RECONCILIATION NEWZ BUZZ Aug 2023 no 1, 6 August


LEFT – We were pleased to have the Israel Ambassador to Israel Amir Maimon open our Church and Cultural Challenges conference on 27.7.23 at Lifestream Church in Canberra. Norman presented him with his award-winning art book. RIGHT – Carol and David Jack are pictured here with the Ambassador and Norman and Barbara. David presented the Ambassador with a book about his father’s art. Ps Lai from Taiwan also presented the Ambassador with his art. The Ambassador spoke about the importance of communicating the many positive messages about Israel, not just focusing on issues or conflict. He is reaching out to all Australians with this message. He spoke for about 20 mins and had a question and answer session at the end.



A team of 9 with 3 pastors came from Taiwan to our Church & Cultural Challenges conference. They are Indigenous and Ps Lai spoke of the revival they had 50 years ago and he showed a video of it. His father was a key person in that revival. Ps Joy, an Indigenous pastor from Malaysia said it is 50 years also since their revival. Both nations are expecting and praying for revival to break out again. Ps Norman shared that he and his brother Tom and sister Colleen who came as part of the worship team from Cairns, were sons and daughters of a revivalist, Shirley Miller who was in the Pinnacle Pocket revival when she was a child. 

As Ps Peter Walker was unable to make it, his session became an international session with the Taiwan team, Ps Joy from Malaysia and Ps Dora Kua from PNG sharing. 

Ps Chen came to the 12.12.12 conference Norman and Barbara hosted in Sydney in 2012 and has since been in regular contact. He sees Ps Norman as a spiritual father and asked him to release a blessing which he did on the last day. Tears flowed and gifts were given and Barbara declared the blessings of Deut 28:1-14 over them.


Church & Cultural Challenges Conference Vision: 4 Visions and Angelic Intervention by Ps B Miller. 


This was the first message of the conference on 27.7.23. The video missed the first few minutes of my message but I spoke of 4 visions I had in March which led me to organise this conference. The first one was of demonic entities coming out of the cave of Pan at Caesarea Philippi in Israel.

Strategic Time – Tish’a B’Av or 9 Av

Tish’a B’Av for the Hebrew Year 5783 began at sundown on Wednesday, 26 July 2023 and ended at nightfall on Thursday, 27 July 2023. This was the first day of our Canberra conference. It has been a disastrous day through history of the Jewish people, the day when Solomon’s temple was destroyed by the Babylonians and the second temple by the Romans, Jews were expelled from England and Spain, WW1 started and Hitler’s Final Solution was declared. I write about it in my book on Holocaust or Shoah survivor Lena Goldstein as that is when a large number of Jews were sent from Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka death camp.

What were the spiritual issues that brought about these consequences? One was the bad report of the spies after they spied out the Promised Land for 40 days. They said we are like grasshoppers in their eyes and can’t take the land. This was after journeying all that way from Egypt and seeing all God’s miracles. The people cried grumbled & rebelled. Nu 14:1-3.

According to Rabbinic tradition, the sin of the spies produced the annual fast day of 9 Av. When the Israelites accepted the false report, they wept over the false belief that God was setting them up for defeat. The night that the people cried was the 9 Av, which became a day of weeping and tragedy for all time. We need to believe God’s promises and not see ourselves in the eyes of God’s enemies as grasshoppers but in God’s eyes.

We are in a 9 Av situation now.

We may look at giants in the land like identity politics, worship of the environment instead of God, a decline in values etc. and hear bad reports and get discouraged and frustrated and even lose hope and cry. We may be disappointed. But God is well able in His timing and His way to defeat His enemies and we are well able in His power to withstand the enemy and do all God has called us to do.

Give me my mountain!

We need to be like the 2 spies with the good report – Joshua and Caleb and say like Caleb, even at 85 years old, “Give me my mountain.” We were urged to declare this.

Prayer for the 7 Mountains

Lord, we pray you will give us the 7 mountains of cultural influence – family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business, and government. We pray to God to release angels to kindergartens, schools, universities, workplaces – government and corporate, parliaments and local councils, charities, sporting codes, media, entertainment, the arts, families, and churches to fight ungodly influences.


2 Sam 5:24:17-24. Baal Perazim means Lord of the Breakthrough.” Or YHWH Perazim so we declare and decree a breakthrough in bringing a cultural shift in our nations back to Judeo-Christian values in the name of the Lord of the breakthrough, the Lord of Heavens armies.

v24 As soon as you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the poplar (mulberry) trees, move quickly, because that will mean the Lord has gone out in front of you to strike the Philistine army.” The Lord told David to move after he heard the angelic army moving.

Warfare in the Heavenlies Over Australia

I sense we are experiencing warfare in the heavenlies over Australia as in the time of Daniel. Dan 10 tells us that Daniel prayed and fasted when he realized that the prophecy of Jeremiah showed it was time for the captives to return from Babylon to Israel. An angel finally appeared to him 21 days later, and explains the delay: the “prince of Persia” had been opposing him the whole time, and it wasn’t until Michael relieved the angel that he could continue his trip to Daniel. The angel gave Daniel long an outline of future events but had to return to fighting the prince of Persia and the prince of Greece. Only Michael supports this angel against these forces.

So there is likely to be an angel over Australia and a demonic spirit prince over Australia. We need to pray and ask God to release His angel over Australia on behalf of His plans and purposes and align ourselves with God’s purposes and activities.


Judah Must Go First & Waking Up From the Spirit of Woke by Ps Norman Miller 

In 1999, Barbara & I went to Ephesus to join Peter Wagner & Christians from many nations to pray against the Queen of Heaven. The strategy was to worship for 4 hours because in Biblical times, they worshipped Diana for 2hrs. That’s one reason why I wanted to start with 4 hrs worship.

After the death of Joshua, the Israelites asked the Lord, “Who of us is to go up first to fight against the Canaanites?” The Lord answered, “Judah shall go up; I have given the land into their hands.” Judges 1:1-2.

On the first night of the conference, we had no speaker just 4 hours of non-stop worship with Lifestream church taking the first hour, Tabernacle of David Cairns taking the 2nd and 4th hour and the third hour shared by international teams from Taiwan and Malaysia. We praise the Lord for an awesome night of breakthrough.

Double rainbow seen over Cairns first day of our Canberra conference (photo by Serene Tan) and rainbow seen over Canberra 28.7.23 (photo by Jacqueline Bedson.) In Genesis 9: 14-15, God told Noah, “Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.”

Even around the throne of God, there is pictured a majestic rainbow—used to communicate the glory of God (Rev. 4:3). We thank the Lord for His blessing over the conference.

So many people to thank – all those who attended, all those who prayed, those who contributed finances. Most of all we thank the Lord because without Him it would be impossible. Thanks to speakers – Cindy McGarvie, Dr Graham Mclennan, Daniel Simon. David Jack, Amanda Stoker by zoom and the international team – all incredible speakers with so much information for us to digest.

We had a live zoom for those who couldn’t come face to face. We won’t be providing DVDs but we do hope to have messages available on youtube to those who were registered and perhaps to others by donation as well. David Jack did an incredible job videoing as he has done for many of our conferences. Peter Taylor did an amazing job not just looking after the sound and making the PowerPoint of messages and songs available but also setting up and managing the live zoom. We thank Derek Bedson for looking after the overheads. Thanks to Peter, Derek, David, Glen Sebasio and Norman for setting up.

We were incredibly blessed by the LIfestream church who supported the conference not just with the venue but the catering and cleaning etc. It is a church of elders rather than pastors and the servant leadership of Peter and Kim Taylor and Derek and Jacqueline Bedson was unparalleled. May they receive their reward.

Thanks also to our faithful prayer team who met with us regularly for months to pray for the conference and Jacqueline who led up the prayer team during the conference. Also thanks to all the worship teams including our wonderful team from Cairns of Thomas Miller, Colleen Burfitt and Norman Miller with Glen Sebasio of Canberra joining us. We are grateful to Judy Miller who looked after the registration and book tables.

We thank David and Carol Jack for their financial help for the conference and Rod and Lyn Baker who decided to bless the speakers with dinner. Also thanks to Joy Silverwood for cooking lunches. Please pray for Kim, Jacqueline and Joy who will head to the Philippines for a mission trip.

We were very blessed to have the team from Taiwan and pastors from Malaysia and PNG joining us.



Also World Prayer Assembly in Perth 3-6 Oct 23 –