Norman Miller – The Lord would say “I yearn to pour My Spirit out like healing rain on a dry and parched land, and on a dry and parched people and on dry and parched hearts. For I would pour My Spirit upon it. I would pour healing rivers upon it. Healing rivers. I will seek you, My people. Do not set your face from Me in apathy” says the Lord. “Do not think you have much time for time is short. The day of judgement is coming” says the Lord. “Turn your face towards Me, acknowledge Me in all your ways and I will live in your heart, and I will live in your heart forever. For I desire the first place in your hearts. Have no other God before Me. Have no other desire than for Me. Seek no other thing than My will. Seek Me and you shall find Me for I desire to be found by you. You cannot flee from Me. Wherever you go, I will be there. Do not flee from Me, do not hide from Me. Do not run from Me but run towards Me. Desire Me in your heart of hearts. Have a passion for Me. Desire Me in your heart of hearts. Have a passion for Me. For I desire to be your God. Seek Me this day and you will find Me for the time is short” says the Lord “and you know not when that day will be.”
Norman Miller – Set your heart and your vision upon the Lord. Do not be distracted like Martha when she went up to the Lord. She saw all those things that were distracting in her life. But Jesus said that only one thing is necessary and Mary had chosen what was good – to sit at His feet. Jesus would say to you “Come and sit at My feet. Come and worship Me at My feet. At My feet” saith the Lord. “Walk in My ways. Walk in the ways that I have planned for you. Walk in the ways that I have planned for you and I will prosper you. But only as you, My children, have an obedient spirit within your heart to follow after Me.” The Lord is looking for those who’ll follow the Lamb wherever He will go. The Lord saith to His people. “My ways. Walk in My Spirit. Live in My Spirit. Rest in My Spirit.
Barbara Miller – And the Lord would say “have I not seen you as you have come before Me on your knees? Have I not seen your prayers as you raised up a sweet fragrance unto Me? Have I not seen your heart?” says the Lord “and is it not My heart within you?” says the Lord. “The heart of this church beats with My heart and I will do great and many wonders in this church as long as you continue in My heartbeat” says the Lord.
“Have I not numbered the hairs on your head? Do I not know the grains of sand on the beach and the number of drops in the ocean? Surely” says the Lord “as you come to Me, I will reveal My plans to you, step by step and everything is in the palm of My hand for I am the Creator and Sustainer of this universe.
See how I clothe even the lilies of the field and their beauty. Do I not care for you even more than for them? Do not worry what you shall eat, what you shall drink, what you shall wear, where you shall live. Only set your heart upon the things that I will show you. Put Me first and all those other things will fall into place,” says the Lord.
Jean Graham, Faylene Hill’s armourbearer at the time, visited our church and gave us this word for our city and our church:
“I have a message for Cairns and the church. If you catch hold of it, God can change things in this city. He can do miraculous things in this place. It’s about what God wants to do with the name of Cairns. Every time you say Cairns and every time you see it written, if this is so deep within your heart, you’re actually going to pray what these words mean and what God wants to release.
C is for Christ Jesus our Lord and He is the head of us and we want Him to be the head of Cairns and break every force over Cairns and then we can
A acclaim Him. Worship Him because so much happens when we praise and worship. If we’re not praising and worshipping when we’re praying and interceding then we’re really missing out and we can just lift Him up and acclaim when we praise and worship.
I Intercession. One person can change the face of Cairns if they intercede and really pray and pray. Just like the Welsh revival it took one person to change the face of the nation and it could take one church to change the face of Cairns and it could be this church.
R Revival. The Holy Spirit is coming in revival and out of that revival comes the signs and wonders and miracles and as that happens people will come flooding because I really believe that is part of what God has raised this church up for. We’re going to see such signs and wonders and miracles that it’s going to be
N Noised abroad in this city. This building is going to be far too small because God is going to honour the heart that you have and it’s going to be noised abroad to the districts round about and to the nation and the nations. People are going to know God did something. It’s going to happen all over in a sense but it’s going to happen in this place because you’ve been willing to do what God wanted you to do. It’s because of a church that’s willing to honour Him above all else.
S Spread the gospel and that gospel is going to be spread and spread because it’s all right to have all the other things but there’s a spirit of revival in other parts of the world at the moment and this church can have such a spirit of revival and spreading the gospel over it.
I want to honour you today because I really believe God is moving powerfully and if you can remember what the name of Cairns stands for and see it, you’re going to see that revival. You’re going to have a heart for God, for prayer and for revival.”
Australia Day 1997 Cairns
Norman and Barbara Miller – On Australia Day 1997 at our church service, the Lord led Norman to pray with the church over Australia and every state, one by one and make a prophetic declaration of salvation over it. In prayer before the service, the Lord showed Barbara that Australia was like a crippled woman with a walking stick and needed our healing prayer. He gave her 2 Chron 7:14 to pray. In prayer, we stamped the name of Jesus Christ across our nation and across Uluru the centre.
This is the prophetic declaration Norman made:
“A word from the Lord for every nation. God will declare for this nation of Australia that His Spirit will move from this nation of Australia to the uttermost parts of the world for the Spirit of God is moving. For the Lord would say salvation is today throughout this nation of Australia. The Lord will declare salvation for this state of Queensland. We speak forth the salvation of Australia. We speak forth the salvation of Western Australia and South Australia. We speak forth the salvation of the Northern Territory. We speak forth salvation in the name of Jesus Christ in the states of Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania.
A mighty move of the Spirit, God’s Spirit. That we will see this nation change. We will see many, many in this nation of Australia speak with power over this nation of Australia. But it is the day of the Lord. Salvation is to be found in Jesus Christ. For we declare for this nation of Australia that Jesus Christ is Lord over this nation. That Jesus Christ is Lord of all the nations. We declare the name of Jesus throughout the Aboriginal communities. We declare the Lord Jesus gave us the promise of the Counsellor, the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit you are welcome in this place. Holy Spirit you are welcome in the nation of Australia. Holy spirit you are welcome in the Aboriginal communities of Australia. Holy Spirit you are welcome to the nations, to the nations, to the nations. Salvation belongs to our God. We declare it now that this is the time of salvation.”
Barbara Miller – The Lord would say, “I yearn to pour My Spirit out like healing rain on a dry and parched land, and on a dry and parched people and on dry and parched hearts. For I would pour My Spirit upon it. I would pour healing rivers upon it. Healing rivers. I will seek you My people. Do not set your face from Me in apathy” says the Lord. “Do not think you have much time for time is short. The day of judgement is coming,” says the Lord. “Turn your face towards Me, acknowledge Me in all your ways and I will live in your heart, and I will live in your heart forever. For I desire the first place in your hearts. Have no other God before Me. Have no other desire than for Me. Seek no other thing than My will. Seek Me and you shall find Me for I desire to be found by you. You cannot flee from Me. Wherever you go, I will be there. Do not flee from Me, do not hide from Me. Do not run from Me but run towards Me. Desire Me in your heart of hearts. Have a passion for Me. Desire Me in your heart of hearts. Have a passion for Me. For I desire to be your God. Seek Me this day and you will find Me for the time is short” says the Lord “and you know not when that day will be.”
Norman Miller – And this week, I began to cry out to the Lord and I heard the noise as the Spirit began to speak and it was an alarming noise – a warning noise. As we stand here in the presence of the Living God, hear the voice of His Spirit. The sound of the locusts is getting louder.
Joel 2:1-11 says
‘Blow the trumpet in Zion;
sound the alarm on My holy hill.
Let all who live in the land tremble,
for the day of the Lord is coming
Joel talks about the locusts, a mighty army of judgement and in the book of Revelation, it talks about the alarm that the church of God’s people need to hear – that the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is near. Rev 9:1-4 says:
‘The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss. And out of the smoke locusts came down on the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth. They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads’
A very strong word. The day of the Lord is very near. Speak the words of salvation into people’s hearts. Salvation – brothers, sisters and children – is close at hand. There is a warning alarm for the churches. God is wanting you to raise the alarm – that warning sound.”
Barbara Miller – In response to Norman’s prophetic song “What do you see? When the Lord spoke to Jeremiah, He said ‘What do you see?’ What do you see? What do you see? The Lord is watching His word to fulfil it,” Barbara received the following word for Australia:
I can see a map of Australia and earlier on while we were singing the Great South Land of the Holy Spirit, I saw the flood waters all over Australia coming from the centre. What I am seeing now is a fire. It started burning right in the centre of Australia and now I can see fires all over Australia, not so much on the coast but going out from the centre. The Lord seems to be saying to take a prayer team to Uluru to pray for revival fires in Australia.
Norman Miller – In response to Norman’s prophetic song “What do you see? When the Lord spoke to Jeremiah, He said ‘What do you see?’ What do you see? What do you see? The Lord is watching His word to fulfil it,” Barbara received the following word for Australia:
Barbara Miller – “I can see a map of Australia and earlier on while we were singing the Great South Land of the Holy Spirit, I saw the flood waters all over Australia coming from the centre. What I am seeing now is a fire. It started burning right in the centre of Australia and now I can see fires all over Australia, not so much on the coast but going out from the centre. The Lord seems to be saying to take a prayer team to Uluru to pray for revival fires in Australia.”
(When the Australian Prayer Network called the nation to prayer at Ayers Rock in July 1999, a prayer team of seven went from Cairns to Uluru and others prayed for the nation simultaneously from our church in Cairns.)
Kevin Walsh made the following prophecies over our church
And even the Lord would say to this place that this is a new day. For I am raising you up for such a day as this for My fire is burning away this night says the Lord. It’s burning away the sin. It’s burning away the dross. I’m going to take away the old and replace it with the new. For even this night, I’m pouring out my oil so you’ll be soft in My hands for I am remoulding you and restructuring you. I shall release you at the appointed day and the appointed hour.
When I send you forth, you’ll burn and burn and burn and not be consumed. You shall be a raging fire even in this place. From out of the fire, you’ll shoot arrows across this nation to the west, to the north, to the south and even to the east says God. So be ready for I’m pouring out My oil of joy and recreating My people this day and hour, ones with new hearts, hearts after Me, people of faith. For you’ll take a stand for Me in this day and hour. So be ready. Fear not the army, fear not the faces, fear not the way of the world. But rise, says God. Take hold of Me. Even as you have been praying, so shall I answer. For this is a new day. The old is passing away for I am making of you new wineskins.
I’ll fill you with My Spirit and you shall be carriers of Me and I’ll send you forth. For even this day says God, I am preparing you. Arrows that are prepared and prepared and put in the quiver. So says the Lord get ready for this is a day of preparation. For you shall be sent forth and shot forth and you shall hit the target and you shall set on fire all over this nation from this place this day and hour. So, rejoice this day.
Turn from your own ways and open your hearts to Me this day and I’ll show you My ways. For it’s My ways says the Lord not your ways. And I’ll give you much increase. I want to pour out My blessings, pour out My increase in this day and hour. For you people will be warriors in My army says God, trained, trained – that will stand tall. I’m releasing you in this day and hour so fear not the enemy. Look no longer at the past for the past is over and the price has been paid. So even from this day, look unto Me says God and I will lead you into the paths of righteousness for even says God the path where you’ll go is My path of righteousness, My path of truth and My path of holiness. For you’ll be known for My holiness says God. So, rise up this day and take hold. Take hold and follow Me in this day and hour.
A mighty move of the Spirit, God’s Spirit that we will see this nation change. We will see many, many in the army says God, trained, trained – that will stand tall. I’m releasing you in this day and hour so fear not the enemy. Look no longer at the past for the past is over and the price has been paid. So even from this day, look unto Me says God and I’ll lead you into peace, I’ll lead you into the paths of righteousness for even says God the path where you’ll go is My path of righteousness, My path of truth and My path of holiness. For you’ll be known for My holiness says God. So, rise up this day and take hold. Take hold and follow Me in this day and hour.”
This is not a church that’s reproducing something of the old. If you want to just reproduce something old, you’ll have to go some place else because it won’t work here, because God’s doing a new work.
There are people here tonight that have been hard and you’ve got things fixed and God wants to release you from being fixed. The body God’s raising up will not be fixed. It will not have a home, like Jesus, but will be open and always ready to be shot forth to go wherever He leads. The future of that will be availability and I see God cutting off many here tonight from being fixed. I see many of you travelling – Western Australia, Northern Territory, up north, down south, some into cities, some into little country places, some into little bunches of people in the never nevers. But God’s getting you ready to send you forth. God wants to open our eyes and for us to let go of our own concepts of what we want to do.
Norman Miller – What the Lord has been putting on my heart is that churches are in idolatry, in spiritual adultery. God said He is going to do some cleaning in the churches, not only in Australia but also in the nations because the churches have been so unfaithful. God put man and woman together. The only way divorce can come about is if there has been unfaithfulness in a marriage. God divorced the Jewish people because of their idolatry; they were unfaithful to God. I need to give this word, not to this church but to the churches that have fallen into idolatry. The bridegroom is going to come back for the bride but the bride has divorced itself from the bridegroom in adultery. To look at one another with lustful eyes or wrong motives that is adultery. God is going to clean some churches up. Yesterday I was vacuuming and making sure even my house was clean, but God was also talking about His church. The body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Our marriage should be kept pure before the Lord. There is going to be some cleaning because the bridegroom wants to come back for the bride, but the bride needs to do some cleaning. This is a strong word but reconciliation means atonement, once for all. Jesus wants to do some cleaning in His churches. This has been stirring in my heart to share with you.
Norman Miller – We will be spearheads in this area and there will be teams soon that will be going into those nations. There is an excitement in the spirit. We see what God is doing in the nations, the government of South Africa, being transformed and renewed by the power of God. “For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given and the government will be on his shoulders and His name will be called Wonderful Counsellor and Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end, he will reign on David’s throne over his kingdom establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.” (Isa 9:6-7) There are strong connections with South Africa and Jerusalem for this church. There are strong links for you in these nations.