By Ps Barbara Miller

I was praying for some insight about the cause of the bushfires when I received a vision on 8.1.20 of a cricket game with the Prime Minister on the right batting. He was playing against the ALP and Greens and he won a surprise victory i.e. the federal election. This meant the ALP retreated a bit from its climate change policy and stand on religious freedom etc. concerned that the “quiet Australians” had not endorsed its policies.

However, with the bushfires, the ALP came back to the cricket game re-energised and more confident to use climate change to bat against the Prime Minister, even to hit him with the bat. They were trying to get him out. I even sensed that an underarm bowl had been used against Scott Morrison.

I was looking for a photo of Scott Morrison playing cricket, if there was one, and was surprised to come up with some scathing articles about him saying that the cricketers from both sides of the Tasman would inspire Australians. However, as they were playing during the bushfire crisis, this was considered insensitive to bushfire victims and firefighters. The PM invited the Australian and New Zealand cricketers to Kirribilli House and is a big cricket supporter. It is a yearly tradition for the Australian cricket team and touring national side to meet with the Prime Minister at Kirribilli House on New Year’s Day. Malcolm Turnbull, Tony Abbott and Julia Gillard all took part when they were in the role. However, it appears Scott Morrison is expected to focus solely on the bushfires. The story from “The Australian” is more matter-of-fact. pushes-the-boundary-20200105-p53oz8.html

Interestingly, the criticism started before the PM’s brief December holiday with family in Hawaii for which he has been hauled over the coals. His tweet from the Gabba in Brisbane re the game of Australian vs Pakistan was enough to draw 1.8 thousand twitter responses. Some remark on his lack of empathy. Others are re climate change. Below is one of them.

Even Al Jazeera is calling Scott Morrison the “daggy dad” burned by Australia’s bushfire crisis because of not taking action on climate change
Today, (10.1.20) large numbers of people gathered in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane armed with signs and placards, many holding the #sackScomo hashtag and calling for his resignation.

Organisers, Uni Students for Climate Justice and Extinction Rebellion, believe thousands took part. handling-of-bushfire-crisis

This is hardly a Watergate situation or any misdemeanour on the PM’s part. It is backlash from those who expected an ALP/Green win to prosecute their climate policies and are still reeling with disappointment. Whether we believe in climate change or not, it has become a weapon against a democratically elected Prime Minister. This is of great concern. Some say climate change is a new religion. We need to pray for the wisdom of Solomon for our PM. We are called to pray for those in authority. (1Tim 2:1-4). We seem to have a war on our hands between so called climate change believers and climate change deniers. Or if not deniers, those not doing enough on climate change or those not doing it the way climate believers think it should be done.

We need to pray for the government to have good short-and-long term policies on climate change based on good scientific evidence, to have good advisors and to have the courage to stand up for these policies against intimidation. We need to pray that criticism of the PM and government will be constructive not destructive. We need to pray that the government will find a good balance between the need for jobs and a good economy with the need for climate change policies. Climate change will be the big challenge for the Australian government in 2020.

PDF Version: Vision of Scott Morrison playing cricket 10.1.20

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