Mothers Day 2021 at Tabernacle of David Cairns
28 Her children arise and call her blessed;
Proverbs 31:28-31
her husband also, and he praises her:
29 “Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all.”
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.
The situation in Israel is critical with over 2,000 missiles fired into Israel from Gaza and we’ve been praying earnestly and keeping in touch with our Jewish friends in Israel. This message was given by Barbara at our congregation 15 May. While Hamas in Gaza have been the most militant, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has recently stated they will be a “thorn” in the side for Israel, an eerie reminder of Nu 33:55.
We congratulate Israel on the 73rd anniversary of David Ben-Gurion’s declaration of the state of Israel on 14 May 1948. It was also Jerusalem Day this week. As I write this newsletter, it is Erev Shavuot which celebrates the birth of the nation of Israel with the giving of the law to Moses on Mt Sinai. It is also the birth of the church at the feast of Shavout which is called Pentecost as in
Acts 2.
We congratulate Israel on the 73rd anniversary of David Ben-Gurion’s declaration of the state of Israel on 14 May 1948. It was also Jerusalem Day this week. As I write this newsletter, it is Erev Shavuot which celebrates the birth of the nation of Israel with the giving of the law to Moses on Mt Sinai. It is also the birth of the church at the feast of Shavout which is called Pentecost as in Acts 2.
Our GAP Network has been earnestly praying for our nation and its government now into our third year as a network led by Norman and Barbara where we shadow the federal government ministers and their portfolios. We also pray for state governments as needed.
On Thursday 6 May, I had a vision while in prayer for our GAP meeting and I shared it with them on zoom that night. I saw Australia as a fortress with the drawbridge up. I knew it related to Australia’s policy of closed borders with only a few allowed in and out and the 2-week pause relating to Australians returning from India during a pandemic out of control. Thousands of Australians have been stranded overseas in a number of countries, many for a year or so. There are many distressing stories. I prayed that our quarantine facilities would be improved so more Australians could come home and that the vaccine rollout would be handled better and be rolled out more quickly and safely. We regularly pray for other nations re recovery from covid-19 and comfort for those who’ve lost loved ones.
To my surprise, Saturday’s newspapers used my words “Fortress Australia” and then later we had the cartoon above. In Tuesday’s budget on 11 May, the federal government said it did not expect Australia’s borders to open until mid-2022. This was a big shock to many Australians who had expected that with the vaccine rollout, we might see the borders open later this year. This is important not just for families to be reunited but for business, tourism and overseas students.
Our Christian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Jewish treasurer Josh Frydenburg and the government have done an outstanding job in keeping Australia safe from the coronavirus and keeping the economy afloat. We praise God for His blessing on our nation and that we have been able to help other nations as well.
Art by Ps Norman Miller which he uses to campaign with for religious freedom – freedom of belief, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and parental rights re education of their children in a woke school system.
Art by Ps Norman which he uses to campaign against voluntary assisted dying legislation. Victoria and Western Australia have already passed it and it is presently before the Queensland Parliament. Munganbana is Norman’s Aboriginal name. He started the Voice of First Nations Peoples Against Euthanasia recently and has put out a flyer out about it which has been sent to Queensland Members of Parliament. An summary of it is:
Pro Euthanasia legislation is disrespectful to the customs of First Nations Peoples around death which is a community matter not just an individual decision- black lives do indeed matter.
Rushing to introduce euthanasia when rising suicide rates are a national problem is inexplicable and against the public interest, especially for First Nations Peoples. Nobody is morally compelled to suffer unbearable pain. Every Queenslander has the human right to have equal access to good quality palliative care before a policy default to euthanasia and Indigenous communities need a funding boost for palliative care. This conscience vote should be accompanied by the public interest test which includes the common good, human dignity and autonomy. We need compassion.
Check out the exciting videos on our website from a number of conferences we’ve hosted over the years. You will be blessed –