Early in 2000
Barbara Miller – I saw the propellor of a rocket and had a word that God was increasing the pace of our lives. (not recorded.)
Comment: Soon after, I went to Mackay for work in a light plane and noted the propellor. I met a prayer group there run by Col Neaton. June Depena gave me a word that Norman and I needed extra prayer covering because we were moving up a level. She said people would be keeping me moving, using a stick with a nail in it to prod me on. We’ve certainly had the feeling that we are running. I’ve felt with the spiritual mapping e.g., that we’ve been racing to keep up with the needs of the prayer walkers.
Feb 2000 “Out There” Conference, Brisbane (just after Australia Day)
Barbara Miller – It was the first day of the “Out There” conference hosted By Ben Gray of City Harvest Int and COC, (Monday afternoon) during a time of praise and worship before Tom Hess, House of Prayer for All Nations Jerusalem, shared. Brian Pickering, Co-ordinator of the Australian Prayer Network asked those who had a burden for Australia to lay it down and see what God would lay on their heart about a new burden for this nation. I saw a vision of the east coast of Australia and I said to God “what about the centre?” I then saw a map of Australia with Ayers Rock (Uluru) in the centre. Out of Uluru rose a white statue of a woman. It rose up very very high. I said Lord this is strange because this is a sacred site for Aboriginal people and I said Lord what is the interpretation of this and the words that He gave me were “Out of the Ancient womb comes the 21st century church” because we were entering the 21st century and as I continued to pray for an interpretation of that basically what the Lord was saying to me was two things – the ancient roots of the church are really in Israel that is where the womb of the church is – but also, that there is a special connection with this land Australia and the ancient people of this land, the Aboriginal people, and Israel.
I believe that this was confirmed Tuesday night when we birthed the 24-hour prayer watch for this nation in a prophetic act with Aboriginal gatekeepers, Norman Miller and Muriel Olssen welcoming and ushering in the bride of Christ (Jenny Haggar) through two lines of people representing the prayer leaders of all the states. It was further confirmed Wednesday morning when Cindy Jacobs said that Australia was pregnant with revival and Thursday night when there was a birthing of that revival with Dutch Sheets and Cindy Jacobs leading the process and inviting people of a number of cultural groups including Peter Walker and Norman Miller representing Aboriginals to take part.
I marveled at the word of the Lord because the theme of the Conference was “the Church in the 21st Century”. But what did this have to do with an ancient womb? I believe that the National Prayer Gathering at Ayers Rock (Uluru) in July 1999 was significant in bringing us to the brink of revival in Australia and defining the shape of the church in Australia in the 21st century. At Uluru the Lord gave me a vision of gates all around the country being opened and the nation lighting up. This is because Australia has about 600 tribes who are gatekeepers of about 600 pieces of land or country around Australia that they are custodians of. Because the Mutitjulu people, the custodians or gatekeepers of Uluru opened the gates for the National Prayer Gathering at Uluru in the centre of the nation, it released Aboriginal gatekeepers all over the country to open the gates to the gospel and tell people to “come home” into the kingdom of God. In fact, the land was doing it as well, groaning for the redemption of men and women (Ro 8). Aboriginal people and the land were also saying “Come home” to non-indigenous Australians in a spirit of adoption and reconciliation. Aboriginal people are a key to revival.
It is significant that at the Brisbane conference, Norman honoured the apostolic mothers and fathers of Australia, the Aboriginal people and he honoured the local traditional owners of Brisbane, i.e., he observed the right protocol, before opening the gates to the 24-hour prayer watch and removing the stones from the highway.
I also believe it was significant that my vision and word came during Tom Hess’ platform time as Israel is also the ancient womb of the church and of our Lord. The organizers, by providing Tom Hess from Israel this platform with an audience of over 3,000 Australians opened a gateway and paved a highway from Australia to Israel. This will significantly affect the shape of the church in 21st century Australia as the bride of Christ is both Jew and Gentile. Jesus is not coming back for an arm or a leg but a whole body.
Feb 2000 Removing the Stones to the 24-Hour Prayer Watch in Australia
Norman Miller – I felt strongly on my heart to stand in the gap as an Aboriginal gatekeeper to open the gates for and to birth the 24-hour prayer watch in this nation. In a prophetic act, at the Out There conference, I placed a heart shaped stone on the middle of a map of Australia and then removed it. The meaning was based on Isaiah 62:10:
“Pass through, pass through the gates!
Prepare the way for the people,
Build up, build up the highway!
Remove the stones.
Raise a banner for the nations.”
In Jesus’ name, I was removing the stones of pride and anti-Semitism and a stony heart (Ezek 36:26) so that Australians would have a heart for the 24-hour prayer watch and have God’s heart for this nation. the prophetic act spiritually prepared a highway for God’s people to be a nation at prayer, day and night, night and day. We need to be watchmen and women on the wall for Israel (Isaiah 62:6), Australia and the nations, truly a house of prayer for all nations (Isaiah 56:7). I gave the stone to Tom Hess to take back to Israel. He had preached on how we needed to remove the stones.
I prayed around the nation state by state, naming them and I said God’s response to this nation’s GST is – Get Saved Today. I believe we need to pray through for God to release a breakthrough so we can go through and see revival in this nation – a breakthrough anointing.
16.7.00 Prophecy over Alaska and Australia During Visit to Cairns of Sonja Corazza, a Prophet from Alaska
Barbara Miller – I saw a great lake in the centre of Alaska and then I saw dropping out of the bottom of it an undercurrent of water that came all the way under the ocean to Cairns on the east coast of Australia. It then came up through the earth like a geyser or fountain quite high over Cairns. It paused there a while and then went back through the sky to Alaska.
I prayed about this vision aloud after I shared it to the congregation and then gave the word by faith only having the words beforehand that Sonja was a torchbearer that would light fires in Australia. Because the word wasn’t taped, I can only give dot points of what I can remember which is about half the word:
- The Lord said this day I am establishing a connection, a network between Alaska and Australia (this was through the undercurrent of water representing His Spirit)
- I will be sending people out from Alaska to the left and the right down through the Americas and through Russia and Asia – through the Pacific Rim (I could see this as I spoke it)
- Daughter of Alaska you are a torchbearer who will light revival fires in Australia. I have dry kindle ready to light (I saw bundles of dry branches)
- I charge you here today with the responsibility of bringing this forth. Take this very seriously.
Norman Miller – followed this with a prophetic act where he got a banner of Australia with a dove in the centre over Uluru and I got the map of the world and put it partly under the banner. Norman asked the elders of our church and those from other churches to come out and put their feet on the banner. We prayed in the scripture Is 52:7-10. This act is recorded separately but it was basically bringing forth the above word.
The next day when Norman, Sonja and I prayed over the east coast of Australia from Port Douglas and then the whole coastline, Norman read Ezek 47 and said Alaska was the north gate and Cairns was the east gate.
20.7.00 Cairns
Barbara Miller – On waking, the Lord showed me to share a word with Sonja Corazza, an intercessor from Alaska who had ministered in our church and prayed and sang on top of Uluru. I shared that from Uluru go dreaming* tracks or songlines all over the country. There were about 600 Aboriginal tribes in Australia and each one had its own country that was traversed by the song lines. Uluru is the source of this power that flows out throughout the land. Aboriginal people did not traditionally have a written language but passed on their culture, history, law (lore), religion etc through story told through song and dance. As I shared this with Sonja, it became clear that the rock now has a new story and it has a new song because Sonja declared the spirit over the rock is now the Holy Spirit and she sang and danced a new song (“Shout to the Lord” and “Ancient of says”) there that would go out to all Australia over those dreaming tracks or songlines.
*creation stories
21.7.00 Prophecy Alaska and Australia
Barbara Miller – I saw a boat and then I realized it was two steamships going in the same direction, powered by the Holy Spirit (the steam). The tape did not turn out but basically the Lord said that there would be a partnership or collaboration between Australia and Alaska to do His work on the high seas and “I would have you go forth to the nations together powered on by My Spirit” says the Lord.
Norman had a scripture (Isaiah 41:1-8) to support this and sang prophetically about Australia and Alaska going prophetically together to the nations to heal the nations. Australia and Alaska will prepare the way of the Lord. Part of this will be to bring a house of prayer for all nations forth. This will be pivotal.
Norman Miller – God’s redemptive purpose for Alaska is healing for the nations. Alaska will truly be known as one who brings a Holy Spirit impartation and we (Australia) will truly see what was spoken of by the prophet Joel 2:28.
22.7.00 Atherton, Australia
Barbara Miller – After being prayed for by Sonja for a fire anointing, I was lying on the floor and I saw water flow overland from Uluru to the east coast around Cairns and then spurt up high in the sky similar to how it looked when it came from Alaska. I might have received more but the pastor asked us to get up and pray for Sonja.
23.7.00 Cairns
Barbara Miller – We were singing “Father of Creation” about letting God’s glory fall in this place and I saw the glory fall in this place and a light spread out from the ground of this church and then I saw a map of Australia and the glory was very, very thick and bright around the coastline a few inches from the map. Sparks of glory not so thick are going out from Australia to the nations, long and thin rays of light going out right around Australia.
The Lord gave me Isaiah 60: 1-3. My light has indeed risen upon you My children and I delight to pour out My light upon you this day. I delight in it says the Lord and that light will go far and wide, not only from this church but from this nation. My light will go far and wide to the peoples of the earth for the healing of the people, the healing of the land and the healing of the nations of this earth. My light, My glory will go for the says the Lord from this place and I have spoken it says the Lord. Will I not do it? And will I not delight to do it says the Lord? I delight to do that this day. I delight to do it. And My delight is in you too says the Lord.
1.10.2000 Sunday (before Olympics 2000 finale)
Barbara Miller– I saw a blaze of glory like fireworks over Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Lord was saying Wait till you see My glory!!! I did not know that the Olympics fireworks at the closing ceremony would leave the stadium and move to the bridge until I saw it on TV later and it looked just like I saw in my vision.
Oct 2000
Barbara Miller – I saw a wire that was there to trip people up in their Christian walk so we prayed to break it.
4.11.00 Saturday, Womens’ Seminar at the Full Gospel church in Cairns
Barbara Miller – I received a vision of a wide chasm between two mountains. A narrow rickety bridge straddled it. It was not strong, made of bamboo slats like curtains and there were ropes on each side as hand rails. It was as if this was the journey of life and we needed to cross over to heaven. It was a scary looking journey because of the flimsy bridge but Jesus only required us to take the first few steps and then, rather than meet us half way, He came almost all the way over towards us and would lead us gently by the hand the rest of the journey so it was very safe. We just needed to launch out and take the first few steps. Faith was required.
Comment – Afterwards, I wondered what leap of faith we needed to take and I sensed it was to find bigger premises for our church which had been on Norman’s heart for some time. So, we started looking for places that afternoon. Norman had already looked at some.
Barbara Miller – I saw a seat with a long handle connecting it to the centre of a machine and then I realized it was a merry go round. As I waited on the Lord, I sensed He was saying to get off the merry go round, to stop going round in circles and to move out, to move on, to break out, to break forth into all that God has for us.
Barbara Miller – I saw an envelope and then realized it was an email icon on the computer. It represented networking with people who had a heart after God in different parts of the world so we’d visit them and they’d visit us. There was a large net that a no of people were holding and many fish were brought in without it breaking. The Lord said we’d be moving around a lot and not to dig our heels in and not to put our roots down too deep. I wept because I knew how deep Norman and I had put our roots down here and loved this city. I sensed we may even not live here in the future. Certainly, this will only be a base in the future from which we’ll move out from. (Must transcribe the tape).
Norman Miller – gave a message on BIRTH – Breakthrough Intercession Revelation This Hour and a saying we heard in Zimbabwe PUSH – Pray Until Something Happens.
16.11.00 Thursday
While Norman Miller was painting, the Lord showed him that the red paint over the land represented His blood and that His precious blood was shed for the people in the land and that He was giving us favour in the land.
17.11.00 Friday
Barbara Miller – I preached a word of breakthrough to our church on our 4th birthday in early October. The word was for our city as well. I said the waters have broken as in childbirth.
BarbaraMiller – I saw the very large jaws and teeth of a large shark wide open and then I got the words – “jaws of hell”. Then I got the words “Jonah” and “Nineveh”. As I waited on the Lord and asked for the meaning of the vision, I received the understanding that the jaws of hell were waiting there for the unsaved and I sensed it was at the entrance to our city (this surprised me because of our intensive intercession and spiritual warfare over the city of Cairns for the last 18 months).
For those who are saved, the jaws are waiting for those who are disobedient to the call and commission on their lives and turn their backs on God and go in the opposite direction or try to hide because they will go through a near death experience in the belly of the shark, a large fish, like Jonah.
When they repent, they will be vomited out of the mouth of the shark and be recommissioned to go to Nineveh, in this case Cairns, and call it to repentance. So don’t be a reluctant prophet like Jonah but bring the word God’s given you to the city of Cairns and don’t run away from the commission to call the city of Cairns to repentance, to save the city from the jaws of hell.
Comment: There are increasing reports of shark attacks in waters off the southern coast of Australia. Are our families and neighbours heaven bound or hell bound and what are we doing about it?
December 2000, the Sunday before Christmas, Clare St church
Barbara Miller – Agabus prophecy – I saw someone tied up with a rope and got the word Agabus. It was as if the Lord was saying this represented our church and I got the words “To whom much is given, much is required”. This was the first Sunday service in our Tabernacle of David Clare St church and it was videotaped.
Dec 2000
Kaye Chapman -This is going to sound crazy because I don’t have a word but God’s told me three times to come and stand at the front and wait. It’s like He spoke to me earlier last week and He spoke to me earlier in the year. He wants to come like He did to the disciples in the upper room and we are to stand and we are to wait. WAITING
I just want to tell you people He’s heard your cries and sees your hearts and wants you to know that He’s coming. There’s begun a work in this church and amongst you people as I said before. One of the first words, He ever gave me for this church kept coming back to me and He keeps saying to tell you you’re not to despise small beginnings. Not to despise small beginnings that a mighty fire starts with a spark and that He’s lit the spark and He’s fanning fires and you’re to go forth and do the things He’s called you to do. He’s lit the fires around this town. He’s lit the fires around this nation. You are the people that are going to go forth and do the things He’s called you to do but He wants you to know He sees your heart and He hears your cries.
The words of Isaiah 58 about true fasting are for this church especially:
Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins
And will raise up the age-old foundations
You will be called Repairer of Broken Walls
Restorer of Streets with Dwellings
This word is for you also – Rev 3:7-8. Jesus is talking to the faithful church in Philadelphia:
These are the words of Him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What He opens no one can shut and what He shuts, no one can open. I know your deeds. See I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and not denied My name.”
That door is a door to evangelism to bring in the harvest. I’ve opened the door to you but you must walk through it.