RECONCILIATION NEWZ BUZZ Sept 2023 no 2, 27 Sept

Long-time Supporter of Indigenous Advancement Will Vote No to the Voice and Explains Why in a New Book Called Voice, Treaty Truth: Has the Christian Voice Been Heard? 

Pastor Barbara Miller and her husband Aboriginal pastor Norman Miller will vote no to the Voice and she explains why in a new book called Voice, Treaty Truth: Has the Christian Voice Been Heard? The book covers the journey of how she got to this decision after being an activist in First Nations affairs for over 50 years.

On the verge of the Voice Referendum and as part of a heated debate about the Voice, this new book comes out on Amazon on October 6, just in time to inform Christians and other voters on referendum day October 14.

Author Barbara Miller says, “I wrote the book because I don’t believe the Christian voice, of First Nations and others, has been heard. I don’t want Australia to be divided by race and I value equality before the law and the Voice will breach this. These are basic Christian values. If it succeeds, the Voice will divide First Nations people themselves as well as the rest of the population.

“This book not only covers all the reasons to vote yes and all the reasons to vote no as well as the progressive no case but also looks at the spiritual dynamics and motivations behind the positions people are taking. As a pastor and former psychologist, this is an important area to explore, especially when there is so much confusion around the Voice.

“I have also been an activist in First Nations affairs for over 50 years and have written over a dozen books, many of them on First Nations issues. As a historian and sociologist, I have followed the Voice debate closely and covered the history leading to where we are now. Regrettably, I will probably lose some of my friendships forged with First Nations and other activists over many years. However, I also have to live with my conscience and I have to listen to a higher Voice – the Voice of God.

“I have had visions and dreams that have led me to re-examine my position and call out the support of major churches for a Constitutional Voice. This could lead to the possible constitutional recognition of Aboriginal spirituality when there is meant to be a separation of religion and state in the constitution as per section 116 which deals with religious freedom. This section prohibits the imposition of any religious observance which could include Welcome to Country ceremonies.

“Also, I do not believe we need another expensive bureaucracy that will cut across the many First Nations voices we already have with no guarantee it will Close the Gap or improve the lives on the ground for First Nations people. 

“My husband Munganbana Norman Miller is an Aboriginal pastor and artist and is of the Jirrbal, Bar-barrum, and Wadjanbarra Yidinji people of north Queensland. He campaigned for many years for the recognition of First Nations people and the removal of racism from the constitution. He presented a giant boomerang with 360 signatures on the back saying “No Racism in the Constitution” to then-Speaker Bronwyn Bishop at Parliament House on 27 November 2013. Norman donated this to the Museum of Australian Democracy in Old Parliament House and they have included it in a special exhibition.

“His on-paper petition based on the Expert Panel’s recommendations was presented to federal parliament in two stages by Warren Entsch MP in December 2013 and February 2016 totaling over 5,000 signatures gathered by hand from around Australia.

“We presented a smaller version of this boomerang to Senators Jacinta Nampijinja Price and Kerrynne Liddle at Parliament House Canberra on July 31 this year.

“I launch my book by Zoom on 29 September at 6.30 pm but it is already available for pre-order and will be sent to those who have ordered it on 6 October LINK. A paperback will be available too but you might not receive it till after the referendum.”

Chag Sameach! Happy Sukkot as we commemorate the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot Fri, 29 Sept 2023 – Fri, 6 Oct 2023


See other books on LINK

Australia is at a crossroads. Is it a racist nation? Will reconciliation ever be possible? Will it be divided forever? Will we have two classes of citizens, Indigenous and non-Indigenous after the Voice Referendum on October 14? Do we have to deal with the original sin of colonialism as the foundation of Australia from which we can never have redemption or forgiveness?

Is separatism the way forward? Or can Australia heal after this divisive debate over the Voice to Parliament and government referendum? We are fighting for the very heart of Australia. We are soul-searching about who we really are as a nation and what we want to be and our vision of the future. We are told that whether we are black or white, First Nations or non-Indigenous that if we vote yes, we are enshrining racism in the constitution and if we vote no, we are racist, ignorant, and hateful. Years of work for reconciliation and to build a multicultural cohesive society in Australia are at risk.

Has the Christian voice been heard? This book gives a Christian response by a pastor and former psychologist who has been an activist and researcher in First Nations affairs for over 50 years. She explains why she has changed from supporting the Uluru Statement from the Heart to voting no at the referendum.
Barbara is a prayer leader, sociologist, and historian who is a bestselling author and has written over a dozen books, most of them on Australian history involving First Nations people. She has also written books on the Holocaust and on Christianity.


Also World Prayer Assembly in Perth 3-6 Oct 23 –