Ps Norman and Ps Barbara Miller’s ministry has a strong focus on reconciliation, justice, prayer and worship. Norman is also an Aboriginal artist with his own gallery ( and coffee table art book. Barbara is also a psychologist, sociologist, mediator, teacher and writer ( They founded the Centre for International Reconciliation & Peace Inc. as a para-church ministry. The Millers planted a church in Cairns, Australia in 1996 & set the Centre up in 1997 holding an international conference on reconciliation in Cairns in 1998. At this they hosted the British team in Cairns on their reconciliation tour of Australia organised by the Australian Prayer Network. With Sonia Harriman, the Millers produced a DVD: “Reconciliation – Transforming Nations, An Account of Prophetic Acts of Reconciliation between Britain & Australia 1997-1999. In 1999, the Millers joined the Australia Prayer Network on a reconciliation tour of England and this video “Freedom’s Ark” is of one stop on the tour.
Freedom’s Ark – Brian Pickering, Ps Barbara & Norman Miller speak on an Australia Prayer Network tour of England 1998
Part of the vision of the Centre is to be a prophetic end-time church without walls and a house of prayer for all nations and Israel and to raise Up the Tabernacle of David – 2 Cor 5:18-19, Gal 3:28, Amos 5:24, Ps 89:14, Isa 56:7, Isa 62:6-7, Amos 9:11. Norman and Barbara have received prophetic words that they have a Jeremiah 1:10 mandate “See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.”
Their local church took on the name Tabernacle of David in 2000 and they hosted Tabernacle of David conferences in the Gold Coast and Cairns in 1995. They have a strong focus on spiritual mapping and spiritual warfare and are linked with the prayer movement worldwide. They work as an apostle-prophet team. The Centre hosted an Apostolic and Prophetic conference in Cairns in Sept 2001 with speakers from Christian International in the USA and the conference ended on the same night as the Twin Towers attack of 9/11. The Lord showed Norman that Amos 9:11 is His answer to terrorism i.e. raising up the Tabernacle of David. [More……]