Reconciliation Newz Buzz Jan v2 2019

Thanks to Ps Warwick Marsh and the Canberra Declaration for supporting the Australia Day Prayer and Workshop in Canberra 25-26 Jan 2019 –

Ps Norman & Ps Barbara Miller are calling the nation to join with them in praying for a righteous nation

Please join us in Canberra or in your city or church or home to pray on Australia Day. We can send you prayer points if interested.

The workshop is now free. The Australia Day Prayer Day was always free. However please book for catering morning teas and setting up re chairs etc –

Australia Day Prayer & Workshop

Contact YWAM for accommodation dormitory with own linen at $20 a night – Wati at or contact Barbara to contact Hilary re accommodation at Canberra House of Prayer- You can look at their website for prices –

We are at a critical time in our nation of Australia. The secularization of our nation has made religious freedom a key issue and freedom of speech and conscience into major issues. There are many other issues and the Lord has given us strategies as to how to pray. One of these is to have a shadow spiritual government in the same way that the party in opposition forms a shadow government. That means we need a high-level prayer leader for each of the federal ministries e.g. health and education, who will raise up a team around them to pray for that portfolio. Is this you?

This is the Amazon link to Barbara’s ebook which is free 2-3 days depending on your time zone so feel free to download it and please write some comments or a review on Amazon – It is already no 1 new release in Jewish History, Jewish Holocaust History, and Historical German Biographies and doing very well in Social History. So grab a copy while you can and recommend it to your friends on social media. The paperback should be ready to order in a day or two.

Lena Goldstein, who I interviewed for the book, is an engaging and gracious survivor of the Holocaust, lives in Sydney and will be 100 on 31 Jan so I plan to be there for her birthday and deliver the book to her in person said Barbara. I have been working against the clock to do so.

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LIVE STREAM: Shalom Israel Friendship event with the Christian and Jewish communities.

Updated: 15/01/2019 – Live stream replay:

It is live-streamed on The event is at the Beth Weizmann Centre 306 Hawthorn Rd Caulfield 25 July at 7.30pm and the speakers for this Standing Up for Israel event are John Searle, Zionism Victoria, and Norman and Barbara Miller, Indigenous Friends of Israel and Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace.
WATCH LIVE: Wednesday 25/7/2018:
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