
reconciliation scripture


To be a Prophetic End-time Ministry without Walls

and a House of Prayer for ALL NATIONS and ISRAEL

  1. To share the Gospel in a socially relevant way,
    breaking down the barriers between the church
    and the community. To be history makers and to
    transform our city, our nation and the international
    community at all levels; becoming more like the
    Kingdom of God.
  2. To share the Gospel in a way that is culturally relevant
    to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people & to people
    of other cultures.
  3. To promote RECONCILIATION of Jew with Gentile,
    while teaching on the Jewish roots of the Christian
    Faith and Israel’s role in End-time events.
  4. To promote RECONCILIATION of humanity with
    GOD, Race with Race, Culture with Culture, Tribe
    with Tribe, Male with Female, Old with Young, Rich
    with Poor, Denomination with Denomination and
    Nation with Nation. (2 Cor 5:17-21, Gal 3:28, Malachi 4:5-6)
  5. To teach on Godly Justice
  6. To reach the alienated, the outcast, those living in
    parks, etc. & running a care ministry
  7. To work across denominations to bring unity to the
    body of Christ
  8. To be a prophetic voice to Australia and the nations
  9. To engage in Spiritual warfare & Intercession
    on behalf of the saints & for end-time harvest
  10. To train, mentor, father & mother Aboriginal and
    non-indigenous leadership then release
    them into ministry and run a Training School
  11. To plant churches throughout the Cape York
    Peninsular and wherever the Lord leads us.
  12. To be a healing church and a miracle working


Norman and Barbara Miller led up the Bethany Gate and Australia for the Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations from 2005-2012. This is one of the yearly presentations at the All Nations Convocation Jerusalem in Israel