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  1. Australia Day is a difficult day for many Indigenous people and Norman is showing leadership as an Indigenous pastor in calling for this prayer. Pray that just as Joseph forgave his brothers for selling him into slavery and rose to leadership because of his good character and wisdom, that Indigenous people in Australia would do likewise, be healed and rise to their callings so that what the enemy meant for wrong, God would turn around for the good, the saving of many lives (Gen 50:20). The Lord showed him that Gen 26 (first book) about re-digging the wells is the strategy to turn Jan 26 (first month) around. Pray for revival.
  2. Barbara had a vision that the ship of this nation is going in the wrong direction and may be shipwrecked. Pray for our nation to get back on course. The Lord showed her the anchor we need is our Judeo-Christian values and the rudder to get it back on course is a decree that will be issued in Canberra along with the prayers of His people.
  3. Pray for government that follows godly values and that the Lord’s will be done in the federal,state and local government elections. We have a small window of opportunity with a Christian Prime Minister. Please pray for favour and the wisdom of Solomon for him and his team as they govern.
  4. Pray that the government of Australia will be on the shoulders of Jesus – Isaiah 9:6-7. Jesusis the head of the church and we are the body, so if the government is on Jesus’ shoulders,it’s on ours too and we need to take spiritual responsibility.
  5. Eph 2:6 says we are seated with Christ in heavenly realms so pray that Christians and the church live and rule from that realm. Also pray for unity of the church and good witness.
  6. Eph 3:10 tells us we should be making the manifold wisdom of God known to rulers and authorities in heavenly realms. Pray that we do this through declarations and decrees to take spiritual territory for the Lord, and living godly lives.
  7. The Lord has shown us the church needs to spiritually govern this nation and the strategy is to set up a prayer leader and prayer team for every federal ministry. It will be a shadow spiritual ministry. There are 19 portfolios. Please pray that we can begin to set this in place in Canberra 25-26 Jan. If you want to be involved in this in an ongoing way, please let us know. We believe this may become a prototype for other nations.
  8. The vehicle to spiritually govern our nation will be the GAP network – Gathering Apostolic Prophetic Network based on Ezek 22:30 where the Lord looked for a man to stand in the gap for the nation to avert judgement. Pray that many will stand in the gap for our nation, whether they become part of this network or not.
  9. The Lord showed Norman the plumbline of God’s word is needed to set this nation back in right alignment with God, and, as well as dealing with ungodly values, we need to get our relationship with Israel right. We need to be a sheep nation not a goat nation to avoid national judgement as in Mat 25. We need to stand with the Jewish people and bless them as in Gen 12:3. Otherwise we might find ourselves fighting God. Zech 12:9 and Zech 14:3. This is not to say that the government of Israel always makes godly decisions. However, the Bible is clear that Israel is not to be divided. Joel 3:1-2. In 2 Chron 6:5-6 the Lord establishesJerusalem as Israel’s capital. Please pray that Australia will do the Lord’s will re Israel.
  10. Pray for religious freedom for our nation and that it doesn’t play second fiddle to the same sex lobby etc. Pray that churches, Christian institutions and Christian businesses would be able to teach, hire and fire and live by our Christian values.
  11. Pray that Safe Schools program will be axed and gender fluidity would not be taught in our schools and forced on our institutions. Pray that birth certificates would not be genderless and that we can continue to say mother, father, husband, wife, son, daughter, he, she, her and him etc. without being punished.
  12. Pray that we maintain our identity as a nation with Judeo-Christian values and are not captured by the multi-faith, multicultural, diversity, inclusivity, and equity lobbies into changing that.
  13. Pray that Christianity is not banished from the public sphere by the forces of secularism, humanism and anti-Christian lobbies.
  14. Pray that universities and schools would not be captured by identity politics and political correctness but would teach students how to think not what to think and teach them to debate.
  15. Pray for the sanctity of life and against legalizing abortion and euthanasia and that there would be support for those who are going through difficult situations.
  16. Pray for the mental health of all Australians, particularly young people and to reduce greatly the incidence of youth suicide which is one of the highest in the world. Indigenous youth suicide is 8 times greater than the Australian average so is worse still.
  17. Pray for the 7 mountains or spheres of influence – Arts and Entertainment, Business, Government and Military, Education, Religion, Family and Media. Norman has prepared scriptures for each of these if you want them and Lillian Schmid is preparing prayer points for each if you want them. Pray for those in authority, including government departments, police, hospitals and emergency services etc. 1 Tim 2:1-2.
  18. Pray for protection from Islamic terrorism and the push for Sharia law in Australia.
  19. We sense that as in the time of Daniel in Daniel 10, there is a warfare in the heavenlies over our nation and that we need to ask archangel Michael, the godly prince over Israel, to joinwith the godly prince over Australia to help fight the battle.
  20. We are calling for a 21-day Daniel prayer and fast (no meat, no sweets) for 21 days after theAustralia Day prayer. This coincides with the call of another ministry (Watch) for prayer for 21 days starting the Monday after Australia Day.

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