Through the Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace the Millers have hosted Psalm 24:7 conferences to open the gates to the King of Glory and close the gates to what is not Godly (Isa 62:10) in a number of cities – in Cairns 2003, Parliament House Canberra 2004 (head of the nation), Uluru 2005 (heart of the nation & Indigenous gate), the Sydney Opera House 2006 (site of first European settlement), Bendigo & Melbourne 2007 (the latter the site of first national Parliament), Cairns 2009 and Parliament House Canberra 2010, 2011 and 2012. They have held conferences on transformation and are working towards revival and transformation in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. They also have a heart for the people of the Pacific and hosted “The Islands Will Look to Me” conference in Cairns for Purim 2014.
Norman and Barbara were (2005-2012) the leaders of the Bethany Gate Australia under the Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations and hosted the Bethany Gate & All Pacific Prayer Assembly of 2,000 people in Cairns May 2006 timed to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the proclamation by Ferdinand de Quiros over the Pacific of “the South Lands of the Holy Spirit”. Barbara later wrote a book about de Quiros. They were the founding national co-ordinators for the International Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem under Eaglewings USA.
The Millers teach on Israel and have celebrated the Biblical feasts since 1997. They lead a team of Australians to Israel regularly and have ministered in Israel, the Palestinian Territories, Turkey, England, Canada, the USA, Zimbabwe, Guatemala, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, NZ, PNG, Vanuatu, Solomon Is and the Torres Strait Islands.
Norman and Barbara organised a very special tour and led an ANZAC/Lighthorse team of 14 Australians and 7 New Zealanders to Israel in 2010 to pray over battle scenes of World Wars 1 and 2, pray at the borders and visit holy sites. It was timed for the Oct 31 anniversary of the battle at Be’er-Sheva which opened the gateway to Jerusalem and the end of 400 years of the Ottoman Empire rule over Jerusalem. With the Balfour Declaration, it paved the way for the British mandate and eventually the modern state of Israel.
The Millers took the group to Richon Le Zion which is built on top of Ayun Kara, where NZ, in World War 1 greatly outnumbered, were victorious. The team laid wreaths at the newly completed statue to the NZ Mounted Rifles at Ben Gurion School in Ness Ziona. Norman and Barbara facilitated a time of repentance for revenge killings of Bedouins in Surafend and left a letter of apology to go into the city archives of Richon Le Zion.
Norman and Barbara returned in Dec 2010 for the honouring of Australian Aboriginal William Cooper at Yad Vashem. He is recognized as leading the only private protest worldwide against Kristallnacht in 1938. Barbara has written a book about his life including his stand on Aboriginal advancement.