Himself is the chief cornerstone of the church, Himself is the rock of our salvation. We are rooted in the Lord Jesus Christ and upon that rock, many nations will hurt their feet. But we will not. We will stand strong upon that rock. And we need to pray for our churches and for our nation that they will have a revelation that Israel is indeed the key to world revival and the key to eternal life and every good thing.
Doreen Burness – if unsure of where to be or what to do like me, the Lord said don’t worry. I’ll show you where I want you to be. Come to me on a daily basis and I’ll show you what I want you to do and where I want you to be.
Shirley Miller and Roger Wall – The Lord didn’t bring us out this far to take us back again.
Rhona – previous revelation to her was shared about revival fires around the world.
Barbara Miller – On Thursday night, we were in here having music practice and Norman and I had been really praying about what the Lord wants to do in relation to this building because we’re due to sign another year’s lease. The rent may be put up and we ask you to pray that the rent will be a fair one for this place and we’ll be able to afford it. We were saying Lord what do you want us to do? We haven’t felt it on our heart to buy this place. We believe the Lord has something bigger for us down the track.
During free worship time at the end of music practice, I waited on the Lord and He showed me this huge peg put right in the middle of this church. I couldn’t see anything else just this huge peg planted very firmly, definitely and very strongly into this church. I thought that’s interesting. I prayed about it and the Lord reminded me that a few months back we received a word by email from an intercessor in Biloela who worships in Rockhampton and she said that after meeting us at the Burning Heart Conference in Brisbane in August, she had a burden to pray for our city and our church and for our CI conference.
The Lord gave her a scripture – Ezra 9:8-9 and it talked about a peg. I had forgotten about this word but when I saw the big peg, it reminded me of the word. We also had a word from an intercessor in Mackay about enlarging our tent pegs.
So, I waited longer on the Lord and I said what are you saying? He said, “Stake out the territory. Remember I gave you this church at the end of last year as a present because you’d been praying for this city and for other churches. So don’t give the present back.” I said to Mum. It’s a bit like the Israelites because, although God gave them the promised land, they still had to fight for it and although God’s given us this building, we still have to pay rent for it every week and we have a small congregation.
But praise the Lord, I still think the Lord was making Himself fairly clear. So, Norman went home and he did a bible study on pegs and he rang Mum and asked her to go to the gallery the Friday morning so Norman and I could spend the morning at the church praying and studying the word together. We were pretty convinced by the end of it that we were meant to sign up again for another year so that’s why we’re going to plant a peg this morning under the prayer room of our church, in a prophetic act, to stake out our claim for this property in the heavenlies. (A peg = a firm place.)
11.11.01 Message by Norman – Choosing a King or God. Josiah Declaration
BarbaraMiller – What I saw was like the landing strip of an airport as if there was a plane about to land but then the scripture in Rev 18 came to me of birds that wanted to alight and the birds represented demonic forces. So, I read Rev 18. “Fallen Babylon… home for every evil spirit, every unclean, detestable bird.” That’s what I saw. It was like the head having birds come and nest in there, the birds representing evil spirits. The Lord’s word was to “Come out of her, My people”.
Prayer – Lord just as you say in your word that a nation can be born again in a day and we pray that for the land of Australia, Lord we are also aware that judgement can come in a day and that the fall of Babylon’s going to be swift when it comes. Lord we know this is a world spirit, not just ruling in a nation like Australia but Lord we pray that as a nation, and as a group of Christians within Australia Lord, that we would hear the warning to “Come out of her My people.” Lord I pray that Christians in this nation of Australia would heed the warning to come out of Babylon so that the plagues are not visited upon us.
Lord I pray that the plagues that you are sending against the world system will not touch your church, that we would not be found to be tainted Lord, not to receive the results of the plague over our own skin, over our own backs and heads and Lord I pray you’d give the church in Australia wisdom Lord, and discernment. I pray that we would know the difference between right and wrong. Lord when you asked Solomon what he would have, some translations say he asked for wisdom and other translations say he asked for discernment between right and wrong. Lord I pray that you would give the Christians in this nation discernment to know what is right and wrong. I pray that you’d give the government of this nation discernment to know what is right and wrong. Lord I pray that you’ll bring your church in Australia out of Babylon. Keep your church in Australia from committing adultery with the kings of the earth. I ask it in Jesus’ name.
18.11.01 Message – Barbara – Radical Obedience and Being Sold Out to the Lord
Barbara Miller – What I saw earlier during the praise and worship, was like a colonnade. There were a lot of people and a roof over them with semicircular awnings and I saw 4 firm poles holding it up. My mind went to Samson. Remember how he died. He had been taken captive by the enemy and right at the end he prayed Lord, give me my strength back so I can take out the enemy of the Lord. The Lord gave him that last burst of strength and he pulled the building down and he lost his life along with the enemy of Israel. (Christian teaching doesn’t talk about taking your life to take out the enemy but Samson is one who did it.)
Then I went to a picture of earlier in Samson’s life. As you know, he was a Nazarite to the Lord and he wasn’t allowed to cut his hair or drink any kind of alcoholic drink. He was separated and consecrated to the Lord. We know because of the lusts of the flesh, he got involved with Delilah and he gave her the secret of his strength and she cut his hair and he was captured and his eyes gouged out. Just as we were worshipping there, it came to me that it was not surprising that it was his eyes that he lost because that’s where the lust of the flesh came from – his eyes.
What I believe the Lord is saying through all of this is that just as Samson had a mantle of national deliverance on him, the Lord is calling us this morning not to go back on the prophetic destiny and calling he’s given us and not turn our back on Him but live holy and consecrated lives.
Prayer – So I pray now Lord that you’ll give me full revelation on this and that you’ll help us to fulfil the prophetic destiny, to fulfil the mantle that you have on the lives of each and every one of us here and upon this church, dear God. I pray you’ll help us to be consecrated to you as Nazarites unto the Lord, that you’d help us to be separated O Lord from the lusts of the flesh, alcohol and any other thing that would separate us from you. We know Lord that you don’t require us to grow our hair Lord but you are our strength. We pray you’ll help us not to let sin get in our life so we won’t get in the hands of the enemy and get blinded the way Samson was.
Lord we pray that you’d release upon us the anointing so we’d know the calling that you have upon our life, that we’d not turn our backs or get distracted as Samson did from the calling of national deliverance that you had on his life. Help us to be consecrated Lord, help us not to get into any sin but consecrated unto you as Nazarites unto the Lord and Lord, I thank you that Cindy Jacobs said you’re going to raise up a radical youth in this nation that’ll be like Nazarites unto the Lord, consecrated to you and Lord I just pray that you’d do it Lord. Cindy said if they weren’t virgins, you’d re-virgin them. We pray for a radical youth movement in Australia, separated to you.
And Lord I pray that you’d bring them to this church too. I call them forth. I pray for youth that are radical, sold out to you, in this church, youth in this church that are separated unto you, that would have a Nazarite anointing, holy and consecrated to you, in Jesus’ name.
24.11.01 Saturday Workshop
Barbara Miller – During praise and worship what I was seeing was a crown and it had some red jewels in it and some green jewels in it. What I believe the Lord is saying is that finances are already embedded in or a part of rulership and we’re meant to realize that we rule and reign with Jesus in heavenly places. When we do that, we’ll see the release of the financial harvest for the purpose of the kingdom of God being advanced.
The other thing I saw was chains breaking and I believe that there’s some people here (myself included, because I remember a specific word over me) that have had words over you in the past that have restricted you moving into your financial blessing. Ask the Lord to help you recall those words so too can break those words off, words that have been spoken over you in the past that have been holding back your financial blessing.
Norman Miller – Prophetic song
We speak release.
We speak release into the heavens.
We speak release x4
We bind the strongman and plunder his house x2
We speak release x2 this morning x2
We bind the strongman of poverty and debt x3 in the name of Jesus
In the name of Jesus, we bind the strongman of poverty and debt
We speak release, release, release of finance for the kingdom of God and the saints
Let there be bread for eating and sowing x3
The hand of the enemy taken off x2, taken off x2
Let go x3 of the church’s finance
Let go x3
We speak release, release, release in the name of Jesus, release.
25.11.01 Pam Wordham – message on Financial Release
Norman Miller – prophetic song
Take the land. Take the land for the Lord
Move into the Promised land
Take it, step into it, take it for the Lord
There’s favour in the land x 3
As the Lord has opened up an open heaven for you
Just like David who slew Goliath
We call Davids forth to be bold
Let Calebs rise. Let the Joshuas arise
Let the Debras and Esthers rise
Let men and women of God arise
Take the land for the Lord
Take it. Take it.
Barbara Miller – What I saw in the prayer room before the service (and I’ve not seen this before) was the Lord tipping money upon us – many notes. And I said to myself – notes not coins. And then I saw gold coins fall. It’s the open heaven God wants to give us. We’ve had an open heaven prophecied over our church so many times and I’ve never before, for some reason, connected it with finances. I’ve connected it with other things. This morning the Lord was saying to me that I’ve been trying to show you for some time that I’ve been wanting to pour out my finance upon you.
While we were in praise and worship this morning, the Lord showed me a mountain. Sometimes we have mountains that seem to be in our way of achieving but the Lord was showing me that he had put a huge pathway right through the mountain so that one part of the mountain had gone to one side and the other part had gone to the other side with a pathway in between. In fact, there’s even a river in between.
Then he showed me how the Israelites passed over into the promised land and the waters banked up on each side, even like mountains of water on each side so that they could go through.
Then he showed me a rope and sometimes it’s been like we’ve had ropes holding us back but he’s breaking that rope this morning so we can breakthrough. So, there’s 3 different images of breakthrough. And that’s the word of the Lord for us this morning – breakthrough.
And Lord I just want to thank you for that word of breakthrough this morning and I believe the Lord wants to say to us:
Have I not given you a breakthrough? Do you not see it? Will you not move into it? Will you not move through it because I have given you and open heaven says the Lord. It has been My pleasure to do that. It has been My joy to give you an open heaven.
And the Lord says this morning:
Receive that open heaven. Move into that open heaven. Move through that open heaven. For the Lord says I have strategies for you to breakthrough those mountains that have come against you. Not only do I make a highway in the wilderness but I make a path for you through those mountains, through those obstacles that would come against you and seek me says the Lord, for I have the strategies to move those mountains, to part them so that you can move through.
And the Lord would says seek me because I have made a path for you, a way for you through those present difficulties that look like waters that are banked up against you but says the Lord I have made a way. It is there. You only need to reach out for it.
Because says the Lord, I have already done it. Do you not see it? Will you not receive it? Will you not, have it? It is there for the taking for I have already performed it. I have already done it. I have been waiting for you to see it. I have been waiting for you to move int it. I’ve been waiting for you to move through it for I have performed it says the Lord. I have done it says the Lord. It is complete. It is there for you.
It is waiting for you so heed this morning and follow my word says the Lord for how long will I struggle with you? For how long will I wait for you? How long will I reach out for you? But seize the time says the Lord. Seize the opportunity. Seize the moment. This is the hour of visitation. Do not miss My offer of breakthrough. For I have already performed it says the Lord. You only need to move into it. You only need to receive what I’ve already done. Thank you, Lord.
Prophetic act – Altar call. See the obstacles you’ve been facing part to each side so you can go through. See water on each side banked up to make a way for you and you’re crossing over into the promised land, into God’s promises for you. We release the breakthrough in the name of Jesus.
25.11.01 Prophecy Over Norman Miller
Barbara Miller – Breakthrough! Breakthrough! Breakthrough as the hammer hits the rock! Breakthrough! As the hammer hits the rock, it smashes all opposition before it. Breakthrough! Breakthrough! Breakthrough! Breakthrough! Breakthrough any obstacles! A hammer in My hand says the Lord. A hammer that will rock this nation from one end to the next. A hammer in My hand says the Lord and to those people that have felt your prayers provoked them, that your prayers challenged them, that your prayers led them to question whether the prayer was from the Lord or not, I have put a mantle on you for provoking prayer.
I have put a mantle on you for challenging prayer. When you pray, hackles will rise, even of My servants says the Lord. You will be pointing out prophetically things that need to be dealt with, things that need to be dealt with says the Lord. So do not fear the words of men, do not fear the eyes of men, do not fear what they think or what they say or what they do. For I have put the mantle on you of a hammer, a hammer that will send My word throughout this land and even other lands, a hammer that will break down resistance, a hammer that will break religious spirits and a hammer that will declare My word of breakthrough x 5 the religious dogma, breakthrough the traditions of men and breakthrough for My kingdom says the Lord.
2.12.01 Pam Wordham’s message on God’s favour Is 61, freedom and joy
Barbara Miller – There’s a healing anointing here this morning. I saw two things. The first was like a paddle under the water and it was going really fast, as if there was someone paddling really fast trying to stay afloat and finding it a hard row.
Then what I saw was a tunnel and there was a railway line through the tunnel and it was dark inside but I could see where it was opening into the light outside and I believe the word of the Lord is saying there’s light at the end of the tunnel, that whatever difficult situations you’ve been going through, there’s light at the end of the tunnel and an open field just around the corner. Daylight is around the corner. Deliverance for you is at hand in whatever difficult situation is before you at the moment. So, I praise you Lord for that light at the end of the tunnel.
9.12.01 Ps Carl Musch’s message on the apostolic
Norman Miller – Prophetic song
I will build My church
Build your house to worship
Build your house to praise
the King of Kings
Build your house to worship
Build your house to praise him
Praise the King
He’s the one that says
I’ll build my church
” ” “
And the gates of hell will not prevail x3
Build your church Lord x3
Worship the Lord. Praise His name
Exalt His name
Build your church to praise His holy name
He said I’ll build My church
The gates of hell – they’ll not prevail
Build your church Lord x3
Praise your holy name
Build your church Lord x3
To worship you
Build your church Lord x3
He’s the One who said I’ll build My church
And the gates of hell, they’ll not prevail x3
Build your church, to worship, to praise you, to exalt your holy name
Restore your church
Bring restoration to this land
Fill this land with your presence
Heaven is My throne
Earth is my footstool
Where is the house that you will build Me?
Where is the place x4 of My rest?
Build your church Lord x3
Shirley Miller – When Ps Norman was reading in Ezekiel about the dry bones, the Lord showed me that He is the lily of the valley, the beautiful lily that grows in the valley that is very rare and you’ll never find it unless you seek it. You’ve got to seek for this lily. And when you seek it, you will find. Ask me and it shall be given. This morning we were praying about land and the Lord would say, seek Him first and find Him and ask and it shall be given.
Barbara Miller – What the Lord was showing me during the praise and worship was a ladder, a rope ladder. What I was sensing in the spirit that the Lord was showing me is that the way for us to get to heaven, or move into heavenly places, is not like a wooden ladder or a steel ladder that is firm and every step is there for us to go on in a firm way so there is absolutely no doubt which way to go. It’s more like a rope ladder because the Lord wants us to have faith in Him and sometimes with a rope ladder, it moves about a bit and is shaky and we’re not sure footed.
But the Lord does it that way not just because He wants us to have faith in Him but because He’s a God of flexibility, He’s a God who wants us to be co-creator with Him in our walk with Him. He wants us to have some flexibility and creativity in our walk with Him. And He wants us to partner with Him. What God showed me is that He’s not just setting a way and saying ‘this is the only way you can go. Take it or leave it.’ He’s saying ‘I want to walk with you. I want to journey with you. There’s some flexibility here. Walk together with Me and I will show you the way. You’ll have to trust in Me because it’ll be shaky at times but it’s a journey together in which you express all the creativity that I’ve imparted to you.’
This was a 3-part vision. What the Lord was also showing me was a hinge and we might think a hinge is a pretty unimportant thing but it’s really important because a hinge is something that allows that flexibility in a body. We might look at our knee for example, we’d have a lot less flexibility if we didn’t have a knee and a knee is like a hinge. We may be a hinge; this church might be a hinge in the body of Christ to bring that flexibility into it. There’s also the sense that things may hinge on or depend on a person or church fulfilling their role. (I saw the hinge first before the ladder.)
The other thing the Lord was showing me, and I don’t know if you’ve seen this, was a plastic bag. Now I’m not talking about plastic bags like we have these days. I’m talking about the old-fashioned ones that I saw my mother with. They are little bits of plastic like plastic tubes and through them you thread other long thin strands of plastic and they are kind of knitted together (with knots in various places) to make a plastic bag that you can carry things in.
The Lord was showing me that it’s a picture of the body of Christ. It’s not like a wooden box or a steel box that’s all firm but it’s flexible and pliable like this plastic knitted bag. When God moves into the body, He’ll expand the bag to however He wants it to be and there’s flexibility there. And each church, we have a way that God inhabits us and works through us that shows Him. As a body, we need to be pliable, moveable and flexible and allow God to work through us in the way that He wants to. Though it’s an unusual word, that’s what the Lord was giving me this morning.
Prayer – Lord I just pray that this church will be all that you want it to be. I pray that you’ll bring to us the flexibility Lord that if you want to push us this way or that way or another way that we will be able to move with your Spirit, that we would be pliable and we would be flexible and that we would use the gifts Lord that you’ve given us and use the creativity you’ve given us Lord, that we wouldn’t be stuck in the box of tradition or in man-made ways that people before us have made the way and said this is the only way to go. This is the wooden ladder to follow. But Lord we know you’ve given us the rope ladder, that there is flexibility with you, we partner with you and we journey with you and walk with you.
We pray that you’d give us the faith to do that Lord. Because sometimes it’s easier to have a wooden ladder or a steel ladder and know it’s the way to go, the only way to do it, just get in there and do it but Lord we know that you journey with us and allow us to express You in us in a unique way. You have made us, both as individuals and as a body so Lord help us to be true to your calling upon us individually and corporately this morning I pray. Thank you, Lord.
Rhona – It was beautiful. It was an open heaven. We had it this morning. God was showing me His glory is His excellence. His excellence not ours. We can walk in His glory – through the Holy Spirit.
Roger Wall – While Barbara was speaking, I remember I was building a house in New Guinea and, without saying anything to me, the lady prayed to God and said Lord I need some more room for shoes on the back verandah. I built another 15 inches on the back verandah. She looked surprised and I said I just did it because the timber was there. That’s how accommodating God is. He’s flexible, isn’t He? He’s not rigid.
15.12.01 Saturday
Barbara Miller – I was praying, asking the Lord how He wanted us to be more flexible because I thought we already were flexible in our Sunday services, open to the move of the Holy Spirit. I felt like the Lord was saying in the marketplace or community, particularly with the operation of the 5-fold ministries in the marketplace. He gave me three more images.
The word I was getting was breakout where we’d previously had a number of words on breakthrough. I saw a chicken coop or cage where the wire netting was cut through so the chickens could break out. I also saw a jack-in-the-box, with the lid taken off, jump out. Thirdly I saw a mould like in art or cooking and to break the mould or tradition or religious spirits. (Some people joke and say they broke the mould when they made me).
I prayed asking the Lord what the 5-fold ministries in the marketplace would look like and He gave me the following descriptions:
Evangelist – is like the salesman to get them in the door
Teacher – takes them through the levels of information and breaks it down to their level
Pastor – deals with their problems in daily life and encourages them
Prophet – dreams and visions. If you can’t see it, you can’t have it
Apostle – Expands the limits of new territory, pushes the limits, explores, takes people out of their comfort zones, develops a new body of knowledge to pass on to the teacher to teach
16.12.01 Barbara shared on Review of 2001 and Vision for 2002
Barbara Miller – What I was seeing this morning during praise and worship was initially a rim and then inside the mouth of it were some indentations so I wasn’t sure at first what I was looking at. Then I realized it was the front of a boat, a bow. It was a reasonable way up out of the water and a long way from the shore. It seemed to be doing a decent speed, cruising was the word I got.
I was waiting on the Lord for a while asking for the meaning of this and then He took me to a word a couple of months ago where He had shown me a boat that was in dock and He was saying the boat is built. It’s ready to launch. It was on a slipway. Today the Lord is saying the boat’s been launched. It’s right out there on the ocean and it’s doing a good speed. It’s cruising along and everything’s going well. And I thought well, praise the Lord for that but I don’t know what the boat is!
It’s good to know that it’s launched and in deep water and cruising but what does the boat represent? And He said “your calling as a prophetic and apostolic church’. So, we know that since we started just over 5 years ago in October as a church, that the Lord in our original vision statement called us to be a prophetic and apostolic church but He’s just saying right now that that kind of calling on us is something that we’re well launched into so I praise the Lord for that.
Doreen Burness – when I was fellowshipping in the Catholic Church, I went to a retreat for the weekend. All my kids were young then, 3 or 4 kids and I needed to get away. Whenever Catholics gather, they always section off a little area which is known as the chapel so if you need some quiet time you can go in there and no one’s going to come and talk to you. I went to this little chapel and I was sitting there and someone had put all these posters up around. I remember thinking at the time, it’s so nice here. It’s peaceful and quiet. There’re trees outside and I was thinking how nice it’d be to stay here and not have to go back to my 3 kids and the business of life. You just get swamped sometimes.
And I said Lord I’d love to stay here. Help me get over this because I’ve got to go back on Monday. All of a sudden, my eyes were drawn to a poster with a huge sailing ship. Because Barbara talked about the ship, it reminded me of it. I walked over to see the caption. God answers you just like that. The caption was “ships are safe in the harbour but that’s not what they were built for.’ I thought thank you Lord, I’ve been under His wing, in the harbour for a few days and refreshed but get back out there on the ocean where you’re supposed to be, where the waves are rolling.
23.12.01 Barbara shared on God’s Prophetic Agenda for our church
Norman Miller – prophetic song on “Press in” plus a word “Continual Breakthrough for You in 2002”.
Shirley Miller – Rev 5:9
Barbara Miller – What the Lord showed me was probably something I’d rather have not seen and I did wonder whether to share it with you. The Lord just showed it for the purpose of us entering into prayer about it. I saw a tank with its guns firing. There was red and yellow around the gun of the tank. I believe it was an Israeli tank and I sensed that it was in Bethlehem over this Christmas period. And I said Lord am I imagining this or it for you? But I’ve learned to trust what I get from the Lord in praise and worship sessions in the service so I’m sharing it with you. Scripture says to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. At the moment, I believe we’re to pray for the peace of Bethlehem where our Saviour was born so if we can do that now. (We did and support Israel’s right to the Promised Land).
(24.12.01 – Israel bars Yasser Arafat, head of the Palestinian Authority, from travelling to Bethlehem for his traditional attendance at midnight mass on Christmas eve, unless he arrests the two men Israel believes responsible for assassinating their travel minister in October. There were Israeli tanks in Bethlehem.)
30.12.01 Barbara shared on Personal Character and Fruit
Barbara Miller – I asked the Lord for a word and He reminded me of one He showed me about 6 months ago where He showed me a cupboard and opened the door and there were some dusty books, old books that fell out on my lap. At the time, I said what is it and He said the wisdom of the ages there for you. I now said how Lord do I enter into that? What do I do? Would you open the door for me? He said I opened the door to you when I showed you the door before.
So, I said Lord show me something from it and then what I saw was – it looked like Cleopatra in the background and Egypt and I said Lord I don’t want any wisdom from Egypt and I don’t want wisdom form the world. I only want wisdom from You. This was quite strange. Then I saw what was the book of the dead and I don’t know in Egypt if they have a book of the dead but I know the Tibetan Buddhists do. I said Lord I don’t want to look into the book of the dead. I want to look into the Book of Life because that’s your book and I said Lord I just want to stay within the bounds of whatever you want to show me. You be my guide. Then the tree of life actually sprouted out of the book in that cupboard and I said yes Lord I want to learn from the tree of life and not from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Teach me from the tree of life.
Then I saw a stone opening, like the openings of the doorways here – that kind of shape on top. There was no door on it and through the other side, it was like a stone dome and there was no doorway there but I could see a sphinx-like thing in the distance. I said thank you Lord that you’ve closed this, that here is no doorway there, no opening to this domed shape. It wasn’t a pyramid. It was a dome for some reason. I said thank you Lord because I don’t want to look there. I don’t want to go there.
And I was saying Lord, what are you showing me this morning? What is the meaning of this and the significance to our congregation at this particular time? I believe what He was saying to me was that as we enter this new year, and when we seek spiritual understanding, we need to make sure we look into the book of life, God’s book not the book of the dead, that for our spiritual wisdom or any kind of wisdom and knowledge that we look to God not to Egypt or the occult for knowledge. So, I believe to pray over the congregation that in the New Year, any decisions we make and answers we seek, we make sure we look to the book of life and the tree of life and we don’t go searching in any other fields, or any other doorways or pathways for any other kind of knowledge that’s going to lead us down the path of destruction. Egypt symbolizes the knowledge that leads away from the Lord. I know it sounds like a fairly strange one this morning but I believe the Lord wants me to pray over this.
Prayer…………new year a doorway to a new year in God. Asked God to close any doorways and block off and cut off any pathways harmful to us and open doors to what He wants for us……….
Norman Miller – read Dan 2:20-23 and prayed over congregation for the gift of interpretation that Daniel had to come upon us.