Left – Ps Norman Miller speaking at pro-Israel rally in the Brisbane CBD organised by the Jewish community 12.11.23. Iranian supporters attended. Right – Come to the Never Again is Now rally organised by Christians and Jews in the Brisbane CBD June 9 with the most amazing speakers who will be revealed soon. Also wonderful praise and worship and dance. Bring your flags.

Ps Norman will be doing a brief opening welcome at 2.30pm with didjeridoo and shofar. If you feel led to join in the blowing of the shofar wherever you are in the world at the same time, please do so. Joel 2.
Right – Rev Mark Leach, co-founder of Never Again is Now speaking at Sydney rally  Feb 18 with Ps Norman’s painting in the background. Rev Mark will be speaking in Brisbane June 9 along with key personalities. Don’t miss out!

Interview of Barbara Miller, Indigenous Friends of Israel (IFI) by Luke Williams, Cairns Post re ICC and Israel 24.5.24
Read the press release that IFI put out on 22.5.24 on which this interview is based. Click HERE There was also an article in The Cairns Post that covered Barbara’s comments and the reply of Maja Amanita of Free Palestine FNQ. Click HERE.


Indigenous Friends of Israel co-founders Norman and Barbara Miller have applauded Tuesday night’s Sky News documentary Never Again: The Fight Against Antisemitism hosted by former federal treasurer Josh Frydenberg. The Millers say, “The Never Again documentary was a defining moment for Australia when a number of prominent Australian leaders called out the alarming rise of antisemitism in Australia.”

“These included former Prime Ministers John Howard and Julia Gillard, the current Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Opposition Leader, Peter Dutton, a former Governor-General, Sir Peter Cosgrove, Denis Richardson, the former Director-General of Security for Australia, Catholic Archbishop Peter Comensoli and former Aboriginal ALP senator and Olympian Nova Peris.

“What is happening on our streets and in our universities with pro-Hamas protests is unAustralian and we need social cohesion, not division. We don’t want ethnic or religious conflicts from overseas threatening the multicultural fabric of our nation.

“As a network of Indigenous Australians, we support the view that the Jewish people are Indigenous to Israel, having had a presence of 4,000 years there and that the rebirth of the state of Israel in 1948 was a matter of decolonization not occupation. Arab Israelis interviewed on the Never Again documentary attested to Israel not being an apartheid state. READ MORE

Pentecost Message by Ps Norman Miller 18.5.24
Are We in the End Times by Ps Barbara Miller 25.5.24

Reconciliation Week 27 May – June 3

Reconciliation Australia website admits that this came from a Christian initiative:

‘National Reconciliation Week (NRW) started as the Week of Prayer for Reconciliation in 1993 (the International Year of the World’s Indigenous Peoples) and was supported by Australia’s major faith communities.

In 1996, the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation launched Australia’s first National Reconciliation Week. (Norman and Barbara attended the National Reconciliation Convention in Melbourne.)

In 2001, Reconciliation Australia was established to continue to provide national leadership on reconciliation.

In the same year, approximately 300,000 people walked across Sydney Harbour Bridge as part of National Reconciliation Week and subsequently across bridges in cities and towns to show their support for reconciliation.

Today, National Reconciliation Week is celebrated in workplaces, schools, and early learning services, community organisations and groups, and by individuals Australia-wide.”

26 May – National Sorry Day, officially the National Day of Healing, is an event held annually commemorating the Stolen Generations or children removed from their families
27 May – The successful 1967 referendum giving Indigenous people the right to be counted in the census and the federal government to make legislation for them.
3 June – anniversary of the 1992 High Court Mabo decision that recognized native title.

Our Centre for Int Reconciliation & Peace Vision Statement 1996-2024

To be a Prophetic End-time Ministry without Walls

and a House of Prayer for ALL NATIONS and ISRAELTo share the gospel in a socially relevant way, breaking down the barriers between the church and the community. To be history makers and to transform our city, our nation, and the international community at all levels; becoming more like the Kingdom of God.
To share the gospel in a way that is culturally relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people & to people of other cultures.
To promote RECONCILIATION of Jew with Gentile, while teaching on the Jewish roots of the Christian faith and Israel’s role in end-time events.
To promote RECONCILIATION of humanity with GOD, race with race, culture with culture, tribe with tribe, Male with Female, Old with Young, rich with poor, denomination with denomination and nation with nation. (2 Cor 5:17-21, Gal 3:28, Malachi 4:5-6)
To teach on Godly Justice
To reach the alienated, the outcast, those living in parks, etc. & running a care ministry
To work across denominations to bring unity to the body of Christ
To be a prophetic voice to Australia and the nations
To engage in spiritual warfare & Intercession on behalf of the saints & for end-time harvest
To train, mentor, father & mother Indigenous and non-indigenous leadership then release them into ministry and run a Training School
To plant churches throughout the Cape York Peninsula and wherever the Lord leads us.
To be a healing church and a miracle-working church.

Left – Reconciliation CD with Darryl Miller on didjeridoo. AVAILABLE HERE.          Right – Colleen Burfitt and Norman Miller Tabernacle of David Cairns and Ruth Webb, Tabernacle of David Bendigo leading worship at the Sons of Abraham conference our church hosted in Jerusalem to bring Jews and Arab Christians together. We hosted a similar Sons of Abraham conference in Sydney in 2015. We had wonderful Christian Arab pastors and Messianic Jewish speakers at both.

Prophetic words re Australia and Antisemitism by Ps Barbara Miller 11.2.19

Book launch of If I Survive NSW Parliament House Sydney

Left – Read this story of Holocaust survivor Lena Goldstein and you’ll see the similarity of what is happening in Australia today to Europe in the 1930s. Right – Read about Aboriginal Christian William Cooper and his protest against Kristallnacht, the start of the Holocaust in 1938. See

Donations to the ministry of the Centre for International Reconciliation & Peace
BSB: 064804 Account no: 14069302 Swift code: ctbaau2s

Commonwealth of Australia Bank, 120 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Donations to Pastors Account BSB: 064804 Account no: 14258760