By Pastor Barbara Miller


Prayer at the rock at Uluru at Ps 24:7 convocation 2005 hosted by CFIRP
Prayer with local Aboriginal woman by Ps Peter Walker and Ps John Blackett in our convocation setting which was the Tent of Promise

We travelled to the base of Uluru in July 2005 for onsite prayer as part of the Healing the People Healing the Land Ps 24:7 convocation. It was hosted by the apostle prophet team Norman and Barbara Miller and the Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace, We used two hire buses of 100 people followed by other buses from Kalgoorlie, Darwin, and Tennant Creek, and cars of people who had come to the conference.

We set out from the tourist town of Yulara to Ayers Rock or Uluru at 2 pm Saturday 23rd July 2005 for an afternoon of prayer. For many, it was their first visit to the rock but others had paved the way. There was old and young, people from the desert and people from the coast, people from the bush and people from the city, male and female, black and white but we were all one in the Lord.

We had permission to be on this land from the traditional owners and had already received a welcome to country.

On arriving at Uluru, we stopped for some prayer in preparation. Norman said seeds were going to be planted, seeds of righteousness, godly seeds, and right foundations. He read from Gen 12:2-3 about the nations being blessed through Abraham and that whoever blesses his seed will be blessed and whoever curses his seed will be cursed. He said we want to be a sheep nation and bless Israel. Also, we need to plant seeds of honoring.

He honored God and all those who have gone before us and God’s covenant people. (We were with the Australian Prayer Network who hosted the National Prayer Gathering at Uluru in 1999 and there have been others paving the way).

Norman said we need to prophetically connect or be grafted as the wild olive branches into the natural olive tree of Israel. He said he would ask Hilary Moroney, as a person of Jewish heritage, to do this. Gloria Dyer and another lady of Jewish heritage joined her in this.

Norman said that part of the vision of the conference was to see a highway opened from Uluru to Jerusalem. He said on his last visit there 18 months ago, there were some rabbis dancing with joy in the streets of Jerusalem and they drew him into the circle to dance with them.

This was so special but he also wanted to dance with Jews in his land, even the heartland of Australia. The Lord made that possible on Tuesday morning when we danced with an Israeli, Madav, at the base of Uluru and crossed a bridge together, prophetically declaring that we were opening that highway from Uluru to Jerusalem with our prayer.

Norman then read excerpts from Romans 11:11-21 about the ingrafting. He also read Mt 7:24-27 about building your house on a rock.

Barbara honored God, the Anangu people on whose land we stood, and the Jewish people. She then led prayers of covering and protection because of the spiritual warfare that was about to occur. She led people in repentance so we could come to this event with clean hands and a pure heart and would not have any chinks in our armor.

We put on the armor of Ephesians 6 and prayed for the covering of Ps 91. Barbara prayed for the covering of the precious blood of the Lord over us and all that pertained to us and that angels would fight fights for us in heavenly realms. Also that the hedge God put around Job would be around us so the darts of the enemy could not get in.

She prayed for the blessings of Deut 28:1-14 for obedience to be on us and that the Lord would help us to be obedient so that we could receive the benefits of this scripture. We prayed that we would be the head and not the tail and that the enemy who came at us in one way would flee from us in 7 ways and that no weapon formed against us would prosper.

She prayed that the Lord would confuse the airways of the enemy and bring confusion, division, and ambush on them so they would fight each other and not us and also for the awe and terror and fear of the Lord upon them. We spoke that the battle was the Lords and that He would send His angels out ahead of us.

Barbara prayed to break off spirits of revenge, backlash and retribution and to cancel all assignments of the enemy against us. This was to include our conference, the prayer at the rock, our families, our churches, our workplaces, our health and finances and all those praying for us wherever they were.

Hilary asked people to pray in tongues. She then repented on behalf of Jews and non-Jews and asked the Lord to graft us into His true olive tree. She asked that Australia would be a sheep nation and stand with Israel. She thanked God for her heritage and asked that Australians would have a heart for Indigenous people as well.

Norman generally has a theme for the year and he declared the theme for 2005 – “Alive, Thrive and Revive in 2005” and “Ministry of the Arts – Apostolically Releasing the Saints”.

Barbara had shared in a previous session on spiritual mapping that the Mutitjulu waterhole was the home of the python snake, the poisonous snake and the rainbow serpent so this was the chosen location for most of the prayer. We basically had a four-hour trip, three hours of prayer, and just less than one hour’s travel, including circling the rock before returning to Yulara.

On arriving at Mutitjulu waterhole, Norman read Mt 16:13-19 about the church being built on the rock of revelation that He is the Lord, that the gates of hell would not prevail against it and that He had given his church the keys of binding and loosing. He thanked God for the loosing He was going to do in this place.

There was concert prayer ie a lot of people praying at the same time. Norman then asked the Lord to loose the 7 seals and to let His glory loose in this place. He read Rev 5:1-10. Only the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Jesus the lamb that was slain) is worthy to open the seals.

There was the sound of shofars and shouts and the roar of the lion of the tribe of Judah. The strategy of roaring like the Lion of the tribe of Judah was a strategy the Lord showed Barbara in Cairns and then led Barbara and Norman to use with effect to help bring breakthrough in Malaysia and Thailand at Bangkok Breakthrough conference. Muslims and Buddhists had loudspeakers blaring but Christian churches around the world are quiet.

Norman declared that the Lion of the tribe of Judah is not going to be intimidated by that ancient serpent. The Ancient of Days will have His way. He then read from Rev 20:1-3 about an angel from heaven seizing the dragon, the ancient serpent, the devil and then he was bound for 1,000 years. Norman then asked for another roar from the Bethany Gate and some more roaring went up with the sound of the shofar. There was a flag with the lion and the Star of David on it which Bruce Poulsen held. There were many other flags as well.

Norman and Barbara turning the key over the nation at the convocation. Ps George Annadorai, a speaker, holding the microphone

Brendon Cook, an Aboriginal leader from Tom Price, Pilbara WA claimed the rock back in the name of Jesus. He had boomerangs in his hand as he declared that the rock was the Lord’s. “I, Brendon Cook, son of the Most High God, claim this land back for Him in Jesus name”. God reigns.

Barbara had done a session at the conference on spiritual mapping and now prayed re the central creation story to this location which was the python woman or kuniya who became greatly enraged and sought revenge on the Liru or poisonous snake men (Aboriginal tribes identified with another part of creation) who had killed her nephew.

Kuniya did a powerful magic dance and then killed the Liru warrior who dropped his shield. In the process of her dance, she had stirred up the dust and poisoned some plants, particularly the spearwood bush. After some repentance and prayer by Aboriginal elders, Barbara took authority over these spirits of anger, revenge, witchcraft, murder, and death in Jesus name and prayed in the opposite spirits of blessing, joy, peace, love, life, and the Holy Spirit. Aboriginal elders and others prayed in unison.

She prayed that the Lord would remove the poison from the land, plants and waterhole. Norman later put some eucalyptus leaves in the water and prayed healing over them.

Barbara asked Aboriginal women to come forward as it is a birthing site and some women from the Northern Territory prayed in their language. An Aboriginal woman from Perth, Gloria Dyer, prayed to break the curse of barrenness off the land and into all territories.

“Father into all territories, I pray for an arrow to go from this place into the darkness and from Israel into this place. With the revelation of the blessing of the mothers of the land through the Holy Spirit, I break off the curse of barrenness over the land and release the men and women, and children of the land. “

Katie Hagen, an Aboriginal woman from Brisbane said,

“I call on the wind from the north the south the east, and the west to breathe in this place and the dead shall live. This is the day the Lord has made and we rejoice in it. I have given you the former rain and the latter rain. I have given you abundant rain. It shall rain. It shall rain. I have given you rain this day. We ask that the wind of the breath of the spirit of God will take the blessings to the 4 corners of the earth from this place. What you’ve declared to us is for all eternity.”

One of the men said this is a new birth of this nation.

Barbara agreed and said you can see in the formation of the rock that this is a birthing place and that is why we are here. She said the Lord had given her a vision of a white statue rising out of Uluru, the bride of Christ, and the words:

“Out of the ancient womb comes the 21st century church.” She said “I declare that all things that are not of God that have been birthed in this place are cut off in the name of Jesus and that any false covenants, false creation or false birthings are cut off in Jesus name. We cancel it out and nail it to the cross of Calvary.

We pray sterility over it, miscarriage over it and abortion over it in Jesus name. Sterility. It will not be able to come to full term. But we speak life to it to birth things that are of God. We speak life to it and draw forth that life from it.

This is a beautiful place. You’ve created it to remind us of You, not any other god so we speak here this day that this land be a monument to You and not to any other god from this day forward. It will birth the children of God. The earth itself cries out to Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians to come out and come forth into the kingdom of God. So, we open up a well of salvation in this place. Pour out rivers of healing waters from this place.

From this day forth salvation will come forth from this place. This very earth, this very waterhole, this very rock is calling out to the people to come into the kingdom of God so we open up the wells of salvation. Pour out rivers of salvation from this place. We declare that healing rivers will pour forth from this place. We speak that the children of this nation of all ages will come into the kingdom.

The earth and the Holy Spirit call you into Jesus’ arms. I prophesy a huge revival across this nation! We break off the tomb over the womb in Jesus’ name. We break off a spirit of death over this place in Jesus’ name and we say that what You wanted from the beginning will come forth in this place. We speak that a nation can be born again in a day.

We declare that from this day forward, this will be a place of pilgrimage where people will meet with You just as people make pilgrimages to Jerusalem and Lourdes. This will be a place of pilgrimage because they will know they will meet You here. People will come to this water to be healed just as they went to the Pool of Siloam to be healed. We speak that the mountains and the trees and every living thing including human beings will sing praises to God. This will be a place of praise. “

One of the women prayed that the pastors speak to this rock for rivers of living water to pour forth. Another woman read Isaiah 26:1-2 – a song will be sung in the land of Judah, open the gates that righteousness may enter. Then v 14-15 – “they are now dead, they live no more; those departed spirits do not rise. You punished them and brought them to ruin and you wiped out all memory of them. You have enlarged the nation O Lord“

Norman read Isaiah 9:6-7 and prayed that the government of Australia would be upon the shoulders of Jesus and that there would be godly alignment of government structures. He prayed that the government would align itself with godly authority; that the government would have God’s heart, godly order, and ways.

Shirley Miller, Norman’s mother, said she remembered a song about ‘whither pilgrims are you going.” She said with joy we draw water from the wells of salvation.

Barbara asked for Aboriginal men to pray. Ps Peter Walker from Sydney spoke of John 4 the Samaritan woman at the well and the mountains worshipped on. He suggested that it was time to not worship as in the traditions of the past but to worship God in spirit and truth. He also spoke of the broken cisterns of Jeremiah’s time.

He said the Hebrew word of water is maim and the name of the rainbow serpent or water serpent in Aboriginal is Miamba. He said the woman who followed Paul in Phillipi had a spirit of divination or python spirit. He said rather than scattering let someone lead and we all focus on the one point.

So Barbara asked people to pray in tongues and to pray in concert as she prayed. She spoke to the python spirit and said,

“Your time has come! You are no longer welcome in this place! Your time has come! This is no longer your domain! We command you right now to come out of this waterhole in Jesus’ name! Leave this waterhole in Jesus’ name! Spirit of divination, leave this waterhole in Jesus’ name.

You’ll not drink from this waterhole any longer! This place will not support or nourish you any longer! We speak that this place will not receive you but will reject you! That the land itself will vomit you out! Push you out! It will not want you because you make it poisonous, barren, and lifeless.

We break off all restrictions associated with the python spirit in Jesus’ name and we cut off that spirit that would squeeze the life out of Christians in the name of Jesus.”

As Barbara continued to pray in this vein for some time, the people were singing “Oh the Blood of Jesus”, blowing the shofar, or praying. We were all of one accord. It was as if we’d all come to take this place back for the Lord and we meant business. There was much prayer.

Norman said this same spirit is a world ruler. In 1998 at Jerusalem, he had repented on behalf of Indigenous people and other Australians for the promotion of the rainbow serpent. He had also led a small prayer delegation on Sydney Harbor Bridge to take authority over the rainbow serpent in February 2001 after it had been flashed over the Bridge with the New Year’s Eve fireworks.

He had read Isaiah 27. He asked the people assembled at Uluru to repent for exporting the rainbow serpent overseas and taking financial advantage of it in Australia through merchandising. Non-indigenous people have to repent as well. We need to take responsibility and accountability. Those assembled did so.

Barbara said that before continuing with the rainbow serpent, if they could finish the python spirit. She wanted to pray in the opposite to fill the void. She said Gloria had broken off the curse of barrenness. As we’ve now broken off the restrictions and squeezing the life out of the python spirit so we need to pray in expansion. Someone can pray the Jabez prayer.

Barbara read Isaiah 54:1-4. “Sing O barren woman, you who never bore a child, burst into song, shout for joy, you who were never in labor; because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband says the Lord. Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities. Do not be afraid you will not suffer shame. Do not fear disgrace, you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood”.

Barbara said, “This (Is 54:1-4) is a word from the Lord for the nation of Australia:

“God is going to enlarge the church in this nation. Where the church has been desolate, God is going to bring expansion. This is corporate. This is what God’s doing, not you or me. God is doing this through those assembled here. God is going to enlarge the place of your tent. When you go home, tell your pastors to build a bigger church. We’re gong to have spiritual children in place of the barrenness.”

Norman declared a church without walls and Barbara agreed – a church without walls, expanding into the community. Some churches in Australia are shrinking e.g., Catholic and Anglican. But God is going to bring expansion to His kingdom in Australia. There’s going to be revival.

Barbara then read from Isaiah 66:7-9. Can a country be born in a day? Yes! Can Australia be born again in a day? Yes!! Those gathered declared this. “Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?’ says the Lord. No!! Barbara declared, “There’s a delivery going on here. There’s a birthing going on here. God’s redemptive plans and purposes for Australia are being born here. “

Barbara Jennings said she saw a birthing canal and water and blood.

Ps Peter Dunn said the Lord had been speaking to other intercessors who weren’t here but who had been listening to the Lord in support of this program. Issues in our history are the treatment of Aborigines, prisoners rebelling against authority, the treatment of migrants, the Eureka Stockade etc. There is a connection between these things and what comes through a spirit of Baal.

He said the Afghan camel riders rode the land speaking the Qu’ran and Islam into the land and particularly into the waters. They called their religion a religion of submission, not of submission to the Lord but a conquering spirit. It’s a militant spirit.

Gloria Dyer aid the Lord showed her Baal worship here about 3 years ago.

Barbara said she fully agreed but was checking to see what Peter had in mind to do because if it was short, we could do it now but if it needed some time to do it properly, it would be good to finish the rainbow serpent prayer off because that was the present flow, and then come back to the Baal/Islam prayer.

Norman likened the Afghan/Muslim claim on Australia and intermarriage to Aborigines to the Gibeonite deception of Joshua and mentioned the rainbow serpent’s use of alcohol to control his people. Norman said that as gatekeepers and watchmen we had allowed things into the garden and God speaks against irresponsible watchmen. (We had wanted to deal with this Islam/Afghan issue at some time during the conference so it is good that it happened at the rock. We sensed before Uluru that it would be like a Mt Carmel confrontation.)

Peter said it was short so Barbara said for Peter to lead us now and he said he believed what was required to deal with Baal was a Joshua strategy of a 7 fold victory shout of saying the Lion of the tribe of Judah 7 times with increasing intensity. We did this and ended with more roars, shofar blowing, and shouts of victory.

Norman said this was part of the 7 shifts we’ve been doing. He then completed leading the prayer re the rainbow serpent. He read Isaiah 27.1:

“In that day, the Lord will punish with His sword, His fierce, great and powerful sword, Leviathan the gliding serpent, Leviathan the coiling serpent; He will slay the monster of the sea.” He said “I read this here in your presence today. God is going to slay this reptile of the sea.”

Norman said to pray that the tourism industry would not feed that thing. He asked if there was a tourist operator who could stand in the gap to repent. Geoffrey Stokes, an Aboriginal pastor from Kalgoorlie stood in the gap for tourist operators re the use of the rainbow serpent.

Norman asked people to blow their shofars and he did as well. Singing broke out. Barbara prayed. Norman prayed to crush the serpent and its eggs in the name of Jesus and he asked us to prophetically stamp our feet and crush its eggs. He said “No more hatching. No more hatching. We march along as the army of the living God with the serpent under our feet. We crush your head and we break your back in Jesus’ name. Let the roar go forth!” There were roars and more shofar blowing and flag waving.

Joye Alit led us in a song “And I will serve no foreign gods.”

Barbara declared,

“We speak that no longer will the people of the land call out to the rainbow serpent, Wanampi, for water as they have traditionally done in this place but to You O Lord for the natural and the living water. We declare that the people will see that the rainbow serpent has lost his power and we speak that they will no longer invoke his name.”

Muriel Jencke and Ruth Webb were holding a banner “Elohim Bara” declaring God the Creator.

During his session at the convocation, Ps Vuniani Nakauyaca, our speaker from Fiji, had prepared, with the Aboriginal leaders, some water that had been cleansed with salt, anointed with oil, been used to wash the feet of non-Indigenous leaders, and then mixed with the red earth of the land. It had then been blessed and prayed over and the land was dedicated to the Lord.

This was now to be used to cleanse and heal the Mutitjulu waterhole. He said:

“It is an honour for me to be here, especially after we have been through the process today of cleaning it up. We’ve done confession and cleansing. This is a wellspring. You know the spiritual significance of the place. It is time to make a declaration. Prophetically you speak what you want for your tribe or nation as you scoop up the soil and water with your hands and put it in the waterhole eg the end to tribal fighting etc. This place will be no longer sacred as it was but sacred to the Lord and everyone who comes here will be impacted and touched, including tourists. I’m sensing something opening up already. God is rejoicing already.”

He asked Ps Carl Musch to pray first. He said the first thing Jesus asked us to do was to repent, to change our thinking. The rock was the centre of the nation.

As the people, one by one, took the soil and water in their hands and cast it into the waterhole with their prayers, Gloria knelt before Brendon and said that she gave him back his shield that our women knocked from his hand. She asked forgiveness for Aboriginal women taking spiritual authority from the men and prophetically gave it back and asked God to raise him and them as mighty warriors for Him.

This was important in that it came in the opposite spirit of a story of the place where the python woman knocked his shield from the hands of a Liru or poisonous snake man and killed him in revenge because her nephew had been killed in revenge earlier by his tribe.

Muriel Jenke had given Norman some white stones in Thailand at the Bangkok Breakthrough conference, which he took to Uluru. The stones were thrown prophetically to the north, south, east, and west, 3 for the tribes and 3 with the scriptures in each direction. The white stones were calling new life to the tribes and the coloured stones declared the word of God.

Brendon Cook threw the last six stones together into the water. Five formed a cross with one stone further out as a Joshua stone. The cross was last year raised prophetically across the nation before the 24/7 convocation in Canberra by the Bendigo intercessors.

Roger Wall, one of the intercessors from our Tabernacle of David church in Cairns had a piece of coal that came from Wales and was given to our church by intercessors Gail and Rowland, believing to sow some seeds of the Welsh revival. He threw it into the Mutitjulu waterhole and prayed for revival over Australia and beyond, knowing that this was a birthing place.

The most amazing thing happened as we left the rock (Uluru). Veronica Coutts from Palm Island took a photograph of Uluru on her digital camera and it showed a snake with its head cut off (cut in two) and it was rising up from the bottom to the top of the rock and leaving with its eggs. John Andrews also captured it on their camera. The Lord had His way.

Witches had been trying to infiltrate and thwart our conference all week but they left after the prayer at Uluru showing that they could no longer draw power from the rock. We had witches stalking our worship team and we had to remove a few women dancing like snakes during worship.

We urge you to pray to continue to hold the territory taken as we know that witches from around the world come to Uluru and try to activate the powers of darkness. However, Dianne Taylor believes what happened is unstoppable and relates it to a prophecy of Dr Ian Pelser some years ago:

“As I watched it formed into the head of a spear and the shaft attached to it were the evangelists, pastors, and teachers. The head of the spear was the apostles and prophets that needed to meet and to gain strength in the truth that this really was what God was calling them for in this end-time work. Then as this was accepted it became the spearhead… and as the word went out and they became accepted and working in their positions the shaft became attached to the spear and itbecame ‘what was thrust into the earth, piercing the hearts of men in holy conviction unto salvation and the harvest became “unstoppable’.”

There are some conference videos available and a video of the prayer at Uluru is available: