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To be a Prophetic End-time Ministry without Walls and a House of Prayer for ALL NATIONS and ISRAEL
Report no 2 by Barbara Miller,
This report is from notes I made during the conference. However it is best to watch the DVDs so that you get the proper context, humour and compassion of the speakers. Thanks to Lilian Schmid from Transforming Sydney for the opening prayer/welcome to Sydney and Peter Magee for his wonderful item in song. Thanks again to our wonderful team from Cairns (Miller family) Melbourne (David and Carol Jack) and Sydney (Trish Jansze, Anne Crofts, Shanshan Hu, Patricia James etc.) and speakers.
Hani Selim & the Hope Team leading worship in Arabic opening night
Barbara Miller- Thank you Lord that you showed me this conference was like a womb that is going to birth many things in the spirit. Just like Mary who the angel came to and told her about the birth of Messiah, that she would be the one who would bring Him forth and she said be it unto me as you have said. Lord I say now what You want to birth out of this conference, be it unto us, be it unto me, be it unto this conference as you have said.
For I believe the Lord would say I have established My plans and My purposes in this place for this hour. It is part of My divine plan says the Lord for I am making a way where there is no way. I am removing the obstacles from the path. I am preparing My endtime church says the Lord and I would have a bride that not only loves Me but loves one another. I don’t have a divided heart says the Lord and I would that my people would not have a divided heart for one another.
The Lord would say I have planned and purposed this conference in this place at this time to bring forth a great awakening in the spirit not only over this nation of Australia but even as it flows into Israel and the Middle East. Eye has not seen, ear has not heard what I will do says the Lord. You will marvel at what I will do. It will be beyond your comprehension at times. It will be beyond your imagination at times but I the Lord know what I am doing so trust Me. Do not fear. Do not fear. Do not let the eyes of the world intimidate you. Do not let the mouth of the world intimidate you. Fix your eyes upon Me. Follow Me and My commands. I will not lead you astray. I will not lead you into danger. I will not lead you into the paths of wild men. The Lord says I will lead you in My paths. I will open the way to you, only trust Me says the Lord. Do not fear. Be of great courage for I am with you.
And I’m going to bring about My plans and purposes in this nation from the ends of the earth back to Jerusalem, the centre of the earth. You’ll be amazed at what I will do says the Lord. I’m birthing something here and man cannot stop it. It will go out from here like ripples on the waters. It will go out from here. It will flow out from here. You will not even know where those droplets of water will land in the hearts of men, women and children in the nations. But, says the Lord, you will look back at this day and you will remember it and you will say I had a little part in what the Lord was doing that day. I was there to see His glory. I was there to pronounce His honour.
So Lord I just say again be it unto us, be it unto this conference as You have said that we would bring forth from the womb of this conference Your plans and purposes. And Lord thank You for protecting the baby You are bringing forth. Thank you for protecting the new birthing that You are bringing forth that it will not be devoured by the enemy and help us also to watch over it carefully in prayer and protect it. LUKE 1:38
Penny Cowell – At the end of the conference, Penny said to me “the head is engaged.” (This means the baby is in the correct position for birth).
Norman Miller – said later that the word reminded him of Isaiah 52:1-12….”Awake, awake, O Zion….v7 How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace…….v10 ……and all the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God.”
Tabernacle of David Cairns worship team – Colleen Burfitt, Thomas Miller, Glen Sebasio (Canberra) & Norman Miller + John Ackad on drums
MON 21/9/15
Eph 2:14. He Himself is our peace. Any reconciliation must be based on the final work of Messiah. He forgives us so we must forgive others. It is not an option. Jer 31:35-37 talks about the new covenant which is to the Jew first. God made the promise to no other nation – that Israel would always be a nation no matter what they had done. We are ambivalent or even embarrassed about being chosen. Some have pride about it but we need to be humble because it’s not based on our goodness. Some say choose someone else like Fiddler on the Roof. There has been persecution – Pharaoh, Haman, Hitler, Hezbollah, Hamas etc.
Deut 14:2. God has chosen us so we can’t argue with that. He has chosen a people to be holy to the Lord, His treasured possession. He chose:
• A man – Avram (Gen 12:1-3)
• A land – Gen 15:7 and
• A plan – of salvation for Israel and all nations
God owns all the land so if He gives it to somebody, it’s His choice. It is a major issue of contention. The land God promised to Avraham is much larger than Israel is today. Each tribe had a tribal inheritance of land. Land could not be sold or given away but could be leased until the Jubilee when it would return to its owners. Israel is just leasing the land from God. Tasmania is 4.36 times bigger than Israel.
Israel can’t give up this land for peace. Gen 15. What does the Lord say about the original owners of the land? The Canaanites have disappeared and so the Israelites are the most ancient people in the land. Palestinians say they were there at the time of Christ but they were not there before Israel.
Lawrence & Louise Hirsch, Barbara, Norman & Bassem
In Ro 9, 10 and 11, Paul explains that the covenant was first to the Jews and then to the nations. God loves the whole world. God has not rejected us. He has a plan. It’s not supersessionism. Ro 11:1 did they stumble as to fall beyond recovery? Yes it was a big stumble. But because of the Jew’s rejection and transgression, it meant salvation for the Gentiles. Gentile is not a bad word. It just means nations. Your calling is to make the Jews jealous. God wants to save Arabs to make Jews jealous. Most Jews come to the Lord through Gentiles.
Ro 11:12. It’s tough for Jews to have our eyes closed for 2,000 years. How many Jews died without salvation? Salvation is only through faith in Messiah. We’ve paid the price for our rejection of Messiah. Jews are enemies of the gospel but loved because of the patriarchs. Our hearts have been hardened for the sake of the salvation of the world, including the Arabs. What would have happened if we had accepted Messiah? It would all have been finished. The shop would have been closed.
The day will come when the full number of Gentiles has come in and all Israel will be saved. Zech 13. If we bless the world through our disobedience, how much more will we bless the world through Messiah? When God chooses, He does not unchoose, because of disobedience.
Re the Isaiah 19 highway, I have not thought much about it but it fulfils Gen 12:1-3. Perhaps we won’t see it till the Messianic Age but we can build it now through prayer.
Not available on DVD. John did a role play & we could ask questions. It was an excellent session.
George dressed up and gave us a few laughs with his jokes. Then he said I’ve just come from Fairfield. It is Bagdad – Assyrian and Chaldean. Liverpool is called Basra. We just had our monthly pastors meeting over breakfast. Hundreds of millions come in through embassies in Canberra to build mosques in Australia but when we in the church give, it might be $5. We’re so stingy. They give according to numbers of their believers so imagine how much money goes into other nations.
The Lord’s prayer is for unity. John 17. The first Arabic church in Australia started in the mid 60’s with Maronites coming here in the 1800s and there are 33 Arabic churches in Sydney now. For many years the Arabic churches didn’t talk to one another. In 1987 or 1988, an evangelist from Jordan came and asked me to organise a breakfast for Arabic pastors. Ten pastors came and he rebuked us for our lack of unity. Things changed and we started meeting together.
We combine for activities like Heaven’s Gates and Hell’s Flames. We needed 33 actors so we got one from each church and we shared the costs. Many souls were saved. We do carols in Arabic at Christmas. We are producing a magazine called “Eternity” together. I made each church take 500 copies each so we could finance it. We translate it to Arabic and write it ourselves.
Arabic Christian TV is active. George spoke about the Arabic church in Victoria and South Australia and that the Arabic churches are now looking at how to help with the influx of refugees from the Middle East. A great mission field for us is in the Gold Coast where 250,000 tourists from the Middle East go each year.
Gen 11:5 tells us that when the Tower of Babel was built with the people working together and speaking one language, the Lord said nothing will be restrained from them that they can imagine. We need unity and right motives.
June shared on God’s faithfulness in healing hatred and unforgiveness. Her burden was for Ishmael and Isaac’s Seed to be reconciled. She gave two examples from her life:
1. June had hatred in her heart after Shelly was fired and thrown out of a church where he had been senior pastor for almost ten years. Their home was on the property of the church and the congregation had given them a car — both were taken from them. The Lord touched her heart at a meeting where she was slain in the Spirit for almost an hour – when she got up from the floor, the hatred was gone! She realized how her Arab cousins felt, and her heart hurt for them – We all need to turn to God for healing and deliverance to forgive.
2. On a tour to Cairo, Art Katz and Shelly spoke at a University to Medical Students. Some of the people from the tour accompanied them … The Lord had her read Genesis 50 (to herself) about Joseph reconciling with his brothers and told her to speak: “There is hatred for the Jews in your hearts, even
June & Shelly Volk. Their books are a blessing and were available to buy
though you have smiles on your faces”. She told the Lord she would not say that! And, asked to please give it to someone else. After arguing with the Lord because of His persistence, Art said, “Someone has a Word from God speak it” … She refused, when Art said again, “Speak the Word – Now!” She heard herself speaking what God had told her say. A female student arose from her seat and said, “Art and Shelly I have not heard a word you spoken because I hate Jews, I have always hated Jews, and I will always hate Jews!” The air could have been cut with a knife, when Art said, “Let’s pray.” June asked the Lord three times to let her go to that student, but the Lord said, “No – she needs to come to you!” She felt tears on the back of her neck – it was the student weeping asking forgiveness … June asked her to forgive her and her people for any hurt they had cause her and her people. The student backed up and gasped, “I don’t hate you anymore-I don’t hate Jews anymore”. The student drove June to a women’s meeting when June shared with her what had happened while praying. The student said, “I had asked the Lord three times to have you come to me! But, He said I had to go to you!”
God desires to heal us of unforgiveness and bitterness – however, we need to go to Him, and to the ones we are offended by, and ask for forgiveness — God’s gift of forgiveness will be experienced.
Shelly’s Message: The Cross is the essential instrument in reconciliation. When Arab and Jew recognize this truth, reconciliation will be possible. Let justice roll on like a river. This stream will overcome the current coming against us. Two questions were asked from the Jews after Peter’s message in Acts 2: What does this mean? What shall we do?
One day the seed of Ishmael and Isaac will worship together. Reconciliation is non negotiable. It is not land for peace or military action. The Cross is reconciliation. There is an anti-Christian spirit in the heart of Jews, just as there is anti-Semitism in the church. Anti-Semitism is the longest lasting of all prejudices, as exhibited by Pharaoh, Haman, Stalin and Hitler etc. Jesus cannot return until the Jewish people say “Baruch Haba B’Shem Adonai” Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.
Cor 4:10. “We carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.” Death works in us but life in you. We need redemptive suffering (2 Tim 3:12). We will suffer persecution but as John 11 tells us, the sickness and death of Lazarus was to bring glory to God. We see this truth when Jesus resurrected Lazarus. We all have a ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor 5:19). The purpose of the Church is to demonstrate the wisdom of God to the rulers and authorities in heavenly places (Eph 3:10 ).
Norman took us through a number of photographs on power-point that explained the journey God had led him and Barbara on in relation to healing the hurts of history:
• We pioneered a church in Cairns called the Pentecostal Church of Reconciliation with founding scriptures such as 2 Cor 5 about all having the ministry and message of reconciliation, Mt 5:23 about leaving your gift at the altar and making things right first if someone has something against you and Gal 3:28 that “there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Also Ezek 22:30 about standing in the gap, Dan 9:20 repenting on behalf of your nation and Amos 5:24 and Ps 89:14 about justice and righteousness.
• We were attending the World Conference of Indigenous Christians in NZ in 1996 and the Lord gave me a word that started with “Healing every aching life internationally, nationally and generationally” and it has become a theme for me.
• We led some reconciliation workshops at Praise Corroboree at Parliament House Canberra in 1996. It was hosted by Peter Walker and Warwick Marsh. Roger Mitchell, a key intercessor from England came to the same event the following year and repented on behalf of Britain’s treatment of Indigenous people and the Indigenous Christian leaders felt they needed to ask their communities first if they could receive it. I stepped into the gap and received Roger’s genuine repentance and responded to his pain. I also extended forgiveness.
• This followed a trip Barbara and I took to England in 1997 for a Reconciliation Conference at Coventry Cathedral. The Lord moved on Barbara to repent for anti-authority and anti-“pommy” attitudes of Australians towards the British as a result of our settlement with convicts. I repented of the bitterness of Aboriginal people to the British because of colonisation and released forgiveness to them. No one responded. A year later an English intercessor called Jackie, who was at the conference and troubled by what occurred, travelled all the way to Cairns to receive my repentance and release forgiveness.
• On the same trip in 1997 we attended a Reconciliation Conference organised by Indian Christians on a reservation in Manitoba. We were asked to speak and had a number of speaking engagements on reconciliation throughout nearby cities.
• We changed our name to the Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace after coming back from England. We organised a Reconciliation Conference in Cairns in 1998.
• The Australian Prayer Network organised prayer tours in Australia 1998 and England 1999 with a follow up in Uluru in 2000 and we participated. We prayed at Whitby where Captain Cook left for Australia and Portsmouth where the First Fleet left for Sydney. We made a DVD on British-Australian reconciliation.
• We were invited to speak at 2 reconciliation conferences and a number of other meetings in Zimbabwe in 2000. We worked with bringing reconciliation between the Ndebele and Shona and between black farm labourers and white farm owners. The Lord would not let me speak at Ps John Chimbambo’s home church without kneeling in the dirt in my white pants and washing his feet to honour him. Barbara chose to wash his wife’s feet.
• We apologized to Jews in Sydney in 2002 and Yad Vashem in Jan 2004 and again with a plaque in 2010 re Evian where the nations met to deal with the Jewish refugee problem from Nazism and most closed their doors. We had a 10 year journey to get a government to government apology. Our lobbying resulted in 2010 in Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd’s apology re Evian at Yad Vashem while honouring Aboriginal William Cooper for leading the only known private protest worldwide against Kristallnacht. We were there and Barbara subsequently wrote William Cooper’s biography.
• We facilitated prophetic acts of reconciliation with Jews and Arabs at the Sons of Abraham conference Sydney 2005 hosted by Ps Jack and Anne Yeo. Barbara and I were speakers.
• We hosted a Healing the Land Healing the People conference at Uluru in 2005.
• I apologized to Pacific peoples re blackbirding and we facilitated Jewish -Arab reconciliation at the Bethany Gate All Pacific Prayer Assembly in Cairns 2006 with 2,000 attending from the Pacific, Asia, Israel and Kuwait. We co-hosted this conference with the Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations and the All Pacific Prayer Assembly.
• In 2006 we did repentance and healing the wounds of first settlement where the First Fleet arrived in Sydney.
• At Darnley Island in the Torres Strait in 2006, we worked with the local church in healing the east and west division of the island and healing European-Indigenous relations.
• PM Kevin Rudd led Australia’s apology to Indigenous people in 2008 for the stolen children (children taken from their families and communities by government or church for assimilation, education and cheap labour). I painted a 2m x 2m painting in 120 colours as a thank you to him.
• We organised repentance by an ANZAC team we led to Israel in 2010 at Surafend (not nearby Ayun Kara) near Rishon Le Zion. The Bedouin village was razed in Dec 1918 so it was hard to find the site but we had help from Ps Shlomy and Miriam Abramov. A Bedouin was stealing from a New Zealander who tried to stop him and was killed. Resentment had built up over a long time of the British not dealing with Arab theft. They took no action this time either. The New Zealanders took it into their own hands and cleared the women and children out and killed 30-40 men when the village leaders would not hand over the perpetrator. Police statements record Australians didn’t take part. As we couldn’t find the relevant Bedouins to repent to, we repented to the Lord and put a record in the city archives at Rishon Le Zion. Also, we laid a wreath at the Turkish War Memorial at Be’er-Sheva Oct 31 2010 as well as the British.
• At Barbara’s book launch of the William Cooper book in Dec 2012, she organised for a re-enactment of Cooper’s and the Aboriginal Advancement League’s walk from his Footscray home to the 1938 site of the German Consulate in Melbourne. She also organised for Uncle Boydie to give a replica of Cooper’s letter of protest to the current German Consul who apologized to William Cooper’s grandson, Uncle Boydie Turner and Holocaust Survivors. It was a very moving moment. Abe Schwarz and David Jack were very involved in organising this as well.
• Our Uncle Boydie’s Dream Team helped Uncle Boydie fulfil his dream of presenting to the Queen the petition for improvement of the lot of Indigenous people that his grandfather had tried to present to the Queen’s grandfather. The Australian government had not allowed it. We managed to get an audience with the Governor General in 2014 who then passed it onto the Queen with the fresh signatures we had gathered.
• I have been campaigning for the recognition of Indigenous people in the Australian constitution and the removal of racism from it. I started a petition and gained over 2000 signatures. It was tabled in Federal Parliament in Dec 2013. I also presented a giant boomerang with about 360 signatures to then Speaker Bronwyn Bishop in Nov 2013.
• Barbara and I spoke at the Vanuatu Prayer Assembly in 2012 and 2013, repenting in 2012 for Australia’s slave labour of their people on sugar cane farms. In 2013, we stood in the gap with Helen Grainger from Australia to say sorry for the kidnapping of 3 children by Ferdinand de Quiros in 1606. De Quiros is the one who declared “the southlands of the Holy Spirit” over Australia and the Pacific (really lands south of Vanuatu). It was very moving as we did a re-enactment of taking away and returning 3 boys from the same family they were stolen from. Amazingly it is the family of the pastor at the landing site, Matantas. See Barbara’s book.
• Barbara was able to organise for Catholic Education to invite Courage to Care to Cairns for 4 weeks recently to present their exhibition and course to students and teachers. They use Holocaust survivors and children of survivors to talk of Gentiles and Jews who saved their lives. It helps to combat bullying in schools and challenges people not to stand by while others are mistreated.
Norman was led by the Holy Spirit to extend a welcome, as an Aboriginal Christian leader, to Australia of anyone in the room who had migrated to Australia. There were a considerable number of people in the room and they were very touched by this with many tears and much healing following. One of the speakers commented afterwards that now they knew some of our journey, they could understand why we had the authority to organise the conference.
TUES 22/9/15
Bassem gave a different message than the topic advertised but it was a big blessing. 1 John 2:22. Why is Israel anti-Christ? This question puzzled me for many years. Why are they enemies of the gospel but beloved of the Father? John asks who is a liar? He answers he who denies Jesus is the Christ. No one who denies the Son has the Father.
Islam has a very strong anti-Jew theology. In their eschatological beliefs, their Christ is the anti-Christ who will destroy Jews who are pigs etc. Even a tree will say, here is a Jew, come and kill him.
I found the answer in Psalm 120:5-7, the story of salvation. “Woe to me that I dwell in Meshech, that I live among the tents of Kedar! Too long have I lived among those who hate peace. I am a man of peace; but when I speak, they are for war.” In Ezekiel 38-39, Gog is the prince of Tubal and Meshech. Kedar means black like the Bedouin tents. Kedar is the 2nd son of Ishmael. Israel is still dwelling in the tents of Kedar.
John 8 – To the Jews who challenged Jesus and said they were the children of Abraham, Jesus said if you were you would do as Abraham did and not want to kill me but you are sons of the devil who is a murderer, a liar. Religious Jews are against Christ. These Jews are captive in the land of Meshech. They long for peace but speak of war. They are captive. Pray for their release. It tells us in Zech 13, that Israel will eventually recognize her Messiah.
2 John 7. We must acknowledge (a) that Jesus came in the flesh and (b) that Jesus is from God. There are 2 heresies, one is Gnosticism and one is Docetism. The first is that the world is evil so how can God accept to be manifest in human form? The second is that Jesus only seemed to have human form but didn’t. Muslims believe Jesus did not die on the cross but someone was substituted for him. I say to Muslims how can you believe in Mohammed and not in the Qur’an? They say it’s not possible. So I say how can you believe in Jesus and not in what the Bible says about him?
In Mt 16 Jesus asked who do people say I am? Peter said Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus said this was not declared by the flesh but revealed to him by God and it was after that that Jesus predicts his death. When Peter rebuked Him, Jesus said to Peter get behind me Satan. He dealt with it as a spirit not as an ideology – Mt 16:23. Eph 1 shows us that the church is based on 2 main pillars – the revelation of who Jesus is and the revelation of who we are in Christ.
The west worries about freedom. If you are told you can leave the room but you will be shot, where is the freedom? Or you can walk away from Christ but you will go to hell, where is the freedom? But it is not like that. By nature, we walk the wide road to hell. God tries to save us. But if we reject God, we’ll get there eventually. 1 Cor 1:18 tells us the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing.
Satan uses the channel not just of Islam but of Christianity also. Our enemy is not Moslems, but Satan. I had a vision of 3 army generals sitting around a table. I saw the devil’s back. A general asked do you want us to drop Islam now? No, not yet said the devil. My replacement plan is not ready. So don’t make Islam your enemy.
Moslems are taught the death of Christ is a disgrace because prophets are not meant to die. It is not consistent with God’s wisdom for Jesus to be humiliated. Gandhi loved Jesus, thought he was a martyr and great man but he couldn’t accept he saved the world. It was the very central point he couldn’t get. Bassem discussed other philosophers’ viewpoints about the Christian view of Jesus being fully human and fully divine.
Nietzsche, who Hitler was influenced by, wrote a book called “Anti-Christ” in 1895. On P115-118, he defined good as the will to power and bad as proceeding from weakness (Christianity was weak because it turned the other cheek). He dreamed of a superman, a ruler race, the survival of the fittest and thought Christianity was a religion of pity.
But Jesus taught the cross, lived the cross. It contradicts everything around us.
• If you want to live, die to self
• To be strong, be weak
• To get known, humble yourself
• To be great, serve all
• To be first, be last
• To win all things, give up all things
• If you want to be wise, be ignorant
• To win your life, use it for Christ
• To be free, be a slave of Christ
• If someone sins against you, reconcile with them
• If someone does evil to you, do good to him
• If someone steals your property, forgive him
It contradicts everything Mohammed taught. Islam is a mask for Satan who tries to replace the plan of God. If Islam disappears, another mask/system will replace it. It is a system of anti-Christ. Psalm 2. The battle is overcome by prayer and love because it is a spiritual battle.
Adel Moussa from Egypt, now living in Australia and doing street evangelism, shared briefly.
The book of Jonah will be read in synagogues worldwide tomorrow. If you had a vote, would you keep Jonah in the Bible? Usually in the Bible when a word comes to a prophet, they obey but Jonah says you want me to go to Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian empire? Leaving from Joppa, he fled to Tarshish (possibly Spain) away from the presence of the Lord. There was a storm and the mariners were afraid. For these burly seamen to be afraid, it must have been severe! The ship was about to be broken up and everyone called out to his god. They were polytheists, Neptune etc.
Jonah was asleep, not even helping. They woke him up and told him to pray to his God. Drawing lots to see who was responsible, it fell on Jonah. They were yelling at him. Who are you? Where are you from? Jonah told them he was running away from his God and there is only one God and now they were even more afraid. Jonah said to throw him overboard. They then prayed to Jonah’s God, the God of Israel and said please do not let us pay for this man’s life. They tossed Jonah into the sea and the storm stopped. They made sacrifices and vows to the God of Jonah. They were converted!
Glug! Glug! Glug! Prophet lost at sea. Instead of drowning, God provided a whale to swallow him. There with yesterday’s lunch, pretty unsanitary. Wouldn’t you think Jonah would cry out now but Jonah waited 3 days and 3 nights to make a desperate cry to God – save me and I’ll serve you the rest of my life, a cry others have made in desperate times (as in the book “Unbroken”) and God answered. So the whale vomited Jonah out on shore.
God sent him to Nineveh again. This time Jonah went, happy to declare destruction on Israel’s enemies. But they repented and fasted from food and drink. Even the animals! How do you stop a cow from eating? Put it on concrete? Wouldn’t Jonah be happy a whole city repented? Yeah, that happens often to me when I travel. Jonah 4:1 tells us Jonah instead was angry. He was a dutiful preacher. He really didn’t want them to hear him. Now he defended himself to God – I know you’re merciful that’s why I fled. Take my life from me. I’m done with this religion thing. He then got angry over the plant God caused to spring up to shade him and then die. You still want Jonah in your Bible? He was an embarrassment, a racist, everything we’re talking about not to be at this conference. God cares about the mariners, Jonah and the Ninevites.
After the conference the other night we had a great meal at a Lebanese restaurant at Lakemba and two of us ended up having conversations about Christianity, Judaism and Islam for 2 hours on the street. One man came up and was hostile but the others sent him away. No one was converted but I’ve never had such a great chat. I can say to Muslims – You and I are both the same. We rejected Jesus. See the photo on
Mt 16:13. Finally he’s on our side of the Bible some of you may be saying. It was in Caesarea-Philippi that Jesus asks who do people say that I am? Peter’s answer that you are the Christ, the Son of the Living God, caused Jesus to conduct an ordination ceremony calling Simon bar (son of) Jonah, Petra, the rock and revelation on which he would build his church. He gave him the authority, the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Notice the similarities to the story of Jonah.
Acts 10. This is where Peter or Simon bar Jonah, in Joppa, where the first Jonah fled from, has the vision of unclean food because the Lord is calling him to witness to the Roman centurion Cornelius in Caesarea-Philippi. Peter didn’t get it even after receiving the vision 3 times. However he went and the whole family was saved and baptised in the Holy Spirit. Rome was the enemy of Israel. God sent someone to you when you were undeserving. We need to reach out with God’s message even to enemies.
Bob and Adel with 2 men in the conversation, centre, Lakemba
The Isaiah 19:23-25 “In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on the earth. The Lord Almighty will bless them saying ‘Blessed be Egypt My people, Assyria My handiwork, and Israel My inheritance’.”
Israel’s titles will be shared with her long term enemies. It will be a highway of salvation. Perhaps this highway will be complete in the millennial reign of Jesus when all roads will lead to Jerusalem (not Rome) from where Messiah will reign (Acts 2:29-35, Luke 1:30-33). However the highway is being created by Christians now.
I shared re a dream God gave me about the highway being vertical as well as horizontal i.e. there is a dimension of being lifted up to communion with God in it. It reminded me of the stairway to heaven Jacob encountered at Bethel. I don’t have space to go into it but it’s covered on the DVD.
Who is Assyria today? Some researchers consider it to be Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Armenia, Georgia and Cyprus. There are Christians in these nations who love Israel and pray for her. Many of them are Muslim background believers or former Muslims who had very personal encounters with Jesus. There are also Jews in these nations though many of them were forced out after Israel became a state in 1948. Jews had lived in Egypt since before the Exodus led by Moses. Jews had been in Assyria since the 10 northern tribes were taken into exile and the 2 southern tribes were taken into captivity in Babylon. Some lived in Iran since the days of ancient Persia. Coptic and Orthodox Christians have been in the Middle East since Bible times and early Catholic communities followed.
Today the Islamic attempt to remove Christians from the Middle East by death or persecution is similar to what happened with the Armenian genocide in World War 1 which included Arameans, Chaldeans, Syrians and Greek Orthodox. Israel is surrounded by Islamic nations who want her wiped off the map and the Jews driven into the sea. They want Jerusalem as the capital of an Islamic caliphate.
This is the picture I’ve had of Israel for a long time and it is true but God has shown me a vision very different. It is these nations on the Isaiah 19 highway i.e. the nations surrounding Israel as not just a danger to her but actually protecting her. I see an arc of prayer, praise and worship around Israel that is like a shield of support, love, comfort and protection. These Middle Eastern (ME) Christians have the spirit of God on them and in them and the Lord showed me that the ARC was like an ARK. God is in them just as His manifest presence was in the Ark of the Covenant. He presences Himself with these believers as they worship and pray to Him.
I kept seeing feathers around this arc of ME Christians and I sensed it was Ps 91:1-4, 11. I sensed that there were angels on top of the prayer and worship of the saints as another layer of protection. As I prayed more into it, I was taken to when Jesus wanted to gather Jerusalem under His wings as a mother hen would but it would not. Jesus also wept over Jerusalem. Mt 23:37-39.
Continuing to pray, I was taken to the scripture about rising up on wings of eagles (Isa 40:31) and I sensed that as the prayers and worship of the saints rises up, heaven and earth join together and the saints renew their strength and are sustained. The prayers of saints are like a spiritual Iron dome. My long-time prayer has been for angels around the borders of Israel.
Abraham walked the Isa 19 Highway when he came from Ur of the Chaldeans to Canaan and then to Egypt and back to Canaan again. The Isa 19 prophecy fulfils Gen 12:1-3 that all the nations of the earth would be blessed through Abram and the nation that came from him.
Strabo, a Greek historian and geographer, informs us about Babylon’s paved roads in about 2000 BC: “There were three Great Highways that ran from there to Susa, Ecbatana, and Sardis. The
highway leading from Babylon [Iraq] to Memphis, Egypt was paved and the cities along the highway were Nineveh, Palmyra, Damascus, Tyre, Antioch, and other great cities.” There is a highway from Egypt to Iraq today – several. So we are prepared for the return of Jesus Christ.
The highway vision is the opening of Houses of Prayer and Worship (Tabernacles of David, Amos 9:11) along this ancient and future Highway. SE Turkey (part of ancient Assyria), is at the northern end of the Isaiah 19 Highway. Pray into God’s radical peace plan, His highway of worship running through Egypt, Israel and Assyria. It is also a peace highway. Isaiah’s prophecy in his day must have been unbelievable as it is to many today. A highway of blessings – Israel’s enemies and pagans would one day be God’s people sharing in the covenant blessings. It can only be by His amazing grace. It is also a highway of holiness. Isaiah 35. We need to “Go through, go through the gates! Prepare the way for the people. Build up, build up the highway! Remove the stones. Isa 62.
L to R John Ackad, Michael Fraser, Fifi Farag, Adel Moussa (Egypt) Shelly Volk, Marianna Chandler (Israel) Bassem Adranly, Florence Farjandi (rep Assyria) Barbara praying & Norman Miller back reading Isa 19
The re-founding of Israel in 1948 was a part fulfilment of the Isaiah 19 prophecy. Ps 87:4-6 shows us that God wants all to be saved and to be citizens of the heavenly Zion. “I will record Rahab and Babylon among those who acknowledge me – Philistia too, and Tyre, along with Cush – and will say, ‘This one was born in Zion…..The Lord will write in the register of the peoples: ‘This one was born in Zion.’
However before the prophecy is fulfilled, there will be judgement on Egypt and this will lead to revival. Isa 19:1-22 says the idols of Egypt will tremble before the Lord, brother will fight against brother, the Egyptians will be handed over to a cruel master, the waters of the river will dry up, fields will be parched and fisherman groan, the wise counsellors of Pharaoh give senseless advice, and Judah will bring terror to the Egyptians. We have seen partial fulfilment of this. There’ll be an altar to the Lord in the heart of Egypt and a monument to the Lord at the border as a sign and witness. When they cry out to God because of their oppressors, He will send them a saviour.
There is an ANZAC inheritance for Australia and NZ that is not only about Be’er-Sheva but because the ANZACS cleared the way for the Isa 19 highway from Ottoman rule. There is a spiritual ANZAC inheritance for bringing Jew, Arab and other Gentiles into unity re the Sons of Abraham.
Not available on DVD. Magda did a role play and we could ask questions. It was an excellent session.
Shelly and Bassem led communion. Shelly said the blessing in Hebrew and Bassem in Arabic. This was very special –
June gave her testimony, which is included in her book THE GOD WHO ANSWERS BY FIRE. It was very encouraging and enlightening to the faithfulness of God – when she cried out to Him – He answered.
Ps Shelly Volk and Ps Bassem Adranly praying over communion Erev Yom Kippur
Shelly’s Message: Shelly gave a brief description of the Shemitah and Jubiliee years. There is much debate on when the Jubiliee year occurs. Hineni – Here am I: Shelly gave four examples of men responding to God by saying Hineni: Samuel (I Samuel 3), Isaiah (Isaiah 6), Moses (Exodus 3), and Abraham (Genesis 22).
Each of these men responded to God saying Hineni before they knew their specific call. Their faith was in the One who called, not the calling itself.
Keep in mind, each of these specific calls were extremely difficult. As we are living in the end of this Age, we need to exhibit the faith these men demonstrated.
In Isaiah 58:8, 9: “Then your light will break out like the dawn, And your recovery will speedily spring forth; and your righteousness will go before you; the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry, and He will say, ‘Here Am I’ (Hineni).
If God will answer us by saying Hineni (Here Am I) – should we do any less when He Calls us?
Blowing the trumpets and shofars. Judy Miller on sound & Trish Jansze on books
MECO and Al Hayat TV’s books, the Volks’ books, Norman’s new coffee table art book Reef and Rainforest: An Aboriginal Voice Through Art and Story, Barbara’s books on de Quiros and William Cooper & Tabernacle of David Cairns’ new album Reconciliation with the sounds of the didgeridoo and clapsticks were available.
Report no 1 by Barbara Miller,
This report is from some notes I made during the conference. However it is best to watch the DVDs so that you get the proper context in which to put these notes.
We praise the Lord for what He did through this conference and thank all those who helped to make it possible. Unless people give us testimonies or the Lord reveals something to us, we don’t know what’s happened in people’s lives or in heavenly realms through this conference. It is the church’s role to make known the manifold wisdom of God to the rulers and authorities in heavenly realms (Eph 3:10). So please send in testimonies or what the Lord may show you in prayer. Not only were people touched who were there but through the livestreaming, many watched it in Israel, the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific. People will be touched by the DVDs who may not have been there and by this report which we plan to put on our website.
On Oct 3, praying before our service in Cairns and thanking the Lord for our conference, the Lord showed me a flower and it was giving off many seeds and more flowers came from it and more seeds and it kept reproducing. I believe this was saying that our conference will keep reproducing fruit in the lives of people who were there or touched by it in other ways. I prayed that the seeds would fall on good ground and not be eaten up by the birds or choked by the weeds as in Jesus’ parable.
This fits in with the prophetic word I had during the conference on Sept 21 that the conference would birth many things. This word will be transcribed for report no 2 as some people couldn’t open the recording.
We do believe some outcomes are:
(1) The Father’s heart and love of God that flowed through the conference. People were also touched and healed by Norman’s welcome to Australia of those who came from overseas and tears flowed. People were also touched by love from the Miller family.
(2) Wonderful praise and worship which enabled people to enter in and encounter God. We were also blessed on the opening night by the Hope team, an Arabic worship team of 12 from different churches who sang in Arabic.
(3) Great messages from the heart of all the speakers with excellent Bible-based teaching. We were especially blessed to have the perspective of Palestinian pastor Bassem Adranly with his unique and insightful perspective. We have asked for someone who can translate his writing from Arabic to English as he is a major Christian apologist answering the criticisms that Moslems have of Christianity.
(4) Having Messianic Jews, Christian Arabs and other Christians worshipping and fellowshipping together. There were attitude changes, greater understanding and healing of relationships. On the last night, Shelly Volk, Messianic Jewish pastor from the USA prayed over the communion in Hebrew while Bassem from Israel prayed over it in Arabic – a special time.
(5) The conference was timed for a strategic time – the Days of Awe from Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year to Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, a special time to get things right with the Lord. Many believe the last day of the conference was the start of the Jubilee year, a year of freedom and return of property. It only comes once every 50 years.
(6) After my message on the Isaiah 19 highway, I asked people from Egypt, Israel and Assyria to come to the front and join hands as a prophetic act of building the highway as Norman read the scripture and I prayed. I called up Margot Gabriel, an Egyptian-Australian who is helping set up houses of prayer and worship along this highway to come to the front and asked people to give her prayer and financial support.
Isaiah 19 highway formed by Christians from Egypt (Margot Gabriel and Fifi Farag & others) on left, Israel (Ps Shelly Volk & Marianna Chandler) centre and Assyria (Palestinian Ps Bassem Adranly and Iranian Florence Farjandi) right.
Ps Norman (top) reading the Isa 19 scripture and Ps Barbara Miller (right) praying over the highway
Margot Gabriel – Wow, Barbara, that word is so rich and full of God. I’m so glad it’s on recording. I take it very personally as well. Several of the leaders in Israel have told me I embody Isaiah 19 and it’s true when I just look at my life it’s clearly obvious so I felt it was a word for me too. I am SUPER glad I was there. I feel something new was birthed in my ministry. Well enough of the selfish thinking I just couldn’t help to think how accurate it was for me.
Apart from that wow what it did for Australia. Let us mark down the date of this word and see what happens in Australia from the birthing of this conference. I KNOW we will rejoice as we look back. Let us scribe down the details of what happened at this conference because it will all play out now as it did in the conference. It will now play out into the nation over the months and years to come. I feel like a big pair of cymbals has been struck in heaven and on earth in the spirit realm and now the reverberations will go on and on. An orchestra will start to join those cymbals and new sounds will come out of this clashing of the cymbal. Those new sounds will come from the wells and ‘old’ instruments, including the didgeridoo, and it will cause a reverberation that cannot be stopped.
Suzanne G – I would to say that I am so so so blessed that I have been invited to the Sons of Abraham Conference. This conference has been totally life changing, the presence of the Lord in all His faithful sons and daughters in word and action. He has opened my eyes and my heart for ALL for His lost children . The Lord has put on my heart a continual prayer of blessing and protection and guidance for you both (Norman and Barbara) all those wonderful faithful speakers , intercessors, helpers , brothers and sisters that have a love for Israel , the jewish people and for the muslims…thank you for loving the Lord and serving him relentlessly. quote; Shout and be glad , O daughter of Zion for I am coming , and I will live among you declares the Lord. Many Nations will be joined with the Lord in that day and will become my people…..Zech 2 10-13
Claudine W. – Till this day I can’t remember where I saw the few lines promo on this conference. One fine day I simply google it to find details. Father God has it all planned out- last minute free invitation to participate in the Fine Food exhibition at Olympic park & our chosen hotel happen to be in Bankstown. This conference had been a tremendous blessing to me from the time I stepped foot even before the hall. I had never been so loved & welcomed in this nation since migrating to Perth 16.5yrs. One of the nite that Father God orchestrated me to stay back because my hubby was stuck in Newcastle biz mtg. When Norman Miller said I welcome (he repeated many many times). I suddenly cried & then the power & love of God embraced me. Wow didn’t know spiritually this was so important. All the stuff & strategies the Lord downloaded to me about this nation especially the last 8 years travelling the length & breath of Australia & Tasmania; suddenly I am able to trust God to open the way & start running with whoever, whatever, wherever.
Sue T – The anointing on this knocked me out! Credit to Yeshua but I wanted you (Sharon) and Barbara to know I agree with you and Him: The Whole World For Jesus! (Comment on Sharon’s report of conference.)
SAT 19/9/15
I described the dream and vision leading to the conference which is on the brochure & described some of our journey in coming to host this conference. On our first visit flying into Israel in 1996, I had a vision of Jews, Arabs and other Christians lying over the land side by side providing a prayer covering for it. I heard the word “Eretz Israel” for the first time, finding out it meant the land of Israel. I could see then that the Arabs could not be left out of the picture.
In prayer for some months I kept saying to the Lord I set my heart to understand the division between Jews and Arabs and how to heal it just as Daniel set his heart to understand God’s plans. I can’t pretend to understand the heart of the Arabs who were made refugees by the rebirth of the state of Israel or the Jews who were made refugees from Arab lands at this time in similar numbers.
However I picked up in prayer a strong sense of the injustice, rejection and pain that Palestinians feel because of (a) losing their inheritance as the older brother re Isaac/Ishmael and Jacob/Esau.
(b) sibling rivalry and (c) hatred of Israel who represents Sarah who caused Abraham to cast Hagar and Ishmael out. I already had a strong burden for the Jewish people. Now I was getting a strong burden for the Arab people, particularly the Palestinians.
As I wrestled with God over the months over this issue, God spoke to me from Isa 29:16. Can the clay tell the Potter He is wrong? No. Isa 45:9.God’s ways are higher than our ways. (Isa 55:8-9). God’s plan was to bless all people through a nation He singled out, even created, to reveal Himself to the world through. He called Abram out of Ur of the Chaldeans, present day Iraq (Gen 12:1-3).
In Fiddler on the Roof, Tevye the Jew asks God why He couldn’t choose someone else because of the pain associated with being chosen. The Jews have been persecuted through time – pogroms, crusades, the Inquisition, expulsions from nations and the Holocaust. They were also in captivity in Egypt, Assyria and Babylon and ruled by Rome. This persecution is because of (a) carrying the holy seed to bring salvation (Yeshua) to the world and (b) because of disobedience to God and judgement.
Israel has been called to be a holy nation, a royal priesthood (Ex 19:5-6; Deut 7:6-8) and so also are Christians, whether Arabs or other Gentiles (2 Pe 9). Gal 3:28 tells us there is no Jew or Gentile in Messiah. There is no preference or favouritism. There are just different callings and destinies. Being chosen is a burden and privilege as well as a responsibility.
We owe a debt to Middle Eastern Christians who’ve kept the flame of Christianity alive since the time of Jesus and paid a big price over the years, especially at the moment with ISIS. Children are being killed in front of their parents because they won’t reject Jesus.
We know of the father heart of Abraham for Ishmael. “If only Ishmael could live under your blessing” (Gen 17:9).The Lord answered him yes, Ishmael will be fruitful, have great numbers and be the father of 12 rulers, a great nation but Sarah will bear you Isaac and I’ll establish My covenant with him as an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him. God heard Ishmael’s cries and saw Hagar’s distress when she feared he would die of thirst but God provided water and food, companionship and love and was with the boy as he grew up.
Isaac and Ishmael came together to bury their father Abraham so this seems like a reconciliation took place. It may have happened earlier because to bury Abraham, Ishmael had to be living nearby. It is not recorded that Abraham’s sons by his wife Keturah were at the burial, Abraham having sent them away with gifts so they would not contest Isaac’s inheritance. Norman and I did prophetic acts of burying sibling rivalry at Hebron and the Temple Mount in 2010.
Isaac and Rebekah had twins, Esau and Jacob and Esau sold his birthright to Isaac and was said to have despised it. (Gen 25:34). Esau was tricked out of his father’s blessing as the eldest and it went to Jacob who then had to flee. After a long time Jacob returned and desired reconciliation but was fearful how he would be received but Esau ran to Jacob and embraced him. (Gen 33:4,10). They lived nearby and were blessed so much they had to separate and Esau moved to Mt Seir. His descendants, the Edomites, became enemies of Israel.
If anyone asks me whose side I am on in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I felt the Lord say to me one day to say – on God’s side and he gave me the story of Joshua’s encounter with the angel of the Lord. (Joshua 5:13-15)
The first peace treaty was between Jew and Gentile, Abraham and the Philistine king Abimelech at Be’er-Sheva. (Gen 21:22-23). Norman and I have prayed there often. God’s peace plan is through a covenant in Jesus’ blood. He broke down the dividing walls between Jew and Gentile in his body. (Eph 2:14). In Jesus’ time, Gentiles were only allowed in the outer court. In prayer, I saw a “Jews only” sign come down when He died. An earthquake tore down the curtain that separated believers from the Holy of Holies as Jesus or Yeshua entered the heavenly Holy of Holies, the perfect priest and the perfect sacrifice. (Hebrews ch 8-10).
All believers are children of Abraham (Gal 3:7-9). Jews and Arabs are both Semitic and are in the natural bloodline. All believers are part of the spiritual bloodline.
Lakemba is like little Tripoli. 70% of the people are from Lebanon. Bankstown has 128 nationalities. December is the 5th anniversary of the Arab Spring which started in Tunisia. It is very westernized. The 2nd place the Arab Spring broke out was Libya and the 3rd Bahrain. One poor man who was fed up burned himself and started a flame, the Arab Spring. It turned out to be the Arab winter, a nightmare.
So we are having a Christian harvest but the labourers are few. The giant of Islam, the Goliath, is falling. Our weapon is the Bible. In the natural, the servant saw the armies against them but God opened his eyes to see the army of God. 1 Philiip 1:7 is a heavenly letter.
Ps George Fattal
Barbara said whose side are we on? We’re citizens of heaven, we’re ambassadors for Christ. John and Magda are here from MECO which has been working in the Middle East for 155 years.
The timing of this conference is amazing. It not only ends on the holiest day of the Jewish or Biblical calendar but also the most holy day for Muslims where Abraham was going to sacrifice Ishmael (not Isaac as in the Bible). There are 22 countries in the Arab world and 300 million population from Morocco to Turkey plus another 8 Moslem nations making 30. Please pray for one country each day of the month.
In Egypt, the revival is massive. There are 5 million Christians there via cable TV. At the International Book Fair, thousands queued each day for a Bible. The busiest stall was the Bible Society’s. In Syria and Lebanon, the government has asked the churches to open their doors to the refugees and they have. They provide food, blankets and books. No Christians are allowed in Mecca. In the United Arab Emirates and Iran, there are many MBBs underground with half a million in Iran. A revival started with the Berbers in Algiers in the 1980’s. George and his church are outreaching in the Middle East. How the west has opened its doors to refugees has touched hearts. If you can’t go to the Middle East, pray for one nation a day.
We have just come from hosting an Amos 9:11 Tabernacle of David conference in Cairns and the Lord showed me his answer to the Twin Towers terror attack on 9/11 was Amos 9:11 raising up the Tabernacle of David which is 24/7 prayer, praise and worship and Jesus sitting on the throne of David in Jerusalem ruling with righteousness and justice. The Lord showed me that I have been operating in a governmental anointing for Australia but that he was causing me to operate in a Zion governmental anointing. It is a different level/purpose.
Norman Miller with Barbara roaring like a lion for the song Norman wrote on the Lion of the Tribe of Judah
I have been to Israel about 10 times. I was there for the 50th, 60th and hopefully will be there for the 70th anniversary of its rebirth as a nation. As an Indigenous pastor, I have taken teams of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with me. The Lord drew my attention to Ps 48 about “walkabout Zion”, count her towers. Indigenous people know how to walkabout the land.
I have written a song about the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and the government is on His shoulders (Isa 9:6). I am praying that the Aboriginal tribes of Australia align with the Lion of the tribe of Judah, Jesus or Yeshua.
VISION As Ps George spoke about the 22 Arab nations, I was seeing Isaiah 22:22, the key of David and I saw an effective door of ministry opening. I saw the key come down and turn things quickly. What the Lord opens, no one can shut.
Mt 5:23 says if you come to lay your gift at the altar and find someone has something against you, go and be reconciled first and then come back and offer your gift at the altar. God will meet you at this conference and stir your hearts. Never despise the days of small beginnings. You will say I was there when the Lord spoke to me.
We spent some time in Zimbabwe bringing reconciliation in relationships between the Ndebele and Shona tribes. I was to preach in a white church and I took a boomerang with me with John 14:1-2 on it but it broke on the way and the Lord said to me it symbolized a broken covenant. We have a saying that when you throw a boomerang, if it doesn’t come back, it’s a stick.
We sometimes rely on the voice of the GPS to get us somewhere but we need to rely on the voice of the Lord instead. I had trouble with the GPS I got from the airport as it didn’t work. As I prayed about it later, I was reminded of the “famine of not hearing the voice of the Lord” or the spiritual famine it talks about in Amos 8:11 when we are disobedient to God, worship idols and treat others unjustly.
Eph 2 talks about the one new man in Yeshua, Jew and Gentile together. I finish with Eph 3:14-16 that we may “grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ” or Messiah and Ps 133 about where there is unity, the Lord commands a blessing.
L’ Shana Tova 5776 or Happy New Year. Schmita Pita. There’s been too much hype. Did you think you’d be here today? We have a message of hope and new life and no stock market crash can take that away. I’ve just come back from Israel where I attended the Lausanne Conference on Jewish Evangelism and Chosen Peoples Global Network. I was in PNG recently and was greeted by hundreds of people dressed in blue and white singing and dancing and they washed our feet. If a Jewish person wants to be loved on, go to PNG.
Lawrence Hirsch
However, you don’t have to go overseas to be missionaries. Australia is a very multicultural nation. We have our fellowship in Jewish Melbourne near Caulfield racecourse. There are 45 synagogues and 75,000 Jews there. In Celebrate Messiah, we have Jews and Gentiles together. I have baptised 30 Iranian boat people in the last few years. I wish I could say I have baptised 30 Jews as that is my main ministry focus. I have Muslims coming to me saying they love Jews.
It was the beginning of the Messianic movement in Acts 2. Jews and Gentiles were one in Messiah. Eph 2:11-13. There were 4 ways Gentiles had been underprivileged until Jesus death on the cross.
(1) They were separated from Messiah, cut off
(2) They were excluded from citizenship in Israel
(3) They were foreigners to the covenant, even the new covenant of Jeremiah 31 which was for Jews and
(4) They were without hope and without God.
Rabbi Paul was excited to tell them about their new position in Christ, the reverse of the 4 points above. It is not the teaching of Yeshua that brings the peace but Yeshua Himself. The Gentiles had to stay in the outer court and there was a sign that they could not go in the Holy Place on pain of death. The spiritual barrier was destroyed at Jesus’ death but the physical wall came down in AD 70.
We have to be careful as Jews not to have an ethnic superiority complex. To get Peter to go to the home of Cornelius, the Lord gave him the vision of unclean food and told him to eat. This opposed his thinking. It was unclean for him to go to the home of a Gentile but he did as requested to share the gospel and the Holy Spirit fell on them. Peter was now in trouble in Jerusalem and his response was basically “it’s not my fault. God made me do it.” But through the Cross, we are one new man and can have table fellowship.
Re the refugees, there is so much fear of what Moslems will do but we need to reach out to suffering humanity. Evan Thomas in Israel is involved with a group called Musalaha (reconciliation in Arabic) and he said he has asked a number of Palestinian Christians what is the core of their identity and they say the cross. When he has asked a number of Messianic Jews the same question, they say the land. The church is built on Jewish foundations. We can’t change that. We have to accept it.
As a Palestinian pastor from East Jerusalem, Bassem brought a challenging and insightful Christian message to the conference born out of his experience, deep study of the word of God and his desire to be an authentic witness for Christ. He was brought up with a father who was negative towards Jews daily. Living in the West Bank, he has an undefined identity, with a Jordanian passport, not an Israeli passport. This has turned out to be a gift.
He said the Lord asked him to bring a message on “Political Healing” while in South Africa and he challenged them on whether they as a black church had thanked God for the whites. The pastor said no one had dared to say that to them but thank you, and a spirit of thanksgiving was released.
Bassem mentioned some of the steps on his journey. One of them was when the Lord challenged him with Mt 5 about loving your enemies and God told him that he hated Jews. He said the Palestinian church and much of the Arab church is crippled because “we didn’t let God heal our hearts.” We are meant to be a new creation with a message of reconciliation 2 Cor 5.
He said he struggled for some time determined to get a breakthrough on dealing with Palestinian-Israeli issues and his own spiritual walk. Then he got a major key. Mt 6 talks about no one can serve two masters for he will love the one and hate the other. He said it was the 2 sides of a coin. One side is the love of God and the other side is the hate of evil. But he realized it was possible for him to have not God’s love of his people but a humanistic or carnal love of his people. It doesn’t look bad but the other side of the coin is a dark place. So we can have misplaced loyalty to our ethnic group. He said if I have the wrong love, I have the wrong hate.
Bassem said if my love for my church is carnal, then I’ll despise other churches. If my love for my wife was carnal, I’d be jealous of her. If I love my nation, what’s wrong with that? But it means I don’t see the other side. We need to repent of the wrong kind of love because it won’t help my nation but destroy it.
Ro 8:8 We can do all the ministry we like but if we do it in the flesh without submitting to God then we do damage. Love is not just a commandment. It is God Himself.
1 John:11 Whoever hates his brother is in darkness. This is foundational.
He said he sometimes tells the story of the Good Samaritan. If he has a Jewish audience, he will say the Jews passed him by but a Palestinian helped the man who was robbed and hurt. However, if it is a Palestinian audience, he will say the Palestinians crossed to the other side but the Jewish settler helped him. It was a powerful message.
Bassem Adranly
SUN 20/9/15
Bassem was aware some of these prayer points would be difficult for people but they are also needed.
1. Against bitterness Heb 12:14-15
We need to guard against a root of bitterness. In Gen 37, Jacob refused to be comforted. We are the only ones who can prevent healing to our souls. God comforts us. Everything is a gift from God because all things work together for the good of those who love God.
2. Redeem suffering Acts 4
There’s a tendency to run from suffering. God has a plan for your life and the devil can’t take one day off your life except what God agrees to.
3. Not to judge between 2 sides Luke 12:13-14
I saw a church standing between Jews and Arabs as judges. This is a mistake. There are two peoples and two stories.
4. Driven by 2 streams i.e. religious fanaticism v humanistic Christianity
In Mt 22:18-21 it describes the Pharisees trying to trap Jesus by asking if they should pay taxes to Caesar. The Pharisees would not deal with Rome but the Sadducees did. Jesus realized they were hypocrites trying to trap Him so he took a coin and asked whose face and inscription is on it? As it is Caesars, pay to Caesars what is Caesars and to God what is God’s. God allowed the Romans to rule Israel for a reason. Do I trust Israel today? No. I trust God. Acts 17:26 God set the times for nations and the exact places where men should live. The land is God’s. Not political Christianity. Jesus told Herod you have no authority over me except what is given from above.
5. Pray for earthly peace 1Tim 2:1-3
We need to pray for those in authority. We need freedom of worship for the extension of the kingdom not peace for the sake of humanity. The UN is not helping the poor in the world. Their policies protect the rich. The church is not a secular peacemaker.
6. Don’t resist evil James 4:7
Jesus said not to resist an evil person but to turn the other cheek. There’s danger in fighting evil. God didn’t ask us to fight evil but to resist evil and follow Him. I say to my suffering brothers, the Lord sees your suffering. Overcome evil with good. The Lord will fight the enemy for you. I’ve seen the church fighting the occupation and becoming a political tool. Secular organisations do it 100 times better than the church.
7. Biased judgement
Barbara (Miller) said in her message that before Joshua (5:13-15) took Jericho, he encountered the angel of the Lord and asked are you for us or our enemies. He replied neither but as commander of the army of the Lord I have come. She said we need to be on God’s side and I agree.
The church is selective when it comes to justice. We need to speak the truth without fear or remain silent. Truth is not a mask I wear when it is convenient. John the Baptist died for it.
Why should we weep when Christians die in Iraq and not when Shiites die? It’s ethnocentric. If I have more compassion for Christians but say of the others they are evil and they deserved to die, I am biased.
8. God’s love overflows/heart of God
Stephen – the Son of Man and all of heaven were watching what he would do as he was stoned. He declared forgiveness, God’s love. If we declare God’s love, something in heaven will break open.
In response to questions, Bassem said fight lawfully i.e. according to God’s word. Abraham paid Ephron for the field for a burial site (Gen 23:16). Abraham let Lot choose the best land when they separated. Arab Christians find it harder than Muslim Background Believers (MBBs) to accept Israel’s land.
I grew up as an Orthodox Jew. I grew up with 2 sets of dishes, one for meat and one for milk and another set for meat at Passover and milk at Passover. I thought of US and THEM. 1969 was a hippy time of self-discovery and free love that cost you everything. I was in New Orleans at 2am dancing and listening to jazz. I realized I hated this guy and I didn’t even know him. Here I was a hippy person of peace and love. This was ugly. I was failing as a hippy and I didn’t have anything to fix it. In May 1971 I got saved. I loved Jesus going up against the rabbis and he seemed to win. I got thrown out of home as a 19 year old. I started holding meetings at 20 years old and people came. I just stayed ahead of them. I pastored it or I pest-ored it.
Bob Mendelsohn
Acts 16:1. If you were going to start a church, who would you pick to kick it off? Missiologists like Donald Mc Gavin say pick prominent people, leaders. If you go to Africa, get a king or a governor who’ll Constantine his people. That church-state harmony was a cacophony that ruined the church for centuries.
Who did Paul chose? Timothy who had to get snippered because his father was Greek. He wasn’t even fully Jewish. Paul then received a vision to go to Macedonia. Well, Paul don’t get distracted by women. But the next convert was Lydia, a woman at a trade show in Philippi, a city in Macedonia. Person no 3 was a slave girl who was delivered from a fortune-telling spirit. This angered her owners who could no longer make money out of her and Paul and Silas were beaten and locked up in the inner prison and put in stocks. Would you rethink the idea of starting a church in Philippi?
They worshiped and there was an earthquake and the jailer feared retribution for allowing them to escape but they were still there so he was open to the gospel. The jailer realized they were more liberated than he was. The other prisoners didn’t escape either but listened to the gospel. So now Paul had a church with ex-cons, a cop, a half Jew half Greek, a slave girl and a chick on a trade show. But it worked.
I got away from the US and THEM thinking I had grown up with. In the USA, there are black churches and white churches. As the church, we are family and we need to think US. Clubs are exclusive and you can have a women’s club or a men’s club but once you have a church, it’s for everybody. If I go to a Gentile church, it’s not a Gentile church anymore. If you call it a Messianic congregation, it’s for everybody. However Jewish Messianics need to sometimes meet without Gentiles because they need that comfort zone to discuss things and it’s uncomfortable to tell Gentiles they can’t come.
I recommend reading Reinhold Niebuhr’s 1950’s book “Christ and Culture” and yell at him or agree with him.
Magda Ackad
Not available on DVD. John gave us an idea of what Muslims believe about Abraham and Ishmael. It was an excellent session.
Our Tabernacle of David Cairns team and family – Colleen Burfitt, Mum Ps Shirley Miller,
Lillian Miller, Deborah Miller and Joanne Miller with new friend Adel Moussa centre